Hell Hound

A few K.M away from Kagayaku village.

Using my self-made jutsu "Shadow Shurikin Explosion " took almost one-tenth of my whole Chakra reserves as I glare at Doten who has hardly sustained any injuries after receiving an attack that contains more so much chakra that can drain half of his whole chakra reserves in an instant.

So this point is an indication of the difference between his and my fighting skills by this time Shikaku sensei has already started fighting against someone from the Kiri side and using the afternoon sunlight that helped him in strengthening his shadow and using his perfect planning to trap his enemy before long taking care of him.

To be honest his shadow position jutsu is very strong and I think I can also use it and there are many different ways I can use this Jutsu.

As I deflect Doten's sword with my chakra-covered kunai with many efforts and replacing it with another because of the damage from just a single crash had destroyed it making me understand the difference between his and my weapon.

As our fight continued I saw Hana together with her dogs breaking the legs and arms of the injury Kiri shinobi one by one at a fast speed making Doten angry and trying to move at her just for me to hold him back when the sky turned dark and soon the rain started falling from the sky making me surprised while a smile showed up on Doten's lips making me surprised.

"What are you happy when almost all of your ally has lost their battle capacity? " I asked with a serious face while jumping back after a clash with Doten.

"If only you knew kid," announced Doten after a crazy series of laughter when I felt water under my feet, and not long after a huge lake appeared under our foot making me surprised as he continued "The real battle begins now kid. "

"Everyone, be careful. " shouted Shikaku sensei when I saw a hand made of water coming from behind me with a fast speed making me confused.

By the time the hand came near me, it was too late for me to make any hand sign to make any jutsu to stop the hand so without any option I protected my body with both hands in a cross shield in front of me.

"Got you. " when I thought the hand will crash into me and send me flying I heard someone laughing before pulling me underwater to my surprise.

Going underwater I couldn't make understand what is going on just to discover Shikaku sensei and Izumi–san not far away from me.


Hana Inuzuka-

By the time I had finished breaking all 4 limbs of the last injured Kiri shinobi, I discovered the area around me turning into a huge lake and a forbearing of danger came into my thought as I quickly jumped on the nearest tree with my ninja hounds just find huge hand sweeping over the spot I was with my ninja hounds.

As I am to the safety I discovered the battle noise quiet down making me worry about my teammates so I turned towards the direction of the battle when I got a glimpse of someone moving towards me at a fast speed with something shining in the hand so I quickly jumped away from the tree I was standing with my ninja hounds as the huge tree got cut in half the next moment.

"Almost got you. " when I stabilized myself I found Doten on the tree branch of the tree where I was standing not long ago and asked him with a serious tone "where are my teammates? "

"Don't worry about them because, by the time I am done with you, you will be reunited with them. " replied Doten with a smile as I got a bad feeling from his comment and not being able to find any trace of smell from my teammates and the lack of battle noise finally his presence only indicates his victory against everyone.

Although the evidence is right in front of me something deep inside me told me that my teammates aren't dead so with a serious face I shouted in anger looking at Doten in the face "You are lying. "

"You don't need to worry if what I say is true because everything will be clear very soon. " as if he doesn't even put me in the eye and he has already won the battle he added further "However before I end your life I would like to have a taste of that young body if yours. "

"You basterd. " hearing his indication towards my body and the anger from losing my teammates I finally made up my mind "The two of us will not exist under the same sky and I will fight you to my last breath. "

As I have made up my mind I gave a nod to my ninja hounds before shouting out as I quickly made hand signs for an Inuzuka secret jutsu for a final battle "inuzuka Secret Jutsu: Wrath Of The Hell Hound. "


Being confident in his might Doten didn't think much of Hana and refrained from stopping her from whatever she wants to do because he wants to crush all hope that she has before he enjoys her and end her life.

But when the smoke clears as she finishes her hand seals he had no other choice but to become serious because in front of him stood a 10-meter big dog with 4 head on its shoulder and from the Chakra pressure it is releasing he is sure it has almost half if not more chakra compare to the Ichibi of Sand village.

"This was unexpected. " Doten whispered with a serious face as the hold on his sword became stronger and before he can make a move the hound made it's by jumping on the sky from the tree to and quickly making rotation it started creating a tornado with fleaker of lightning before rushing at him in a high speed.

Looking at the speed and natural reaction because of the movement made by the huge dog Doten knew it will be hard for him to stop the dog and even if he can stop it somehow getting unscratched after its attacks are impossible.

So without a second thought, he moved out of the way so he can counter the next attack if there were to be any.

When Doten got out of the way the thunder tornado made its way towards the lake water inside which Kanzaki is drowning the rest of her teammates and by some luck hits Kanzaki's water body causing him to be electrocuted and sent flying while Kazuna and everyone who almost lost consciousness because of the water got out of the water finally.

As they are trying to catch for breath The hound again turned towards Doten for another attack with a fast speed.
