Speaking to two magnatas and getting a bonus

After the more than enlightening talk, I had with my uncle and the encounters with the strange people that by all rights should not be here present I can only assume the worst.

The Collective Consciousness of Humanity is sadistic. That is the only explanation possible to me.

After my surprising encounter with the not-Sekirei Sekirei Matsu who, for some reason that I can´t hope to understand exists in this world I had inwardly panicked and started looking up countless people from various franchise per the ultimate tool I had available: Google. That tool seems to be universal regardless of what universe you might be.

The result had been fruitful and horrifying at once. Trying to remember if I had encountered others I had connected the stupid General Ogre with the corrupt Police-captain from the Akame ga Kill anime. (That basically confirmed everything I thought about the man, and also painted a very dark image to what I will be facing in the near future both internally and externally regarding the empire)

Other people had cropped up too thanks to them having the same last name or particularly famous:

Adelle Schnee, my etiquette teacher. was, in fact, the mother of three kids Weiss, Winter and Whitley Schnee along with having married a rich Merchant called Jaques Gele. Though a notable difference was that Adelle worked politics and Jaques the Company which kept them far away from each other so Adelle never went into depression or became a drunk, but the fact they are here at all opened a whole new can of possible problems to the future.

Other people had also made some impressive waves in this world: The White Fang existed but was made up of Numbers instead of Faunus. They were also led by Sienna Khan. They managed to stay afloat simply due to their habit of wearing Masks which protected their identities from the Emperor and that they still haven't started being too extremists on their requests for better rights, but it was probably only a matter of time until they turned full-on rebellious and terrorist in their blind rage.

Another person which I found was actually a now two-hundred years long dead ancestor of his called Link who married his half-sister, Princess Zelda. I got a good chuckle from that. Link had become famous for defeating a Warlord called Ganondorf along with a "Sorcerer" called Vaati which he suspected might have been a Code-bearer.

But that was where my good mood ended. I managed to find scores more minor and major people all over the world, including a certain Toad-Sage who had recently published the newest Icha Icha down in Japan.

Pirate Captain Kuro had just a few months ago been executed by Olivia Zevon after terrorizing the North American west coast for five years. It had been that deed which had her promoted to a Knight of Round, mostly because battles on the Ocean always were more dangerous than Land-battles. Most Knightmare-frames simply were too clunky for that work and her managing to eliminate the Target just in a small ship and a Glasgow when he had a specially created Marine-based Knightmare was impressive.

The last noteworthy issue which he read about was something which actually worried him deeply. In Japan, a renowned bio-scientist specialized in genetic manipulation disappeared, and his name is Orochimaru. A man like that falling off the grid terrified me, I still distinctly remembered the man's deeds in the Naruto franchise and I would be willing to bet that the Geass-Directorate had a new member now as he would fill the bill quite nicely, or badly depending on how you saw things.

Overall, things were moving too far out of my comfort zone and I again felt like cursing the Collective. Well, that was bad and all, but, for me, there is at least one light at the end of the tunnel.

"I can begin making the city." I said to myself. Of course, I understand that I still can't quite start right now as I am still far too young and my money is currently lacking, but the first one isn't that big of a deal if you have enough money anyway.

Money, that is the most important thing and I have some good ideas on how to make the most money. I will create a financial empire inside the empire itself to fund my company, I could barely contain my smile as I continued fixing my experiments and testings of a few more chemicals, these things I am making now are exactly what will make my name known in the minds of everyone.


1 Month Later

"Now please start the Test".

I barely prevented from sighing in boredom as my teacher Adelle Schnee took a seat at the Desk in the room we were currently in.

Looking down on the test I sighed before starting to work on it. Most of the test was based on Etiquette and Cultural life of Britannia with some History mixed in.

Thinking about what I knew about canon I admit that some of the things which I had learned made now quite a bit of sense.

The fact that Charles had multiple Wives and countless children was well known to any Code Geass fan. But why that was, had been interesting to know about.

