Love and I guess things got very interesting

Nina's P.O.V.

I, I don't want to be here!

Mommy and daddy brought me to my first party, apparently it was mandatory to bring your children this time around as long as they were 4 years old or higher so they took me away from my room and decided I should attend.

My mommy and daddy are scientists and we managed to become nobility thanks to patenting some of our more succesful inventions but our money isn't that big so my dress is not pretty at all and my sisters isn't much better in comparison. But unlike me my sister actually wanted to come to this party. Her friend, Milly Ashford the Granddaughter of Duke Ruben Ashford is attending and the two were happy to meet up.

She is different from me, she has friends and some that care for her but I don't. Mommy and daddy are very busy with their work and sister, while nice to me, don't spend that much time with me. In school it is the same, the girls mock me for being plain and the boys play pranks at me for being a nerd and of low nobility rank, I see some of them at the party as I stand in the middle of the hall not knowing what to do and their pointing fingers and laughing faces make me nervous.

Why is it that only I have to go through this? I would much rather be back inside my room and away from everyone else, at least my books are not bad to me (except that one time I cut my finger on one of the pages from one of the books, that is a bad book).

As I was thinking that I decided to go to some corner, at least over there is less chance of someone pointing their fingers at me. When I was about to go I noticed a beautiful girl about 12 or 13 years pulling along a boy who was yelling something out loud to another boy who seemed slightly younger before being dragged away.

I don't know why but I decided to go after them, I guess I was curious about it.

It took me a while to get there as no one seems to see me and whenever they hit me they all looked down at me with displeasure, probably because of my ugly dress or because I am so small and plain looking. When I finally reached them they were close to a lot of old men and the boy looked disinterested in hearing whatever it is they were saying when he said with a hint of annoyance.

"You should just use the R23K chemical on the food you are providing to the soldiers." The boy said and my eyes widened. I had only learned about that chemical a few days ago from one of the books in daddy's study and I thought no one else my age would know this, but this boy did. He, he is different somewhat.

"And what exactly would using that make?" A tall and muscular man said, he only had one eye and I feel that he could kill me in one strike and feel nothing of it from his appearance alone. "Would the food taste better? Maybe like sweets?" I don't know why he said that, doesn't he know of it?

"I-It is not to change the taste." I said, almost as if in instinct, which isn't anything big normally but right now the giant evil man turned to me with a dangerous look.

"And how would you know that? You are just a child." the evil man snarked, his eye is scary.

Just as I was about to say something to apologize and run away the boy put his hand in my shoulder.

"There is no need to run, you are correct in what you said and did nothing wrong." The boy said, only now that I am closer can I see his face better, it is a face that might be seen as more feminine than my own but the confidence he is exuding simply makes me unnable to look away from his purple eyes. And here he was, looking at this ugly duckling like me. "And as for you," The boy said as he turned to the old man. "you should treat a lady better! Especially when she is smarter than you."

D-Did he just compliment me? No one EVER compliments me, ever!

I didn't quite get what was said after until the boy turned to me again.

"Now, why don't you show him and everyone just what you know? If anything goes wrong I will help so don't be afraid to talk." He said.

He, he will help me? Why is he speaking such weird things, no one ever even cares for such a plain and weak-willed person like me. Not knowing what else to say I simply explained what I knew. The man snarled at me what was the point of knowing it if we can't produce the stuff but this boy again moved forward.

"For that you can just leave it to me, I already finished my latest project for the Emperor so creating a better way to extract this chemical will not be hard at all, maybe one or two weeks I suppose."

T-T-T-T-THE EMPEROR!? How does he know the Emperor, and for him to have had an assignment from him, it is impossible! I missed the rest of the conversation as my thoughts were too scrambled but when I took notice we were already far away as he pulled me along.

"Humm, where are we going?" I asked, I don't know him and if he is one of those scary people I have to go and find daddy already.

Instead of yelling at me or something like that he instead pulled his hand away from my shoulder quickly before opening his mouth.

"Sorry about that, I didn't intend on dragging you along like this." He said.

