Reactions of all, the enemy takes notice

"Breaking news, we have just received footage from the leader of Academic City, Prince Ciel Phantomhive Zi Brittania, and the message is for all to watch. But, the content is not advisable to children as there are some scenes of great graphic content, parental discretion is recommended." A reporter said on TV as the newly graduated Diethard Reid watched. He was the second son of a rather famous Television companies owner and had from a young age been groomed to work for his father's company.

Diethard was originally quite hopeful for the future when he started journalism, but as he studied more and learned more on Britannia he could only think it was all boring. It was like everything was too boring for him to care as nothing changes. Even this 'important news was likely just another show for the royalty, which he was right that it was a show, but that was as far as his assumptions would go as truth.

Watching the TV Diethard saw a young boy on the screen, he had black hair like a moonless night, an aristocratic but not overly absurd clothing, and an eyepatch covering one of his eyes while the other was as purple as the one the emperor had. An omen of greatness, that was what most nobles believed as the Emperors with purple eyes were known to be extremely powerful and the best there was. It was even shown sometimes that a child with purple eyes was chosen over their older brothers and every single one of those with purple eyes left their name marked in history.

Of course, not ALL emperors that marked Britania story had purple eyes, but none of those with purple eyes didn't mark Britania in a way or another. That was one o the reasons why prince Lelouch was favored by a few as a candidate to the throne even without any accomplishments, but now that he was no longer in the race for the throne most thought Schneizel's position was assured, Diethard being one of them.

But, seeing the eye of Prince Ciel, not only the color but also the pose of mystery and power he was emanating, like everyone were toys squirming in his hands, eyes not of madness but of unmistakable confidence in himself, Diethard started to wonder if this boy had something more to him besides his genius intellect. He was also VERY interested in what exactly had happened to Prince Ciel's eye that caused him to wear an eyepatch. He could not remember any type of news regarding an injury and it was like he simply started wearing it one day.

"My dear citizens of Britannia, my name is Ciel Phantomhive Zi Britannia. I am the nephew of the emperor Charles Zi Britannia and newly appointed head of the Autonomous Peace Keeping forces of the Holy Britania Empire, the newly created A-laws. It is an organization that answers only to the Emperor first and me second with no one else allowed to manage it, my objective is the elimination of terrorism and corruption across the nation, by the orders of the Emperor and my own desires.

"Both those thing have been a plague in our glorious nation for too long. And so, using my own personal forces I am starting now to operate to stop this. I already executed my first mission, the total annihilation of three military bases of the White Fang within Area 6. For the sake of simplification, I will call these bases as A, B, and C. Base A that I will show next was responsible for the plantation and creation of dozens of tons of drugs that were being distributed across the entire Empire to obtain funds for their little 'missions'. Thanks to them the number of drug dependents within the Empire from not only Numbers but also from pure blood and honorary britanians is around 9 million by the lowest estimative. I already started working on a vaccine to treat that as a way to eliminate the resistance and the chemical dependency within a user's body, but, for now, let's focus on what my forces do to that base." Ciel said, and it was simply too much information at once for Diethard's head.

An autonomous peacekeeping force? An attack on a base of the White Fang without anyone being any wiser? A cure for chemical dependency? That all is impossible, the Emperor would never agree to the first one, the White Fang would have reacted to the second the moment it happened, and the third was something that no scientist was anywhere close to succeeding.

However, when looking at the eye of the prince in the screen Diethard could feel that this was not a lie. This was the truth, and if so it terrified and excited Diethard. This boy was about to push forward this stagnant empire, of this Diethard had no doubts.


"Damn it!"

Euphemia li Britannia winced as she saw her sister throw another Vase at a wall of her office in the Li Britannia Villa. She sighed a bit as she watched her sister pace up and down the room in agitation.

Cornelia had been like this since the news which Ciel had broadcasted several days ago. From the few things which Euphemia had overheard her sister rage about she was angry about having her request for a Knightmare being denied by Ciel as well as the fact that the Emperor had given Ciel such prestigious position.

Euphie knew that her sister was extremely proud of her skill on the battlefield. While she had not achieved the rank of General yet it honestly was only a matter of time until she surpassed her mentor Andreas Darlton in Tactics and skill. The fact that it had been a "Civilian" who had been given command of his own special-military unit without her even being considered for such a position hurt her pride fiercely.


"Lady Nunnally, your Guest is here."

Nunnally perked up as she heard the voice of her personal Bodyguard Jeremiah Gottwald. She smiled softly in the direction of the man. When Ciel had first introduced Jeremiah to her she had been both indignant at needing a bodyguard and confused at why this man, in particular, had been chosen by her overprotective Fiance.