Apparently back when the Royal Family immigrated to America and build the Britannian Empire one of the Emperors had decided that the more Heirs he had the more secure would be his Rule. With one woman not being capable of having dozens of children without destroying her body he simply had decided to make Polygamy legal.

That of course resulted in much anger among the Christian Religion. So the Emperor had sharply removed any power which religion could have in Britannia. Combined with strong Propaganda to make Britannians feel superior above others and it had led to a slow decline of Believers all over the Empire. Nowadays roughly 80% of Britannia consisted of either Atheists or people who worshipped the Deceased Emperors much like the Egyptians did to the Pharaohs once.

Other Countries of course also copied the Polygamy-laws. Asia and the Middle East were happy with implementing those laws as the rights of women were always rather shaky in those parts anyway, not to mention some countries had those laws beforehand.

The result was that Monogamy even lost some influence in European United with the Nobles there implementing the same. (For Nobles only of course)

Anyway, nowadays while many people in Britannia were monogamous just as many were not and nobody batted an eye when a man or even woman had multiple spouses.

The Royal Family was the best example. Not only had Charles over a hundred wives but Lelouch's older brothers Odysseus and Schneizel were also married to several women. (Odysseus having four wives and Schneizel seven. Damn did that surprise me when I found that out.)

At this point, many Noble women worldwide had simply grown used to sharing their husbands with others because marriage was a good way to elevate the family up the social-ladder and of course commoners were almost always happy about it since marrying nobility or royalty meant a secure life with the only thing demanded being manners and to have some children. Marianne had actually been unpopular not just because of her status as a commoner but due to her status as Female Soldier before Marriage. It was only after her marriage to Charles that the idea of female knights started getting popular with the first few of this new generation being Olivia Zevon and Nonette Enneagram.

On the matter of Religion, that had drawn a very bad card in this world he had noticed. The Asian Religions were rather strong but firmly restricted to their countries, Christianity was almost non-existent outside of Europe and the Muslims had been heavily stamped on by Britannia with the Religion being forbidden in every conquered Area. Only the Jewish religion was actually somewhat accepted by Britannia because they simply kept to themselves. Of course, minor Cults and Religions existed but the moment where they started acting negatively the Propaganda of Britannia quickly went to work.

With a sigh, I finished the Test and waited for Adelle Schnee to come and take it.

She approached and looked it over before opening her mouth.

"It is very well done, mister Phatomhive, continue your exemplary work." She said before turning to the others in the room. "And when is it that both of you intend to finish your assignments? They were not that complex, to begin with." She said, making me compare Adelle as more of a drill-instructor than I thought before.

The two in question were desperately trying their very best to do what was required of them, but it was clear that it isn't nearly as easy for them. The first one was, unsurprisingly Slaine that now was a constant visitor to my place just as much as Nina who was sitting by his side. The two were fairly capable in most areas but neither is any good in history as it doesn't involve science nor physical training.

One interesting thing I noticed was how both of them seemed to have a rivalry between them, it would even be cute if I didn't know that one of them had the potential of creating a portable and radiation-free atomic bomb and the other was shaping up to be on the same level or higher than the current Knights of the round. It was something I would have to deal with eventually if it got out of hand, but as both tried to one-up each other with giving me better and better sweets I think a permanent solution can wait.

I was cut out of my musings when one of my newest maids, a girl by the name of Kirumi Tojo, a half-blood Japanese orphan who had caught my eye during my most recent trip to where 'my land' (a nice place in California) is entered the room. To be honest the territory is just a small city without anything distinctive but it was nice to be there regardless. While there I decided to go for a walk and while going pass a small run-down orphanage that existed there I saw her. Surprisingly the one that was supposed to manage it did not bother about taking care of anyone and left all the duty to two of the 'older' girls there. One was Kirumi Tojo and the other is named Maki Harukawa, Kurumi's cousin. The two lived well in Japan until not long ago when Japan had a confrontation with the Chinese Federation which had the Japanese mother of Kirumi and the whole family of Maki killed. Kirumi's father was a minor knight of Britania and managed to have the two sent here to Britannia but he too died not long after during the ongoing conquest of New Zealand. In the end, they were left in one of the orphanages that happened to be in the city under my control.

