Showing off

Ciels P.O.V.

I am right now in front of my desk. I have a pile of information about the Six Houses of Kyoto and a psychological profile of what to expect from the people I will be meeting today.

Originally I wanted to meet only the Sarutobi and Sumeragi family heads but the Senju family head decided he wanted in as well. Honestly, I am not sure what to do when I meet them as their personalities will not be easy to deal with.

Sarutobi Hiruzen was an old man that was capable of keeping secrets well but his 'weakness' towards children for being gentler towards them makes me somewhat expectant in meeting him. Amongst those I will meet he is likely the one I can least expect violence from.

Sumeragi Oonoki was a hard-headed old man who many wonder how old he really is. No one knows how old that guy is exactly but he is likely one of the most stubborn ones in the Six Heads. He is, however, capable of being cunning and is experienced enough to know when to advance and force his way and when to fold, someone who is able to survive regardless of what happened.

But it is the last one that is giving me a headache. Senju Tobirama is the younger brother of Senju Hashirama who was a rival to Uchiha Madara and who died being murdered by the Mercenary Kakuzu. It was long suspected that it was Madara who hired Kakuzu but the lack of evidence prevented him from being prosecuted, though if I ever got the chance I would try to capture the old Mercenary and make him confess. Anyway Tobirama is someone who would not hesitate to sacrifice anything for Japan and the betterment of its people. Unlike Madara and Danzo he cares more about keeping the people safe and continuing the Japanese spirit than the nation itself but he still is a cunning and capable General being considered by most as the best fighter of Japan after Madara.

Sighing I massaged my temples, this meeting took months to happen and I bet that it was in part to annoy me and in part to find information about me personally. It is not going as I wanted as the meeting took much longer to happen than I wanted to and I still have no intel on Lelouch's conditions. I want to meet him but the longer it takes the harder it will be to actually get through that hard skull of his.

God was he hard to listen when he didn't want to.

"Young master, it is time for the meeting." Kirumi said as she entered the room. I nodded and stood up, this would be quite an intense meeting. I can only hope everything goes alright.


Entering the room I looked at the three man at the other side of the table. They all looked mildly annoyed as they had to come to this place in secret but considering we were on a ship in international waters near the coast of Japan they couldn't complain much.

It was a big risk, they only agreed to this because they want to know exactly what I intend on telling them and wanting to ignore my request would not be seen as that smart of an idea since I am quickly approaching influence enough to join the top 10 most influential people inside Britannia thanks in no small part to the political influence Pariston is developing, the weapons I produced, the new tech to improve the life of the citizens, and the Emperor's favor to the point of giving me two of his daughters. I wasn't someone they could easily ignore, and considering I was only eight bordering nine years old and already had all that I wouldn't doubt they think I am already on the race for the position of next emperor.

I was unsure if I wanted the post. On one hand, I knew that I was smart and influential enough to have a pretty good shot on obtaining the post and be successful in my rule as it would be quite different than the shit it is right now, I also wanted to complete the Empires conquest of the World as I firmly believed that if given enough time a fully unified world would be far more peaceful then a World divided by petty squabbling over land and influence. A balanced world controled by one suppreme leader and strict but fair laws seems much better than what we have now.

The main-problem though was that aside from me not really wnting to have all this work there weren´t many other candidates in the running that I could even consider.

Most Princes and Princesses were incompetent and arrogant, I would not trust them to control anything of any importance. Those who weren't as bad in comparison had some rather glaring problems.

-Odysseus as Crown-prince was promising as Puppet-ruler through me if I could eliminate Schneizel beforehand. The man was a very pleasant and gentle person who would allow me to defend the Empire how I wished and I think we could make good allies, but he is far too weak minded and would likely not be manipulated by me alone but also anyone who knew how to talk. He is feeble-minded, and likely a pedophile as in CANON he accepted marrying a girl that was 13 when he was 34, it is disgusting.

- Schneizel? Hell no! He'd burn the world in war just for the heck of it.

- Guinevere? She was as arrogant as she was stupid. While she was good at Politics she would quickly run the Empire into the ground with excessive expenses on fancy parties and absurd dresses that no sane person would ever even consider using.

- Clovis? Potential was there, he was after Guinevere the most suited for Politics and if I could make him a better person then it might be worth a try and I, of course, knew that he desired the position of Emperor. The only question was if he would be able to not screw everything up.

