
Above the Frozen Lake…

Looking at the smile on his face I was surprised but the Chakra recovery made me shocked from receiving an attack but with some thought, I soon caught up to the point that he somehow managed to absorb my chakra through his sword.

"Did you just absorb my chakra with that sword of yours? " even though I had cane up with a conclusion however there was still a desire in me that asked me to ask him to clear my thoughts as I finally asked him without further thought.

"It is no wonder you aren't aware of this sword of mine and I would be surprised if anyone except the Mizukage and the seven swordsmen if Kirigakura whom I trained knew about this sword because there is none left on this world alive after taking a glimpse of my Ryumaru till this day and you will also have the same fate. " Doten announced with a smile as we started clashing with one another and to my surprise, I am on the losing end even with a few times more chakra than him.

This mission is an eye-opener for me and as I got pushed back with ease by people who are not in a position of more chakra than me however they have better skills than me and even better weapons giving me a hard time as we continue our battle.

As we are fighting unknowingly the fog drove away because of the crash which is making me weak and Doten stronger but with the fog gone sunlight also shone on the ice and before long Doten stopped moving as I saw Shikaku sensei putting in the shadow position jutsu to my delight.

"Quickly subdue him instead of looking at my face. " Shikaku sensei called out in hurry towards me with a serious face when he saw instead of attacking Doten I am looking at his face in confusion "Hurry up or had will escape. "

"I am on it sensei. " I said with a nod while lunching at Doten with my Kunai to stub him to death.

(What an amazing life for a shinobi to learn how to kill in their childhood. )

"Do you think that can stop me? " when my kunai is almost touching his neck Doten screamed out in a furious tone before a strong cold wave started spreading from his body and almost froze me as I fall a few meters back just from that chakra pressure he was released but the shadow mind is still there to hold him back and after a little push he easily I successfully stumbled him in the belly as he somehow pierced his sword through my stomach and created a hole.


"Ahhh~ " as Doten's sword went from one side to the other of Kazuna a painful scream left his mouth while the front and back of his stomach started getting frozen from within.

"Kazuna run away," ordered Shikaku with a serious face knowing it is hopeless in trying to defeat someone as powerful as Doten.

"This Shadow position is annoying however it is not absolute. " Doten commented while moving his hand slowly and rotating enough just to make frozen blood come out from Kazuna's belly.

"Ahaaaa~ " feeling the pain Kazuna screams out in pain trying his best to get away however the frozen flesh made his movement slower than his expectation as well as made his judgment getting shadowed.

"Stay in place damn it. " Shikaku said with a deep tone as blood came out from his mouth when a new voice made its entrance on the battlefield.

"Captain I found them . " came a teenager's tone from afar with a Rat mask on his face.

"Izumi- chan is hurt. " said another teenager with a weasel mask on as he quickly moves towards unconscious Izumi.

"Everyone, take your position, and those who are proficient in medical jutsu quickly get to work on healing the injured. " ordered the Dog masked Anbu as the rest of the anbu team members started moving.

"Finally they have arrived. " announced shikaku with a sigh before losing his consciousness.

"Damn it. " the anbu who has a rat mask on moves using the body fleaker jutsu that leaves behind a few after images on the path before slashing toward the neck of Doten as he takes out his short anbu sword.

"Damn it. " then moment Doten regained and wanted to end Kazuna he saw a silver glow by his side and quickly sending a ruthless kick on the stomach of Kazuna moved away from his spot.

"It's them. " Kazuna said with a sigh before losing his consciousness.


"Shikaku–san the kid has regained his consciousness. " I don't know what happened after I lost my consciousness however the exclamation from some unknown teenager came into my ear when I regained my consciousness.

"Don't move you had broken some of your bones in the fight against Doten of Ice style. " came Shikaku sensei's from my side as I turn towards him just to find him sitting on the ground while leaning his back on some tree as he meets my eyes to say with a smile "After that much-frozen flesh I was worried that we will lose you however you are lucky that the massive chakra of the Kyuubi has helped you to recover fast. "

"What about Izumi–san and Hana. " I asked with a weak tone as I try to sit but it appears my body is not healed yet for me to sit as a burning sensation runs through my body and makes me fall on the cold ground.

"The medics are trying their best to heal Izumi and Hana is now fine after the healing you and the anbu team provide for her. " he said with a sigh as I felt the pain leaving my body fast and without much time I regained my ability to move then inquired sensei with a serious face "What about Doten? "

"Because of the wound you had put on him, he had become quite weak and with some efforts, the Anbu had taken care of him. " sensei explained with a serious face as I got to know after he got informed by me about Doten being a shinobi he decided to send a message asking the old man for reinforcement.

No wonder we were moving slower this time.

Although he wasn't sure of Doten's motive he wasn't going to take any chances and made sure we don't get caught in some unexpected trap.

So the Hokage also sent the Anbu squad which rescued us at the last moment and from some digging we discovered Doten is a member of the Yuki clan who has the Ice style Keke Genkai ability.

No wonder he was using ice so much but now that I think about the was he was using the Ice style maybe I can use it as well even though I don't have the bloodline limit as I am taking with him came Hana's tone from the other side of the tree "Come on she is still alive you can't give up on Izumi like that. "


Next time in NTB-

"So we are going to have a break for a month before our next mission? " Izumi asked with a nod knowing full well that she and the rest of her team needs a break after the sudden change of the mission and the complication.

a few hours later behind the Hokage Mountain.

"Your chakra reserve has increased a few times over in such a short time. " Hiruzen started looking at the young Uzumaki in surprise.

"Isn't it just because of the monster inside me? " inquired Kazuna with an angry tone looking at the old man he jas been calling grandpa for a while and thinks as a family besides the Hyuga and his brother.

"That might be possible but I don't think that is the whole reason for it besides... " Hiruzen has a serious face however at the end his face shows some hesitation.

"Besides?" Kazuna inquired with a serious face indicating he wants answers, not some bs.

"That can wait first we need to train and make your body adapt to your massive chakra boost if we want you to be safe from sudden issues that can be caused by the uncontrollable chakra. "