Wait, he is apologizing to me? Why is he being nice, no boy is ever nice to me.

"N-No problem. I, I was just s-surprised by it, that is all." I said, afraid his opinion of me would become bad if I took too long to say something and he would mock me. It happened before. Unable to resist I had to ask. "Why did you help me back there?" He did stand up for me when that evil guy who seemed like he was about to eat me alive.

His answer, however, was a deadpan face before speaking.

"Huh, why? It is obvious isn't it?"

"N-No, I don't understand it. I, I was never protected by someone else before, so I don't understand." As I was finishing the sentence was too weird and I ended up trailing off and wanting to stop midway.

I expected many things, many answers passing through my mind but none were like the one he just said.

"Well, I guess it is alright then. And, to answer your question, I just did what I did because it was what I wanted to do. But let's forget all the heavy stuff, why don't you tell me more about yourself?"

He wants to know more about me.

... My brain short circuited for a second there before I realized what I was doing and answering him.

"I, I am Nina Einstein. I am from a Baron family and came here to accompany my sister and our friend to the party."

He heard what I said and smiled slightly, his face is so cute that I think some of my dolls look just like him.

"Interesting my name is-" he trailed off at this point, maybe he just realized that I am from a lower nobility house and is thinking on getting away from me. It did happen before. However, after a second he continued. "My name is Ciel Phantomhive, I am at your disposal my green princess."


Did he just call me, the one who every boy always called boring and plain, a princess? I, I don't know what to do!

Suddenly his form seems to shine a bit on my eyes as his smile turned so beautiful and charming that I felt my heart skip a beat, or a hundred.

As I was thinking on how to respond a music started playing and listening to it he extended his hand to me.

"Would you care for a dance, my lady?"

I admit I almost died right then and there, this situation is just like one of those books I once read from my sister's room, she took it away when the man 'took out his meat stick and gave it to the quivering girl', whatever that means, but this situation is still just like a dream.

I didn't even relized when I began to dance with him, it was just like a dream as I twirled around with him and he didn't show his displeasure even the times I accidentally stepped on his foot. However, as we danced I noticed more and more eyes on us.

I looked down in shame, everyone must be thinking that an ugly and messy girl like me shouldn't be with someone so cool like him at all.

"Don't worry about the stares, just look at me and everything will be okay." He said to my ear. The sensation of him so close to me was weird, but in a good way and as I looked up and gazed at his crystal clear purple eyes I was lost in them.

If only this moment could continue, just this one moment made coming here worth it. However, the world doesn't like me that much as the song ended just like that and we stopped the dance. I was dissapointed, it was such a good feeling to dance with him so why did it have to end so fast. And now I will never feel like this again.

He then sighed before looking at me.

"Shame, I wanted to dance some more. Would you accompany me next time?"

Yep, he definetly is shining to my eyes. I was about to answer when something, or better yet someONE ruined the situation by quite literally hug/tackling me.

"Sis, I am so glad you are okay!"

As I turned to look I saw the face of my sister. She had red eyes and if I didn't know any better I'd say she was close to tears right now. She began to hug me tighter and tighter, breathing was getting difficult until my prince (he did call me a princess, so it is fair) pulled my sister away.

"That should be enough." He said as my sister managed to recompose herself now that she assured I was fine and he made sure that I would not die from a sisterly bear hug. "Now, would you mind telling me why you decided it would be an appropriate action to jump onto someone during a party like this? I hardly think it is a very appropriate action."

Wow, he definitly is not nearly as gentle with her as he is with me. I guess I am special, hehe.

"Sorry, I just... HEY, why should I apologize to you about anything?! She is my little sister so of course I should protect her against a smooth talker like you, mister... sorry but what is your name again?"

I had to resist my desire to screech at my sister. She was ruining everything, if my prince were to hate me now because of my rude sister, I don't even want to imagine.

However, my prince wasn't mad at the two of us, he was just displeased due to sister's reaction as he said.

"And why not be a more proper lady and tell me your name first, it is the custom to tell your own name before demanding another persons after all."

