Rumor (3)

The school's website was spammed with messaged for the third time that morning when Sarah released a picture of herself as another thread and added a caption under it.

She had stated that she was Aria's ex-roommate and was going to reveal all of her dirty secrets after being tortured by her to the point of having to change dorms.

Understandably, all of her friends quickly swept in and confirmed everything she said, along with her new roommate who said that when Sarah had moved in with her, there had even been a slap on her face from Aria taking her anger out on her.

With the increased number of statements and the threats and insults people were spewing, the school staff were forced to step into the matter and lock all messages on the forums. Sadly, their doing so was far too late as the fire had already been started.

Once the students discovered that they could no longer post on the forums, they all started messaging each other theorizing as to what happened. Eventually, a single theory dominated all of the text conversations and was supposedly supported by an eye witness. One of the students said that her older sister worked in the administrative offices and had seen the dean's flustered face as he considered the problem right before he received a phone call.

As the phone call went on, he didn't speak for a number of minutes before he began apologizing repeatedly to Aria and guaranteeing her that he would fix the situation. The student even provided a picture of her older sister so that anyone who wished to confirm if they were actually related could do so.

After letting the rumors grow for nearly an hour, Sarah posted on one of her social media accounts that she would be in the auditorium and release all of the information in exactly one hour and that anyone who wished to learn the truth should come.

Within moments, there was a stream of students leaving their classrooms without permission and students on break swarming to be in the auditorium for the big reveal. Due to the level of prestige associated with the school and the wealth and power of those attending the school, large scandals like this almost never occurred.

It was commonly accepted as a fact that no one who attends the school would ever get punished for doing anything unless they were caught by the dean himself because anyone else could be swayed.

Even in the case of people getting caught, there had been multiple occasions where the student's parents threatened the school and then offered to donate if the slight rule infringement be ignored and the student agree to improve their behavior.

That being the case, all of the students were curious to see what the school would do in this situation as the Song family had the ability to ruin the school if they chose to.

Most of the students assumed that the dean would simply give Aria a slap on the wrist and hide the scandal under some other form of news.

Because they knew it wasn't likely for it to last much longer, they were desperate to get a chance to witness the drama first hand and be able to spread it later.

At some point, someone spotted Sarah walking up to the podium with a sad smile on her face and the friends who had supported her claims online alongside her.

Before they were able to get a single word in, the doors were slammed open by a furious looking dean and several other teachers accompanied by the girl everyone knew was Aria Song, and a relatively tall and beautiful blonde girl.

All of the students who were expecting a grand revel were extremely disappointed. They had hoped that before it got shut down, they would be able to hear at least a couple statements. Rather than whether the news was true or not, these students were all simply looking for a thrilling situation and felt as if they had been robbed.

At the same time, the students who were there in anticipation of drama were even more disappointed. Because the staff arrived there before anything could be said, they realized it was unlikely anything of much interest for them to talk about to be revealed.

Initially, the angriest member of the audience was Emma Song who sat in the corner clenching her fists. However, after a moment her fists relaxed and she sneered. She'd like to see how her older sister would be able to get her way out of this. She had specifically lead Sarah on what to do and planned everything for months, there was no way that the girl who cowered under a couple harsh words would be able to unravel this mess.