Power of Pain

Edited: Dark_Spider

Chigiri Sea…

Beast Island.

Active Volcanic Mountain Cave Laboratory.

As if the Ultimate Summoning Beast had sensed the approaching danger it jumps into the air before the fireball can arrive near it and a pair of wings grew out of its back then flew up into the air as the fireballs collided with one another causing an explosion to occur as Kazuna and Izumi quickly jumps back to save themselves.

"Damn it can fly." said Izumi in surprise when the beast started flying and before she could react it started sending some kind of wave as Izumi quickly warns everyone "Quickly prepare yourself it's using Genjutsu."

"What are you doing Hana?" Shikaku who had prepared his next plan felt danger and barely avoids Hana's sudden punch from his back and hearing Izumi's shout he says "Damn it Hana is under the Genjutsu and the beast must be making her think of me as her enemy."

"Lightning Style: Thunderbird." Samui who had come out from her chains and cage shouts out before sending a few waves of lighting that looks like birds at The Ultimate Summoning Beast.

Getting struck by the lightning the summoning beast got send backward when a shining white horn appears on its head from which it started sending waves of lightning at everyone.

"Let me help." taking the advantage of The Ultimate Summoning Beast getting distracted by Samui's attack Kazuna went near Hana who is now unable to move thanks to Shikaku's Shadow position and placing his hand on her he channels his chakra for her to recover from the Genjutsu while thought 'Good thing old man had taught me how to save myself from Genjutsu ane help others.'

"That was weird." said Hana with a sigh when Kazuna quickly caught her in a princess carry and moved away using Body Flicker Jutsu from his spot while Shikaku also did the same as a white lightning strikes on the spot they were standing.

"We need to do something before it can destroy the whole mountain and crash under the mountain." Izumi said with a serious face.

"Let me hold it and use the time to throw it into the magma." said Honoka with a serious face looking at The Ultimate Summoning Beast.

"No, first we need to send it closer to the magma so we can throw it in magma fast when you trap it with the chains." Kazuna argued before moving at The Ultimate Summoning Beast while saying "Opening the 3rd Inner Gate: The Gate of Pain!" 


As Kazuna has a far greater volume of chakra than his body can handle he was using the inner Gates training methods to strengthen himself but having no other choice in hand he had to take off his weight which formed cracks on the concrete floor showing how heavy they were.

Then when he opened the Gates all the restrictions on his body vanished and his chakra first grew 100 times then the next moment 300 times which made him the same level of pain he felt when he got hit by lightning in the past maybe this pain is even bigger. 

"Damn this is truly painful.

So, it proves Guy sensei wasn't joking when he said I should never use it unless I want to die." Kazuna said as a Silver chakra clock covered his body like a Silver flame that is angry and wants to devour anything that comes close to him and his hair started flying upwards wildly and the concrete started flying surrounding him as he said with a smile "This pain is truly something that I cannot endure for long but the strength I feel is amazing but I need to finish it soon else I will be done for."


While everyone was feeling awed by Kazuna's sudden display the next moment he vanished from his spot and a huge explosion sound came from the direction of The Ultimate Summoning Beast and looking at it they saw it flying towards the magma as if it got crushed by a mountain and they saw Kazuna standing on the spot it was flying a moment ago.

"He was so fast that even I wasn't able to catch up with his movement using my Sharingan!" said Izumi in surprise as she saw Kazuna slowly falling from the air.

The moment Kazuna lands on the ground he again vanishes from his spot as a crack appears there and they again hear the explosion sound and discover The Ultimate Summoning Beast crashing to the cave wall before getting send in different directions but they never got to see the process.

Finally, after a while of adjustment with the movement of Kazuna Izumi got the chance to adopt her dojutsu with the high speed and the 100% potential of Sharingan came into being as she now can see Kazuna move behind The Ultimate Summoning Beast then punch it and move behind it again before it can retaliate.

"Kazuna is moving faster than attacking The Ultimate Summoning Beast from behind before it can react." said Izumi with a serious face.

Finally, The Ultimate Summoning Beast got a lot of wounds and even healed them at a naked eye visible speed by the process of healing is slower than the speed Kazuna is using to attack it and if you think is only using raw strength then you are mistaken became he will also add some big and small Jutsu of different chakra nature as a combo with his attacks.

The moment Kazuna forced The Ultimate Summoning Beast above the magma he arrives beside Honoka and said with a serious tone "It's your turn to hold it and I will prepare a strong jutsu to finish it."

"I know." Honoka said walking at the magma before sending uncomfortable golden chains to restrict the beast from its movements.

"Everyone let's attack it together!" said Shikaku with a serious face.

"Lightning Style: Thunder Rain!" Samui said as a wave of lightning went towards The Ultimate Summoning Beast.

"Izuzuka Style: Hell storm!" Hana shouts out as she transformed into her 4 headed dog form before sending a tornado towards The Ultimate Summoning Beast.

"Fire Style: Great Fireball!" Izumi.

"Wind Style: Great Breakthrough!" Shikaku.

"Elemental Style: Angry Lion!" Kazuna shouts out as he mixed all his chakra and focused it on his hand before punching towards The Ultimate Summoning Beast as a huge Lion head gets formed from his attack before striking the Ultimate Summoning Beast with everyone's attack.


As the attack strikes The Ultimate Summoning Beast half of its body gets destroyed before it falls towards the magma and is burned to ashes.

Kazuna who has done everything he can finally lose his consciousness before falling towards Samui and crashing into her big breasts with his face pointing at it.

"Kazuna." the Konoha shinobi quickly moves towards Kazuna even though they are exhausted and took him away from Samui as Hana checks his condition before saying after a sigh "He is just exhausted after a few days of rest he will be fine." 

After they checked everyone they decided to take a rest and wake the rest of the Kumo shinobi and the captive commoners before leaving the island.

"Why are you looking at him like that?" asked Hana with a serious face as she felt annoyed from Samui's staring at Kazuna.

"He is the first man to touch me so intimately so he will have to take responsibility once he is grown up." said Samui with a serious face as if she is looking at her lover or husband.

"That was just an accident." Hana in anger 

"I don't care." Samui with a calm face.

After a while of argument, they decided to let Kazuna choose whom he will marry amongst them once he grows up.

On the other side, Izumi and Shikaku are having a conversation with Honoka.

"It is truly a surprise there is a new Uzumaki clan establishment in Konoha and I can have a new home after so long."