Preliminary rounds begins

Editor_Dark Spider

Arriving not far from the Rasa who is facing against the Ichibi with all his might Kazuna started gathering Chakra between both of his hands earning a glance from Rasa in between his exchange with the Ichibi "What the hell are you doing here Konoha brat? "

"I am going to stop the Ichibi rampant. " says Kazuna without stopping from what he is doing.

"You are not strong enough to participate in a battle here so I advise you to leave and help the others else if you are caught in the crossfire I am not going to be responsible for that. " even when he is in a lock with the Ichibi and having a hard time Rasa didn't forget to remind Kazuna.

"Don't worry I am confident in my actions. " says Kazuna as a blue orb started forming in between his hands.

"Is that a Rasengan you are creating? " looking at the blue orb taking shape asks Rasa curiously.

"I am not sure what are you talking about. " says Kazuna with confusion and defending himself with the chakra threads surrounding him before calling out "Make an opening for me. "

"Tch~ " clicking his tongue in annoyance Rasa motions his hand to open a hole in his shield as well as sending a strong attack to distract the Ichibi before being "You better not create a problem for me brat. "

"Don't worry I know how to subdue it. "says Kazuna in confidence before raising his hand as chakra bubbles started gathering on the orb as it starts growing at a blending speed before growing to the size of an almost as big as the Ichibi's head when Kazuna calls out "Water style: Bubble Burst. "

Shukaku who was just attacked by Rasa is also preparing for a counter-attack but unexpectedly for him when he has just stabilized himself a huge water ball came in front of him at that moment as he tried to "You hateful… "


Instantly after the water touched Shukaku's head it explodes and a huge wave of water spreads from its head before spreading in every direction.

The water not only made Shukaku get wet but also awake Gara from his unconscious state so it didn't give Shukaku any time to react before it was sealed inside Gara once more.

"It worked," said Kazuna with a smile before he lost his consciousness after using almost all his chakra in that last attack before falling from midair.

"Good thing I was close. " says Rasa as he caught Gara and Kazuna using his gold dust while thinking 'Although I could have also end this all by knowing Gara awake from his unconsciousness, however, the Ichibi was just too unreasonable, but this kids water jutsu is also not bad. '

"Kazuna. " not long after Rasa started coming down from the mid-air Izumi arrived beside him before calling out.

"Do you have a medical min in your team? " asks Rasa with an indifferent face as he looks at Izumi.

"Yes. " says Izumi with a nod.

"Then heal the brat by yourself and I will assign a new place for you to stay until we rebuild the destroyed parts of the village and ask him to heal before the exam or he your team might get disqualified. " said Rasa leaving Kazuna in Izumi's hand before he returned with Gara who is too afraid to say anything.


After the Ichibi incident, the Suna decided to pay the Konoha team the same amount as a B rank mission and Kazuna got an A-Rank mission commission for helping the Kazikage to subdue the Ichibi and they were even given room to stay in the Kage tower until the rebuild is done.

After overusing his chakra Kazuna suffered a few muscles fractures and broken bones after using the Bubble Burst he was unconscious for a day and a half by the time he some up almost all the muscles fractures were healed by the influence of the Kyuubi chakra only leaving the bones which were also slowly healing.

Temari also visited him with Kankuro at this time but he wasn't able to leave the bed thanks to the pain in his bones but in that time he never forgot to acquire some knowledge by reading books and having conversations with Shikaku.

"There are only 11 teams left after the 2nd round. " walking into the room said Shikaku looking at his students.

"Did say anything about the process of 3rd round. " asks Izumi with a nod.

"There will be a preliminary round for the final round and those who can enter the final round will have a chance to be promoted. " says Shikaku with a smile.

"Is there is a limit to how many of us can get the promotion? " asks Hana with a nod.

"Depending on your performance you will be promoted," says Shikaku shaking his head.

"So to be promoted we don't need to win the exam, do we? " asks Kazuna with a thoughtful face.

"Theoretically you just need to perform and prove you are at the Chunin level but in that way, if we don't think you are strong enough you might not be promoted.

However, if you are to win the exam you will be promoted even if you don't provide anything. " said Shikaku with a smile while thinking 'Yes strategy and skills are important but nothing is comparable to absolute power. '

"Then we should focus on our victory. " said Hana without much thought and everyone just gave a nod.


Finally, after a few days when all the participants who were successful and failed to pass the 2nd round of the Chunin exam gathered at the preliminary Hall to participate

"We only need to defeat a single person, yeah? " asks Kazuna with a smile as he looks at the group below.

"Just don't overdo anything. " says Shikaku with a smile.

"I wonder who will be my opponent. " says Hana with a smile as she looks at the group.

"Whoever is my opponent they better have good resistant against Genjutsu else I am not wasting time with them. " said Izumi activating her Sharingan before scanning everyone in the hall and sending shivering to them just from the glance of the 3 tomoe.

"I am itching to try my new jutsu. " says Kazuna as he slowly spreads invisible chakra threads in the whole room.