- Cornelia? No chance. She was not only a Racist and arrogant like hell but she also had no interest in Politics at all. She probably would turn the Empire into a fullblown Military Dictatorship and turn half the Empire into a sea of corpses in her constant need to put down rebellions. She is not a bad person and military leader, but she'd be the ruin of this nation.

- Euphemia? The potential was again there just like with Clovis but she was painfully naive and she had absolutely NO support at all due to Cornelia keeping a tight leash on her. Even with me supporting her claim she would be very unlikely to be respected by the nobles and the fact she is a woman would mean she has to marry someone and that someone would be the Emperor, I can't help but shiver with the thought of Emperor Suzaku Kururugi. I would rebel just to make this nightmare end, and screw sacrifices I would not waver on my holly call.

- Nunnally and Marrybell were out of the running given that I would marry them and therefore them ascending would automatically make me Emperor by default.

- Lelouch? Same as Schneizel, no chance in hell. He only knows how to fight but his ability to rule is a pure dictatorship that would be either mind slaves to his Geass or masses controlled by the media to be docile.

- Castor and Pollux? They were already on my Kill-list for when I went after the Directorate.

- Laila and Carine were pretty blank but I could see neither of them in the Emperor position given that they were followers. They'd make possible allies on whoever is put on the throne but they aren't able to make that big of a difference.

Overall, my choices were Odysseus, Euphemia, Clovis or taking the Throne myself. I still needed to think about my options about what I wanted to do and which was less awful.

Anyway as I sat there I looked at the three men in silence as Kirumi finished serving us tea.

Hiruzen took it with a smile and thanked Kirumi for it, but the other two didn't. Oonoki simply smirked seeing the cup and did nothing to it while Tobirama directly pushed the cup away.

Seeing this I raised an eyebrow.

"I am sorry, I thought as Japanese you would like the tea I set for this meeting." I said.

"Yes, it is very delicious." Hiruzen said.

"I already saw friends being poisoned by tea under much less troublesome situations, I wouldn't risk it now." Oonoki said.

"As if I would want something like this." Tobirama grumbled.

Well, listening to the three of them I can see that it was somewhat as I expected. They are mostly similar to how they were in the anime, Hiruzen is gentle but definetly cunning as while he was drinking the actual amount he put in his mouth at first was minimum and not swallowed only after a while to see if he felt anything did he continue drinking, Oonoki is experienced and doesn't like taking unnecessary risks but isn't outright rude or show his displeasure but does enjoy looking down a bit on the inexperienced, meanwhile Tobirama is hard headed and paranoid.

If anything this poses a complex situation for me, my objective here is not one that will be easy and can easily escalate but it is the best option for me considering everything.

"Let's not bother with useless pleasantries, I wish to know why exactly you asked for this meeting. According to the official stance of the government of Britannia we are neutral so why go out of your way to have a secret talk with us?" Tobirama said pointedly. I noticed that neither Oonoki nor Hiruzen were against his words all that much so I guess I might as well just tell them.

"Fine, it is simple really. I am here for two reasons, first is that I wish to know the guarding procedure that my cousin has." I said.

"Humph, so it wasn't that unfounded the theory of the brat." Oonoki said while stroking his long pointer beard.

"Hoh, and which brat and what theory would you mean? If it regards me personally I should be allowed to know." I said with a slight smile.

"Humph, if you wish to know your cousin, Lelouch, has started spreading word about you to us. He said that your city is an amoral place that commits human experiments," Not inaccurate, I suppose. "has more military might than anyone realizes," okay, that doesn't even count as a secret. Anyone with two brain cells should be able to tell that one. "and that you are likely wanting to eliminate him to take over the Vi Britannia's influence by marrying lady Nunnally and eliminating anyone else that could contest the claim."

"Okay, that is ridiculous." I said, a tick mark on my forehead at that one. "Seriously, I understand my cousin can be a self-centered prick when he wants to, and reaching his own 'genius' conclusions with the evidence at hand and refuse to listen, but this one is just plain wrong." I blurted out. Before I could continue ranting a piece of chocolate with nuts was shoved in my mouth and it helped calm me down a bit. "Thanks, Kirumi. I needed that." I said to the maid who bowed slightly as she took out a piece of fabric to clean the table as in my outburst I ended up leaving some drops of the tea fall in it. "The first point of Lelouch is correct though we use only spies, High-level Criminals like Rapists and Serial-killers and of course Volunteers. The second point is wellknown to everyone in the entire Empire and most likely the entire world. Finally the third point is not only completely wrong given that I have no interest in going after Lelouchs life but also the assets of House vi Britannia were already seized by the Emperor himself and aside from a quarter which Nunnally got the rest went to the Royal Treasury or in case of Land will slowly be awarded to other Nobles so I certainly received nothing from it. Even the Ganymede who is in my City is merely loaned to me by the Ashfords in exchange for Milly not needing to pay Tuition at my Schools.

