Side Chapter - Lelouch's perspective

AN: this is to show that I did not stop this fic. It is just that my co-writer that was responsible for this arc had his laptop busted and is going to buy a new one. Until he does he can't write and we had agreed that he would do this arc. This next chapter was to be released later but considering that I fear you all might forget this fic otherwise I am releasing this one now. This is to show things from Lelouch's perspective, do remember that he is just a 8 years old boy who was raised hearing that he was a genius by everyone.



"Hey, prince, wake the fuck up already or you won't have what to eat." A gruff voice said from the door as I was startled awake from the knocking on the door. A grunt escaped my lips as I stood up from the bed, my arms and legs aching from the training I received the last day. One of 'Madara-sama' subordinates was ordered to teach me how to fight.

I bet it was just another excuse to see me get beat up, the instructor Fugaku does seem like a spiteful little man who likes to make other suffer for no good reason.

"Humm, is it morning already?" A voice said from the side, looking at my friend, for as strange as the word sound in my mouth, I smiled slightly. His head of raven black hair that was slightly messy together with his black eyes and groggy expression make him look near harmless but he is probably one of the strongest youngsters of the whole compound.

"Yeah, Sasuke. It is morning, so we have to hurry or we will be yelled again and we will have to hear that self-righteous brat speak of how we are not doing what we should and his even louder friend yelling about how he will suppress us all and become the next legend or something." I said good-naturedly and Sasuke shivered in the mere thought of it all.

Needless to say but me and Sasuke REALLY don't get along with Suzaku and his friend Naruto. We were pretty much like fire and water, or as I would put a person and two piles of shit.

Entering the doors to leave the room I turned to take a look at a picture I had beside my bed, a torn picture that once showed me, my most loved sister, and the traitor who took her away from me. It was a reminder, a reminder of the person I would one day rescue and of the betrayal I suffered that to this day torn me. I still remember crystal clear of everything and the truth of it all.


The day my mother was killed I was listening, again, about how Ciel was a terrible person. She yelled at me over and over about how I should not be friends with him anymore, how he was someone who wanted power and influence and that he wanted to take the throne to himself despite not having almost any right to the throne.

"Mother, why do you keep saying all of this? I know Ciel, he is a friend to us and deffinetly isn't someone who would do anything bad to me nor Nunnally." I said.

"*SIGH*, You really don't see, do you?" She said. "My child, my sweet and innocent Lelouch, Ciel isn't someone who anyone should trust. I will tell you a secret, just between you and me." She said quietly.

I listened carefully, wondering what she would say that could explain why she acted the way she did towards him.

"Lelouch, do you know of Ciel's father?" She asked.

"No, not really. I never heard Ciel say anything about him and I never bothered learning of him." I said, and only now that I realized that this was a bit weird. I never really cared much as any prince was always a son of the Emperor to me and Ciel was always more of a brother than all my other brothers so I didn't really think about that at all.

"As I expected." She said. "His father is a member of the Joestar family, a family with an extremely long story and being a member of high nobility since the times of the first Emperor just as the other traditional family that is the current Viceroy family of Area 4, the Corwen family that is led by that crazy hag Elizard. Anyway, the Joestard family is strong, too strong you might say.

"They are the owners of the Speedwagon Conglomerate that owns around 30% of all housing-related things in the entire Empire and even more around the world, their money is enough to buy entire nations if needs be and they also have close ties with a mercenary organization called Tenkadan that is quite strong. They also own a large number of prisons and are growing on other areas as well, you could say that their power is too big.

"Normally the Emperor would never allow for this sort of situation but Ciel's mother and his father, the only brother of the current head of the Joestar family fell in love. Charles, sweet and good man that he is, decided to not intervene with the sittuation with the Joestar family even though they are also a family that tried to help one of Charles' brothers take the throne back in the day.

"This would be all and good if not for the fact your aunt got pregnant. This meant that there was a large chance for the Joestar family to try and use the kid as a way to obtain the throne, they already have everything except for it so expecting them to vie for it is obvious. Considering that I and a few other worried supporters of the Emperor decided to move to ensure that nothing would go wrong and that the royal family would continue being the Britania Family instead of the Joestar family.

"We waited for a chance and made sure that Johny Joestar would NOT be coming back home, we also did our best to limit the contact between the Joestars and Ciel, but I fear it might not be enough anymore, maybe, maybe it is not enough anymore to stop that boy with what we did." She said, making my head spin.

My mother was related to Ciel's father death? But, but that doesn't make sense!