The two were highly interesting, one had quite a notably bright orange while the other also shined but much more quietly, however it was simply undeniable that neither had the talent to pilot Knightmares. However, that was not that significant as I felt in my guts that they would be good additions regardless and I was correct. I guess I am getting good at spotting talented individuals.

Maki has begun training physically and has shown great promise in physical combat, but her biggest advantage is how she seems remarkably able to hide and be quiet. I guess she might become a decent assassin, later on, let's wait and see.

Kirumi, on the other hand, is a 'perfect maid' in training. Her obstinacy fulfilling anything requested of her even when she is tired or sleep deprived is enough to make me wonder if she even counts as a human. But the most valued aspect of her to me is how relentlessly loyal she is. I will likely need her talents later on in life as I would not trust my food or anything of the sort related to me to anyone that could easily be bribed with some money.

"Young master, your guests have arrived." Kirumi said, completely ignoring the hateful glances she got from Slaine and Nina. I guess both might not like how a non-Britannian is serving me, or just generally dislike the fact that another kid of around our age gets to spend so much time and is so trusted by me. The both are developing a bit of a dependency streek towards me, which is unsurprising since both have strong Orange color around them with Nina being absurdly bright and Slaine not being anything to scoff at either.

"Okay, just a second Kiru and I will be there." I said, I had decided to give her a nickname as she didn't really care either way. I then turned to the other two and said. "I will be going there real quick, after that what you two say of going to the ice cream shop in the capital with Marrybell and Matsu? Of course, the bill is on me." I said and the two kids cheered loudly and smiled broadly.

"Only if you two do well on your tests can you leave, otherwise it is extended lessons for you both." Adelle said, making the cheering stop instantly. She was obviously able to reign these kids in when she wanted to, perks of being a mother I suppose; "Now, as for you my prince." She said, her face turning from stern to a more amicable smile. "Would you mind extending your invitation to my children as well? My little Weiss and Winter both wanted to meet you for a while now and this would be an interesting chance to do it."

Well, while it is a bit obvious that she is trying to push me into being at least friends with her kids it is by no means a bad idea. The finances of the Schnee Conglomerate are considerable and they are a favorite group for being targeted by terrorism, they would likely support my future ventures quite extensively in hopes of ridding themselves of the thorn on their side that the White Fang will become for them. Also, I wanted to try and meet the two anyway.

If they truly are like the ones from the anime I know off then it would be for the better if I were to get them on my side as their talents would be wasted otherwise. Besides, the two were quite beautiful in RWBY in my opinion and if their mother is anything to go by then they probably truly are.

What? I might not have hormones yet to speak of but I can still think of things as cute and pretty if I want to. I hopefully would be better than uncle Charles who married 108 times or Schneizel who already has 6 wives and fools around with most of his maids and likely with his right-hand-man as well, if Earl Kanon is really a male that is.

Anyway, I followed Kirumi out and before long I was in front of the doors leading to the people I would be meeting today. Not wasting any time I pushed the doors open and inside there were three people, one was a man with pale golden hair and an air of arrogance that could likely match even Schneizel if in comparison, by his side is his wife and his heir as far as I know, but considering how his family works he might be replaced by one of his brothers if he were to suffer an 'accident'.

"I thank you for finding time in your busy schedule to meet with me, president Togami." I said to the bigger man, the head of the Togami Conglomerate, one of the biggest and richest conglomerates in the world. "And these must be your heir and your beautiful wife that I heard so much about. I originally doubted but now I know that the rumors of your beauty are justified, Miss Togami." I said, giving my pleasantries to them.

It was nothing too much flattering or ass-licking but enough to show that I am not here as an enemy.

"Don't worry about my schedule, for a prince it was well worth it to find the time. Especially considering what you sent me as a gift." He said with a small smile. "I honestly never saw something like these two items you sent me, the perfume is great in that for every person it smells different but always the best smell the person has felt in some of the bottles and others bringing forth some more specific reactions of others but the skin-care is something I simply can't believe with how great it really is. To think it can remove all signs of age of the skin of anyone, just the thought of it is ludicrous until not long ago but here we are. You truly are a genius of the century."