The room was silent for a while before Tobirama said.

"... And what of the second reason for this meeting?"

"I need you to stop provoking Britannia." I said and before they could act dumb I continued. "We know that some of the members of the Six Houses of Kyoto, the true leaders of the nation, together with the Towa Conglomerate have been giving financial and technical support to some of the terrorist and dissident groups within the Empire, not to mention the assassination of the Princes Zanac and Barbro. We ignore it because of the war fronts we already have going on and because of the Sakuradite you sell at an affordable price, but if this continues much longer the Emperor will likely lose the patience he has and send an attack to your nation regardless of everything else. Also, I noticed that the prices of Sakuradite that you control have started raising, you should stop that or war might truly be unavoidable." I explained. Of course, the war will happen regardless but if they listen to me I might be able to make the war happen years from now instead of months.

"Humph, we have one of your princes, there is no way you would attack suddenly." Oonoki said.

"Yes, we wouldn't unless sufficiently provoked. For the Emperor any of the princes are expendable, he would hesitate but it wouldn't stop him from following through if needed. But, I don't wish for that. I rather like your nation, the culture fascinates me, the anime you produce is a work of art as far as I am concerned with any possible death of a mangaka being a crime against humanity, and there are plenty of talented individuals in your nation that I wish could come and join my city. Besides, if a war does break out my cousin would be in danger and even if he doesn't believe it I do want him to be safe." I said.

The three kept staring at me, but the first one to talk this time was Hiruzen.

"Even if you say so, it is not like we are doing what you say we are. We are not sending assassins to your nation and-"

"Yeah, yeah, we are innocent and you can't stop what isn't related to you, but you will stop it regardless." I said.

"Humph, I know that it isn't like we should fear the power of Britannia. Thanks to the advancements of the Towa Conglomerate we now have our own Knightmares, we also can ally with the other powers and our marine prowess doesn't lose out to Britannia. There is a limit to how much manpower you all can deploy, after all." Oonoki said, but it was clear he wasn't enjoying this talk much.

"That might have been true once, but you must understand that thanks to the weaponry I developed Britannia's Knightmares can win four to one even if the pilot isn't that good. Besides, I and my knights would enter the field and we can conquer your nation easily." I said, the eyes of the others look at me as if I am a cocky kid. I am, but right now I am not lying at all.

"Humph, as if we would believe the words of a brat with no hair down there." Tobirama said. "But, I must admit that your words have some merit, while I can't say much about most matters I can tell that your worry over your stupid family member who is naive about the word and tries to bullhead things is something I understand deeply. My brother, rest his soul, was an idiot who had grand and stupid ideals and would get himself into trouble almost every time I took my eyes off him, he'd ignore everything else sometimes and it gave me more trouble than I ever wish to remember."

"Young Lelouch, while much darker than my brother, does have his unwavering capacity to infuriate his family by simply being too focused on his own belief. He lacks his desire for peace and union of all by dialogues and the least amount of bloodshed, well, I must still thank you for these talks, prince Ciel. It was, enlightening." Tobirama said before falling quiet.

"About your words of the Sakuradite," Oonoki said, turning my attention to him. "My family is owner of 40% of the mines and rights for it, but I can't decide on the prices by myself. I can't help you there."

"Then you will most likely have your nation burning within the year and Britannia will be having to rename it." I said flatly. No point in munching my words, they either listen to me now or their nation will burn much worse and the chance of Lelouch's death increases. I still need to become much stronger and gain enough merits to get to be part of the invasion forces, otherwise, there is no way to find Lelouch.

I still want to start a new era of science, but now I want something else just as much. I want my family and friends to be safe in a world they can walk freely without a care on the world about violence, that we can all enjoy ourselves without fear of enemies and that the war ends properly.

Oonoki looked at me for a while and chuckled.

"That seems rather unlikely, but if you really say so I will put some effort to follow your suggestion." Oonoki said.