It had taken a bit time for Jeremiah to get closer to her but eventually, he had informed her about how he had been a member of the Aries Villa Guards and heavily admired her Mother. He had confessed his shame at being unable to protect her and how he had quickly fallen from Grace after the Assassination. Jeremiah had been on the verge of joining a Military Faction called the Purebloods for political protection when Ciel had approached him for the offer of being Nunnally's Bodyguard. Suffice to say Jeremiah had been extremely grateful and happy about Ciel's offer and immediately accepted.

"Please let her in Ser Jeremiah."

Nunnally heard the door open and felt her friend rushing in.

"Nunna. Did you watch the news yet? Ciel has started fighting Terrorists now."

Nunnally smirked as she heard Ruby Rose rapidly spill out words in a speed which she could barely follow. The little Rose was her best friend and her favorite Classmate. In fact, given Ruby's skill at fighting and piloting Knightmares Ciel had suggested to her to consider naming Ruby her own personal Knight. Nunnally would be lying if she said that she was not seriously considering it.

"Yes, Ruby I watched it. I'm a bit worried about Ciel but I trust that his Knights will keep him safe for me. On that matter, did you see how giddy Marry was? I almost thought she would start bouncing up and down the room in eagerness. It probably won´t be long before she asks Ciel to join his Group."

Ruby hummed in agreement.

"True, though she is not the only one. Weiss, Yang, and Nora have been starting to train extra hard in the Knightmare-simulators. They want to join General Ironwoods Hunter-unit as quickly as possible.

Though that makes me wonder where they will be deployed. Right now Britannia is mostly waging war in Russia and Africa. It´s doubtful they will be deployed there with Prince Ciel, it's more likely that a new War-front will start soon now that Indochina was conquered."

Nunnally frowned a bit. She was not really happy with the aggressive expansion of the Empire. The number of people dying in the wars was horrifying if you looked at the statistics.

Hell, she knew that Ruby agreed with her on that matter given that Area 8 (Falkland Islands) was 95% of the people Britannians who immigrated there after the conquest. After Summer Rose died and Taiyang left the battlefield in depression the war there had been up to Qrow Branwen and Raven Branwen.

Due to the strong pressure on the supply-lines Qrow had been forced to run interference there which had left Raven alone on the front. Which had turned out bad as she used mass-slaughter of Civilians as Fear-tactics. In the end, most of the Islands population had been massacred or had fled to the EU in desperation. Of course, Qrow had been horrified at his sister's actions and it had resulted in a huge row between them. Not even half a year later Raven had vanished without a trace from Britannia.

"I think you are right Ruby. I just hope the Generals working with Ciel will be willing to keep Civilian casualties low."

"Oh, don't worry. Knowing that cousin of yours he wouldn't work with people he couldn't trust or that he can control. He is a bit of a control freak if you ask me." Ruby said while putting one of the cookies that were in the table on her mouth. "Yummy. Now, there is room for one, or ten, more." She tried to take one more cookie, but she then realized that the cookies were all gone from the table. Looking up she saw Nunnally had taken away the cookies from her.

"No cookies for someone who speaks bad things about him. Humph." Nunnally said. She knew it was unfair and evil (on her eyes) but she knew exactly how much effort Ciel put into making sure she was fine and happy, of how much he tried to give her everything and anything she might desire, and that he was still trying to search for Lelouch not really for himself (She was rather good at noticing emotions and while Ciel didn't hate Lelouch, he had started to feel some well-hidden disdain for him, like the one an adult would have towards an angry child that thinks that knows everything) but for her. Of how he even risked himself to talk with those three 'evil men' from Japan just to be able to tell her that her brother was fine.

She agreed that her cousin was a control freak, but she also heard of how there were people trying to spy and even many attempts at kidnapping against him since he was five. FIVE, he was even younger than when she went through that incident that made her go blind and despite that, he was trying his best to make the world a better place for everyone. So, for Nunnally, she would not forgive anyone who spoke badly of her fiancee, and would even give them the cruelest punishment there ever was (from what she gathered from Ciel and Ruby's reactions), no cookies or other sweets for a while.

On the door, Lord Jeremiah saw the two girls basically playing around with cookies and smiled, this is what he wanted to protect. He failed so immensely previously, he had not managed to protect Lady Marianne so now the least he could do is ensure that her child was safe, sound, and happy. And he'd plunge his sword right through whoever tries to disturb her happiness, this he swears.

However, he had to wonder how his other two friends were doing. They had decided to head to Japan and wait for a chance to offer their services to young Lelouch, the boy also needed protection so they left to protect him while Jeremiah continued in Britania on guard duties to princess Nunnally.


On Japan, to be more precise in one of Okinawa's beaches two friends were sickly laying on a bed. They were the ones who Jeremiah was thinking off and they were capable fighters and aristocrats, but when they got to Japan they had been attacked by strange Assassin who had somehow tracked them down and poisoned them. They couldn't risk calling a doctor as if they did their disguise would likely be blown and they'd lose the chance to serve their chosen king.

However, now all of this was too late as the two friends looked at the three children in front of them.

