Dragon Breath

"Let's see how strong you are? " announced Doten with a serious face looking at the tornado if thunder arriving towards him with a speed that affecting even the environment and rain and when he finally getting the chances of counterattack Doten stopped hesitation and glancing at Hana's storm slashed with a cold tone "Ryumaru it's time to show the world the true straight of the secret blade of the Kiri and tell everyone why I am the Commander of the Seven Swordsman of Kirigakure and the wilder of the secret sword Ryumaru.

Ice style: Breath of the Frost Dragon. "


The moment Doten slashes towards the tornado of thunder the sword in his hand started burning into blue flame before long a sword slash made of blue fire went towards the thunderstorms by the moment the flame clashed with the tornado of thunder the rain in the sky stops before long instead of water ice started falling from the sky.

While after clashing with the tornado of thunder the fire that was making its way at it instead of stopping engulfed the whole storm and finally falls on the water surface below freezing the whole lake into solid ice causing all the injured Kirigakure shinobi to freeze to death as for Kanzaki who has transformed himself into water is in a worse situation than everyone after getting injuries not only did he get hurt but the next moment he even froze to death.

And when the lake froze whole a block of huge 12-meter ice falls on its surface inside while a 4 headed dog is trapped.

Izumi who was straggling to catch a breath turns her head hearing a huge explosion under her when she is still on mid-air after getting thrown out of the water with Kazuna and Shikaku to fund a 4 headed dig inside a block of ice and immediately knew it is her best friend Hana who got caught in an enemy attack while using her strongest jutsu.

So recognizing her friend and making a series of handprints she shouted the next moment "Fire Style: Great Fireball Jutsu. "



After getting freedom from the hand of the Kirigakure shinobi who had transformed himself into the water I heard a huge noise of explosion in the water surface as if two rock clashing just to find a 4 headed dog trapped into a huge block of Ice and soon I recognized her as Hana and her ninja dogs.

And looking at the 4 headed dogs I didn't need to use too much time to know she used some kind of transformation jutsu of her clan to merge with her dogs however before she can overpower the enemy she caught herself on the ice as I prepared to shoot a fireball to free her from it I saw a huge fireball crashing to the ice and soon a white smoke spreads all over the forest above the ice and quickly made my way at the said of the dog.

"Kazuna takes Hana and her ninja do to safety to heal them while will take care of Doten with Izumi. " Shukaku sensei said landing behind me with Izumi–san as I can see after the ice vanished Hana's transformation also vanished and she is left on the floor with her dogs.

"Understood Sensei. " I said with a serious face knowing if I don't heal them there is a possibility it will the last day of their life and quickly making a few hand seals for the clone jutsu I left with her and her dogs with the help of my clones as Izumi–san and Shikaku sensei started fighting with Doten.

'I need to create a cave to save her from the cold if I want to save her and start the healing process. ' I reminded myself knowing the necessity of warmth for the healing process not understanding why is snow falling all of a sudden as I created a small cave on a tree with wind style jutsu by cutting a little and using some fire style jutsu it wasn't hard to make it warm.



It took me almost a year and a half to discover Konoha's new "Jinchuriki" honestly I found them not long after I have arrived in the Konoha with a marchent identity who wants to settle in this enemy village to do business.

Surely, I had to pay a good amount to a worker in the Daimyo's office to buy my way in this village so no one suspects me and I can do my mission without disturbance.

Yes, I was surprised to find the new "Junchuriki" of Konoha is not one but two brats who have the Kyuubi sealed inside them making me surprised how a single beast be sealed in two separate body just to discover somehow they had decided it in two before sealing it in them.

After that, I made up my mind and wanted to capture one of them before escaping the village just to find the 3rd Hokage of Konoha has a magic crystal orb that he uses to keep an eye on every village and specifically on the kids and the hidden Anbu of his and that one-eyed snake Danzo made it impossible for me to take action against them.

After being calm for year's just to get a chance to capture and escape with one of the Jinshuriki overheard some Konoha Shinobi discussion making me finally change my mind about staying in Konoha anymore because that day the Konoha shinobi's discussion subject was none other than my Kirigakura and from their mouth, I got the information my village is going through a civil war making me angry the more I hear them speak about the reason for the war.

'How dare those brats to revel and go against the Mizukage. ' cursing in my mind I started formulating a plan for return.

Knowing the danger of escaping directly I made a perfect plan which will make Konoha itself help me in returning to Kirigakura and that is with a happy smile.

So without any hesitation, I asked for help from the same Daimyo subordinate who helped me in my infiltration, and with that, I got the opportunity to issue a guarding mission from Konoha to the Land or water, and to my surprise, the team that the stupid Hokage assigned is none other than one of the Jinchuriki I was wasting my time for.

'The word of wise is not wrong "What will come will come and no matter how much you plan because when unexpected and the lord helps you it will surprise you more than you can imagine." ' with a smile inside, I look at the Jinchuriki who is the youngest member of his team, and couldn't stop myself from laughing as the thought crossed my mind 'Now what do you think when the kid has the same hair as the fox what a perfect match. '

As time went I left the villages and with time to time as I planned some random bandits will attack my wagon and finally when we arrived at the last village before the border village I knew it's about time I unlock the chakra suppression seal on me to contact my subordinates and ask them to lay an ambush.

Finally, when the ambush started I got angry finding all of the Kirigakure shinobi that Mizukage sent are useless trash, and the only way to take down the Jinchuriki before I capture him is by taking action myself.

Finally, after my whole helping team lost their lives and I started using my blade to its full glory the lake that was created by trash got frozen from just a breath as the Inuzuka girl lost her capacity of combat, and the Jonin and the Uchiha girl stood to stop me im the ice and fog domain that is my domain.

Glancing at the little orange Jinchuriki I couldn't help myself from laughing at Konoha Jinchuriki leaving with the dog girl when he jas a doc inside him as I thought at the incident in which a fox helping a dog.

Knowing their capacity I didn't think it is important for me to chase after them so with a carefree face I dodge the fireball that the Uchiha girl threw at me before saying "Now that my trash of subordinates are cleaned it's time to end this. "

"Ice Style: Mirage World of Ice. " putting my Ryumaru on the Ice I said with a smile as thousands of mirrors started covering the whole lake as I entered one of them with a calm face before starting the final round of the battle.