"Young prince, if I may," Hiruzen said. "I must say that I think that you are jumping to conclusions here. After all there is no proof that we are even related to any of the things you accuse my nation and that you vastly underestimate us. We might not win a war against the full power of Britannia but we certainly will not lose so easily or ultimately as you seem to predict."

"You are not wrong when you say I don't know exactly all there is to know about your country's military, but my personal powers alone should suffice regardless." I said, and I am not joking. While I am not sure my few knights right now would suffice but after I finish my Knightmare it would be more than enough. Let alone Japan I wouldn't fear even fighting and obtaining one of the countries of EU, maybe I will even do just that to obtain Leila Macal before she fully enlists into the military as her Geass is just priceless if I can study it properly for my creation, but that is only in a few years from now.

Unfortunately none of the three older man trusted my words and all thought of me as a kid speaking nonsense. My words were dismissed and they left with nothing to really show for.

Sigh, I truly will need to speed up things. I can't stay passive forever and if I don't make a move now the war with Japan will begin shortly after.

"Kirumi, please fetch me my phone." I said to my trusted maid. She nodded and went out and before long she was back with my phone in her hands. Giving her a short thanks I took the phone and dialed.

"Majesty, I have a request to make. Would it be possible to let me-"


Three days later

"Young master, is this really alright? I mean, we shouldn't need to do this for now am I correct?" Kirumi asked as she finished serving me a cup of tea with plenty of sugar.

"No, Kirumi, now is a good time to act. I have been quiet about my military advancements for too long and it is one of the reasons why the number of spies has been steadily increasing and why others take me lightly. To rectify that I need a demonstration of power, if others feared me enough the talk with the three heads would have gone smoother and I am sure that the advancements of the city would also be faster. I just never did this before due to fear of the emperor starting to order me to move before I was ready. Now, we already have at least a few units ready for combat and they should be plenty enough for this operation. I already asked the emperor and he authorized the operation with the condition that I don't disappoint. I also have to film the entire thing and release it to the press to help showcase that actions are being made to end the terrorism as my forces would work as a stronger deterrent for them."

As I finished explaining that I took a sip of my cup, and yep I should have asked for chocolate milk. Or a good cup of coffee, both are good options.

Anyway, I am now in the middle of a small military base, a total of three White Fang bases locations are on display that I obtained from the General in charge here.

I am in South America, also known as Area 6. It is an area with too strong of a presence of the White Fang extremists and it is one of the main production sights of grain and food products for the entire empire. With the rebels and terrorists acting against the unfairness of Britannia the grain and food stock has lessened which led to hunger in many areas and the worsening of the quality of life of the same Numbers they fight for, truly the actions of a mad dog. I moved here to try and stop this before the problem gets any worse as it could lead to mass hunger across the Empire if the situation continued, not like the other Royals or high nobles would notice anything as they are too worried about petty disputes or the battlefront to win glory. Besides, they had their own Agriculture on their own lands in the Mainland consisting of Area 1 (USA) and Area 2 (Canada) so unlike the Britannians living in the other Areas of the homeland as well as the Numbers that already are starving and the Honorary Britanians that are not far behind they would not be affected.

Turning to the side I looked at the commander of this base. I decided on using this base for two reasons, the first is that its communication equipment was sufficient for me to mobilize my knights in real time and the second was because the commander here is someone who seems good enough to be my backing while on this area. The historic of the commander was impressive, he has shown great talent and capacity since young, but what I took special notice of is that he was not as hot-blooded as most commanders of the Imperial Army, being able to retreat promptly when the objective was completed or if the situation was unfavorable his results were not as shocking when compared to a lucky few but the results he had overall were much better in the end. The man´s ancestry was also interesting given that he was a former Russian who immigrated into the Empire after the breakdown of Communism. His knowledge of Russias doctrine and Military had been extremely useful in the ongoing conquest of Russia, though of course, the War was still slow going due to its size. Still, thanks to my new Weaponry and the genius Tactics of Schneizel Russia would probably fall in the next two years completely and the Euro-Britannian Empire would rise with the Britain islands joining with Russia.

"Colonel Smirnov, I must again say that it is an honor working with a man such as you." I said. he was one of the VERY few military officers I could say that to without being sarcastic.

"You honor me by saying this, Prince Ciel. But please, if you don't mind you can call me Sergei Smirnov when it is just us." The older man said and I nodded. He had short black hair and a scar the looked like a burn mark covering his left forehead to his cheeks.

