7. Fish

Author: Shaikh Tohaa

Editor: Darklord331

After that day of catching fish and eating mushrooms, the kids lost the fishing rod and never got to find a new one although they started getting more food than before it wasn't enough for them to feel satisfied so they tried to catch fish with only hands.


"Brother I have got a big one. " I shouted with an excited face when I successfully caught a fish that is almost half my size while thinking we won't be starving anymore today.


"I have also got one Kazuna. " Naruto replied with a smile as he also showed me a fish that is fairly good in size but it is still not at the same size as mine and looking at each other's fish we gave a satisfied laugh in excitement before getting out of the water.


After putting the fish on the ground and killing it I turned towards Naruto to say "Brother you continue making the fire and I will try to catch some more. "


"Don't worry I am one it. " Naruto said with a thumbs-up as he went gathering some firewood as I went back to the river in the hope of getting some more fish for the two of us.


After trying catching some big fish I failed microbially as they were too big for me to pull out of the water but as I continue fishing and failing slowly I started feeling a strange sensation you see if I concentrate enough I can feel the movement of the fish in the water and can even predict where they will move or when to strike if I want to catch a fish.


So after I am sure of the movement pattern I decide to attack one of the fish instead of catching them and I landed a blow on a fish when flew out of the water and lands on the ground beside the river.


Although I felt satisfied with my catch I still wanted to try more and soon I successfully caught some more fish and looking at the number that I have caught I knew it will be hard for me to bring all the fish to the fire and we won't be able to finish them all so I stopped with a satisfied face and started walking to the camp with the fish I can carry.


Arriving at the camp I saw Naruto roasting the fishes that we caught as I said "Brother I have caught some more and I need your help to bring them here. "


"Really? " Naruto said in excitement as we went towards the river to get the remaining fish and starting our meal once we are doing bringing them here.


"You have done a great job Kazuna, I am proud of you. " Naruto said with a happy smile as we made our way to the campsite.


"No, you are just happy because I have caught so many fishes. " I said with a smile looking at him as he said with a nod "Maybe you are right. "


With that, we started laughing while looking at each other but when we arrived at the campsite we found an old man eating our fish while sitting beside the campfire as Naruto shouts out in anger "That is our fish you old man give it back? "


Damn, he is eating my fish the big one, not Naruto's so I became angrier and shouted after him "Damn it old man that if my fish if you want to eat then go and catch your own don't still from us."


"But I was dying from hunger. " the old man said with a pitiful face looking at us but from his expression and the feeling he is giving me I am sure he isn't honest, and it is a lie however Naruto by my side felt sorry for him and asked with worry "Really? "


"Yes I haven't eaten anything from yesterday, so when I saw the roasted fish I couldn't stop myself. " the old man said with a smile looking at Naruto.


"Then it is fine you can eat more if that one does not fill you up. " Naruto said with a smile and I will also do the same because I am clear about the pain of hunger but that is beside the point because I am not going to believe that thief is hungry, but it is too late isn't it.


After that, the old man also joined us in the meal as we started eating all the fish however when we were filled there was still a fish left and looking at the old man Naruto asked me if I am ol with letting the old man having the fish however I didn't agree and said with a serious face "But we also don't have anything back at home. "


"But we will be able to catch the fish the next day however he is too old to catch so… " Naruto looks at me with a hopeful face so the old man and looking at their face even knowing the fact that the old man is not being honest I couldn't bring myself to disagree and said with a sigh "Fine you can have this fish old man. "


"Thank you very much you don't know how much assured I am for this kindness of yours. " the old man says with a smile looking at me and Naruto but not taking his words in the heart I said with a serious face "Just don't steal our food but ask first. "


After that, we introduced ourselves and got to know he is called Sarutobi Hiruzen although I felt as if I have heard this name somewhere but couldn't point where that is.


With time we got to become very close with the old man as Naruto started calling him grandpa while I will call him an old thief when I get angry but most of the time I will also call him a grandfather or old man just like my brother.




It has been over 3 months from the time we have left the orphanage and even after looking for it, we were never able to find it though we were able to find a few orphanages we never saw anyone from our old orphanage mother did we get to meet the masked man who brought us to our Apartment.


"What if they don't let us in? " Naruto asked me with a worried face as we walk behind other kids from some orphanage near our apartment.


"Don't worry we will only join the part where the orphanage kids are going to eat so they will not kick us out. " I assumed him with a confident face.


"But it is the birthday of the Hyuga Princess and I have never attended any kind of party before so I am afraid. " Naruto said with an anxious face as he looks at me.


To be honest, it is not only him but I am also very worried thinking if we are going to be allowed inside especially when it is the birthday party of the clan Princess when we are orphanage kids but they had clearly announced that they will ket anyone enter and the orphan kids will also be granted permission to eat in the party as we had never been in any kind part before we were really happy but we are also clear how the villagers look at us so we are also worried at the same time.


Even though I am as worried as my brother however with a smile I assured him "Don't worry everything will be fine even if we aren't allowed to enter we will not have any regret as we have tried. "


After that Naruto didn't say anything as we made our way towards the Hyuga clan compound with the other orphanage kids who don't know us and soon we got permission to enter the Hyuga compound and together with other we were lead to a year that is covered with some wall and the sound of the party can be heard from the other side and we didn't get the permission to even look at the original party just received some food.


Although I wasn't able to see any real part I and my brother never complained because we got to eat some delicious food that we had never even seen in the market and some we wanted to eat for a long time.


After eating to our full we were asked to leave and so without any reason to stay, we left the Hyuga compound.


While halfway home I remembered that we promised the old man to meet at the end of the party and hand him some food that we will get from the party but in excitement, we forgot so I decided to go and apologize to him while Naruto with return home.


After parting with Naruto who returned home I went towards the Hyuga compound however before I can arrive at the clan compound I saw a man running away from the clan compound with a small bag in his hand while a man with long hair running behind him and the long black-haired man has the same eyes as the Hyuga.


"Return my daughter you bastard? " shouted the Hyuga clan man and looking at the bag in the hand of the man who is running away from the Hyuga clan man I knew he is hiding the daughter of the Hyuga man in that bag which made me angry at the man who kidnaped the Hyuga clan man's daughter because I have eaten their food not long ago and someone is kidnaping their daughter right before my eyes so with an angry face I jumped towards the escaping man from behind the tree where I was hiding when he tried running from its side and shouted, "Return his daughter you big bad guy? "