Mother is a saint, she is the nicest and most amazing person in the world, the Flash and the best knight this whole empire has ever seen, someone who truly is incredible, pure, and amazing. She can't be related to such thing.

But, if so, then why did she say what she said about fearing that what she did might not be enough anymore?

"Mother, what do you mean by-"

"Madam, there are guests outside looking for you." A buttler entered the room saying that. Mother, upon hearing this, showed a displeased expression before turning to me with a smile trying to pretend I didn't see her displeasure.

"My dear, go and look for Nunnally for me, okay? Just make sure she gets to her room and doesn't leave. Don't worry, everything will be alright." Saying that she gave me a peck on the forehead. This was the last kiss she gave me.


"Nunnally, little sis, where are you? Are you hiding from me again?" I yelled across the mansion's second and third floor as I searched for my cute sister.

Since a while ago she got very spirited, she would move and play all the time, it was even hard to find a moment where she wasn't laughing or enjoying herself one way or another. For a while now she started liking to play hide-and-seek and she was getting quite good at it if compared to when she started and would leave her feet out in the open when she hid behind the curtains.

It was a tad annoying that she would do that when we searched for her but the hugs she gave me whenever I found her would always put a big smile on my face.

Her presence and Ciel's friendship were the best part of my day-to-day life. Her smile soothed my soul more than anyone could ever imagine and from my very first memory, her presence was one I cherished above all else. My cousin, on the other hand, was the closest thing to a true equal to me there ever was or likely will ever be. He was not too cunning, not for a long shot for what I see, but he was almost as smart as me when it comes to strategy when he wants to and his intelligence in other areas is much higher than my own even if he is too reclusive to my tastes.

I always imagined how it would be like, me as the Emperor, him as prime minister, and Nunnally as a goddess to all there are, because she deserves to be thought as such in my eyes, and of course Schneizel on the side lamenting with a bottle of wine about losing every time against my intellect during our chess matches.

... But, but mother's revelations of the past is quite troublesome. From what I know of Ciel he is very easy to get along with but to those he hates he can smile and hide his emotions well but never forgive, he is a bit petty on that regard. Maybe he should learn with me on how to be more open-minded and less vengeful? Yes, he probably could.


Suddenly, without any warning, a bang sound appeared on the mansion. One I recognized well from Cornelia's demonstrations, it was the sound of a gunshot.

As I heard this I ran, I ran, ran, ran, and ran towards where the sound of gunshots rang, after the first one more and more rang and I could clearly feel my blood running cold like ice. Terror engulfed my mind as one thing appeared in the forefront of my head as I almost screamed in terror at the thought of what was on my mind.

I don't know where Nunnally is.

As this thought occupied my head I ran to the main entrance, I had to make sure that Nunnally isn't there and that mother was kicking the ass of whoever was attacking. She was awesome, after all. No run of the mil no name could possibly match her, Marriane the Flash!

And then... hell.

It was all I could think as I saw what can only be hell. I could see clearly the pristine walls that once we're decorated in gold and paintings were now damaged and broken. The floor where I and Nunnally would run non-stop until not long ago is now filled with the still forms of the servants, like the kind nani who told Nunnally stories every night and would always have a candy somewhere in her for me and a smile on her face was now forever unable to smile as her face was destroyed. The butler who would wake me up when I slept more than I should was not with his body filled with holes and the clock he always kept on his hand was now broken in the floor.

But, but no matter how many people there were that died my mind was on the person in the stairs. My mother, she was dying on the stairs, it was visible as more and more her breathing weakened and her blood just kept flowing out of her and dyiny sister in it as she too was shot even if it didn't look mortal at all.

I ran to them, my legs failing me as I fell while going down the stairs and felt right by mother's side, my consciousness failing a little but I could still hear the words she said to herself before it was too late.

"I guess he really couldn't forgive me." As she said that she coughed blood, gave one kiss on Nunnally's forehead and looked at the wall where a crying girl was standing before mother's breathing stopped.


The time after this was a blur, the face of whoever attacked is a mystery as I can't remember much of anything. However, I do remember my mother's last words and also one more thing.

The gun.

The gun was unlike others I have seen before, it was bigger in most aspects than any other handgun I have seen and had a high-tech vibe to it.

I could not think of anything as the last words of my innocent mother played in my head and her revelation of earlier all continued to swirl in my mind like an all encompassing wirpol that was bringine more and more to the dark realisation of what is likely the truth.

Ciel is the culprit.

It is the only logical explanation, no one else could have reason to attack my saint of a mother who was loved by all.

