7 Days (4)

Aria woke up earlier than usual and prepared all the necessary paperwork for the life changing thing she was about to do. Nearly an hour later, she arrived at the official building in their car.

She had been preparing for this since the day she had bumped into her family and it was finally time for it to happen.

As she walked in, she looked around and noticed there was hardly anyone else there and walked straight to the desk.

"Hello Miss, how may I help you today?" The woman behind the counter was smiling brightly and pleasant. She had noticed that the young woman in front of her was wearing simple looking but expensive clothes and didn't want to have to deal with any issues by upsetting a spoiled rich kid.

"I'm here to change my last name, everything else is done, I'm just here to finalize it." Aria took out all her paperwork and handed it to the woman before waiting patiently as the clerk did a bunch of official looking work.

After several minutes, she was knocked from her thoughts by the clearing of a throat and looked back at the clerk.

"Miss Song, all that is left for you to do is to sign here," the clerk pointed to several spots on the papers, "and you will officially be Aria Montgomery. Don't forget to update your IDs."

She quickly signed the papers after reading over them and was about to leave when the clerk called out. "Congratulations, Miss Montgomery."

"Thank You."

Now that she had dealt with the first task of the day, Aria walked back out to her car and drove to the next place she needed to be.

Once she was there, she walked inside and shivered as the freezing air hit her. There were several huge lines and she swiveled her head looking for the area for people with scheduled appointments.

Finally, she saw a sign that advertised the clerks for scheduled appointments and then looked down and nearly coughed blood.

Despite being much shorter than the others, this line was still at least 20 people long and the sign at the end of the line had an estimated wait time of an hour.

Nearly 2 hours later, Aria arrived at the front of the line and called out, "Hello? I'm here to change the name on my license and get a motorcycle license."

The old man sitting at the desk slowly lifted his head to look at her and sighed before speaking slowly.


"Aria S-... Montgomery."

He looked back down and hunted for each key on the keyboard. Several moments later, he looked up once again and handed her several papers.

"Please fill these all out and then come back again."

When she heard that, Aria screamed internally at the thought of having to wait in the line again but simply nodded her head.

10 minutes of filling out papers and another hour and a half of waiting in line later, Aria was back at the desk. She handed the man the papers and he slowly flipped through each one.

"Very good, Miss Montgomery. Now, please follow me to take the knowledge test and we'll be almost done."

After she finished the test, she luckily didn't have to wait in the line again or she would of simply walked out. Finally though, everything was finished and she was able to go home.

Several hours later than she would of liked, Aria walked out of the building smiling as she looked down at her newly updated drivers license and her new motorcycle license. As she had thought, getting one was incredibly easy though it did take hours of sitting around and waiting.

She had thought that the awful wait when she first came to get her license was just due to her arriving at a bad time. However, today she specifically went during work hours and had even scheduled an appointment ahead of time.

Curious and bored, she had looked it up online to see if other people had similar experiences and was shocked. Apparently, it was extremely common in B City to arrive in the morning and leave with nothing later. The only reason her experience went faster is because she had scheduled ahead of time.

Finally done with things she had to do for the day, she pulled out her phone to check the time. When she saw the time, Aria almost dropped her phone.

She blinked her eyes several times and looked at it carefully before confirming it was actually already 4:30pm. Considering she had left their apartment at only 9am, she had thought she would have plenty of time to do everything and get home early, but she had spent the entire day waiting and doing different types of paperwork.