"I must admit, your work on this base is impressive considering how outdated your equipment was even when compared to most other bases within the Empire."

"Well, there is nothing I could do about how outdated it is, but thanks for the compliment. I guess this location isn't so important to the empire as the battlefront so they couldn't afford better conditions for us, at least the new equipment you brought with you will come a long way to help us out here." He said. I did indeed bring equipment to this facility to both military and non-military circumstances like water purifiers and the like to help them here as well as some Glasgows I obtained from some of the 'geniuses' that thought I wouldn't notice someone bringing a giant made of metal in the middle of my city. Seriously, shit for brains the lot of them.

While I was thinking that the communication panels illuminated as the images of Reisi, Neil Dylandia, Slaine, and Kamal already in position. Reisi is in front of the biggest base with his Blue Damocles in the ready, Neil was in front of the base with the most complicated terrain for being on top of a mountain that any attack would be seen long before it reached with the use of his Knightmare Dynames, while Slaine and Setsuna who were using Tharsis and Exia respectively were on the final and simplest base, their objective was to bring down these bases and rescue anyone who was captured in them.

I grimaced a bit. The White Fang of this world was rather foolish organized as just like in RWBY it was divided into individual Cells working independently from each other. Only here Siennas position as High-leader was merely a figurehead for the most part. She was the Leader of Area 7 (Hawaii) and she restricted herself to protests and every now and then some extremely racist Noble vanishing without a trace. That was merely a pin-prick which didn´t even register in the Emperors mind.

Area 6 though was led by two people who were little more than monsters in human-skin: Victor and his son Craydon Creed. The Sabretooth and the Leader of the Friends of Humanity from Marvel. Once I found that out from the reports I decided that they had to die NOW! Under their lead the Area 6 White Fang had developed into a brutal Cartel with some Cultis vibes. They dealt in Slaves, Drugs, Weapons, Terrorist-attacks and Assassinations. In the last five years countless Britannians and even non-affiliated Numbers had been killed in this Area on their orders.

I will start dealing with this slowly as my forces are not fully developed but I swear to myself before the year is out the two would meet their demise.

Well, now I guess it is time to show the world properly a first appetizer of what my city and my forces can do.

"My knights, remember that the mission is to eliminate any and all radicals. Now, let's commence operation!"

And so my knights moved into action.


3° Person P.O.V.

As Reisi heard the order to begin operation he moved his glasses up, a confident smirk on his face as the stealth function of his precious Blue Damocles was deactivated, the enemy base was right in front of him.

It was a large military base for terrorists, right in the middle of the Amazon Forest and with anti-Knightmare measures in place it was clear that they didn't steal it all but also received 'generous donations' from most likely the EU considering he could see some Alexander Prototypes in place. The fact that it was surrounded by a large plantation of a variety of drugs that would be sold for 'funding the righteous war' also didn't help the eyes of Reisi.

Well, he didn't mind that all that much. It was long since been confirmed that the EU and Chinese Federation secretly supported terrorists within Britania anyway and the plantation would be burned to the ground before long.

Moving his Knightmare with confident steps it was not long until the enemies detected his presence, multiple missile launchers aimed at Reisi who snorted.

"Pathetic, to think you'd be using such inferior weaponry." as he said that two lasers on the side of his hips and two on his shoulders moved, blue laser beams were launched and cut down all missile launchers before they could even launch, Blue Damocles steps not faltering from the start to finish.

When he was close enough to the base that he could touch the buildings one of the Knightmares jumped at him, there was a total of fifteen Knightmares on this base with some already aiming at him from the distance and a few others trying to reach him from the back.

"Humph, taste what my Blue Damocles can offer you scum." As Reisi said that he took out his sword. The blade was a light blue and as soon as he activated its plasma sword function activated.


With one movement the blade already cut the Knightmare above him right through like the metal was paper. The other pilots didn't have the time to process the speed of the swing or how the sword cut right through but they were worried about something else.

The sword was quite normal or even small in size but the plasma itself reached over 15 meters tall in a gentle blue light. But for the pilots seeing this it looked as threatening as threatening can go.

Opening communications to all enemy forces and using the hacking system of his machine he invaded all communication devices before speaking.

"Stop all assault and surrender, any who do so will be judged fairly and no unnecessary death will have to happen." After he finished he saw how none of the pilots seemed to listen and he shrugged seeing this, he warned them.