"Kids, I know this might be too much, but we can only ask of you to do this for us." The first one said. The second one wanted to say something but she was not able to speak anymore. The feeling of failure inside her heart being too strong.

One of the kids, he wore a frilly white shirt, black pants and a pair of black shoes, he had golden hair and a very sad face as he looked at his parents.

"Don't you worry, mom, dad, we swear we will ensure the King is fine and gets to fulfill his destiny."

"Yeah, don't worry about anything and leave it to us." A taller and much more robust boy said, he had the looks of someone who would definetly be a fighting monster. He had short black hair pulled back on his head with a lot of gel to keep it down.

"Yeah, we will ensure the king is safe and sound, that he will be happy." The last one, a girl wearing a blue overcoat with six yellow buttons and cuff links, shorts and orange socks with thin black stripes, and a pair of blue shoes, she had ruby eyes and shoulder-length wavy white hair.

Listening to their children's words the couple was relieved. Their three Children had proven to be exceptional in their Knightmare-simulations and would help the son of the woman they failed so much in taking his rightful place.

"Good, if you three can say this I am sure that everything will be fine. Now come here one last time, my precious Neferpitou, Shaiapouf, and Menthuthuyoupi." the woman said as she embraced the three of them. "I love all of you so much, I just know you three will do what we couldn't and help protect our king unlike us who failed to save his mother."

The three kids nodded as they saw their parents die. It was the saddest moment of their lives, but they couldn't stay there forever. After a few hours they left the place, they torched the house together with their parents and any proof they were once there, they couldn't risk anyone knowing they were there until they were close to the 'destined king' that their parents loved to speak about.

"Let us go, we have to be by the side of the king." Shaiapouf, or just Pouf, said as he turned to leave.

The three took a few steps before saying to themselves.

"All hail Britannia! All hail Emperor Lelouch!"


"Hmm, how interesting!"

Kanon Maldini looked at his Master Prince Schneizel la Britannia who looked at the recording of Ciels bold speech which had been sent to their base in East-Russia from where they directed the conquest of Russia.

"What is so interesting about this recording my Prince? I mean, the creation of an Anti-Terrorist unit was pretty predictable for the Empire to do and Prince Ciels Military advancements would certainly serve to make the Unit very effective."

Schneizel looked slightly amused at Kanon before returning to the frozen image of Ciel.

"You are correct. The implemention of a Anti-terrorist unit was predictable. But you are wrong in thinking that it would be obvious to put Ciel in charge of it. Ciel is a child with no experience in leading a Military or fighting Terrorists. His troops right now are only effective because of his superior technology and a few experienced commanders not because of him.

No, the reason why Ciel was put in charge was a play from the Emperor. He no doubt is using Ciel to cause strife among his Heirs to heat up the political battles between them.

As example I have no doubt that Clovis, Cornelia and Guinevere are now far more antagonistic towards Ciel due to envy. At the same time Ciels speech was more open then he should have been as he attacked the Nobles outright by accusing them of corruption showing his inexperience in Politics. He made many enemies with that speech and his stated purpose which will lower his standing in Britannias Homeland by great amounts.

Basically while Military he has won a big deal, his support-base and allies have shrunken by a just as large amount meaning nothing has changed in total. Of course, once Ciel starts knocking off a few Nobles things will shift slightly in his favour but even that will be more difficult now that the Nobles know to prepare for him.

Poor Ciel, the Emperor played him like a fiddle while making it look like he favours him."

Schneizel smirked a bit before he pushed the button on the remote causing the screen to go black. He also knew one positive point Ciel obtained from his actions by becoming a favorite of the civilians due to focusing on actually stopping the terrorism that was plaguing and terrorizing them was one such positive. The other was that part of the Numbers who want peace and a chance to improve saw this with Ciel's offer, the fact that one of Ciel's knights piloting those Knightmares was actually someone who wasn't even a number but instead a former child soldier really made the Numbers think they could actually obtain a future for themselves if they signed up to this A-Laws thing. The fact Ciel would not differentiate payment between Britannians and Numbers and the posts were to those who were capable really made a point to the Numbers that this was a true opportunity.

His position to execute the corrupt nobles from Area 6 who were connected to the White Fang and supported the supression of Numbers was also a point that made some of the Numbers tentatively hopeful. Still, Schneizel had to shake his head at Ciels over-eagerness.

Despite his desire to convince the Numbers to bank on him Schneizel knew that Ciel underestimated the sheer amount of hatred the Numbers had for Britannia. Sure, maybe some of them would come to work for him and would even hope that he becomes Emperor but the majority of them would rip Ciel apart with their bare hands if they could get away with it.

Schneizel knew that around one in five Numbers had lost a friend, relative or Job due to their Invasions in many cases even all three at once. One kid deciding to give them an equal Job-offer which they would have had anyway if Britannia didn´t invade their country would not endear him to the Numbers nearly as much as he wished.

As far as Schneizel was concerned Ciel was an idealistic fool who was not seeing the reality he was living in.