Oh no, sister is too headstrong when she wants to and I bet my prince is headstrong as well if his challenging tone against that big evil man earlier is anything to go by.

I must stop this.

"She is my big sister, her name is Matsu Einstein." I said while standing between the two, my eyes on Ciel as I said so before turning to sister. "And his name is Ciel Phantomhive, he was gentle with me so treat him well big sis."

As I said this both of them calmed down quite a bit but Ciel was still fidgeting a bit before he started sweating cold, is he perhaps sick?

"I am sorry for needing to cut this short but I have some business to attend right now." He said, I had to fight against the sadness that started welling up inside my heart at that one. However, he again came to my rescue. "But take this," he said, giving me one of the rings on my hands, it had a shining star in it and was quite pretty. "Use this to visit me in my Villa any time you want, here is the address."

With the gift from my prince in hand I saw his back as he was walking away, I feel like a dream was just cut short.

Not long after my prince left one of my sister's friends approached us. She had blond hair and a very pretty dress being close to the age of my sister, she also was of a higher rank to us as she was the only granddaughter to the Duke Arshford. However, her facial expression is weird.

She normally would be just like my sister and approach me and sister as if she was a comet. However, right now she approached slowly and her face was a tad white as she looked at me with a complex and worried face.

"Did you speak out of place with that boy?" Was the first words out of her mouth. Weird, normaly she would say hello first before anything else and possibly grope my chest or butt for no good reason but this time she did neither.

I shock my head in denial, I believe I didn't do anything that would be seen as bad with him. Well, I did step on his feet 5, or 15 times during the dance but he never complained or showed a irritated face to me throughout it all.

Seeing my answer Milly Ashford sighed in relief.

"Phew, at least you didn't do anything to end up on his bad side. That would probably be a disaster." Milly said.

"Why?" I was about to ask that but big sister did it first.

"Because your little sister was speaking with someone that is highly protected by both Prince Schneizel and Princess Cornelia, if he spoke to them ruining your house would only take a snap of their fingers." Milly explained, sis got a white face but I didn't. He is my prince, I am sure there is nothing to be afraid of from him.

But, I wonder why does Milly seem to know him.

"Oh well, if something goes wrong just give him some good sweets and be sure that it is nothing major and it should be okay. He is well known as a sweets lover after all." Milly proposed.

Sweets? I never tried my hand on those but I wonder if he would like one made by my hand. I want to impress him next time we see each other, maybe then he would ask to dance with me again.

Suddenly trumpets started signing and words echoed across the floor making everyone including me kneel.

"And now, the Emperor has arrived. All Hail Britannia!"

I joined in the chorus and then it stopped and we all stood up, but what was said next made every fiber of my being paralyzed.

"Ciel Zi Britania, come here this instant! I have a question for you." The Emperor proclaimed, his powerful voice made everyone quiet and transfixed on the ground, no one daring to move unless they are to disrespect the emperor.

All sound stopped except for one. It was a silent but confident sound of steps of someone very light.

Wait, now that I look at the one approaching the Emperor I see that he, he is MY prince!

Is he an actual prince? But, if so why did he not say anything?

But he called me his princess, does that mean he wants to... NO, WE ARE TOO YOUNG FOR THAT!

"My nephew, it is to my understanding that you have been developing a new weapon after I ordered you to, I want to know if it is ready yet or if you intend on testing my patience." The Emperor said, my mind was out of those thoughts of us being together until we grow old and instead focusing on what was happening.

"Yes, my majesty. I luckily managed to complete a perfectly functional prototype a few days prior and was only running some extra safety tests." he said. "The Ultra Vibrating Blade is ready for field use as of this afternoon, but I must warn you that it has a large energy consumption which is why I already developed a functional Knightmare with a special fuel system that would more than make up for the energy consumption of the sword. I already have sent word to bring my new creation over to the Colosseum close by so you can see with your own eyes if the money spent was used in a good way."

Did, did he really just confirm that he invented a whole new type of weapon for the Knightmares? If he really did so he must be an unprecedented genius, and I am his princess.