Seeing that peace was not an option he moved, the agility of his machine shown to all as he accelerated by using the propulsors on his legs and back to reach the nearest enemy Knightmare. The enemy didn't even get the time to react as with one swing the enemy was cut in half together with one unity behind it. The others tried to attack him from the back but he jumped above them faster than they could understand and while airborne moved his sword in a flurry of movements, the blade adjusted to reach the enemy unities and cut them all down.

By the time he reached ground level there were only three more unities, two stood and advanced to either side of Blue Damocles to try and pincer attack it, but it was useless as each shoulder had a laser canon attached, they launched at the same time and killed the pilots within the Knightmares with extreme accuracy.

The final pilot decided that there was no way he could beat this monster so he ejected his unity to escape, but while his escaping pod was in mid-flight one more laser, this time on the head of Blue Damocles, hit it squarely and killed the last pilot.

12 trained Knightmare pilots killed in less than a full minute.

"Now, I will say it one last time. Stop all assault and surrender, any who do so will be judged fairly and no unnecessary death will have to happen." As Reisi said this message the laser cannons in the machine fully opened and a total of 48 laser canons showed their head aiming at quite possibly everything.

This time, everyone dropped their weapons in surrender.


On the mountain base where the White Fang operated you could see from the distance rows upon rows of Britanians. They have captured civilians who were being used as slave workers to excavate the mountain as it was filled with sakuradite that was to be used to construct the Knightmares to the White Fang.

It was something discovered not long ago by the locals and the main-land of Britania still had no idea of this new location so the White Fang positioned one of its bases here and started working to obtain all sakuradite inside. The britannians working were put on degrading conditions such as the woman being constantly harassed or even openly raped or the men being tortured for the fun of the soldiers. Even little kids that were captured were used as entertainment or even 'chairs' for the White Fang soldiers, it was a truly gruesome scene, it was a truly gruesome scene which only a twisted man like Victor Creed could come up with. But, none of the White Fang members of the extremist faction thought this treatment cruel as they just wanted to inflict pain on any britannian they could get their hands on, they just wanted to inflict pain on the 'responsible ones' for their previous suffering.

And, as in most wars, the ones to suffer the most were the innocents. If they were responsible for wounding any of them didn't matter, they carried the name 'brittanian' and that was plenty reason enough.

These britannians were all regular civilians that moved in this place to escape the excessive economical pressure nobles put on them back in the capital and mainland as mostly anything good there was for the nobles. These civilians just wanted to get a piece of land to work with and live a happy life with no great danger from terrorists. However, they were captured regardless and the local authorities didn't bother reporting or rescuing them as part of the sakuradite obtained by the terrorists was given as 'extra taxes' to the top brass of Area 6. Corruption showing its ugly head as weapons and luxuries were paid by the sweat, blood, and tears of those who nothing had to do with it.

But, things would change quite a lot on this place as a Knightmare was positioned high above the clouds. Inside the pilot saw what was happening and felt his blood boiling over it, but he quickly pushed this feeling down as he refocused on the mission. He pulled down a weapon-like appendix that was inside his cockpit, aiming it the robot he was inside accompanied the movement. The robot was a forest green with two Gatling guns on its hips, four small laser blades in place of need, a shield on his left shoulder and the main weapon on his right shoulder being a sniper rifle that could work with a variety of ammunition and could be used to reach over 50 kilometers of distance if needed, or if well prepared well over 300 kilometers. It also had six four tubes missile lanchers, four on the hips and one on each knee. It also had a secundary shield on its back that could move to the font together with the shield on its left arm to protect the Knightmare Dynames from damage.

"Changing from Energy Batteries to E26 Batteries. Lockon Stratos, Targeted and Firing."

As he finished saying that he pulled the trigger. The sniper rifle released the shot and the distance of more than 9 kilometers was breached within 4 seconds, the communication tower was the first target to avoid any chance of them asking for reinforcements. Following that Neil continuously shot down any Knightmare who tried to move, any airship that tried to take flights, and any vehicle that might try anything funny.

Before long the base that was considered by most as an impregnable fortress was reduced to less than even regular rebellious forces would have, any heavy weaponry was destroyed and the White Fang members were reduced to only using handguns.