European United Noble Council

"Hmph. What an arrogant little brat! To think Britannia is so desperate to put children in charge of their Military now."

Tywin Lannister, Lord of Germany looked with his normal calculating eyes at the man who spoke after the recording ended. Stannis Baratheon, Lord of Ireland was certainly not very impressed with what he just saw. In Europe United, the heads of state were elected, yes, but as only those with enough finances ever managed to obtain the leadership and the most influential families were not that many they were almost always the same heads of state. Even if it changed the political base of said Heads was so strong they basically continued leading making the whole 'democracy' just a show for the public. And so, the current 'Lord' of Ireland considered himself king of his little kingdom and was not pleased by the fact a simple child could grasp a military power that likely surpassed his own despite being so young.

Tywin himself though had seen the danger in the eyes of the Boy-Prince and the potential in there, like if everything they saw was just a little game he played and it was as he expected it to be. He made a note to never underestimate the kid should he encounter him, he would never underestimate someone who had eyes like that.

Still looking through the Council he had to repress a sigh at what he saw.

- The Head-councilor Robert Baratheon was drinking wine while groping one of the Servant-maids, he enjoyed his post as Head of the Union that he obtained a bit too much, the man ruled the British Isles like every Head-councilor before him due to them being neutral Ground in the EU. Of course Robert could be charismatic (when he wanted to). However, his deplorable behaviour behind closed doors made Tywin regret marrying his Daughter to the Oaf even if the political advantages were not so small.

- Stannis Baratheon from Ireland was looking like he swallowed a pile of moldy cheese as he looked at his brother in disdain, he was someone who was said to only have smiled once in his life and if Tywin had to bet he'd say they might have counted wrong as the man likely never smiled.

- Renly Baratheon, Lord of Denmark was talking with his lover Loras Tyrell, the two speaking sweet nothings in each other's ears making the old lion regret not being allowed to just cut the two down then and there. There is a fucking time to act like this, and this was not the time!

- Mace Tyrell, the oaf of Paris was trying to act intelligent but Tywin would not be surprised if they found out he didn't have even two working brain cells in his head as one probably was to say 'yes, mother'. He lacked a spine so much that Tywin wouldn't be surprised if they were to find out that he needed his mothers council over if he should go take a dump when he needed to or not.

- The Greyjoy Brothers Euron, Balon and Victarion who ruled Sweden, Norway and Finland were looking at the screen with barely hidden greed. They probably were thinking about sending a force to the Academic City somehow and steal it clean, or just any base producing Knightmares really as they never build anything themselves and just stole everything, the 'iron price' or something like that.

- Eddard Stark, Lord of Poland had a serious look on his face but seemed to take a more cautious stance. Good, Tywin liked that at least one person had their priorities right. But, that man would never truly grow in strength as he was too honorable to do anything except fair and direct battle only when needed, he was not one that Tywin needed to worry much about,

- Viserys Targaryen, Lord of Greece despite being only 16 years old (his family influence being the main reason he had ANY power in his hand) had, like always, a barely restrained look of hatred on his face while looking at Robert, Eddard and Tywin. Good, after Rhaegars kidnapping of Lyanna Stark which led to a short civil war in the EU and the death of Rhaegar and the removal of former Head-councilor Aerys Targaryen the influence of the Dragons had waned for the most part. His sister looked promising despite only being nine years old and rumors of him abusing her.

- Lord Mance Ryder from Russia was looking more and more pale with every day that passed. Tywin actually felt some sympathy for the man who was forced to watch as Schneizel slaughtered his way through Russia. He was nothing to worry about for Tywin as the man would likely be beheaded soon enough by Schneizel.

- Doran Martell, Lord of Spain was sitting uncomfortably in his seat. His Gout was getting worse and Tywin wondered idly when the time came that Oberyn Martell was forced to replace his brother, a thought that brought a scowl to Tywin's face as the man was a sex degenerate who would fuck or be fucked by anyone and thought himself great despite not having much to his name. However, he did have some experience in combat due to his years working as a mercenary for the Second Sons mercenary company in Egypt. Maybe he'd be able to help in their war effort, if he didn't try to fuck everyone up in possibly a literal sense.

- Jon Arryn the old Falcon from Austria was looking more weary after watching the recording and was no doubt already formulating some letter which he would send to Britannia in his position as Ambassadeur between the two Super-powers. The man was an eyesore to Tywin but he at least tried to delay the war as long as they could since the Alexander Units were still mostly prototypes.

- Finally the last High-Lord was Hoster Tully from Italy. The old man was long past retirement but with his son being in Venice all the time partying he had not much choice about it. Honestly, Tywin could feel pity for the man, even his embarassment of a son was better than the failure the Tully family has raised, so much so that Tywin thought not before long there would be another Lord family taking over and commanding Italy.

Aside from them there were a few minor Lords which Tywin knew to keep an eye on like Walder Frey, Petyr Baelish and Roose Bolton but they were not here at the moment.

