Rumor (2)

Sarah Laws watched and smiled viciously as the hate filled messages towards Aria increased with every passing minute. Each and every message targeted a her full of rage and hatred filled her with a sense of righteous joy.

The mere thought of seeing her perfect face crumpled and ruined with fear and malice as she got expelled from Maple-leaf Academy and kicked out by her family making everyone see that the innocent appearance she always carried was just a mask she relied on and that underneath her beautiful appearance was a hateful witch was incomparable.

Nothing she had ever experienced felt better than watching the person she despised be hated by everyone who knew her.

Back when they had first met she'd seemed like a perfectly nice person, but now she knew better. That bitch deserved every last drop and more of hate that got thrown at her.

The more Sarah thought about Aria, the stronger the rage and hatred inside her grew. She would rip her stupid perfect mask off by her own hand soon.

From the first moment they had met, Sarah had been nothing but nice to her. She graciously accepted the gift from the obviously awkward girl. Once she saw how terrible she was at interacting, she even went as far as trying to have conversations with her. But instead, she insisted on looking down on everyone from her lofty perch, giving her short answers because she couldn't be bothered. She was too busy judging everyone she considered to be less than her.

Seeing that bitch hug her Devin confirmed everything she had ever suspected and was the last push in setting her down the path of obtaining justice for herself and everyone else who suffered at Aria's hands.

All she had wanted from the time she saw the condescending and pity filled eyes as she received the gift was to ruin the girl, and now she was finally on the edge of accomplishing her goal.

Once she had stopped being tortured by Aria as roommates, she had felt so much better in life and felt like the world was full of opportunity. Thankfully, Aria's younger sister Emma had taken notice of her forced suffering and offered her a way out - she spoke to the dean on her behalf and requested she get a new dorm because she was uncomfortable with her current room and couldn't effectively apply herself to her studies.

After that, Emma had taken the time to tell her about all the awful things her older sister had done over the years and had even tried to protect her older sister by telling her to not tell anyone no matter what.

Knowing she wasn't the only one to suffer at the pettiness of Aria Song, she decided from that moment on to take revenge on Aria for herself, Emma, and everyone else who she'd wronged.

As the responses to her post began to slow down, she created a second one announcing that she would be releasing the final piece of evidence in person so that no one can say she is only speaking bravely because no one knows who she is. To encourage the hate even more, she created a fake message from 'Aria' to her threatening to bankrupt her family business if she continued her actions and didn't admit they were fake.

In an instant, the new post had dozens of replies screaming for justices and saying that even if Aria had not done any of the acts she has been accused of, threatening another student as she did is reason enough to expel her and ruin her reputation for life.

Before being given a chance to enjoy the rightful hate everyone was directing towards Aria, she received a phone call from a crying Emma.

"Sarah! I told you to never say anything about my sister! It's not her fault!"

"It's not her fault? You're the nicest person at our school and already have a successful career and you're still defending your older sister's depravity. You're something else."

"How dare you! Just because she did something wrong doesn't mean you can go around spreading it everywhere!"

"I'm not going to let you defend her any longer! She is ruining your family's image every day her actions continue and ruining the lives of everyone she interacts with."

"Even if she is in the wrong, she's still my sister. For the sake of our friendship, please, spare her."

"Part of why I'm doing this is because she's your sister, Emma! I can't sit idly by while my best friend's life gets ruined repeatedly by her own older sister and she continues to defend the one hurting her."

Finishing her statement, Sarah hung up the phone call and gathered together the rest of the photos she created as evidence. It was finally time for her to get revenge on the bitch.