But, at the same time I know him. I know he isn't the type that would do something like that, he is my friend and he wouldn't kill my mother over someone he never even met. However, he still is the most liely person to be responsible for that.

Those thoughts continued swirling inside my head, contradictions, and denials mixed with what I know and saw until I finally decided to act when I received a piece of shocking news.

The Emperor, my father, stopped looking for the culprit for both my mother's death and aunt Flora. Asking around I heard more about it and learned that this happened not even two hours after a meeting between Ciel and the Emperor.

... I, I can't believe it.

This shouldn't be possible. I know of Ciel, he is my friend!

Nunnally, I need to see her. I, I must see if she is alright. I must make sure she is safe, it is the first thing I must do before finding out who is responsible for what happened to sister and mother, who is the one I am going to gut alive and make suffer hundreds of times more than what he ever felt possible. Luckily those guys from Scepter4 that Ciel left to watch over me (if for protection or something else I don't know anymore) so I can move more easily.

Quietly I left the room I was and wandered around, looking for the doctor responsible for Nunnally. These people talking are smart, otherwise they wouldn't be here working for this hospital as doctors and they are looking from the outside so they might know something I don't know yet.

"Can you believe it? The gall of that brat, does he thinks he can order us around just because he is a prince?" An angry voice said from a room. Finding that this might be related I approached the door but stayed outside to hear what was being said.

"Yeah, does he thinks us from the Avalonian Hospital? We are the best! There is no where better than us when it comes to medicine so there is no reason to take princess Nunnally away from here, much less princess Marrybell. Both are beyond repair, Nunnally will never walk again and Marrybell is disfigured for life so there is no way to heal them back to normal."

"Maybe he wants them for something else? Who knows really, the two still are princesses after all."

"Yeah, it would make sense. Maybe he could 'present' them to someone for an alliance or even marry them to reinforce his position if he wants to take the throne."

"Nah, that wouldn't work. He is too far down the line of succession, there would be no way for him to become the next Emperor."

"On that I disagree, it wouldn't be the first time that someone who was low on succession line take the throne and he is increasing his influence worldwide. Last I heard there were talks of him being the Emperor's favorite and that he is garnering a lot of unknown stuff back on his city."

"That is not to forget his little helper that is garnering a lot of influence, Pariston, and the connections the prince has with some big companies. Honestly, the dispute was between three sides with Schneizel with the new military, Ciel's increasing popularity and unknown power-base, and Lelouch's with the influence he was garnering from old nobility and the supporters from his mother as well as the supersticious bunch that believe in the nonsense of the purple eyes being destined to greatness, but now the last one is in the air really."

"*SIGH* To think that the dispute started already, I just hope it isn't as bloody as last time where from the over 30 sons of the late Emperor the only survivors were our current Emperor and his younger sister. It is always like that, all the weaker princes end up dead and only the best take the throne."

"Yeah, and we must admit that this attack was quite interesting. Entering somewhere like the Aries Vila without a problem, there is no way someone normal could do it. It would have to be a ro-"

"HEY, you better stop talking or we all might have our heads rolling. We all know how these sort of things are, the succession battles are always bloody but one is better not speaking too much about them."

"Yeah, but hey did you hear about-"

After that it was just some gossip, meaningless and empty gossip that didn't matter at all.

Not like I could hear much of it anyway since the members of Ciel's forces appeared soon after and started following me around, for the first time in my life I could feel it when I felt the shadows of the soldiers of Ciel on my back.

I could feel terror, the terror of being manipulated so thoroughly. I wanted to deny it, deny everything to keep the image of the past as the guide light of what I wanted for my life, the dream I dreamed so much and desired so much, but it was not to be.

I was like a puppet, just starting to realise how much I was played.

I don't know since when, it might have been only recent that he decided that or it might have been for years now (I know he is ALMOST as smart as me, he would be able to do that) but Ciel betrayed me.

No, betrayed is the wrong word. To betray someone you must have something to betray, he was my enemy from the start.

Prince Ciel Phantomhive Zi Britania, you are my enemy.


I did it. I managed to get an audience with the Emperor, and it will be with the full court that it will happen.

I must make them all see that I am not weak, that I am the best and much greater than Schneizel or the traitor. I am THE best!

I am smarter than everybody else, I only win in chess and I will do the same in politics just as well!

Stepping through the doors of the audience chambers I see my family members, the nobility, the traitor, and the Emperor ever so important just standing there on his fat ass and not doing what any man should and hunting down the criminal who killed his wife.