Finishing his look through the Council Tywin wondered if European United even stood a chance against Britannia in the long run. Short term he was not worried but sooner or later Britannia would crush them.

Hmm, that would take some thinking but Tywin had some plans to keep his family on top for the future. He smiled wintry as he thought of a certain One-eyed Prince who no doubt could use a man on the inside.

Now just how to go about contacting him. Maybe sending his son there could work, he'd probably enjoy the opportunity and the fact that Tyrion was at least decently intelligent was an added benefit. Also, if he had to risk one of his children to die on such a mission it was better to be Tyrion than his heir Jaime.


Kouen Ren was in many things a complex person.

He was the eldest son of the current Empress second Uncle and as such he was the fourth in line of the Chinese Throne. Directly after his cousin Hakuryuu Ren, Hakuei Ren and his own Father Koutoku Ren of course.

Kouen was a deep believer in the Idea of uniting the entire world under one Country and Culture, for that purpose he had started at a young age to research and learn everything he could about Ruling, Military Tactics, Diplomacy and even Science.

After the horrible Fire which killed his Uncle Hakutoku Ren, two Imperial Princes and the last Emperor his own star had risen largely. His cousin Jiang Lihua was a puppet-ruler used by the Eunuchs. Sure, Kouen loved her like he loved all his cousins and siblings but he very much knew that Jiang not only was not suited to be Empress but also that she didn´t WANT to be Empress at all.

Of course he could not take the Throne by force either given the large amount of opposition he had.

Li Xingke that annoying man who Kouen suspected to be a pedophile in love with his cousin had for some reason deluded himself into thinking that Jiang wanted to be Empress and had taken a antagonistic stance towards nearly the entire Imperial Family.

The Eunuchs led by that crafty old codger Varys were controlling the Federation in all but name and were also owners of many of the Factories creating the Military weapons like Tanks, Jets and Knightmares. They also had a powerful Army called the Golden Company who originated from India at their beck and call.

Hakuryuu had descended into rage and if what Kouen feared was correct madness. He believed that Kouen and his siblings had been apart of the group who "removed" his Father and brothers. Something which was not true at all, though Kouen knew that the Eunuchs had their hand in it.

Finally there was Gyokuen Ren and her Puppet his father Koutoku. Kouen had found out through some Investigating that Gyokuen was in contact with a shadow-organization called Peace Mark who apparently was some sort of Anarchist cult who supplied Terrorists world-wide with supplies, weapons and soldiers. At the same time remnants of defeated Terrorist Groups vanished into thin air around them.

Kouen had after some thinking concluded that the remnants were used to create one large army made up of experienced Veterans in Battle and Guerilla Wars. Maybe enough to even topple one of the Super-powers in the world if they fought smartly.

A knocking at the door of his office had Kouen look up.


Kouen watched as his brother Koumei entered the room.

"Hello Brother, I have the new War-reports from around the world."

Koumei went and stood before his desk and handed over a bunch of papers.

Kouen nodded slightly and gestured for Koumei to begin.

"Alright. As you know Area 6 is currently embroiled in heavy fighting with Prince Ciel zi Britannia searching for White Fang bases and supporters all over the continent. Last I heard he took down a rather savage White Fang Officer called Victor Creed in Peru. The battles there will probably continue for another three Months before things calm down.

On the EU front the fights between the EU and Britannia over Africa is starting to heat up. Also, a new report came in that the Britannian General William Stryker was killed down in Kenya. The Troops of the EU were led by Ser Barristan Selmy who has moved his forces to support the Baratheon troops in Tanzania.

The second front in Russia though is going in favour of Britannia. The Russian General Styr was killed in the siege of Yakutsk. The Britannian Army is moving further westwards towards Norilsk where General Tormund Giantsbane is stationed. I doubt though that he will prevail against Schneizels tactics.

Here in the Chinese Federation the loss of Indochina was rather harsh. It has led to India moving a bit more bold against China, the Sultan is apparently picking up with his weapons-developement team to create better Knightmares thanks to that woman Rakshata Chawla. We also had some more border-brushes with the EU trying to encroach on our territory.

Finally Japan seems to have some internal trouble. In Kyushu a Terrorist Group led by a man called Seimei has made some brutal attacks on the populance, it is still unknown why exactly his group did that but I heard that General Kitsuchi Sumeragi was sent to take the group out."

Kouen frowned a bit at the report. Things seemed to move a bit slowly right now.

Most of the current strife was long time conflicts which wouldn´t ressolve anytime soon. It seemed like the whole world was waiting for the other shoe to drop.

"Very well. Koumei, inform me when something else important happens."

Koumei nodded solemnly before leaving the room. Kouen stood up and looked at the Map hanging on his wall before applying the changes which Koumei informed him off.

With a sigh he sat down and thought about how he could make allies capable of helping him clean up in the Chinese Federation.