"You know, I would feel bad for you all if you were not scum. But considering what you all are I guess there is no need for leniency." Neil said as his Knightmare Dynames descended. When on the ground level he didn't bother speaking as he took out his Gattling guns and shot all terrorists he could find, he killed dozens within less than three minutes and avoided wounding anyone who wasn't a target to the best of his ability. Unfortunately, the terrorists decided to kill as many of their captured hostages as possible but the people themselves also rose up in a quick rebellion.

Still, Neil gritted his teeth when more than two-hundred of the one-thousand and three-hundred Prisoners were killed in the battle. He knew that the idea of having no casualties was a pipe-dream but, for him, every life lost was a tragedy. He only wanted to end this sort of actions and make sure that no one else would suffer by the actions of terrorists.


On Isla del Sol in the former territory of Bolivia, a White Fang base was located. It wasn't quite as big as the other bases of the White Fang but it didn't have to be. Its main use were the usage of its location to launch planes to any shipment passing by the sea nearby that left one of the main ports within Area 6 and 'relocate the materials to better use', which was just another word for stealing everything on the ship and killing all occupants.

Yes, it didn't always work as sometimes the tripulation managed to fight back but the fact it happened near constantly made it hard to deal with. This base worked as 'food production center' for the entire White Fang organization, and was also one of the main contributors to the mass hunger the Numbers and Honorary Britanians were suffering throughout the empire, a hunger they used as an excuse to convince other to follow them and enlist to the forces of White Fang. It was an efficient system to White Fang, starve the poor and offering the food they stole for their loyalty, hungry breeds desperation and if you are desperate and hungry you would do anything to have what to eat.

However, they didn't see what was about to happen at all. High above the ground, so high that the human eye could not see and normal equipment would not notice, a air carrier opened. From it two knightmares flew down with express requirement to eliminate all who oposes them.

The first was a white and blue Knightmare with one long and one shot ultra vibration blade on its right and left arm respectively arm for any enemy that energy-based weapons don't work, a plasma sword on its back, six plasma daggers for the case of extreme close combat or to use as flying daggers if need be, a shield equiped on its left arm that is made from a metal similar to Vibranium, a metal sword on its right hip that can work as a rifle, and finally two small guns installed on the forearms this Knightmare is likely the most extreme when it comes to CQC, but if needed can also use regular weapons to auxiliate its functionalities.

The second, however, was a different monster entirely. Being entirely white this knightmare had two large shields on its arms, big enough to cover the entire arm, it also had five machine guns on each shield tip with the bullets being pure plasma, from the shields it had a large metallic double-edged sword for each shield, a true monster on defense, but the less noticeble but most important aspect of it as its mobility. Due to propulsors on its back, feet, and shoulders it could move in extreme speed to any direction on a 3D fashion not being limiter by the ground in the slightest and boasting of a speed of flight and movement that could make any other think it should by all means be impossible due to the Gs that the pilot would support but thanks to the new developments on human improvement the pilot had his body slightly modified to be able to support two times the normal Gs other humans could take without losing efficiency. Truly, a monster in its own right.

The two machines were undetected for a while, but when they were close enough to be seen by the naked eye approaching and the enemy started to react it was too late as the speed they had accumulated wasn't something that could be dealt with so easily by the enemies.


The two impacted the ground creating two craters in their awake. The only reason the craters weren't even larger was for the fact they had used their propulsion systems to lessen the acceleration at the last second to ensure no damage to their machines.

Both stood there, larger than most Knightmares by 5 whole meters standing at 13 meters high, even their presence was enough to terrify the terrorists present.

"Exia, Setsuna Seie, commencing operation, eliminating targets." Setsuna said from inside the blue and white Exia.

"Count Troyard, for orders of Prince Ciel Phantomhive Zi Britania I shall eliminate you all." Slaine said from the white Knightmare named Tharsis.

And so they began the fight, not that there was much of one since the sheer difference in specs was just that large. Added that they appeared right in the middle of the enemy base and the image was one where they eliminated all targets swiftly. Slaine could only feel relief that one of the medicines he took before entering the Tharsis was to help calm and numb his emotions as, otherwise, he might react adversely to this mission where he killed for the first time.

However, he would have done the same regardless as he understands how this mission would help many others by eliminating this source of a problem to the nation and his prince. Saline's loyalty was absolutely in no way inferior to the one Jeremiah Gottwald had towards lady Marryane.

