7 Days (3)

Deciding to be merciful, Aika moved away from her and called out, "Well, future Miss CEO, how about you go make your idol some breakfast so she doesn't die while practicing today?"

Hearing Aika speak, Aria nodded and jumped off the bed rushing out of the situation and into the kitchen to start cooking. While cooking, Aria got a bit curious about what her bank account currently looked like and opened it to check.

As her banking app loaded, Aria tapped her foot nervously. She knew that she had went all out on the apartment and buying them a car and... a motorcycle, but she didn't actually know how much money she had spent in total up to this point.

She would be the first to admit that she had gone a tiny bit overboard. When she bought the car, she'd simply asked Aika's parents what a good car was and then went and bought that exact car, a pure black Aston Martin. As for the motorcycle, she'd simply gone online an found the same motorcycle she always saw drive by Monocled Rabbit and bought it in pure black at the nearest store.

Sadly, she was currently unable to ride it but just thinking about how sleek and pretty it was made her excited to get her motorcycle license.

Finally, her banking app loaded and she nearly dropped her phone when she saw the balance. Her account had dropped from just over $30,000,000 all the way down to $19,000,000. Quickly, she looked through the purchases and sighed when she realized that the apartment was the majority of the cost. She had wanted something that would last, so she bought one in one of the wealthy areas of B City, referred to by it's residents as Silver Square because it was a good location, but wasn't the best available.

Setting down her phone, she finished off making eggs and toast for herself and Aika and called out, "Breakfast!"

Satisfied with what she'd made, she closed her banking app and texted her financial manager.

[Mr Park, I'm sorry... I spent a lot of money recently, please make it better? ㅠㅠ]

Several moments later he texted back.

[Okay. How much do you want me to set aside for you to spend?]

Aria thought about how much the upcoming prize money was, the costs she expected, and how much she would want to be able to spend on business dinners and other important events before responding.

[Just $2,000,000. And this is the only time i'll make your life so difficult. Sorry! ^ㅇ^]

When Aika walked out, she glanced at Aria's phone and blinked several times before she was sure she hadn't misread it and sat down directly across from her.

"You never told me how you could afford all this, you know?" She playfully pouted and gestured all around them.

"I didn't?"


"Oh, well, my mom was apparently cautious or something, I don't really know, and left me money in a trust fund that was actively getting invested... by the time I turned 18 I had nearly $35,000,000." Aria was a bit uncomfortable talking about it as she had only found out around 10 months earlier that the woman she thought was her mother was her stepmother and that her mother had left her money in her will.

As she spoke, she played with the food on her plate with her fork and looked down at it somewhat uncomfortably.

"Why did you go on scholarship, then?"

Aria looked back up and blinked before speaking slightly hesitantly. "Why waste money when it could be free?"

They both sat and quietly ate their breakfast before baking their way into the living room. Aika went to the most spacious area so that she could move completely freely and Aria sat across from her, mentally preparing herself to act cold before nodding.

After warming up, Aika decided to start with the easiest song and then work her way up in difficulty.

Several minutes later, Aika finished preforming the first song and looked over at Aria for her to say something and was shocked to see her just wave her hand indicating to keep going. She knew that she would need to be able to preform for a long time with ease once she actually debuted, but she'd wanted to go easy in the morning instead of jumping right in.

Sadly, she was denied by the smaller woman who was still sitting in a white tiger onesie but had a different air around her. With a small sigh, she jumped right into the next performance and the next for nearly an hour before Aria finally smiled and gestured to come over and called out.

"Come take a break already! You need to take it slow and save your energy so you can practice enough and not get hurt... why did you keep going for so long after I gestured to come over and rest the first time?"

Aika's face fell when she realized that she'd misinterpreted the same hand motion Aria had made just now around halfway through as to keep going when it was in hindsight clearly Aria telling her to come rest.