With a sigh he sat down and thought about how he could remove his political opposition. He knew that soon Koumei and him would be deployed to the front against the Arab League. In some ways Kouen was happy about this given that the Arab League was the smallest of the five big Alliances.

Britannia, European United, the Arab League, the Chinese Federation and finally Australia. Of course there were a few smaller independent countries left like Japan but they were quickly falling to the war-machine of Britannia, the EU and the Federation.

Still, he worried about how long the Federation had left before the corruption and hostility in the upper class exploded in a bloody civil war. Hmm, perhaps once he returned from the front it would be time to remove one of the cancers.


In one of the many rooms of the Imperial Palace of the Chinese Federation a certain black haired woman was brushing her hair. She was decidedly beautiful to an umbelievable degree considering she was already older than 40 yet looked no different from when she was in her twenties.

Suddenly a voice said from one of the speakers of the phone she had on the side.

"I see that everything is going well on your side, Gyokuen." a male voice said calmly.

"Yes," She said, not even being surprised by the fact said person started speaking out of the phone even through she hadn't answered any calls and the phone being supposedly turned off until a little while ago. "The plans are going splendidly here in the Chinese Federation. While that eunuch Varis seems to be onto me and distrusts me he can't do anything against me and with my position I am managing to keep the other 'eunuchs' at bay and under control by using my body."

"Kukuku, to think a man would call himself a eunuch even though he isn't, and so many of them no less. Really, humanity is such a strange little race that it gets quite funny watching them play." The voice said in good humor. "Regardless, I need to know when will be the right time to approach Kouen. We need him and his desire to conquer if we want this world to continue in its project towards world unification, we can't quite trust Charles and the brat V.V. with the unified world after all."

"I understand, but he isn't quite on the right point for it. However, I already planted the seeds of doubt and distrust into Hakuryuu's mind to make him resentful to me and Kouen. We can use his hatred any time to start a civil war inside the Chinese Federation." Gyokuen said smiling while remembering the eyes of hatred that her 'child' had when looking at her.

"I see, I suppose the plans of Peace Mark are still on track then. It is such a joy to work with my fellow "Gods" in reworking the world. Still I doubt many of them will be left once the final of the war begins." Ribbon mused silently in amusement.

"Do not worry, while the others might not be able to accompany you into the world of C. I will as I have the Geass you gave me, the Geass of Transfer to simply jump my soul to another body and completely take it over." Gyokuen said. "After all, this Arba already accompanies you for the last 600 years, nothing stops me from joining you in the final battle. Anyway, I must get going now, master Ribbons Almark. There are people waiting for me that I must meet due to the child from Britannia who is killing our pawns left and right in Area 6, I might need to send some men from Al-Thamen to deal with him."

"I suppose I understand. It wouldn't do for us if Britannia were to become stable internally otherwise they just might realize our members on the inside and that wouldn't do for any of our subsidiary organizations like your Al-Thamen, Danzou's Root, and Doflamingo and his family. I suppose eliminating him now would be for the best. Okay, give the go order but only when we can be sure it won't interfere with our overall plans and when he is not surrounded by those machines as fighting them would cause too much trouble for us. Also, send word to Salem and her forces to stay further away from Britannia's capital, I don't want the Emperor sniffing around close to me."

"Hehe, that is rich coming from you master, you are literally living in a hotel while IN the capital of the man who would do anything to capture you if he was to know you are there.

"Well, what can I say? Humans are truly predictable creatures, after living in this world for more than one thousand years I already understand how they work simply too well." Ribbons answered.

"Master Ribbons, I must ask but why do you speak of other humans and even other Code Bearers like they are different from you?"

"Well, they are. I am the one destined to make this world progress, after all I instigated most of the wars this world has seen for the last few hundred years and thanks to my efforts the cattle is finally evolving. I am different from humans who accept living in mediocrity or the Code Bearers that still keep trying to connect to humanity for some reason, if I were to define myself I'd say I am an Innovator."


On Pandora Academy the girls were excitedly talking.

"When is your cousin coming back?" Seryu said excitedly to Marrybell who was glued to a screen and intensely watching the news on the phone where dozens of people, Britannian and Numbers, were lining up to become members of the A-Law while Marrybell was seething in anger at this.

"As I told you before, I don't know. Ciel said he would try to come back within the next month. He has finished with most of Area 6 Terrorists and only Argentinia and Chile are left to search through." Marrybell explained while whispering to herself "Lucky bastards, got to fight already while I have to stay at school."

"Humm, do you think he would mind if I wanted to join? I really want to fight for JUSTICE already and he definitly is fighting for it." Seryuu said before starting to shake Marrybell."Come on, tell me, tell me, tell me, tell me, tell m-"


"That should be enough." A girl said from behind Seryu who now had a bump in her head. Seryu was pouting with her new wound but the new girl didn't mind in the least. "As the future knight of Marrybell, I won't allow you to do whatever you want with her! This I swear as Oldrin Zevon, future knight of Marrybell Mel Britania."