"My majesty, I also have reached a new breakthrough on the new energy source utilization I mentioned to you on an earlier date. I believe that if everything continues as it is we can manage to obtain a clean and near limitless power source to all our main cities and military bases without any big risk, this likely will lessen the expenses of the Empire as a whole for more than 18% thus allowing for the money to be reinvested in more interesting and needed areas." he said, confirming the fact that he is the greatest genius of the entire empire. To think someone like that was dancing with me moments ago and asked for us to dance together again, I should start learning how to dance more and study much harder as I don't want to embarass him.

The emperor nodded before declaring in a loud tone.

"We will all go to the Colosseum then, when there I also have an announcement to make after the test is complete." he then proceeded to leave together with the knights and my prince all but carried away by a very pretty lady.

Sis and Milly pulled me along, the Emperor decreed that we should go there so I too was pulled along. The distance was not that long but I noticed how some of the nobles were sweating profusely from this light walk and some were barely managing to continue already, it actually disgusted me a bit to see and know that these people are of the higher nobility when they were less in shape than a little Girl.

On the Colosseum we all went to find spots to sit, mommy and daddy were with a group of nobleman and trying to make connections so me and my friends were the only ones here by our lonesomes though a orange-haired Girl was sitting alone watching the Arena. It took a while for everyone to find their spots but when we did the doors of the Colosseum opened and from it 11 knightmare frames entered the stadium. Most were the classic Glasgows which are of the fourth Generation while one was a unknown Knightmare design, thinking about it she dimly remembered her Father mentioning a experimental design called Sutherland which eventually was supposed to replace the Glasgow. The unknown Knightmare was holding a big sword in hand and was carrying it almost like he was a knight abou to duel. The emperor looked at everyone before declaring in a loud voice.

"The Test will begin now. The Fighters will be the current Knight of Three Gaurry Ubiquitous in the experimental Knightmare Sutherland and in the Glasgows the 17 Squadron led by Knight Cardin Winchester. Let the battle begin!"

Nina watched as almost immediatly four of the Glasgows grabbed their Assault Rifles and started shooting at the Sutherland. Four more were activating their Wrist-mounted Tonfas and rushed from left and right towards the enemy. Nina frowned though when she noticed the last two Glasgows merely stand behind their shooting companions doing nothing.

Looking at the Sutherland it seemed for a moment that the battle was already finished but to Ninas and everyones surprise the Sutherlands Landspinner activated and the Knightmare shot forward towards the Knightmares approaching from the right. The sword quickly lashed out and cut the arms of the Glasgows off followed by the head with barely a sound made as the sword cleave the parts like they meant nothing. This caused the Eject-system to activate putting them out of the fight. Nina frowned a bit, that system still needed some improvement as the ejection took far too long to happen.

However, she kept watching with fascination as the Sutherland grabbed his own Assault Rifle that was also modified and quickly shot the Rifles in the Glasgows hands apart with the bullets clearly packing much more of a punch than the ones the Glasgows were using. Perhaps the guns too were modified by her prince, he truly is the most amazing genius.

"What are you fools doing? Use the Missile Launchers on him."

Nina watched as now the last two Glasgows also started moving. The Glasgows shot Missiles towards the Sutherland but, to her surprise, the Landspinners proved their worth as the Sutherland rushed over the arena towards the remaining two Glasgows approaching from the left as the Sutherland cut the missiles that approached like they meant nothing. While doing that he used his Assault Rifle to take down two more Glasgows that were further away before reaching the last two Tonfa-users which he slashed apart in the middle like the thick metal was no different than sheets of thin paper and causing the pilots to eject.

Shaking her head slightly she watched as the remaining three Glasgows ran out of Missiles and decided to attack with their Tonfas. Useless, the three should have given up with how clearly superior the Sutherland was. The result was predictable as the Sutherland quickly literally disarmed the Glasgows before slicing their legs off.

Nina looked at the Place where the Royal Family was seated and saw the Emperor stand up.

