4. Leaving the Orphanage

Author: Shaikh Tohaa

Editor: Darklord331

3 years later…


Early in the morning.


While the Sun is yet to shine all over the village and the red color is yet to become golden…


Inside one of the small rooms of Konoha Orphanage, loud shouts can be heard.






"OR ELSE… I AM GOING TO KICK YOU DOWN FROM THE BED I AM TELLING YOU!" An old lady shouted while looking at two little kids who are innocent without any worry and looking at them you will feel happy but from her fierce expression, you will find nothing but annoyance in her.


One of the kids who have deep yellow hair drooling from his expression you can be sure maybe he is having dreams of some good food and by his side almost identical to him but with a thinner body and Golden hair with a red glow is smiling maybe he is having some happy dreams.


Usually looking at such a cute little kid almost everyone's anger will vanish with a joyfulness however this old lady is not one of them and instead of getting happy she became angrier then before and decided she had enough of calling them so with no more mercy she directly kicked them on the stomach without any care if they are kids which made the kids fly like football and slam on the wall right beside the bed.


Although they didn't get much hurt from the kick however it still made them feel the pain that caused them to wake up from his dream immediately without understanding what happened to them.


"Why did you do that granny?" the deep yellow-haired kid who is called Naruto and the elder brother among the two kids asked timidly as tears came out from the corner of his eyes while he rubbed some of the places he got hurt with both of his hands.


On the other hand, his twin brother Kazuna got angry for waking him up so suddenly, and as he shouts in anger "Why you old hag. How dare you? Kick me when I am..." Although he is full of rage he wasn't able to finish his cursing.


The reason for Kazuna's anger has nothing to do with him getting hit suddenly rather he is angry because he had to wake up so early when the little sun does not fully wake up to say hello to his face with its light as always.



Although he is a little kid, however, getting hit by the old lady doesn't hurt him anymore as he had gotten uses to it a long time ago after living in this orphanage where he and his brother will get hit for no reason from time to time and the worst part is his brother would think this old hag as their mother at the beginning causing him no little trouble even if the old hag hit them for other kids mistakes but the wounds get healed very fast.


After shouting and calling the old lady by names not getting to finish his cursing he got hit a few dozen times more, while Naruto has to watch his brother getting hurt from the corner as he was too afraid to even protest because he knows if he tries to say anything he will also get bitten and the number of hitting for his brother will grow even more so he just stood at the side with tears in the eyes and fear in his mind.


After satisfying herself the old woman picks up the two brothers by their neck like chicken as if she wants their death but not finding them dead she acts dissatisfied and throws both of them outside the orphanage with all her might.



"Why are you doing this granny if you are angry I promise I won't…. " as much as he is angry at the old lady Kazuna still doesn't want his stupid brother to suffer because of his anger and he shouted with a pleading tone when he feels something strange from the old lady that he and his brother used to call mother however before he can finish he gets scrolled even more.


"It's not that I am angry or anything it is just, I don't want you little beasts around me anymore, and believe me I would have thrown you out a long time ago if it wasn't for Lord Hokage who wouldn't allow me but now that he permitted me and now that he has arranged an apartment for you to stay, I don't want the two of you around me for a second more and I want you two to get out of my sight this instant." The old lady said coldly looking at the two kids but inside she let out a sad sigh thinking 'I don't want to do this but I have no choice. Sorry kids please forgive this old lady. '


"You can't be serious what will we do? What will we eat?" Naruto asked in despair although he and Kazuna would get hit now and then they at least had a guardian who will also help them if they really need it and even if she acts like she wants their life he knows very well she cares for them even if she doesn't show it openly.


While Naruto is pleading for her to change her mind Kazuna however only looks at her with a confused face while thinking 'Why is she so sad and that determination just what is going on with her today???'


"That is not my problem now leave my sight. I don't want to see your face one more second if I don't have to. Just leave me alone and die far away from here so I don't have to care about you anymore." The old lady said while slamming the door on their face with a pity on her face but when she has locked the door silent tears started falling from her eyes while getting worried about them but she knows she can't take care of them anymore because it is ordered from her superior and as a Shinobi she must give her life for the village not to mention sacrificing her emotional feelings 'But they are just kid did I needed to kick them so early can't it be dragged till they are a few more years older.'



As she is sad after what she had done with the kids a man whose one hand and the eye is covered by bandage walked outside the shadow from where he was watching everything all this time before saying with an aged tone "You have done a great job…"