HUMPH, IDIOT as if these toys are anything great. They are merely sub-products of my experiments from when I am actually creating something great, to think that only this is enough to make him happy and all-smiles.

I bet that if he were to know what the end results were he would not simply call me a genius and instead call me a monster. Oh well, it is not like I would care much either way as both do have a nice sound to them.

"Then, I suppose you can see what this little toy of mine can do to the current Beauty industry, one that your company has invested heavily on the last few years mind you." I said, and the previously bright smile of his turned much more disgruntled. I guess he must have hoped I would not see what it means and give me a proposition to sell the formula to him by much less than it is actually worth it.

His wife then decided to step in.

"I wonder, do you have any plans for it? I mean, just having created it is one thing but distribution, production, and selling are a separate matter entirely. If you want we of the Togami Conglomerate could take care of this for you and give you a percentage of the total value, I suppose 10% should be plenty enough for you to play with." She said, making me wonder if she was simply stupid or if her brains went to her ridiculously big breasts.

"Now you jest, madam Togami. If I were to accept that I would be the most foolish idiot there is in this world, and as your husband said I am not dumb but instead a genius. You might not know it but the production cost of these chemicals is dirt cheap as long as you have the right equipment, equipment that I already have created and is not that expensive to create in large scale. As for the price, no matter what the price would be it would ruin all other skin-care products and the perfume would dominate the industry almost as much when sold. Honestly speaking it would be a product that no amount of production would be enough and it would create a monopoly like none other, a true multi-billion dollar industry on whoever works for me on this."

And to be fair, that is by my lowest estimates. What is the need for different brands of perfume if yours is always the best? What is the need for dozens of beauty products if you can look like you were at your prime? Anyone would want that, the nobility, in particular, would simply never stop consuming it and all that cash would go to whoever is manufacturing it.

"Now here is my proposal, I want you to produce it in your factories. I will give you the recipe and the blueprints for the machine that can make them in exchange for 60% of all profit obtained for the next ten years by it and 30% from that point forward." I said, making both Mr. and Mrs. Togami snort dismissively.

"And why not ask for all if you want so much? You clearly are asking too much by any logic." Mr. Togami said.

"Perhaps I am, but if you don't want to do business with me like this then I can simply offer it to the next company, and the next, and the next, until someone accepts my propositions and all those who denied my proposal will receive damage in those businesses as there is simply no way for their sub-par product line to match mine, especially since I still can invent and create more such things in the future and if no one accepts I can simply request a loan to my uncle to pay it for me. You heard of him, right? The Emperor of Britannia." I said with a smirk, if looks could kill I am certain the Togami family would have long since killed me by now.

To be fairly honest the only reason I chose them is that their base is in Japan, if they accept I can use this as an excuse to go there and scout some of the people there to join my side later on or at least get a feel of how things are going there. However, if they don't accept there is still no big issue since I can always get some excuse to go there any way by other means.

"... Would it be possible for you to give us the time to discuss this before we continue this conversation? That is not a small matter and doing it in a hurry would not abide well for us." He said.

"Sure." I said, making him sigh in relief. "I will be going to meet the Towa Industries representative now anyway so there is plenty of time for you to think until my talks with him are complete."

Standing up in shock and fury Mr. Togami yelled.

"You also invited that damn idiot here at the same time? Are you so desperate to force us into consigning to your request?"

I inclined my head to the side and evenly said.

"Not at all, why do you think I would be desperate to force you into doing anything? I am giving you an opportunity to follow me, if you take it I will make you prosper and if you deny I will ruin you, it is quite straightforward and if you fail to see that then I don't really need you anymore." I then turned to Kirumi and continued. "Please accompany Mr. Togami and his family on the way out. I believe I have had enough wasting my time that could be better used inventing better machines to produce clothing so that I can sell higher quality for smaller prices in large numbers costing next to nothing." It is simply a fact that there are some things that there is never enough out there, clothing is one that is almost always in high necessity and highly lucrative as a business.