"The test is finished and the new weapon has proven its worth." The Emperor declared. "To commemorate a new addition to the Knights of Round and the new weapons that will bring out empire to glory I declare that the first Ultra Vibrating Sword shall be used by our new knight of Eight Olivia Zevon. Ciel Zi Britannia, approach!"

As the Emperor said that my prince got to the side of His Majesty.

"For your wonderful work in amplifying the strength of our nation and advancing our civilization one step further, I grant you the title of Earl and a plot of land fitting for the title as well as larger funds to continue on your researches for the betterment of the empire. Now, what is the family name you desire to use for it?" The emperor asked, everyone was flabbergasted by the Emperor. Granting one of the princes an additional nobility title was one thing but allowing him to chose his own family name is something shocking since normally the Emperor is the one to decide this sort of things.

Does this mean that my prince has an actual chance of becoming my emperor?

As I was thinking that I heard my prince's voice again, somehow it sounded even more majestic and alluring than before even as he kneeled to the emperor.

"I wish to have the name Phantomhive. My name from this day forward shall be Earl Ciel Phantomhive Zi Britannia and I shall do all I can to bring our great empire to even greater heights. All hail Britannia!"

And with that everyone proclaimed together.



Ciel's P.O.V.

This. Is. ~~Paradise~~~.

"Aaahm." I released the sound as I put one delicious bite-sized chocolate cupcake in my mouth. It was delicious and it slid down my throat like it was bringing happiness to the world.

This bliss, I simply love this.

After the test and me unexpectedly receiving the title of Earl and being renamed Ciel Phantomhive Zi Britania I was led to a separated room where someone was to meet me and explain the objectives I am to fulfill and the finer details of my obligations and other matters related to my new title.

Not that I care, the room had a table filled with enough sweets to make it look like a mountain and that is enough for me. I am eating like I am in the chocolate factory of Willy Wonka and have no intentions on stopping it.

While between two brownies I see a secret door opening and someone walking in, he looked about 10 or 11 years old and had long platinum blonde hair. I instantly recognized him as my uncle V.V., but that didn't mean I would stop my eating spree.

I spent more than 6 whole hours without sugar, I NEED to compensate for that.

"It seems like your appetite for sweets is still as extreme as ever, I see. You should watch out or you might end up fat or diabetic." V.V. said with a chuckle.

"Humph, as if. I just need to continue my research on nanomachines and I can inject them in my body to make me lose any excess fat, stop diabetes, and even get stronger when I am older. Or I might create a gene modification vaccine to do the same. Honestly, I can think of over 20 possible ways to stop any problems related to that from the top of my head." I said before shoving a cookie in my mouth. Hummm, chocolate mint cookies, delicious.

"Well, while I do agree that you seem capable of doing just that I believe what I have to talk with you is of higher importance right now." V.V. said as he sat on one of the sofas while pointing to another one in front of him.

Shrugging my shoulders I grabbed a last lollipop and put it on my mouth as I sat down in front of him.

Seeing my relaxed position V.V.'s eyes twitched. Him and uncle Charles are used to everyone fearing them immensly, I guess my actions seem rather strange and even offensive to them sometimes. As I straightened myself a little more V.V. nodded slightly before continuing.

"Very well, I am here to explain to you what it is that me and my brother want. As you very well know we have been obtaining large expanses of land for a while now and with it many Numbers, they might be conquered groups but they ultimately are from former enemy countries and with it becoming more and more likely that we will be entering a stalemate with the EU and Chinese Federation it is likely that the war advances will start to slow down on the near future. Thanks to your inventions with both a better power system for the Knightmares and the sword you made we can likely advance for longer but before long the speed of conquering will slow to a near halt.

"That is inevitable, but that comes with the rising problem of terrorism and movements of separation as well as extreme corruption that also damage the empire as a whole. We can likely press the other two powers for a while longer to make them not try and take advantage of that by aiding the terrorists or buying off the corrupt nobles but when the wars slow down they would likely begin this and we would be in danger of self-destructing. So, we will in the future need a strike force to eliminate terrorists as much as possible to ensure the peace of the land. Our objective in making you an earl is to give you the right to create your own power and city, me and my brother want you to create the strongest possible force to cleanse the empire of all internal threats and ensuring that nothing will disturb me or my brother while we continue some more important business.

