Ice Style

Above the Frozen Lake…

Using the deep fog Kazu–chan left with Hana and her ninja hounds as I started confronting our enemy Doten with Shikaku Sensei.

Although I am a bit scared facing someone as strong as Doten who is capable of turning the whole lake into a bloke of Ice and making the sky rain constant ice instead of water and on top of all this the fog that was created after my fireball made me worried knowing how much advantage the Kirigakure shinobi has in the fog and mist.

Even if I am scared I know very well if I let him go after Kazu–chan then he will not be able to heal Hana leading her to the death door.

So how can I allow him to follow them and stayed behind to face him together with Shikaku sensei while glaring at him with my two tomoe "Sharingan" to make sure he won't even get a chance to follow my teammates when something bizarre took place as I can only hair a loud earthquake.


After which the whole lake got covered with mirrors as far as my vision allowed me to observe.

If you think the land is the only place that got covered with a mirror then you will be mistaken because even the sky is not left empty and as far as I can see is a mirror, not the blue sky I once knew.

"Sensei behind you. " as I started getting tensed after this sudden change of event I wanted to ask for his opinion when I caught Doten trying to slash at Shikaku with his dark Sword.

"Shadow Position Jutsu. " called out Sensei with a serious tone and I saw Doten quickly retreating at a speed that I can't even catch with my dojutsu inside the mirror.

"Izumi let's break these mirrors. " ordered sensei taking out Shurikins with paper bombs at their back as he threw them at the mirror to destroy as much as he can and making hand signs I also shouted behind him "Fure style: Meter Rain. "



After a little while, we destroyed at least 152 mirrors give or take because that is the number I counted with my dojutsu however by the time all the explosions settles down the mirrors restored to normal as we found Doten starting at us from all the mirror with his Sword in hand as if he is looking at dead bodies.

"My turn. " Doten said with a smile before his Sword started glowing in that if Blue light before he splashes at us from inside the Mirror " Ice style: Frozen Death. " 

"(Rat+ Riger+Dog+Ox+Rabbit+Tiger) Fire style: Phoenix Flower Jutsu. "


With the help of fire element chakra, I successfully raised the temperature in the tree hole relatively soon after which I started healing Hana and her ninja hounds however by the time I healed her and her ninja hounds to a stable condition I discovered the chakra signature of Izumi–san dropping rapidly while Shikaku sensei is also not in a better condition than her.

While they are getting weaker than the previous moment I also found the chakra signature to move at a speed that I wasn't able to point at a single spit even with all my remaining concentration while healing Hana and her hounds when I looked at the entrance of the hole just to discover uncountable numbers of mirror made of Ice covering the surface of the Lake. 

Looking at the mirrors I started hesitation in thinking if I should go help Izumi– San and sensei knowing the gravity at hand or remain in the hole to help Hana when I discovered Doten stopping on a single spot while Izumi–San's chakra suddenly increased as well as her chakra reserve became larger than before making me surprised of the sudden change.

[At this point Izumi's two tomoe "Sharingan" evolve into the  awakened her 3rd tomoe "Sharingan"] 

At the time of Izumi–san's sudden change I discovered she is now moving and her chakra is going toe to toe against Doten indication of her ability to fight against Doten on equal footing but soon I discovered that was only my wishful thinking as her chakra signature became so low that ai thought she lost her life and only if not for her having the slight signature that can as good as not having.

Finally, I couldn't help but move myself knowing a moment of hesitation light lead everyone to their death and that is only to save me from Doten.

Although I am worried about Hana and her Hounds however with the current level of health they will be fine after a few days of resting.

"Rain of the frozen bones. " by the time I arrived at the place Shikaku sensei and Izumi san's signature pointed my senses I heard someone calling out before an uncountable number of blue flame as if needles starter moving at Izumi–san who is on the floor as if she is sleeping with frozen blood all over her body while Shikaku sensei who is barely sitting with half his body Frozen and supporting himself with shadows.

"Wind Style: Wind Wave Jutsu. "  quickly moving using the body flicker techniques as I had never before I stood in the middle of the attack before sending a strong gush of wind which blew all the blue needles at a quick speed that even destroyed some of the mirrors in the way.

"Impossible. " came a surprised and shocked tone from my left as I found Doten standing inside the only mirror surround out 50 meters in radius and the next moment his face showed a smile looking at me as he said "Oh it was the little best who stopped and destroyed my illusion mirror.

It's fine if it is you and now that J has taken care of the rest let me deal with you before I take you back with me. "

With that, his sword started burning with a blue flame, and before long it completely transformed into a sword that has a blue scale with flame patterns all over, and the next moment it swings at me and the sword started extending at me before binding my whole body as I felt cold like never before as well as my chakra started decreasing and in desperation, I covered myself into lightning chakra before covering it with a kunai and throwing it at Doten.

To defend himself from the kunai he lets go of me and uses his weird sword to stop my kunai by then I have already made a few hand seals "(Snake Tiger+Monkey+Boar+Horse Tiger) Fire style: Blazing Fireball Jutsu. "

As the fire, I release from my mouth soon helps me to recover from the cold at the same time goes to devour Doten before me to my delight which soon becomes shocking when I saw him absorbing my fire style just with his sword before announcing "I expected nothing less from a Jinchuriki and I hope you can make Ryumaru happier by continuing the supply of that delicious chakra of yours. " and to his words, the weird sword even shines a little as if it is happy to hear his comment as Doten continues afterward" Oh~ you want more of his chakra don't worry I will be sure to take out as much as I can before handing him over to the village. "


Next time in NTB-

standing beside Izumi who has a body covered with blood Hana says in despair "Come on she is still alive you can't give up on Izumi like that. "

"Sensei l want to try one last time. " standing with as much strength as possible Kazuna walks slowly towards the half-dead body of Izumi ignoring the pain in his body he says.

"Weasel, don't break down like that. " said an Anbu with a rat mask while putting his hand on the Wassel masked anbu's shoulder whose Sharingan has evolved into the 3 tomoe without his knowing.

"Senpai~ "