What I need is money, as much as possible of it and if I can take over the clothing and Beauty industries as my own I would likely have enough to make ends do with the start of my city. The fact that 20% of Togami Conglomerate's business is related to Beauty industry and 25% is to the Cloth industry just makes it more interesting to see the face of Mr. Togami as it goes from pale to green all the way back to normal as he sat back dejectedly.

"We accept it. Where do I have to sign this?" He said. I resisted my desire to smile too much as it would only sour his mood further if I were to do that, not that I would mind but if he were to start being an annoyance to me then I would have to try and deal with him appropriately, any of his sons in the lead of his company would do after all.

You gotta hand it to the Togami family, they just keep producing so many replacements for themselves that finding a more appropriate one if needed wouldn't even be hard if I were to need it.

Later that day I was sitting in one of the many chairs in the carriage going back from the ice cream shop. In the end, I had a pretty good day as I got good grades from my teacher, made one of the most influential men in the economic world bow to my demands in mere minutes, and got to the ice cream shop to eat freely. It is a shame that Winter and Weiss couldn't come since both were busy with tutoring classes, Adelle had been extremely annoyed with her husband.

But the highlights of today are definitely my talks with the Towa Industrie. While I did write the agreement with the Togami Conglomerate I never said I intended to speak only of those products with the Towa group anyway. In this case, my reason to talk with the Towa group was much less 'nice' than the one with the Togami family.

Thinking back on it now made me release a chuckle, it is funny how easy it is possible to get what you want if you know what to look for.

_Not long after the talk with the Togami family_

Entering the room where the Towa family was present I noticed something distinctive. In here there were also three people, Tokuichi Towa being the father and an old idiot in all regards excluding his business mind, his eldest son Haiji Towa with a head of bad hair and honestly the makings of an egomaniac idiot if my research is anything to go by as I am sure it is as I did some deep investigations on them, and finally the third person was the daughter of Mr. Towa, Monaca Towa.

She has short green hair tied with a red ribbon and matching eyes in green color like a dirty pool. She wears a knee-length black dress with a decal of a pelvis and spine on it's back, which is quite strange but if this is what she likes I can't say much of it. Looking at her trying to smile sweetly while I can grasp slight tremors from her I can bet that what I heard is true and that she had some of the 'education' she likely received before coming here.

Really, to treat his own daughter like this only because she was not pure Japanese instead of a half-Britannian, bastards and idiots exist everywhere I suppose.

As I entered the room both Tokuichi and Haiji stood up to introduce themselves, but I quickly stopped them both.

"There is no need for introductions. I am here because I have important matters to speak with you three and considering the fact that you all were visiting Britannia it was only opportune to make our matters certain." I said.

Of course this was a lie, I talked with uncle V.V. about making some troubles to the Towa Industry's branch within Pendragon and afterward, it was easy to make them come to fix it just at the right time, even if the timing is such that I wonder if uncle went well and beyond to facilitate my plans further.

"I see." Tokuichi said, his smile faltering slightly as he reclined again in his chair. "And what is it of so much importance that you must talk to me about it today?"

"Simple, that I am your final hope to live in getting out of this city and that your next words will define if your company will be ruined or not." I explained, this time both Haiji and Tokuichi shot straight up in shock. They were about to ask me why, I am quite sure, but I am in no mood to talk to these two trash men more than needed. "I had some of the spies of my family investigate more deeply about the ones sending 'aid' to the 'revolutionary army' within area 6 and to the various Terrorist Groups in the Areas. Normally we would not care much about it, as we would simply crush our enemies regardless, but when our spies told us of the sheer number of ammunition and weaponry this helper is giving our enemies and how they had the gall to send it under the pretext of 'humanitarian aid', well I can only say that it was a bit too arrogant of a single company like yours, don't you think so banker for our enemies Tokuichi Towa?"

