Annoying girl


Above a skyscraper, a group of 3 people in normal civilian clothes is now looking at the movement on the streets of Konoha with seriousness on their faces.

"The daughter of the Daimyo is finally out of the manor. " announces a middle-aged man who is looking at the street using the binocular in his hand.

"There are 4 shinobi guards with her. " announces another man who is wearing a sunglass in the group.

"Where do you see 4 all I can see is only a single Jonin in the group besides him there are only two girls and a little boy and from his looks, it is clear the Hokage wants that kid to seduce the daughter of the Daimyo. " explains the man who has long white hair in the group with a creepy smile.

"It is not important if there are 4 or 1 shinobi in the group we will still have to kidnap her and escape to complete our mission. " announced the man with binocular with a serious face.

"Yes, team leader. " the other two gave a salute upon his serious tone.


After getting out of the Daimyo's manor Hana started her conversation with Kaguya Sama as I followed behind them with Uncle Shikaku while Izumi–san kept silent while walking with them.

"Is it possible for you to teach my little white some moves as well? " Kaguya sama asked with a pleading tone looking at Hana who had no other choice but to agree to her because it was her who brought the trouble for herself while being a loudmouth.

Do I see Izumi–san chuckle pressing her hand on her mouth in Hana's misfortune.

As we continued our walk we walked past the Konoha Shinobi Academy which she wanted to have a tour of and with Hana's lead it didn't take long for us to move on with Izumi–san helping from time to time.

After walking for a while Kaguya–sama started getting tired as I recommended "Do you want to return Kaguya–sama? "

"No, I have yet to tour half the village so I don't want to return now. " Kaguya sama answers with a serious face turning to me and looking at me with expectations which made me surprised not knowing what she wants from me.

"Then do you want to take a small rest? " I inquired with confusion to which she shook her head then asked with a smile "Can you carry me on your back Kazuna–san? "

"Sorry? " I asked with a surprise on my face then to make my question clear I added "Did you just ask me to carry you just now? "

"Yes that is what I said but do you have any problem with it? " She replied with a thoughtful face looking at me in the eyes as the playful smile on her lips is yet to leave.

"Don't you think it's inappropriate? " I inquired with a serious face looking at her not knowing what should I do about her request.

"I don't think there is anything inappropriate in my request. " shaking her head in denial Kaguya sama turns towards uncle Shikaku to ask "Do you think there is anything inappropriate in my request Shikaku–san? "

"Although there is nothing inappropriate in your request, however Kazuna over here is not bigger than you in size so I think it will be more convenient if I were to carry you on my back. " uncle Shikaku replied with a thoughtful smile looking at her.

"See he agrees with me and said my request is not inappropriate so let me go on your back and carry me. " before I can tank uncle Shikaku for his amazing reply Kaguya Sama disregard the final part of the suggestions from him and demanded with a cute no correction annoying smile.

With her stubbornness, we had no choice but to carry her on my back as she pressed her head on my shoulder and kept silent for a while and Hana is holding to the collar of the dog as we keep walking through the village slowly and finally, after a few hours she questioned me "Kazuna-san what do you think about me? "

'You are annoying and if possible I want to throw you away from my back and never want to see you again in my life again' although this question is out of nowhere however I am sure about the answer that I wanted to shout out loud however knowing it will only be a disaster not only for myself but also for the whole village I refrained myself from using my true feelings and said with a smile "You are very cute. "

"Really? " she asked me with a shy tone as I gave a nod with a serious face "Yes. "

"Really? Really? Really? " she asked 3 times with a serious face but there is redness on her face indicating her shyness as I give a reply suppressing the annoyance in my heart "Yes. "


After that, she did not pay much attention to the tour nor Hana and Izumi but only press her head in my back and sniff and rub her head on it.

I am losing my patience and I am not sure what will I do to this girl if she continues doing this for long.

"Kazuna why don't you ask if Kaguya–sama is hungry? " when I almost lost my patience Uncle Shikaku suggested to me from the side as I soon regained my calm and asked her with a fake smile "Are you hungry Kaguya–sama? "

"Although I don't feel any hungry however I also think a small lunch won't be bad at this time. " Kaguya–sama says with a smile as she looks me in the eyes.

"Then what is it that you want? " I asked her with a smile as she replied with a smile "It is your village so you give me some recommendations? "

After that, we went to eat Ramen at Ichiraku where we ordered 3 large bawls of Ramen with 2 regular size ones with beef in it.

"This is good. " Kaguya–sama said with a smile before finishing that bawl of Ramen and giving an order for another bawl of Ramen the next moment.

When we left Ichiraku Ramen she was so full that it became hard for her to walk and I was forced to carry her on my back one more time.

As time passed she finally became normal and continued walking by my side and we arrived in front of my favorite sweet shop as Izumi–san suggested "Why don't we have some sweet where we are here? "

"Is this the sweet shop Kazuna–san talked about? " Kaguya–sama asked before we enters the shop just to discover 3 unknown faces from on the counter of the shop in employee dress and the way they are looking at us no it is aimed at Kaguya–sama they have malicious intent towards Kaguya–sama and understanding their thought I turned toward uncle Shikaku ti inform "Sensei? "

"I know. " he gave me a reassuring nod indicating for us to not make any unnecessary move before the suspect.

"Welcome dear customer please inform us of how we can be of your service? " the middle-aged man in the group asked with a smile as we entered the shop.

"Do you have Rosogolla? " asked Kaguya–sama with a smile as I have explained his much I like it and she wanted to try it as well.

"Yes, we have plenty of it... "