"Yeah, yeah, everyone heard you proclaiming that a hundred times already." A new person walked over, Kallen who was already much more open now after spending more than a few months in this academy. She had already forgotten her brother's words about how she should pretend to be sick all the time as there was no reason for it.

She liked it here. She was living with her mother in the citys western district quite well, her father was making great strides with his company due to some inventions being sold to him cheaply by Ciel and with the new political support from Ciel her mother had even said that it was likely that he might receive a comanding position in one of the Areas when Ciel eliminates the bad nobles there nothing would stop the chance of her father being able to help manage one such area. The only sad part to her was how her brother had gone back to Japan and stopped sending letters after telling her how he was now living with his friend Kento Sugiyama and that he was planning to apply for the Military in two years once he was eighteen.

She didn't like that Madara-guy her brother idolized anymore, now that she lived in Academic City and saw a much more colorful world she could never agree with something like race superiority and things like that, she had seen people from all races and cultures in this school, its rival school (Teito Institute for males-only) and the other schools to know that race shouldn't define a person, effort is what should. Kallen was especially friendly with Seryu, even if the girl needed to have someone to reign her in every once in a while or she might do something stupid like start a fight for 'justice' or whatever.

But, she had to admit that the superhero animes Seryu recommended were quite good.

"Regardless, I already asked my fiance," Marrybel started, making those listening sweatdrop at how calm Marrybell was about the engagement despite being so young. "and he said that the minimum age to be a member of the A-Laws is 13, it will take four more years for us as we are all nine years old now."

"But don't Slaine and Setsuna join in operations? I saw them on TV, piloting their machines and fighting, how can the prince say it isn't allowed for us but is for them?" A new girl that was passing by and heard the talk said.

"Well, as you know Erza, Slaine and Setsuna are part of Ciel's 14 knights. They don't exactly count as members of the A-Laws as the two are separate entities working for Ciel, they might act together but they are not the same." Marrybell explained.

"Hum, then if I were to become one of Ciel's knights I'd be able to fight already?" Erza asked, but these words made a LOT of people's ears twitch, many were having the same thoughts as it was known that despite being '14 knights' there was still eight open slots, perhaps 9 as there still was the personal knight for Ciel to speak off so there was quite the chance for them.

"Yes, he likely would agree. But he only accepts as knights those completely loyal and with enough talent or enough effort to replace the talent. Also, it is not like it is just us from Pandora who are looking for these chances as there still are other schools in the city and many new recruits from the A-Laws, who knows who will be chosen?" Marrybell said before changing the subject, she was happy right now as she had just seen Ciel giving a speech over the importance of their fight against terrorism and corruption. Marrybell was actually relieved that as Imperial Princess and Ciels fiance she also had access to Ciels pool of recruits to build her personal unit the Glynda Knights.

One person, however, was wondering if she should accept the offer from Ciel to become one of his knights. She didn't know if she should, but the title Knight Chiffon Fairchild does sound good. She was the only one until now from the Pandora Academy who had received such an offer after she participated in a mock battle with Setsuna and managed a draw in close combat, something that highly impressed Ciel.

Other members of the class continued talking and all of them were enjoying it, the peace they were having now being more complete in knowing that terrorists and corrupt nobles that for so long put many of them through hell were now starting to get their just deserts.


Ciel's P.O.V.

I am now in front of a pile of paperwork, to think that the child that is beginning to change the Empire is now in a losing battle against paperwork. It truly is regretful.

Oh well, at least one of the papers I have right now is more interesting. It is the details on the number of people that are enlisting into the A-laws, some of them even requesting transfers from the military to do that. It was annoying, but one good thing is that with my financial support through the new company I developed to create cheaper medicine and selling them to all on a fair price I now have enough money to, with the help of the Schnee industries, start the mass production of the power suits I wanted for my elite troops. They aren't as strong as a Knightmare but they are cheaper to produce as one Glasgow costs the equivalent to 20 power suits, they also are not that much bigger than the human body and can protect against the guns used by Glasgows and Sutherlands for about 30 rounds and the increase in physical strength, speed, and protection means it is enough to help alleviate a lot of problems.

I also started preparing the Power Suits to the higher ranking officers as these will cost much more to produce their numbers will be limited but the sheer specs of this will make it all worth it. Now I just need to wait and see how things will play out while I cleanse Area 6 with the blood of the White Fang and those Nobleman who failed to cover up their crimes in time.

"Master Ciel, we just received word of the Emperor." Kirumi said from the door after she entered.

"Hoh, and what does uncle has to say about my request?"

"He said he will be sending one of the princes here shortly and that you are free to do what you wish now."

A malicious grin spread across my face.