This time he didn't react, what I said was all true and he knows what he must do next even if he doesn't want to as not only can he be killed here but his company would be destroyed. I smirked inwardly, of course, Tokuichi was nothing more than a puppet of the six Houses of Kyoto who constantly backed the various enemies of the three "empires" in the hope it would prevent an invasion of Japan but the man would never be stupid enough to sell them out. If he did he'd be waiting to find his company confiscated and his family house burned to the ground while being considered a sinner to his nation.

"What do you want?" He said. In the end, if I simply wanted him dead he would have long since died and he knows it, I didn't even need to talk to him if I wanted to use his actions, sanctioned by the government or not as an excuse to kill him and destroy everything related to his company. No, he knows that if I am talking with him here I must be wanting something.

"Simple really, I want two of your factories here on Britannian soil, the ones in these locations would do," I said, passing him a slip of paper with some information on them. ", the complete stop of the supplies towards the smaller Terrorist Groups, lessening of the supplies towards the Rebell Army in area 6," No point in stopping them completely now, their armament would remain outdated this way and they would not try to use more extreme methods to obtain what they want for their stupid rebellion. "and finally I want your daughter." I explained, making every one of the Towa family to look at me in shock.

"Y-You want to marry her? Why, she is just a crippled thing so why bother with her?" This time it was Haiji who opened his mouth, not like I gave him the benefit of knowing his words reached my ears.

I simply waited for the answer of the Towa patriarch. After about four minutes of a staring contest, he finally consented, his mental vigor was definitely higher than Mr. Togami.

"I understand, just tell me your reasons for it?"

"Those don't concern you, I just need to know if you accept my demands or if you would rather perish together with your legacy." I said impassively.

"*SIGH* I don't really have a choice now, do I?"

"No, no you don't. You lost all choice the moment you decided to come here to Britannia, it is as simple as that." I said.

"Fine, you win. But any kids you might create with that aberration over there will have no stake on the Towa Industry's line of succession." He said, earning a scoff from me.

"First, I am not getting Miss Monaca for such matters as what I value is not her blood relations to you or your family but what I value is what I learned of her. Compared to it your family's power means less than trash to me, it is just how highly I think of her and how weak I see you for what you are. I am sure that in time she will be one of my greatest assets and someone like her would be wasted on your weak self, and remember that if I were to hear half a word that you went back on your words of our agreement I will personally raze your company later on." I said, this time it was he that scoffed at me before leaving without saying another word.

I wonder how long until the effect of the drug wears off? The room was pumped full of the true result of my experiments that created the perfume the Togami family will be selling, the true chemical I created is much more powerful than what anyone else seems to realize it.

It is a pack of different odors that can influence the mind of others, but while the perfumes he is selling can make one smell something they appreciate the ones I use are more, let's say that they are less gentle. For instance, if I were to use "Calm" on someone they would remain calm even if they were having their family slaughtered, "Envy" would make one envious enough of someone getting stabbed that they would want the blade in their own guts instead, so on and so forth. I am still trying to find the perfect amount of mixtures of emotions for something more specific like agreeability, but I at least managed to make everyone a bit calmer and more open to negotiations.

The best part of this chemical is that after a while it completely dissipates in the organism so there is no way for anyone to say I did anything, if anyone questions me later on how I got this agreement or the one with the Togami family I will credit it to luck and persuasion.

Seeing their family leave Monaca didn't show much on the way of sadness, instead, she was looking at me with interest.

"...So, you want Monaca for her talents? I never heard anyone talking of taking me in for that." She said innocently.

"Then they are idiots, simple as that." I said. "After I got my hands on detailed confirmation of your family's actions I was about to act when I took notice of how some of the Knightmares being sent to our enemies were of surprisingly high quality even if not being a match for Britannian ones. I investigated and saw that surprisingly YOU were the one that managed to make those barely working machines into something worth noting.