"I know you are still young but your maturity and Intellect, while not around sweets, is impressive and I am secure that the terrorism won't be such a big problem for at least a few more years. We want you to make the best use of your time, work hard so as to become strong enough to be a threat to any terrorist organization in the empire and stopping anything from interrupting the empire's plans." V.V. ordered, and I had to fight so hard to stop myself from smiling maniacally from his speach. It is almost like he is asking me to kill him later on.

"So, I have free reign and near unlimited funds to create a powerful enough force to ensure the Empire's stability?" I asked, just to make sure.

"Yes, also me and Charles will ensure that none of the other nobles will be able to stop you until we need you to begin moving, but we demand some of the technology you produce at least to work as an excuse for the funds we deliver." V.V. said.

Man, is this my birthday gift from all my birthdays until I am 18? Seriously, it is like they read my mind on what I want exactly, which would be a terrifying thing since they would know I will kill them all before the whole Ragnarok Connection plan nonsense. Well, if they want me to do the very best then there are a few things I will need.

"I accept your request, but I would like to request a few conditions to add to it as well. Don't worry, they will all be within reason and I just want to ensure that my work can become the best possible." I said.

"Fine, I will indulge my cute nephew this once." V.V. said, he likely is just thinking of this as a game, which for him and Charles it likely is since all that matters for them is this stupid plan of them.

"First, I need a large enough budget and tax exemption on the selling of any products I might create for the general public since I want a large enough money amount and if there is too large a budget of the public directed to me it would possibly create friction. I don't need to have this sort of attention if you want me to do as you said." I proposed.

Never doubt the jealousy of mankind, and nobles are even worse. If they know that I have too large of a budget they would doubtlessly try and create troubles for me all the steps of the way and I would much rather make them all absolutely dependent of my tech then as my enemies.

"A fine idea, I see no problem with that as long as you know that if you need any budget increase you just need to request and it shall be transferred." V.V. said.

"Second, I want free reign on choosing for who will work in the city I intend on creating. I don't want to be saturated with incompetent noble sons who likely can't pilot or invent any better than a toddler but have a big name attached to them." I said.

"And what exactly you mean by 'free reign'?" V.V. asked.

"Simple, soldiers of other areas, civilians who have the potential, researchers of all places within the empire, criminals that have the necessary capacity, half-bloods that would otherwise be rejected for stupid reasons, and even numbers that prove capable enough in my eyes. I want to make this city and force not only and example of absolute force but also of the future of the empire by all sorts of people working together under one absolute ruler. Besides, even if they are from the lowest of the lowest class within the empire it doesn't mean they are inherently less talented and with the right training this might be a chance to bring the empire closer to be a unity instead of a divided place like we have right now that we barely can keep our areas in check.

"Besides, imagining the face of those cattle-like nobles that do nothing being rejected in where those 'weak' numbers are accepted is enough to put a smile on my face. I never really fully agreed with the ideas of purity anyway since talent is talent and giving high posts of any kind for the stupid is a ridiculous idea for me. Well, it is still true that it works but I want to try this as a social experiment if you wouldn't mind." I explained.

There are simply too many people out there who have the right capacity to do what I want and if I am to limit myself to only nobility I am sure to lose out on many places and areas.

Besides, I DO want to see the face of those nobles seeing a japanese or brazilian pilot beating them in a match.

"You should watch your words better, Earl Phantomhive. With any other person such words would get you in trouble. While Charles and I only use the Pureblood and Numbers system as Propaganda to make ruling easier we will need to punish you if you speak so frankly in public about our "official policies" of the Empire." V.V. said. "However, I can understand what you mean and I will accept your terms as long as you have a way to control said foreign elements within your grasp as until then you are not allowed to add any foreign elements to your city and force. Now, do you have any other requests?"