"Hail, your majesty." I said in proper greeting, but with as much strength as I could. I must make sure to look as imposing as I possibly can otherwise others might not take me seriously, everyone must see me as strong so as to make more of them decide to follow me in the future and help me become the next emperor and punish the traitor for the crimes he commited! "My mother, the Empress, is dead."

"Oh, yes. ...What of it?" The Emperor said disinterested, like it meant nothing.

"W-What of it?" I said incredulously.

The petulance, doesn't he understand what he is saying? MY mother, HIS wife, is dead and gone. Is he also stupid like everyone else? That might explain why he never accepted my challenges to chess, he was afraid to be defeated like everyone else.

"Did you call me just to inform me of that?! Send the next one in, I have no time for these childish games." As the emperor said that and was about to dismiss me I had to act, I must make him see me and answer my questions!

"Father." I yelled as I ran to the throne, a few soldiers tried to stop me but the Emperor stopped them and let me continue. "Why didn't you keep mother out of harms way? You are the emperor, the greatest men in this nation, if not the world. You should have protected her. I also demand to know where Nunnally is!" I said, the last part being the most important.

I must know where Nunnally is, I must understand where is it that she is so I can rescue her from the evil clutches of the manipulative traitor!

"I have little use for a blind weakling like her." The Emperor said, his voice was as impassive as if he was talking of the clouds or anything else except the most precious thing in the whole world.

"How dare you say that?" I said in rage, my voice as loud as it could get and fire burning on my eyes. How can anyone DARE to speak of my precious sister like that? I swear that one day I will have his head for saying such a thing!

"How I dare? No, how something like YOU dare to say anything against someone like me. You are dead! You have always been dead to me, dead from the moment you were born. Who gave you the fine Clothes you wear, the comfortable Home, the food you ate and your very life. All of those I have given to you, in short, you are nothing to me because you never existed.

YET YOU DARE TO SPEAK SUCH FOOLISHNESS TO MEEE!" As he said these words the Emperor stood up, his eyes cold and at the same time burning with hatred like none I have ever seen.

Power, this is the first time I understood what power meant. Those eyes looking down on me as I stumbled back to the floor, those cold and hard eyes making me cower even as I tried my best to stand my ground, it was all too much.

"Lelouch, you are dead. Therefore you are not entitled to any rights. I´m sending you to Japan where you as Prince will serve well as a bargaining-tool!" The Emperor said making me tremble inwardly. I was just a tool, none of the respect I wanted granted to me as I was just an item for this man in front of me.

This is the worst humiliation of my life.

... Wait, he only spoke about me. What of Nunnally?

"On the matter of Nunnally and her sister Marrybell, I have thankfully found some purpose for them due to Ciel expressing his interest in them." Interest, what sort of interest that snake has with my precious little sister (and my half sister who I care significantly less about)? Nunnally isn't someone who should be anywhere near someone that is so dangerous as Ciel, she is innocent, and pure, and so very precious. The last good thing I have in this world, the last ray of sunlight that still exist.

But, she belongs with family. She should be with ME! I can't let anyone here anywhere near her, especially the traitor as he is likely the one who killed mother and who knows if he will try the same with Nunnally later.

However, the next few words made the world turn black for me.

"I was looking for potential wives for him anyway and those two will serve nicely in that regard, he is someone who deserves a prize after all. He did things to help the Empire flourish, so you better not try anything against him while you remain a deadman."


So that is it! That was his aim all along!

He didn't just want my mother's death, he wanted it all. He wanted her influence and connections that rightfully should belong to me after mother's death. He wanted to take everything away from me, I bet even this speech of the Emperor was something that the bastard combined with the Emperor.

I heard of how Schneizel's influence was growing too strong these last few days after analyzing everything, that he might try and overthrow the Emperor and take the throne if things continued as they are since no other prince was capable to stand as Schneizel's equal. I bet that the Emperor and Ciel planned this as a way to balance Schneizel out, taking away everything from me as well as the Mel Britania family and putting it all on Ciel's ambitious but obedient hands.

Ciel, you bastard! You definitely planned everything, you want it all and convinced the Emperor to help you. You will even take two princesses as brides to fortify your position and claim to the throne, I am sure of it! Otherwise, it would only be some absurd coincidence that would just not make sense. There is no way it was all just coincidence!

Turning to my enemy I saw him staring at me, his form frigid as he likely understood that I saw through his little charade. I am a genius, there is no way I am wrong and I am dead sure that you, my once friend, is the one person I will decidedly kill.

I just wish there were fewer people here as, before I could move to strangle the bastard, two guards came to see me off the room. When I was brought back to a separated room I saw a bag of clothes and belongings already prepared, as expected since Ciel and the Emperor decided long ago to have me expelled from the country that belongs to me.


