Family heirloom

Thinking back what they had done to her, Alice was indifferent. she was sorry but that was it and no other feeling. Probably it was due to her parents in law influence for years, She was very good enough not to cheer upon other people miserable life. She went to the beach and cheerfully played with the kids and did another activity. Until in the evening, she heard her mother argued with her father.

"Brother Yan, Please let me visit her. Let Xinxin come with me as well "

"Are you crazy Xixi ? Why should I let Xinxin come with you ? they did not show their remose and offer an apology at all, but they came here to blame my daughter instead. What if they have planned something againts my daughter again" Chairman NG was angry.

"They won't, A yen only want to see us. Brother Yan, show your mercy please. Please forgive her" Madam NG sobbed.

"No. I won't forgive them who made my daughter suffer. Because I can even forgive my self" Chairman NG smirked and left his wife alone.

He went to talk to Mr and Mrs Feng after that.

"I don't know why she wants to meet her good for nothing adopted daughter" He expressed his sorrow.

"A mother instinct is to protect their kids didn't matter how bad they are. She looked after her for years and have a good relationship so it just normal if she has that feeling. Even my wife misses Lana so much" Mr Feng smiled.

Alice didn't want to listen to the conversation any more. So She played with the kids for while then she asked them to go to their bed.

"what happen ? you were absent minded when you played with the kids just now" Nick hugged her from behind when they were in their room.

"Should I meet her ?" She asked.

"her ? do you mean your mother adoptive daughter ?"


"for humanitarian purpose, you should

But, I prefer you don't. May be I am a bit paranoid, I am afraid they have hidden agenda"

Alice turned her body to face her husband then she smiled "How lucky I am to have you" then she kissed him. she was glad that they had a similar opinion.

"Then you have to serve me well then" Nick rubbed her red lips.

She laughed and caressed his chest seductively "Darling, I love you"

he picked her up and threw her to the bed"Ah" She yelped.

The next morning on the dinning table, Chairman NG face were very sour. He ignored his wife during the breakfast and

Madam NG was very restless. Alice knew what happen.

"Daddy, Let mummy go to see her and ask uncle cobra to go with her" Alice smiled sweetly to her father.

"Xinxin, can you come with me ?" Madam NG smiled.

"No, I won't come. I don't want to see her yet. I don't have any reason to see her. we never have a good relationship at all. Just give her my wish. I'll look after Nai Nai when you are away" Alice refused firmly.

After breakfast, Madan NG went to visit her adoptive daughter, While the rest had another morning walk. Alice and Nick took old madam NG with them. Using wheelchair, they took her around the resort complex to have fresh air. It was Nick who pushed the wheelchair all the time. They also stopped for few times and helped her to walk a few step before let her sit again.

Old madam NG mood was up. She smiled all the time. There were few times She laughed loudly, one was when Archie threw a tantrum when he failed push her wheelchair while his brother did it succefully.

"You are better than your lao ye" Old madam NG stroke Archie head and laughed.

"You raise your kids well" She said to Nick and Alice who were grinning.

All of suddent, Old madam NG face was tensed. Then, she grabbed Nick hand in panick "Lets go back. I have enough today".

Nick nodded and wheeled her back with Alice.

"Nai nai, are you ok ?" Alice asked was she saw Old madam NG was trembled. The old woman nodded but her face said otherwise.

Apparently, the kids and the rest were also went back to the bungalows. the kids were racing to catch up with Nick and Alice. Archie, Steve and Hewitt were the first one to arrive.

"Why do you follow us?" Alice was stunned, she tought the rest were still to continue.

"Lao Ye is lazy. He told us to go back" Archie pouted. Then, they ran again when they saw Aldo and Jordan were approaching with Austen and Hugh followed.

When Nick and Alice arrived at their bungalow, they took their grandmother in side. The personal nurse told them that it was time for the old madam to have her medicine and check her blood pressure.

" Austen, Where is Lao Ye ?" Alice asked.

"He goes somewhere with uncle Ming" Austen sat on the sofa and tried to stabilized his breath. After that he joined others who surrounded their Nainai.

"Mummy, Little GuGu is calling" Jordan told his mother.

Jasmine was not close to Cacha like Alice was. Cacha called her because Alice did not answer her call.

"Etsuko is so cute" Alice exclaimed as she saw the infant lay on her tummy and mumbled.

"Daddy, can we visit Etsuko and Daichi after this ?" Jordan asked Sean.

"They are coming next month and stay with us until min January. I am going to cut my nail" Alice could not hide her excitement to pay with Etsuko.

Alice noticed that her grandmother face was blank.

"Etsuko is one only granddaughter in out Feng family" Alice explained to her grandmother when she saw her confuses look.

"Etsuko ? Japanese name ?" Madam NG asked.

"Our little sister married with half Japanese. the grandfather of her husband was the one that escorted me on my wedding day. Etsuko is the youngest in the family and the only girl" Alice cheerfully explained it. She didn't notice how regretfull the old madam was when she heard someone unrelated to them escorted her granddaughter on the wedding day.

"Xinxin" Old madam NG said.

Alice was stunned. It was the first time her grandma called her name. previously she only called her 'girl'. Then she smiled.

"Nai nai, do you want to have a rest now ?"

She shook her head "The family heirlooms that should have been passed to you and Ah chen wife have been taken away from me".

Alice was puzzled why all of suddent her grandma was mentioning about the family heirlooms. She recalled that Ming told her, Xiaxia, her brother and her mother had took everything away. She just wondered if her grandma was trembled beause she saw those people.

"It's Ok, Nai Nai. I don't need them. Nick Nai Nai didn't leave any heirlooms either. But I got one, my engagement ring was belong to my mother in law. Lets have a rest" Alice smiled.

Old madam NG nodded and she left Alice to helped her to get off from the wheelchair and lay on the divan in the living room, She did not want to be alone in her room.