Battle in the border

A few K.M away from Kagayaku village.

Knowing the danger of the Mist I started making hand seals for my ninjutsu without hesitating and finally, when all the Mist disappeared for the forest well there wasn't any, to begin with, in the first place anyway however the movement from the Wagon or the shift in the chakra inside the wagon made me aware Doten is preparing string ninjutsu.

"Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu. " in my training Gramps thought me for a Shinobi his safety and defense are the most important thing that includes anything that the Shinobi holds most important for himself and the strongest defense is the offense.

So without letting Doten finish his attack I attacked him first.

As the fireball approaches the Wagon he might have found out about the heat from the massive fireball which is why he jumps out before the fireball can strike and obliterate the wagon into ashes before burning the horse with it as well.

"You are ruthless for your age kid. " Doten who has already changed into a Kiri Jonin outfit said with a serious face as he looks at me with his venomous eyes before continuing with a chuckle "and What else can I expect from a Jinchuriki. "

"Pay attention to the way you speak else I am not sure if I will be able to make sure if we will be able to complete our mission and take you to your destination safely. " as angry as I am for his words on the inside however on the outside I showed a bright smile looking at him as if I am concerned about his safety and we are still going to protect him till his destination and after I finished my speech I have only one thought 'Am I sarcastic enough? '

"Even though I usually do not get angry at kids your vivacious so when I get you in my hand I will enjoy getting that attitude of yours. " Doten announces with anger as I can see his sword shining in some kind of green light responding to his mood as I take out a kunai from my pocket and started infusing chakra inside it for my next attack and the moment I felt satisfied my lips curves into a provoking smile before announcing "We will see who gets whom? "

After that, he pointed his sword towards me while I threw my Kunai in the direction of his eye.

"Tongue of the venomous Snake. " shouts out Doten as his sword extends towards Kazuna who has already thrown his kunai at Doten's eyes and shouts out at the same time his opponent attacked his direction "Rain of the exploding Shurikens. "

While Doten's sword extended in Kazuna's direction the kunai that left Kazuna's hand started multiplication at a blinding speed and before long covering a hundred meters long area between them making Doten shocked and quickly diverting his sword to block as much kunai as possible and protect himself.

Although Doten successfully avoided some of my Shadow Kunai however the number is greater than one can go against and if not using an attack that can cover a decent amount of space then no one can avoid it unless you use a protein jutsu.

So even after all that efforts some kunai successfully stubs into him when he says with a laugh "Is that all you got kid? "

"Not really. " I said with a smile making a hand sign with my left hand before saying "Although I have attacked you however you were not my only target and it's time I show why my Jutsu has a name Explode in it. "

**Boom** **Boom** **BooM**

The moment he finalized his sentence all the kunai that he had created using the shadow of his Kunai started glowing in a blinding light before exploding like a paper bomb destroying all the surrounding trees and starting a forest fire in the process.

After the explosion, all the Genin from the enemy got disabled because of burns and explosion while the Chunin are injured to the point they aren't able to join in the battle.

[(-_-) When Doten was deflecting the Kunai he also sent some if not most at the direction of his subordinates who were hiding in the bush and trees without knowing not caring for them thinking they pose no harm and his subordinate can easily handle them. ]

The Jounin successfully avoided the blast however small Burns can be seen on their clothes and Doten saved himself by using a water bubble surrounding himself at the last moment and when the smoke cleared he said in anger "Hateful kid now that you have done something so unforgivable I will no longer want you alive and we will go after your brother when we are done with you after sealing the Kyuubi with our secret jutsu when you are dead to bring it to our village. "

" Like that's ever going to happen. " I announced before jumping at him with anger how dare he mentions my brother, again and again, I am not going ti let him live to catch a glimpse of tomorrow's sunlight.

When Kazuna jumps so did Doten covering his Sword into water chakra and slashing it towards Kazuna who used an earth wall to protect himself before jumping over the same wall and attack Doten with his kunai which he is using to represent a sword after covering with chakra following the example of Doten.

When Kazuna and Doten started their fight the other 2 Kirigakura Jonin also wanted to join in to capture him or kill him in anger because of his mass distraction jutsu however Shikaku who was making a plan all along quickly steps while announcing as he looks at the Jounin who has a scar on the side of his face "I am going to be your opponent. "

"Just you? " asked the other one with a crazy laugh as he follows behind his companion when Shikaku disregards him by stopping the scar-nin as he gives an order " Izumi stop the other one while Hana takes care of the injured Kirigakure Shinobies without giving them any chance to recover. "

"As you command Sensei. " 2x they said together before making their move.

Hana together with her dog started taking care of the injured shinobi's while Izumi activating her dojutsu and taking out a kunai from her backpack went at the last Jonin.

Kanzaki of Kiri was about to attack Shikaku when he got a glimpse of the shadow of Izumi behind him as she is his death and quickly moved to the side to dodge before mumbling as he looks at Izumi in the eyes "An Uchiha? " before getting frozen on the spot.

"I can't believe he is a Jounin of a hidden village and doesn't know you must never look an Uchiha in the eye or he has never met an Uchiha before. " Izumi said as he walks close to Kanzaki before slicing him by his thought with a cold face.

"Although I have never met an Uchiha in the past however if you say I am a failure of a Jounin from Kirigakure then you are certainly mistaken little girl because even if I have yet ti fight an Uchiha I am well aware of your dojutsu. " says Kanzaki suddenly manifesting from behind Izumi as the one in front of her blows into the water before falling on the floor.

"You? " jumping away in shock after getting startled by the sudden voice from behind her Izumi quickly jumps away before turning around and finding it to be none other than Kanzaki as she inquires in surprise not understand when did he use substitute just ir water clone Jutsu because I was looking at him all along with my dojutsu.

"Little girl if a Genin of your caliber thinks you can defeat a Jounin so easily then all of us Jounin should commit suicide. " Kanzaki announced with a smile before he finished making hand signs and shouting "Water Style: Rain if Despair. "

With that shout, the whole sky suddenly gets covered into a dark cloud before long a heavy rain started.

"This rain is strange? " Izumi said feeling weak as soon as the rainwater touch her body although the rainwater helped to stop the forest fire however it also started its job by weakening his opponent.

"Let's defeat him before we became unable to use our chakra anymore. " Said Shikaku while standing beside Izumi with a serious face.

"If you are here? " looking at Shikaku in surprise Kanzaki turns just to find not far away from him his colleague's body is fallen in the floor with a broken neck as he hears Shikaku's deep tone from the side "He was underestimating me so it was easy for me to end his chapter. "

"This is insane. " taking a step back from fear Kanzaki mumbled looking at Shikaku when his body slowly started turning into the water before long creating a huge pond under their feet as he enters into the water and blending into the pond as he has also transformed himself into water.

"Sensei? "