The next day I was taken almost by force to the plain the Emperor prepared for me, all formalities expected from a royal trip were there but even as I looked at all the people around and my half-brothers I could feel nothing but coldness in my heart. I bet all of them are gloating inside, loving to see the smartest of them all being reduced to such a state.

Right as I was about to enter the plane someone moved to talk to me, it was the traitor.

"Lelouch, I, I just wanted to say that I am sorry things ended up this way. I, I will take good care of Nunnally and if you ever need anything you just have to tell me, okay?" He said, his face deserving a oscar from how good his acting was.

The blood flow to my head and before I could think twice I had already punched him in the eye. As he recoiled back I smiled and was about to rush in, if I were to give him a lucky punch that could make him injured or even kill the bastard now it would be perfect.

However, before I could Clovis pulled me back by holding both my arms back. I saw the coldness as well as pity in his eyes and my fury flooded, he likely knew that the disaster that happened to me was going to happen and he let it happen, maybe even helped.

Enemies, everyone is a enemy in this place. I, I need space. I need to get away from all of this, all of them and I need time. I must have time to plan how to rescue my sister before it is to late and she is turned against me by the clever and malicious lies of the traitor.

Tears were about to spill from my eyes as I was pulled to the plane, this time no other brother or sister of mine tried to approach and they all left me with a wide space and feared me a bit. Why? All I did was strike the monster that took everything from me, I am just sad I didn't have a weapon at hand.

But, next time I will. I will have a weapon and I WILL strike down this monster that pretends to be nice.

I will have my revenge.


Present days

Remembering that I could only smile slightly, things were still the same deep down but I grew since then. I have been learning a lot under the direct tutelage of Madara-sama and Danzou-sama. They taught me a lot of things about war, about strategy, about leading, and about deception.

Being able to discern what is a disception and what isn't is a very useful skill, a good example is how I managed to discover the fact that both Marrybell and the Nunnally that are seen by the side of Ciel are likely fakes.

I obtained before I left copies of the medical records of both of them, Nunnally would not be able to walk no matter what and Marrybell should be disfigured no matter how good the plastic surgery was, instead he parades with the two fakes that are walking around as impossibilities.

Marrybell and Nunnally, the real ones, are likely imprisoned to serve as reproductive mares for Ciel while he parades with better versions of them. That is the only viable explanation I could see and when I proposed it to Danzou-sama he agreed with me that it was quite likely as he himself had done some shady business and showed how it was not impossible to find people that can pretend to be the true deal.

That is why I destroyed that fake letter of the fake Nunnally as soon as I received it, there is no way the traitor would ever let my true sister write any message to me. He is too smart for that.

Sighing I moved with Sasuke to the training grounds, I and the other children were all learning how to be ninjas for some reason. I am not happy about the physical work involved but I do admit that seeing myself grown out of being so weak physically has been invigorating, and the fact that I could imagine the training dummies as Ciel when using kunais was an extra.

Although, I do hate the taijutsu parts since I always got beaten black and blue by Suzaku, the prick. He would probably work well with Ciel, a manipulative bastard and a self-serving prick that is easy to manipulate under the right stimuli, it is just a shame that the two haven't met or Ciel might have had a stroke from trying to talk sense with Suzaku, idiot that he is.

At least my relationship with Suzaku is better than the one between Sasuke and Naruto, the two fight all the time about the pettiest of things. Sasuke always wins, true, but Naruto just has is near endless stamina and can take a beating like crazy and the next day be back to normal like nothing happened.

It is a characteristic of the Uzumaki clan from what I heard, they all heal almost supernaturally fast and have near endless stamina. Meanwhile, the Uchiha clan has eyes that are sharper than everybody else making them able to nearly see the future, the two are quite absurd like that.

There are others around as well, like that smartass that lose to me in chess but always win when playing shogi, Shikamaru Nara; the almost beast-like kid from the Inuzuka clan; the girl with giant boobs (for our age even if she is a bit older) of the Senjuu clan; and the quiet girl from the traditional Hyuga clan. There were others but I never really cared much for them.

I remember talking with them, fighting with them, discussing with them, eating with them, and having a great time with them all. I felt like I did when I was with the traitor on the start, a proof that the friendship we had back then was nothing special.

I am glad to have met them as well as my senseis (Madara and Danzou), I feel like one day with their help I will be able to create my own army and take over my rightful place in the world.


And, with that sound things changed as the gears of war of Britania advanced to my new home. To take away the small peace I obtained here.