"I see, then send word to the A-Laws. We will capture the current Viceroy Raven (Fullmetal Alchemist) and execute him today, his incompetence and greed already cost too much for our empire." I said and Kirumi bowed before leaving to send the message. I had to wait for too long to actually kill this Viceroy as I can't take charge of this Area or maybe people would call it me trying to rebel, but if the Emperor gave his agreement and already will be sending one of my cousins here then everything should be fine.

If there already is a replacement in place and the Emperor gave his approval this is a mission the A-Laws can fulfill without issue, now I just need to think how I should execute the traitor who was letting this Area become a nest of snakes as well as ensuring that the other Viceroys stop thinking themselves king and realize they must behave or their heads are next.

I do know that this will create hundreds of enemies within those in power, but I also understand that my standing amongst the citizens will raise as I become the 'champion of the weak'.

It is amazing really, how all other princes only have their eyes on the nobility and petty squabbles while failing to notice how the people is what is the most important. Control the heart of the nation, become its hero and savior in its time of crisis, and you will become their guiding light and spiritual leader in time.

This is what I believe, a nation who loves someone will not easily turn against them for no good reason and will instead worry about them, the population will become my shield as more and more will come to like me and attacking me becomes something the others will have to avoid. They fail to see how I will be using the nation itself to defend me from any direct attacks and the more hidden types are easier to deal with as I can easily stomp them with my tech.

The only real way of beatin my forces is by overwhelming numbers, but without being able to use this I am safe for the time being. When they manage to get something that could threaten me it will be too late, my power will be great enough to face any of the three great powers by that point in time.

Everything is going according to the plan.


Ribbon Almark entered a dark room in his hidden base in a mansion in the capital of Britania with some amusement on his face. Sitting down on the tallest throne he looked at the other seven thrones as he tapped a single button and watched as seven Hologramms activated on the other Thrones projecting the remaining seven members in control of Peace Mark.

The from him ironically named "Peaceful Seven" who controlled most of the world from the Shadows for the goal of advancing Humanity through a bloody evolution into a single unified world.

- The first was Madara Uchiha, the Japanese Warlord in his red Samurai Armor looked passive like always as he surveyed the rest of the Group. He joined not long ago but already was making good use of his Geass that allowed him to influence the minds of others into trusting him and making them agree with him the more they listened to him, something he was using in various public speeches to create his own large amount of Fanatics. The main weakness of his Geass though was that not only did it require for him to speak in person due to electronic mediums not working with it but unlike other Geass his changed the minds of people very slowly so if they only attended one or two speeches then the victim could easily resist his influence.

- The second was Salem, the white-haired Witch who controlled hundreds of Terrorist Groups from the Shadows all over the world and kept the various minor countries politically unstable by means of terrorism or assassination, she was originally a member sent undercover to work in the inner group of Charles Zi Britannia as his best assassin but now had been recalled so that she could lead the Terrorist groups more directly. She, as always, had by her side her loyal apprentice Cinder Fall.

- The third was Petyr Baelish, the one responsible for destabilizing the EU and making it fracture when the time was right. He was also the responsible for financing the troops of Peace Mark and ensuring that the operations ran smoothly, his latest triumph being making a military secret base on Austria by using his lover/follower/Dumb Cheating Woman lady Lisa, the wife of the old Lord Aryn.

- The Fourth was Mason Ordrosso. The oldest living member of the EU secret killer-unit "Chronos Numbers" and a Veteran of the Chinese-Euro War in which Mason killed the Grandfather of the current Chinese Empress himself. After the war he had become disillusioned by the world and had started working with Ribbon. Nowadays he not only had converted several of the Chronos Numbers to their cause but he also was the secret Leader of the Terrorist Group "Apostles of the Star". The most elite Group under the control of Peace Mark which they planned to eventually use as spear-head for their attack on Britannia.

- Fifth was a man only known as Father. He is also a Code Bearer who, before becoming a Code Bearer had a Geass that allowed him to divide his soul's sins and implant them into other people to turn them into hybrids between their original personality and his own with them being also extremely loyal to him. Father himself had also granted a Geass to his two most loyal sons King and Selim Bradley.

- Sixth was Gyokuen Ren, or Arba to those who knew her better. The most devoted follower of Ribbons and the leader of AL-Thamen, a cult who worshipped Ribbon for nearly five-hundred years.

- The final one was Yhwach, a German man who commands the most powerful mercenary force in the world, the Sternitter, and was the possessor of a Geass capable of seeing the future and used it to both fights and lead during wars making his troops nearly always winning and when not winning being capable of escape without much damage making him a legendary figure in his own right. Currently, he was a leading-figure in the EU-front at Africa where he was causing much damage to both sides of the conflict through subtly sabotage in case of the EU and battle in case of Britannia.

All seven, him included, were working to their own goals, not all being perfectly aligned with others but working together regardless.

Ribbon smiled in dark amusement. Seeing how most of these members were likely working to destabilize the world to remake it anew on their own image made Ribbons think it was cute they thought they would be the ones in charge on the end.

"Now let the meeting begin."