
"Your progression is very amazing but not enough to win. " says Hiruzen with the same carefree tone as he plays with the Orange hair kid.

"Playtime is over. " with not getting any kind of advantage against Hiruzen from the beginning to now Kazuna finally cried out "Eight Inner Gates Opening the Gate of Healing. "

Instantly after calling out not only did his chakra bursts like an endless flood but also increased by a few 10 times as a visible green chakra clock covers his whole body and starts healing all the scars he received from Hiruzen before he vanished from his spot and punches the closest Hiruzen clone without restraint.


As soon as the clone was punched instead of flying away it explodes on the spot as Kazuna gets covered by water making him exclaim "Was that a water clone? "

Even if he has yet to be introduced to the Elemental or shadow clone nonetheless he is already good at using the Clone jutsu to the point he is proud to say if he has to call himself second to anyone then no one dares to call themselves the first.

"Show some respect and try holding back you brat what if that wasn't just a clone but my real body then I would be heavily injured and you would be in a hard position to explain yourself to the council. " said one of may Hiruzen or his clones looking at Kazuna.

"If you can't even respond to that simple attack then you don't deserve the title of the Strongest Shinobi of your time. " says Kazuna with a smile as he disregards the warning.

"Then I hope you don't regret your decision to face the strongest. " says Hiruzen with a curved lip before vanishing from his spot and appearing right next to Kazuna to give a strong kick from above.

"Although I don't know which one is the real you but I will take everyone as the original for now. " says Kazuna with a smile before he formed a spike made of the strings and attacks the Hiruzen who is now stopped by him.

"Don't forget me. " says another Hiruzen from his back then one came from the side and so on but all of them received a spike the rough their belly before exploring into water.

Clap~ clap~ 

"Nice work you have successfully defeated all my clones and it looks like you are prepared for me now. " with a few times clapping sounds Hiruzen attracts Kazuna's attention before announcing.

"I hope this time it's not another clone. " says Kazuna with a serious face since he is tired of playing with so many clones already.

"Just give everything you have and maybe I just change my mind and gift you something more than just the gift I have originally prepared for you. " says Hiruzen with a smile as he vanished from his spot and arrived behind Kazuna.

"If it's only a single person then it should be more than enough. " says Kazuna before condensing all the strings to form a huge green spike before moving it towards Hiruzen.

"This won't work against me. " says Hiruzen disregarding the huge size of the spike before covering his hand with a layer of chakra and simply slapping the spike into oblivion and arriving right next to Kazuna to land another slap at him from the back.

Although Kazuna is shocked by the display of Hiruzen's huge strength and he soon escapes from the slap realizing the danger it poses before exclaiming "How can you be so stronger than me? " 

"They call me the Professor for no reason. " again arriving behind Kazuna explains Hiruzen with a whisper and before he can even respond Hiruzen slaps him flying.



Coughing a few times to catch his breath before erasing the blood at the corner of his mouth Kazuna looks at Hiruzen while thinking 'Is this the strength of The Strongest Shinobi '

After thinking to this point Kazuna's body starts shaking and it's not in fear but from excitement before his lips curve into a wide smile 'This is amazing let's get wild. '


"Eight Inner Gates Technique: Fifth Gate The Gates of Limit. "as soon as Kazuna pressed his finger on his abdomen a huge Chakra spreads in all directions if the previous pressure was like a flood then it's now like a storm that wants to destroy everything in its way and the water under his feet starts spreading in all directions as if something is hitting its surface constantly.

Even from afar the Shinobies of Konoha can feel the impact of his Chakra while Sarutobi Hiruzen has a serious face and starts making hand signs "Summoning Jutsu: Monkey King Enma. "

"How can I be of help. " asks Enma with a respectful tone as soon as the fog clears before getting bombarded by the Chakra pressure and cried out in surprise "Ou~ ou~ ou~ Don't tell me it's not another Tail Beast. "

"It would have been better if it was but he seems to be on a step higher than even the Four or Five tails-tailed beast. " explained Hiruzen the reason for his shock.

"Is that the 4th's kid, how did he gain so much Chakra don't tell me it's the Kyuubi, no it is not that wild and full of hate. " says Enma shaking his head after a quick analysis.

"No time for explanations just get ready and I will explain everything after we are done with it. " says Hiruzen with a serious face as he now regrets allowing Guy to teach Kazuna the Inner Gates, yes he had less chakra than Naruto but who would think the Gates will allow for him to have this much boost in chakra that would make him feel threatened 'Come on I am the Hokage and can't lose to Seven years old but if worst come to worse I am just an old man. '

"Prepare yourself old man because ready or not here I come. " says Kazuna with a series of crazy laughter before he can shed from his spot and the water under his feel started splitting as he approached Hiruzen.

"Come on I fought the like the Kyuubi, who is afraid of just a kid like you. " says Hiruzen with a serious face while holding the monkey stuff that Enma transformed and asks Hiruzen with a serious tone "Are you sure about that? "

"Oh~ just shut up you dumb monkey. " says Hiruzen with a serious face and slashed his stuff towards Kazuna's direction.

"I am surprised you can still see through my movement even with that old eyes. " says Kazuna with a smile as his punch gets stopped by Hiruzen's stuff.

"It's all about the experience. "