Good Luck (2)

The following day was the first day of the Newpark Newcomer Idol Competition and the second most important. Almost everyone who participated regarded the first and last days of the competition as the hardest with which one being on top left up to an individual's opinion. The first day was obviously the entrance competition, which was your one and only shot at entering, while the final day was the determining factor for whether you won or not as one of the more talented groups or solos.

Most people wouldn't get that far, but either way, it was commonly known to be extremely tight competition and several times in the past so far, professionals who had practiced for years under a smaller company were there to compete. With each year of the competition, it got increasingly more challenging as those who were serious about it had extra time to prepare.

So far, the distance between those who practiced professional for it and those who practiced on their own wasn't that large as it was only the fourth year, but with each year it grew larger.

At the moment, Aika was rushing around making sure she was fully prepared for the day while also trying to make sure that Aria wouldn't need anything while she was gone.

"Stop wasting time trying to do stuff for me! I'm sick, not dead!" Aria threw a pillow from the bed she was lying in at Aika as she had been looking around the room for anything Aria might need since she didn't want her to have to do anything.

"Fine... fine..." Aika gave up as that was the third pillow she'd been hit with so far and went back across the hall to her temporary room. The Suzukis had unanimously decided that staying in the family's mansion temporarily until Aria wasn't sick was the best option so that she wouldn't be home alone and need something but be unable to get it.

As Aika packed, she frowned unconsciously and thought about a million things that could go wrong while she was gone or that could go wrong at the competition. At first she hadn't felt all that nervous but now that it was nearly time, all sorts of possible issues wouldn't stop popping into her mind.

Eventually, she finally finished getting ready and went back across the hall to say she was about to leave but saw the room empty. She was about to assume that Aria was simply in the bathroom when she noticed that the bathroom door was open and it was clearly empty.

Confused and somewhat concerned, Aika looked around the room to be sure Aria wasn't hiding to mess with her and after several minutes was sure that wasn't the case.

Once she had searched the room thoroughly, Aika walked downstairs and looked around for someone to ask where Aria was. When she was about to enter the living room, she felt like she was grasping on straws at this point and had no idea where her parents or Aria were.

Walking into the living room, Aika saw Aria lying on the love-seat under the same blankets as the day before looking completely unaware of how much she just searched for her. Unwilling to bring it up and ruin the sick girl's seemingly good mood, she walked over and sat down by her feet to say bye.

After several moments of silence and hesitation from both of them, Aria called out. "Aika? You're parents came up and told me they were going out..."

"Oh, so that's why I didn't see them."


"So, why are you down here when I asked you like a million times to rest in bed?"

"I wanted to watch the competition highlights on TV so I can cheer you on from here." Aria pointed at the TV which was on Golden Stars' entertainment news channel. After they switched to a more exclusive selection process, they started broadcasting the successful or exciting contestant's entry performances afterwards.

"Oh, well, don't tax yourself, I'll make it through either way and then come home to tell you immediately."

"I won't..." Aria stared at the taller girl as she stood up and started to make her way out of the room. While part of the reason she had come down here was to watch it on TV and get to see Aika's performance herself when she succeeded, she had also wanted to be able to be here while she left the house to go to the entrance competition.

After hesitating for several moments, Aria stood up and followed behind Aika all the way to the front door. Once Aika was outside she called out, "Aika! Good Luck!"

Hearing Aria's voice, Aika turned around just in time to see her wave and then blow a kiss for luck at her and then walk back inside to go rest.