End of Introduction

"No way their movements are too fast for even my Sharingan to keep up properly. " exclaims Izumi in shock.

"Where? Who is winning the fight? " asks Haba with excitement.

"It's hard to explain since they aren't on a single spot for more than an instant. " explains Izumi with a serious face before she informs "But they are on an equal footing at this moment or it can also be said Kazuna might be winning as we look at them. "

"How can he be equal or even stronger than lord 3rd. " although she has full trust in Kazuna however when it comes to Kage of the village how can Hana think of someone stronger than him.

"Yes he is way stronger than Lord 3rd because of his massive Chakra and his speed might have surpassed Shisui Senpai by a huge magazine if not I would have the ability to keep up with all of his movement but he would escape for some instant even under him Sharingan however, he is not able to take down lord 3rd because of huge battle experience he has compared to Kazuna. " says Izumi as she wasn't sure how to compare Kazuna with her lover anymore, although Itachi is undoubtedly a Genius like none before but compared to Kazuna who can fight the Kage, nevermind…


Although Hiruzen isn't as strong as fast as Kazuna nonetheless his reaction speed is never slow and the battle experience from many years gives him the ability to predict almost all the moves Kazuna makes.

As the battle progressed the huge boost in Kazuna's strength started affecting his body and soon he starts feeling some pain, unlike Guy who has close to neglectable Chakra Kazuna almost the same amount of Chakra as Tail beast has and when it gets amplified by the Inner Gates by a few Ten times it's not something his body can easily handle and from time to time he started feeling pain despite it getting healed by his advanced Healing Jutsu and the Gate of Healing.

"Enough let's end this here since I have a clear understanding of your strength by now. " says Hiruzen with a serious face as he holds Kazuna by the leg to stop his kick very easily with his Chakra infused hand before pointing his monkey stuff at his face.

"I can still do better than this. " says Kazuna with a serious face.

"I know but I don't want you to do self-harm in the process now it's time for our return to the village. " says Hiruzen with a serious face.

"Fine next time I will not allow you to say the same thing. " announces Kazuna with determination as he looks at Hiruzen before he closed the Inner Gates before long a huge pain invades his mind as he went unconscious the next moment.

"I also hope the same. " says Hiruzen with a sigh before hugging Kazuna so he doesn't drown himself to death before lamenting 'If only you were more experienced then I would announce you as the next Hokage Candidate. '


Konoha Hospital.

"Why do I feel so comfortable. "asks Kazuna in confusion as he felt something soft hugging him full of care and love.

"Have you regained your consciousness? " asks someone from his side with a cheerful tone.

"Yes, I believe I have. " says Kazuna with a smile as he opens his eyes just to find everything dark around him before asking "Hinata can you move a bit I can't see anything. "

"Sure I have no problem with it. " says Hinata with a smile as she moves a little before allowing for Kazuna to move as well.

"So how long was I unconscious? " asks Kazuna with a curious face as he looks at her.

"You were brought here yesterday and I along with Honoka, Hana, Karin is looking after you since we were worried. " explains Hinata with a smile.

"I am glad you were taking care of me while I was unconscious but why are you sleeping and hugging me? " asks Kazuna with some confusion does she thinks hugging can cure me faster but I do feel good when I am not alone when I regained my consciousness.

"I was very tired after today's lessons and decided to take a rest with you and by hugging you I was making sure I can help you if something unusual happens. " explains Hinata with a serious face, I am not going to tell how much I like you and this is a special chance that I will never miss.

"Where is Naruto? " giving her a nod Kazuna didn't drag a useless matter since he is also glad about her presence before he decided to ask about his brother.

"He was practicing Taijutsu all day and got very tired so Karin took him home and asks me to look after you till she returns. " says Hinata with a smile.

"Then I need to have a look at my brother's improvement once I return home. " said Kazuna with a smile since he is excited to have a look at his brother's improvement after a long time and he also misses everyone.

"Sister Hana informed me about your promotion to the rank of a Chunin, is that true? Are you a Chunin now, if so do I need to call you Sensei from now on? " asks Hinata with a mischievous smile as she looks at his face.

"Although I am certain at the Rank of a Chunin but it's alright for you to call me by my name since we are close friends with one another. " says Kazuna with a warm smile as he looks at her, why does she look extra cute today, can it be I haven't cared about her or have a clear look at her before, now that I am so close to her and have another look at her face, I think she is more beautiful than Ino.

"What are you thinking? " not understanding the sudden reason for Kazuna's daze as he looks at her face from so close distance that she can feel his breathing Hinata asks in confusion.

"Nothing I was wondering if Ino and the others also visited while I was unconscious? " asks Kazuna with some hope although he remembers Ino asking for his help to get close to Sasuke but he has some good feelings for her.

"Although Shikamaru and Choji made a visit this morning but Ino was playing with Sakura in the park and says once you regain your conscious she will visit. "