Shy Itachi

Edited by. Dark_Spider


After returning from the Chigiri sea with Honoka and getting permission for her to join the village as a member of the Uzumaki clan the Hokage didn't agree immediately became of her age which is similar to Hana and Izumi.

So she got into the surveillance for a while and the interrogation wasn't excluded from her first introduction.

Although she was put under surveillance that is only known by the Hokage, the Anbu commander, and a few trusted shinobi of Hiruzen and after she was interrogated about what she was doing till now, how much ninjutsu she has learned to which she told she was only learned the Sealing jutsu for the experiments and after a few more interrogation she got permission to join the Uzumaki clan.

After Honoka left with Kazuna and the other Hiruzen called the Anbu commander and Shikaku for around to suggestions before they decide to put her on surveillance.

So currently except Kazuna, the whole Uzumaki clan is under the surveillance of the Hokage whether it's for protection or uncertainty.

As the Chunin exam is only a few months from now and the 3 members of team Shikaku got permission to enter the Chunin exam the team will only take the B–rank missions which are not far from the village and some C–RANK missions inside the village so they can prepare for the Chunin exam.

Honoka has become good sisters with Karin and they will take care of the house and learn from one another most of the time and hardly play with Kazuna and Naruto.

Sometimes she will play in the park with the boys but the villagers didn't accept her that much so she was also not interested to play in the park.

Honoka who will visit Hana and Izumi while they are training so she can learn something from them and Karin who doesn't want to get left behind will join her to play with Hana and Izumi and have a girls time.

"Is he Izumi's boyfriend? " asks Honoka looking at the indifferent and handsome face of Itachi as Izumi left with him.

"Yeah that is him the genius of the Uchiha the one and only Itachi Uchiha. " said Hana with a chuckle as she looks at the back of the lover duo.

"Sister Honoka did you notice something? " asks Karin with a face I have discovered something amazing as she looks at Itachi.

"What are you talking about Karin? " asks Hana and Honoka with a curious face as they are curious about what this little girl wants to tell them.

"Did you notice something about sister Izumi's boyfriend? " Karin asked with a serious face when Itachi and Izumi left the training ground.

"Do you think he is handsome and you started liking him instead of Kazuna by any chance? " said Hana with a teasing laugh while looking at Karin who gets mad at her and said with an angry face "No way my Kazuna–kun is the most handsome boy for me. "

"Is it related to his indifferent face when he greets us? " asked Honoka with a thoughtful smile.

"He is a Jounin you know so it won't be surprising if he only has an indifferent face while greeting us Genin and I think he greets us only because you are friends with Izumi and I am his classmate. " said Hana shaking her face with a smile.

"No, it's not as you think. " Honoka said shaking her head before she starts explaining "You see if he was as proud as you said and didn't care about us just because of the reasons you said then he could have just ignored us because he is in that position and we would not think much about it and he also knows that.

But he had greeted us even if he didn't have much chance in his expression from the beginning to the end he still did and when Izumi hugged him there was a slight change in his speech even if he tried to hide it with his expressionless face he was still a little off from his normal point.

So that means he must truly love Izumi and I think he is shy. "

"Exactly I also think he is shy to show his true feeling so he is hiding his true emotion under that indifferent face of his. " Karin said with a smile knowing his thoughts are similar to Honoka's explanation.

"Itachi Uchiha and shy you are only saying that because you don't know anything about him. " said Hana in an argument.


While Hana, Izumi, and Karin are arguing about Itachi and Izumi somewhere on the other side of the village Kazuna is walking around the village with Ino.

After a long time playing and having fun with one another they have become very close to the point Ino now considers Kazuna a better friend than both Shikamaru and Choji who will be her future team members.

While Kazuna also cares about her a lot and it can be at the same leave as Hinata when he met far longer time ago than Ino.

As Hinata has an aggressive nature and hardly gets permission to play with him and the other he plays with Ino more than any of his friends, so it's not unexpected for him to be so close to Ino.

"Let me help you with that bag. " Ino said with a smile as she takes one of the shopping bags from Kazan's as she thinks he is too weak to carry both of them and from his face, she knows he is tired just like always and thought 'If only you weren't this weak and stronger than I would consider you instead of Sasuke-kun.

Actually, it is also good now I won't have to choose between the two of them. '

"Thank you Ino you are so kind. " Kazuna said with a smile but he didn't let Ino have the bag as he considers it as training equipment but he appreciates her kindness nonetheless.

"So how did you get hurt this time. " Ino asked with a smile as she looks at Kazuna and remembers how he was admitted to the hospital a few days ago when she went to get some medicine for their flowers.

"My body is was too weak and it caused me to get hurt and I had no choice but to. " Kazuna said with a helpless smile as he remembered how he was carried by Shikaku all the way because his body was too hurt from the usage of the 4th Gate.

'He is really unfortunate if he had a little stronger body maybe he could also have joined the Shinobi academy. ' thinking how pitiful Kazuna is she felt more regret for him and knew she is right he will have to get into the hospital a lot for his weak body which is why he can not play with them and decided to say with a smile "Don't worry one day you will be good. "

"Yes, I am sure my body will be strong enough for me in the coming days. sigh~ "