The Dog walk

"Why are you acting as if I have done something terrible? " captain Shikaku asks with a dry cough as he looks at us with a wary face.

Are you honestly asking what you have done?


You made us fight each other almost to the death then you lied to us about your clone, you wanted us to find a nonexistent person and on top of that you only sent a clone of yours and that is also for only a few minutes before it disappeared.

Ok, I can tolerate even that however if you want me to accept you sleeping in your house while we fight against one another for no proper reason how do you expect me to accept how can that even happen.

After getting a cold from all 3 of us he started explaining this whole thing to be a trail which we passed unexpectedly of him but then after listening to our explanation of how we discovered one another identity he gave a nod in understanding his mistake and the luck we had which let us pass then again luck is also part of a shinobi's ability so he didn't make us retake another trial as began our journey to the Hokage's office for our first mission.


Hokage Tower…

Hearing the contains of our first mission I wasn't sure what to say about it although I was prepared to receive a mission of low quality however I had never expected we will be given a mission to taking care of a dog.

Come on we are shinobi, not some caretaker and why do you need a 4 man squad for taking a day on a walk and as I turned around to find the facial expressions of Izumi–san and Hana are also not that happy about this mission we are getting.

"Come on we are shinobis, not some odd job workers even if we receive some D–rank missions at the very least let it have some action besides why do you need 4 people to take a dog on a walk that is also inside the village? " finally unable to take it Kazuna inquires his inner feelings as Hana and Izumi gives nod indication of them agreeing with what he has just announced.

"It's the dog of the daughter of fire nation's Daimyo and even if it is told in the mission scroll that you need to take the dog on a walk however in truth you will only guard the daughter of the Daimyo while she is going to walk her dog around the village. " Hiruzen explains taking a puff from his smoking pipe.

"As you know a mission on this level I mean guarding a VIP like Kaguya–sama will only become above A-rank mission however it is inside the village which is guarded by elite Shinobies.

So the mission is only D-rank as we won't have to protect her while she is walking with her dog around the village which is why it is called a mission that we need to take a dog on a walk however that is only the code however in truth we are guarding it's owner while she takes her dog in a walk however if there are some unwanted circumstances where she is attached inside the village we will just have to give a signal for help and the rest will be taken care of by the village. " Shikaku explained the details with a serious face as they understood the importance of this mission and if it was outside the village then it would have been a good mission understanding it they didn't argue with Hiruzen.


Fire Daimyo's House.

Although the Fire Daimyo doesn't stay in Konoha however he as the Daimyo of this Nation if doesn't have a personal Housing area in one of the most prosperous villages in his country then what is the use of him being the Daimyo of this Fire nation.

Even if he seldom visits this village this time the reason for this visit is because of his love for his younger daughter who was interested in visiting the shinobi village.

So he decided to bring her to the strongest shinobi village out there not some weaker one as he that are scattered all around the fire Nation as he wants to give her a perfect understanding of the strength of the Shinobis so she doesn't become ignorant of them thinking that Samurais are stronger than them just to face the wrath for them and regret it in the end.

"Lord the shinobi squad that will guard Kaguya–sama is waiting for an audience outside. " someone from the outside of the door inside which the Fire Daimyo is resting informed with a respectful tone.

"Daddy are they finally here? " inquires the little princess of the Fire Nation Kaguya Shihou who has a white dog almost half her size in her tiny arms with an elegant tone as her little eyes shins in light of expectations making her father the fire Daimyo Shijimi Shihou happy because of his daughter's enthusiasm.

"Don't worry I will call them inside and you will be able to tour around the village with Little White soon. " the fire Lord informed his daughter with a smile as the dog in the hand of his daughter barks with joy as if it understands it's owner to be happy then the Daimyo turns towards the door to give a decree " Send the Konoha shinobis inside. "

"As you order. " came a reply from the outside of the door.

Not long after the decree from the Fire Daimyo the door got opened as squad 3 enters the hall followed by Shikaku Nara a jonin of Konoha.

Izumi Uchiha a newly graduated Genin of Konoha.

Hana Inuzuka a newly graduated Genin of Konoha who should always have her dogs with her however she hasn't fetched her dogs for this mission knowing she needs to take another dog on a walk along with its owner.

and finally, Kazuna Uzumaki who might be the one who is most unhappy in this mission on his squad thinking while looking at the long black hair girl with smooth white skin with a serious face and hiding his annoyance 'Who cares about how important she is when she is inside the village and I have nothing good to do except accompanying her on a walk where she is going to walk her dog guarded by everyone, from my viewpoint, it would have been a lot better if I were to spend this time in my training or helping in the hospital which will improve my medical ninjutsu skills.'


After hearing stories about shinobies from a friend of mine from the wind Wind Nation I was excited in knowing about the Shinobi and their cultures, so I asked my dad to take me to one of the villages and introduce myself shinobi to me.

So he brought me to the village of Konoha where he asked his friend the Hokage to arrange a team of bodyguards for me to help me on my tour around the village.

After waiting till the afternoon the Shinobis finally arrived at the door and with permission from my dad they entered the room follows by a man who has two scars on the right side of his face and his dark hair is tied up into a spiky ponytail he also has dark eyes as well as a goatee and from the way, he greeted my father who seems to be surprised and happy meeting him pairs to be the leader of the team who will help me on the tour.

Behind him is a girl who has two red markings under her eyes and beside her is another girl with long dark hair and a mole under her left eye.

Why are there only 3 people when dad said there will be at the very least 4?

Getting confused I look at the door to search for another person however found nobody then when they were asked to sit by my father I found a cute Boy almost at the same age or a little younger than me with orange hair and fair skin behind the girls coming out and sitting beside them and looking at me with a serious face making my heart beat faster and… and…

As I started breathing rapidly I felt someone touching my shoulder and finally, I came out of my stopper and moved my eyes from the serious face of the cute boy reluctantly then turning to my father who has gotten a hand on my shoulder I inquired in surprise tone "Yes father? "

"Are you alright Kaguya-chan? " my dad asked me with worry and understanding the reason my face went red but quickly trying to calm myself I replied with a smile "Yes I have never been better however Is there something wrong? "

"No everything is fine but first let me introduce the people who are going to be responsible for your tour while we are in this village. " with that he started introducing the goatee man as Shikaku Nara one of the Jonin of the village then the girl with red makings is called Hana Inuzuka a member of the Inuzuka clan which is a beastmaster clan with the dog being their partner however I didn't see any dog with her confusing me and the next girl by her side is Izumi Uchiha a Member of the legendary Uchiha clan and finally the serious and cute boy is called Kazuna Uzumaki and all 3 of them are newly graduated Shinobi.

"Hello everyone my name is Kaguya Shihou please take care of me. " I said with a polite smile looking at them or specifically Kazuna who gave a nod to his team.


Fire Daimyo or Shijimi Shihou (Fire).

Daughter Kaguya Shihou.