"When I found out about that I prepared even more intel on you, the more I saw the more certain I am that you alone are worth much more than that company ever could be. I want your mind working for me, Monaca Towa. I assure you that under my rule you will not only live a much more fulfilling life but also be able to show the world that you are one to be feared by all, even if I doubt you would not be able to do so regardless. After all, someone cunning enough to pretend being crippled at the tender age of 5 just to escape punishment for 'being alive' and harness pity of fools makes one wonder how powerful of a figure you will be in the future."

Hearing my words her previous look became one of interest and I am finding it funny as she crossed one of her legs over the other with no problem.

"Funny, if you know I can cause devastation without you why do you think I will work for you?" She said.

"Simple, because being by my side is more interesting and at least you will have someone to talk with who will never treat you as a disabled or a pity target, I will simply treat you as you. Also, I will give you enough funds and targets to play with later on as well, after all this world will never run out of terrorists, and their deaths don't really have to be fair." I explained, this time she exploded in laughter.

"Good, GOOD. Yeah, you will do nicely. I want to be entertained, and you will do nicely. Now, what next?"

"Now? Now we go to the ice cream shop. I am starving for some sweets." I said, this time I noticed her sweat dripping down her foreheard hearing my words.

And so, my revenue of scientists got a new addition, it is cause for commemoration. More ice cream for me!


Finishing remembering it I could not help but chuckle, things succeeded simply too well and now I have all the pieces needed to start my bigger projects.

All I need now is time, with enough time I can ensure that I will be able to deal with everything I need to deal with. I likely have at least four and at most seven years to finish the basis for my projects, I don't have time to lose and will need all I can have to get what I want. At least I know that uncle V.V. will give me a geass when I become eight years old, it is the youngest age that is safe for someone to obtain one and the age that would allow for the better development and control over it later on.

"Well, at least I will have a lot to do these next few years."


Bismarck Waldstein P.o.V.

Bismarck looked on with a sense of boredom as the current Generation of the Knights of Round entered their meeting room. Most of the current Generation were people which were at best five years in service.

The Conquests of Area 6 (South America), Area 7 (Hawaii), Area 8 (the Falkland Islands) and Area 9 (New Zealand) in the last decade had wreaked havoc on the Knights of Round. The losses were so bad that a new Knight was announced almost every three months.

Only Bismarck and two others of the Thirteen Knights had been in service for longer than ten years. Looking them over he inwardly sighed.

The Knight of Two: Michele Manfredi. Bismarck was honestly very disappointed of the man who could not compare at all to his predecessor Marianne the Flash.

The Knight of Three: Gaurry Ubiquitous. The man was honestly just a bit above average but his loyalty was firm and steady which Bismarck liked. The man was currently spending a few days with his daughter Seryu before leaving again to combat Terrorists in Area 6 together with the Knight of Seven.

The Knight of Four: Hazel Rainart. A rather stoic man with a grudge toward Ozpin the Headmaster of the Imperial Academy. Apparently, his sister died on the Battlefield due to the sub-standard education there.

The Knight of Five: Green. A glasses wearing young man.

The Knight of Six: Natala. A young silverhaired Teen.

The Knight of Seven: Najasho. Another pale-haired young man mostly called Chief by the others.

The Knight of Eight: The newly sworn in Olivia Zevon.

The Knight of Nine: Nonette Enneagram. A young woman who was good friends with Princess Cornelia.

The Knight of Ten: Guy. A perverted annoying young man who was wearing a strange outfit which hid partly his face.

The Knight of Eleven: Wall. A glasses wearing bald man.

The Knight of Twelve: Zanku. A deranged sociopath who at one point served as Executioner but now was more useful on the Battlefield.

And finally the Knight of Thirteen: Barbaros. A savage man sent on the Battlefield when the Emperor wanted to "make a point".

Honestly, Bismarck almost wanted to cry. Most of these people only barely had the skill needed to be a Round and many had emotional problems making them a potential liability or were just far to inexperienced due to their age.

When the Conquest for Area 10 (Indochina) started he really expected more than a few of them to die.

How sad that the two Savages Zanku and Barbaros had the best chances to survive simply due to their years of experience. Bismarck really hoped that the eventual replacements would be a better batch.