Power of a Kage

While the Kazikage is fighting against Sukaku and trying to send it to an area far from the village square where the density of civilians are the lowest even so the power of the reckless beast is greater than some any other shinobi so it is also not easy for him to suppress the beast in a short amount of time. 

While Rasha is trying his best to defend the village as he fights the beast but Shukaku just wants to destroy everything so the attacks are not only aimed at Rasha but everyone and everything around him.

What if Rasha can defend the attacks from Sukaku with his sand barriers which have a limit but the attacks from the beast do not, so the village and villagers are suffering from the area attacks that are escaping the barrier.

After a few minutes of confrontation, Rasha has yet to force the beast to move away from the town square and the dangers are getting more and more out of hand.

While the Sand Shinobis are doing their best to evacuate the populated area and create a free space for their leader to face the beast without worry however the tension, fear, uncertainty, and panic between the villagers are making it impossible to create order among the villagers much less evacuate everyone to safety.

What if the Ichibi loses control from time to time and the civilians are now used to this face and living in the village with that danger on their head.

You need to know being prepared and facing it is not the same besides today the beast has transformed totally unlike some other time when it will only have a Semi appearance or something.

The scale or distraction this time is still minor compared to other times however that is only because the beast has just come out and if this continues for a while more there is no telling if the village is going to stay in one piece much less the common civilians.

While the chaos has consumed the Sunagakura the Shinobi from Konoha started to help the innocent civilians to the best of their ability.

After destroying the rocks that are falling from above and healing the injured, rescuing the afraid ones, or defending against the misfires from the Kazikage and Ichibi attacks they were doing everything in their ability to help the villagers.

"Baki? " while rescuing a little girl Shikaku discovered the landing not far from him before he called out.

"Thanks for the help, I promise after we are out of this predicament we won't forget what you are doing for us. " said Baki with great fullness as he joined in the rescue of the civilians.

"It's what we should do. " said Shikaku with a nod when everyone felt a heavy chakra pressure as Shikaku called out in alarm "The Ichibi is preparing to fire everyone, take cover. " 

"If the Ichibi successfully lunches that thing the whole village will be gone. " said Kazuna in worry as he can feel the pressure from the huge dark orb in its mouth.

"Can the Kazikage stop it? " asks Hana in distress.

"It's too dangerous. "  said Izumi with fear as she looks at the Orb with her dojutsu.

"Stop wasting time we need to escape, Izumi quickly summon your Eagle king. " Shikaku called out in urgency.

"No, it's too late the Ichibi is preparing to lunch it. " says Hana in fear as she fell on her knees as the Ichibi stopped gathering chakra.

"We are doomed, it's going to lunch the Tail beast bomb," said Shikaku with a sigh as if he has accepted his fate.

"Is this the end for us? " said Izumi as she closed her eyes before deactivating her Sharingan.

"I refuse to accept this. " shouts out Kazuna when his body started glowing with silver chakra and uncountable chakra strings started dancing around him.


"As if I will ever allow you to lunch that thing in my village. " said Rasha with a ruthless face before gesturing his hand and shouting out "Golden slash. "


As if the Rasha was already prepared and waiting for the moment of the Ichibi to prepare its the tail beast bomb and the moment it was about to unlish its attack he lands his strike on its head with a huge amount of Gold dust causing the dark orb to fly out of the village in the next moment.

"A power of Kage is never to be taken lightly. " whispered Haba with a daze.

"The Kazekage was successful. " says Izumi with a smile.

"Everyone prepare for the impact. " called out Shikaku before h3 started making another set of hand seals.

As if in cue not long after Shikaku calls out to warn them from the opposite side of the sun the sky became as if today the sunrise and sunset are taking place at the same time because of the explosion that made the sky red.

Soon after that, the noise of the explosion strikes the village followed by a sand storm that still did a little damage to the village even if it is protected by the mountains.

"Hateful, how dare you attack Shukaku sama and interrupt in the time of his attack. " complaint Shukaku in anger before he took a huge breath before calling out "Vacuum sand Bullets. "

"Pathetic tricks, Gold dust wave. " with the clash between the two sides the village again got damage.

While no one was paying attention Kazuna has already arrived above the Kage tower and finished his preparation by making a strong rope gathering the chakra string when a stray Vacuum Sand Bullet which is almost as large as a grown man flew towards the Kage Tower.

Temari who is yet to escape from the roof of the tower and observing the battle between her father and looking at Gara in the forehead of Ichibi suddenly discovered something escapes from her father's shield and moving towards her at a great speed and with each moment it will grow larger and the surrounding buildings are also getting destroyed by the same thing in collusion and know if that were to make contact with her only death will come.

'Is this the end for me? ' she asks a blank face looking at her imminent doom without moving from her spot either it's because of her fear or she has accepted her end.


"Am I not dead? " even after hearing the noise and collusion from right in front of her but not feeling any pain she opened her eyes in surprise before asking in confusion just to discover something glowing with silver light and a golden shield protecting her while the area around her is now gotten heavily damaged.

"If you aren't hurt then it's better you take shelter with Kankuro behind those two under the Tower. " while she is looking at the silver light in confusion slowly her eyes adapted with the glow and she can now recognize the person inside the glowing light but without giving her the opportunity he left her on the roof.

"Don't go... "