"Yes, and that is the most important one." I said. "I want to have Clovis' cook working for me for now on."

And just like that I did two things, first is that I cracked the serious face of V.V. as he started to laugh enough to need to hole is belly as well as managed my own personal promise.

I said I would get that cook.

I watched with a small smile on my face as Uncle V.V. left me alone.

Truthfully, I always found it a bit amusing that unlike Schneizel and Lelouch I simply never registered as a threat to my Uncles. After thinking about it I had concluded it was because unlike others I did not have anything personal against the two, it was just what I had to do to survive in the end.

In fact, I felt a small undercurrent of sadness at the fact that I would need to kill his two doting Uncles later on. That was probably why the two didn't feel in danger of him, they could analyze countless emotions directed at them from Love to Hate, Distrust and Glee. But the one emotions which they never encountered was pity and sadness. Nobody ever pitied them or felt sad about their possible demise. That was the one thing setting me apart from all the people who desired my Uncles death.

Which was why I would succeed where everyone else failed.


Charles P.o.V.

The Emperor of Britannia sighed a bit as he listened to his Brother talk to the other Directors of the Geass-order. He had enjoyed giving his Nephew his gift along with watching the Show in the arena.

Now he was forced to listen to useless status-updates which his Brother could have informed him off in private, but NO! Those power-mongers in the Order needed assurance that he took note of their work.

Looking them over he sighed in depression slightly.

The first aside from himself was of course V.V. his brother and Head of the Order. He was currently speaking about how the Order had recently recruited several new Scientists into their ranks which should speed up work. Occasionally glancing at Charles in hope of being praised.

The second was his sister Marie zi Britannia who contributing to his worry was starting to look more and more sickly now. She had spent the last two weeks in the Hospital and only came out today. Honestly, he wished she would have skipped the meeting to rest but she was stubborn like always.

The third in the group was his Wife Marianne vi Britannia who looked rather bored. She spent most of her time supporting him in court or taking care of her children nowadays. Charles felt a small amount of worry given that he felt his favouring of Ciel was making her a bit discontent.

The fourth person was Bismarck Waldstein the Knight of One. He was only included due to the fact that he was supposed to be the fail-safe who recovered Vincents Code should he ever be killed by a Geass-user before the Connection could be activated. The man had his eyes closed and merely listened to the others, never contributing.

The fifth person was the Scientist Arthur Watts. The mustach wearing man was in charge of the construction of the Sword of Akasha which took up most of his work.

The sixth person was a White-haired woman with golden eyes in a black dress. That woman was Salem Fall, the best Geass-Assasin available in the Order. Her Geass if Absolute Evil Indulcement made people affected by it have their dark emtions controled, it was possible to make someone crazy with lust or envious enough to kill their best friend as long as they were in her area of influence. She was the person which Charles was the most careful off in the Order as her powers were just too dificult to deal with.

The seventh person was Count Lucius Malfoy. He was the monetary supporter of the Order who laundered much of the money which was used to build the Equipment the Order used and build. The man was rather slimy but he knew money which made him useful enough to keep around.

The eight person was Doctor Hojo. A Japanese Scientist which they had recruited years ago and who was in charge of creating Artifical Geass-powers. If his earlier report was correct then the man was currently working on a Drug derived from a Geass that made the person affected relieve happy moments of their past. The man was apparently thinking off calling the final product Refrain.

Finally, the last person in the room was C.C. the second Code-Bearer of the Order and the one who granted Marianne her Geass. Currently, the woman looked rather uncomfortable while looking at his Brother. Charles idly wondered if the few rumors of disagreements and shouting-matches between them which his informants inside the Order reported were getting more serious. If that escalated he would need to step in personally.

"And this means that we will be making large strides in finishing the Sword once we have gotten access to more Thought-Elevators. Does anyone else have to report anything? No? Then the meeting is adjourned."

Charles looked slightly annoyed at his brother but nodded in agreement before standing up and leaving the room. He really hoped he could have some more Family-time with Ciel and Marie soon because he could seriously use a break.