Chunin Exam 1

edited by_ dark_spider.


Shinobi Academy…

As the first part of the Chunin exam is a written test the Shinobi Academy is closed for the regular students and only the Genin's who will participate and the Shinobi's who are appointed by the Authority to organize the exam are allowed in the Academy. 

"It is said our 1st exam for promotion will be held in room no 3O9. " said Hana with a smile as she takes out her exam pass.

"It's on the 3rd floor if I am not mistaken." said Izumi with a smile yeah it's been 2 years from when they had graduated from the academy and became part of team Shikaku, sigh time flies so fast.

"I wonder what kind of questions will be used in the exam." Kazuna says with an excited smile thinking he will become a Chunin finally and go meet Iruka to show his new status, damn it will be cool to be on the same ranking as Teacher Iruka, maybe I will also become a teacher in the academy those guys will be so shocked, hehehee~ 

"Hey what kind of weird stuff are you thinking Kazuna?" Hana asks while punching Kazuna on the head in annoyance when she saw him laughing with an evil face 'Damn it, I got goosebumps because of his evil smile.' 

"Why did you punch me on the head, Hana? 

Do you believe I will not dare to do the same to you?" asks Kazuna in resentment getting punched by Hana in the head and getting brought back to reality.

"Do you dare, you little punk?" asked Hana with a serious face looking at Kazuna. 

As the two of them are arguing all the passersby and other shinobi villages Genins started making fun of the 3 of them and Izumi finally decided to step in and stop them so they don't tarnish their and the reputation of the village furthermore "Will the two of you shut up we got an exam to attend if you have forgotten."

"Yes ma'am." looking at the shining red-eye the two of them said in shivers before going in the direction of the stairs.

"Did we skip the 3rd floor already?" asked Hana in confusion while looking at the room numbers of all the classroom which has 4 at the start.

"When did the Academy building get an extra floor?" Asks Kazuna with a raised eyebrows.

"Maybe we might have made some kind of mistake." said Izumi with a serious face.

"Hey, Izumi, use your dojutsu cause I have a bad feeling about all this?" said Kazuna with a serious face as Hana also agreed with him.

"A strong Genjutsu, nothing my Sharingan can not handle." Izumi said activating her dojutsu as the numbers turn three from four and she also discovered some Konoha and Suna shinobi are looking at her and knew they are the ones responsible for the Genjutsu and receiving a nod she says to Kazuna and Hana with a chuckle "That's the room we need to enter."

"Isn't that room class no. 4O6?" Hana said with a raised eyebrow.

"They might have used the Genjutsu to change the number on the bord." said Kazuna with a nod.

After a small conversation among one another, they decided to walk into the room Izumi had told them. 

While Kazuna and co enter the room more than a few hundred Shinobi are left confused about the room they need to enter and some are stressed not as they didn't get to find the exam hall while the time for the exam is not far from starting. 

As the ones who weren't able to break the Genjutsu are left behind so they were deemed unqualified to take part in the exam and failed by default.


Entering the room Kazuna, Izumi and Hana found only a few dozen teams inside the room, and only two teams are from Konoha making them disappointed however they must be a good team if they were able to enter the first exam hall after breaking the strong Genjutsu, right?

As all the Genins are well aware of the difficulty which they had to go through just to arrive at this point none of them dared to underestimate anyone in the room.

Although Kazuna and Hana didn't know anyone Izumi seems to have recognized someone.

So with a smile on her face she signals the teammate of the boy before walking to him when he didn't notice her with a mischievous face and arriving behind him, she gives the boy a strong slap on his back before saying with a chuckle "Yo Sato how are you doing these days? I haven't seen you around for a while."

'Please don't tell me it's her?' Sato gave his friends a horrified look as she asks with sign language because he knew this girl who just slaps him on the back and his friends looks on the other side as he knows he was betrayed by his friends but he is afraid to show it and turns back to give Izumi a forced smile before saying "If it isn't cousin Izumi, I didn't think I would meet you here of all places."

"Did uncle not tell you I am also participating in the Chunin exam this time?" Izumi asks with a confused face but a cheerful and carefree girl as she is won't stay that way much longer when she is not in danger, so she says with a smile "Anyway I heard you have awakened your Sharingan, is it true?"

"You are embarrassing me, cousin." said Sato with a smile and there wasn't any display of embarrassment on his face instead you can say there is only a proud display.

"From when did you start getting expressed you little punk?" said Izumi with a laugh as she punched on his head put then she noticed him closing his eyes and giving her a smark and she also closed her eyes before reopening her as the two of them actived ther Sharingan but Izumi who has 3 tomoe while Sato has only one overwhelmed the kid very easily.

"Not fare you have more advanced Visual Powers than me cousin." getting punched by Izumi who has 3 tomoe while he has only one made Sato depressed as he complained holding her head.

"Who told you to try and act smart? You deserve this you punk." said Izumi with a chuckle.

"I will tell Itachi about how you punch me all the time." said Sato with a momentous tone.

"How can a grown-up man complain to another's boyfriend when he gets punched by a girl where is your shinobi pride?" Izumi asks with a carefree smile looking at Sato because she is very clear about how her boyfriend will dismiss Sato cause their love is that strong.

"Silence." suddenly a loud noise came from the side of the room as a man with a scar on his face walks into the room with a face and just a single glance will let you know he has some anger issues.

"It's brother Ibiki?" said one of Sato's teammates with a smile looking at the scary man.

"Shikaku sensei is also with him." Kazuna said with a smile as he waves at Shikaku.

Giving a signal to not cause any commotion to Kazuna as they are in the exam hall Shikaku said with a sigh "How disappointing only 40 Genins are left from a few hundred."

"Do you think after how you have planned the exam any candidate will be left it is truly a miracle we didn't have to end the exam before it began?" Ibiki said in annoyance hearing Shikaku's words.

"I was expecting no one to break the Genjutsu so I don't have to do this, what a drag~," said Shikaku with a sigh as if he feels disappointed that the few dozen Genin's were able to clear the 1st trial.

"Shikaku you are joking right?" said Ibiki in disbelief.

"Of course I am." Shikaku said with a smile but his face told him he is joking this time and he was serious in the past.

"Shikaku you." Ibiki wanted to retort when Shikaku stopped him with a smile "Besides I was sure my team will be able to break the Genjutsu easily so the one who cannot break the Genjutsu doesn't deserve to compete against my team for the Chunin position.

Enough talking let's begin the exam, shall we?"

With that, they asked everyone to take the seat and introduced themselves to all the students before saying "There are 10 questions in the paper and..."