Good Luck (1)

A while later, Aria was curled up on one side of the couch under a pile of blankets with Max and Yuna sharing the love-seat a bit to the side. They had decided that they would take the day off to help Aika with her practice and to make sure that nothing bad happened with Aria's condition.

Even though it made her feel bad to do so, Aria found herself occasionally looking at the flirting couple instead of Aika's performances. They seemed to constantly be flirting with each other some way or another, even if it was just a simple action.

It wasn't really her fault for being so interested, though. Aria had grown up never seeing a happy couple up close and had no real idea what it looked like, so the chance to watch them occasionally was too much to pass up.

Though she was watching them, she still made sure to give the best feedback she could every time and remind Aika to drink water and take breaks, who then in turn nagged her to drink water and rest and stop using so much energy while sick.

Meanwhile, what Aria was observing as plain flirting was mainly the older couple talking to each other about the two girl's interactions.

"Look, look! Aria looks like she's about to remind Aika to drink water again!" Max whispered conspiratorially to his wife and smirked. Even though he knew nothing was likely to come from it, watching their actions and imagining them as a couple was far too easy and he really wouldn't mind if it became the case.

"Aika, it's been ages, you should drink some water," Aria called out with a worried look on her face and held up Aika's water bottle.

"Stop worrying so much! You're the one who's sick! Just keep resting and drinking your water, I'll remember on my own..." Despite what she said, Aika walked up to Aria and took several sips of water before making sure Aria drank some water from her own water bottle too. Satisfied, she walked back away from the couch and towards her parents.

"Do you two have any comments?"

"Huh?" Both of her parents heads looked up at the same time. "Oh, uh, It's very nice." Yuna spoke, Max nodding along in agreement.

Sighing, Aika walked away from them and simply returned to practicing knowing they would be of no help because they weren't paying attention for some reason.

"See, I was right!" Max smirked and nudged his wife repeatedly, making her roll her eyes.

"It's not exactly difficult to predict, it happens so often..." Yuna was acting as if Max's actions were annoying her, but in truth they both knew that she was paying even more attention to their actions than he was. Aika had always been outgoing and cheerful most of the time much like her father, but she had never really gotten close to anyone outside of their family.

Both of them secretly blamed themselves for it and often found themselves wishing they were less successful so that their daughter could have a more normal life. They had had to watch from the side from very early on as parents sent their children over to befriend the good business opportunity and as she got older and the other kids started to understand on their own, the problems only became increasingly worse.

This played a large part in the both of them talking about how great it would be if Aria and Aika liked each other. While they liked Aria quite a bit from what they had seen so far, they didn't actually know her well enough to fully support or be against such a decision. They also didn't actually expect anything to come from it since they somewhat sadly knew nothing about both girls sexual orientations. So, while they were telling each other that and acting like such, another part of both them was simply wishing their daughter wouldn't have to struggle anymore.

That wasn't to say they wouldn't support the two of them being together if they did, it was just that neither of them were basing their current interest in it solely on liking Aria.

Suddenly, a series of coughs rang out from Aria's position on the couch and everyone turned to her in worry. Quickly, she waved them off and was able to stop coughing, but the worry in their eyes didn't fade completely. With all three people now looking at her in worry, Aria shifted slightly so she was sitting up and waved at them awkwardly.

Trying to think of a way to distract everyone, she looked at her phone and called out in fake surprise, "Oh wow! It's almost 7pm... we should eat dinner."

Max and Yuna were effectively distracted by the comment, but Aika knowingly gave Aria a look that said 'this-isn't-over'. Despite not being as experienced in life as her parents, Aika was far more experienced in interacting with Aria and could easily see through the distraction but decided to not bring it up immediately.