Meanwhile, Setsuna simply kept firing, he didn't need any medicine as he killed many before due to being a former child soldier during the war between his nation and its enemy for some reason Setsuna never understood or was explained. But, Setsuna could clearly remember how some of the guerilla fighters used to hog all the food and water to themselves while saying that it was for the good of the nation but leaving the same nation to starve, he himself starved quite a bit back then as well, and due to this he wanted to eliminate this group to the best of his capacity.

In the end this base too fell in less than five minutes.

"Humph, they didn't even manage to make me activate my Geass." Slaine said. He was one of the only two of the knights under Ciel who had received a Geass, the other being Reisi. Reisi's Geass allowed him to be unaffected by any Geass if he wanted to, nothing would corrupt the path he chooses and no matter what others tried to do using Geass on him unless he gave expressive consent it would not work, he was considered a security measure against those who might use Geass against Ciel as he was almost ever in guard against it (V.V. found it good to have Reisi by Ciel's side as he'd protect his favorite nephew against any possible assassin by the hand of C.C.), meanwhile Slaine was one that allowed him to see himself taking any damage seconds before it happens, a somewhat weaker version of Bismark's own Geass but with the advantage that it would activate automatically making him with his absurd agility and defense from his shields as good as unkillable.


Ciel's P.O.V.

Watching the spectacle I could only nod.

"Yep, that seems about right. They took a bit too long to stop the enemies without weaponry, maybe I should create drones to deal with this sittuation." I commented. Honestly speaking they were about one minute later than I expected for them to defeat all enemies and eliminate the fortresses of the enemy, the terrorists really did their best in trying to run and this led my calculations astray.

Maybe I should try and create a Tri-Diagram satelite like the one in Toaru Majutsu later, it would definetly help me in forecasting this sort of things much better and also help on my experiments. I am really so close to finishing the program for the Calculate Fortress that it is getting annoying.

"M-My prince, was that not enough? This was an astounding victory by all accounts, three terrorist bases with considerable manpower were captured with no loss on our side within five minutes from start to finish, I doubt even his majesty Prince Schneizel would be able to do such a thing." Coronel Smirnov said impressed.

"Yeah, he would simply blow everything up and cover up any losses amongst the Britanians or civilians as the enemy attacking instead of his own actions. As if there is any point in doing it like this, if you are doing a job you ought to do it to the best you possibly can and not half-ass it." I said annoyed, unfortunately, what I said wasn't wrong since whenever Schneizel explodes something, be it enemy bases or terrorist groups, the story is always the same.

Smirnov gulped seeing my action but he quickly calmed down before turning to the personal.

"Send the ground unities, rescue whoever was captured, lock and bring back whoever is guilty of being a terrorist, and salvage whatever is on these bases that can be of use." he said. Suddenly Neil sent me a message with some very interesting info about the base he was on.

"Coronel, please send a message to the Schnee industries. Tell them that we found what seems to be a mountain filled with sakuradite and that they should move in now to take it over in exchange for lower prices to those of this Area and that the idea was mine." I said. If the food is delivered properly to the mainland the economy of this area will get better and if the Schnee industries work here they would give work to the local numbers too making their situation better as well as selling their sakuradite to this base and others in the area cheaper making them more able to combat the terrorist and turn this area slightly more peaceful.

Smirnov seems smart as he quickly caught on what I meant and nodded with a small smile before turning serious and continuing his work here.

Seeing this I moved away from the command center, there was no need for me to be present anymore and I still have data to take care off since I must see if there was any problem with the programming during the mission. Fine tuning to adapt to each pilot's specifications isn't easy, but the better working of the machines make it all worth it. I just wish I could capture one of those special machines V.V. has that can connect a Geass to the machine itself as well as a few of his Geass users, we already worked the basics for Artificial Geass but we need more examples of offensive ones as I can't use those connected to me as who knows what might happen to the network if I were to do anything of the sort and the ones from Reisi and Slaine are not capable to activate at a whim. I need something like Lelouch or Charles Geass users, if I get a few of those I just might be able to make my future grand creation the biggest deterrent in the world.

Well, until then I can at least search for all the best minds the world has to offer and make them even better and mine. Maybe I could also continue my studies into space colonies and possibly even catch some classes about self-defense with Reisi and Setsuna (the kid was a child soldier on a war zone filled with religious extremists, he has to know a lot about self-defense) as it might come in handy. The world is about to change from the powers I've shown and the number of enemies I have now are hard to calculate, most will be test subjects in the end but if someone manages to get too close... yeah, I don't want to risk it.