The Conquer of Japan part 1


This chapter was supposed to be posted days ago, it is just that I got full of work IRL and I only had real time to work during the weekends and even then I had nearly no internet during those days.

Anyway, I modified the end of the previous chapter and intend to post this chapter now as a way to show that this story is very much alive. Also, I removed the chapter about the vacation as I feel that, while interesting in its own right, would make it dificult for me on the long run to put it there.


Pacing from side to side after having kicked everything there was on the room beside Kirumi I continued to fume in anger. I mean, I KNEW the invasion was unavoidable but to think it would happen just as I went on a vacation, and for me to be unwarned by ANYONE for days, DAYS, that my nation is invading Japan and disregarding my cousin, it is simply infuriating!

"Kirumi, how much longer until the emperor will answer the damn phone?!" I asked, fury in my eyes as she stood there. "I must talk to him already, I can't let this continue as is."

"And what exactly can't you let continue?" Charles said, his appearance surging on the video-chat screen in front of me. Knowing him he likely was free for a while and was trying to see when would be the ideal moment to show his face, he is just too much of a showman for my patience to handle right now.

"I will not ask why you decided to attack Japan regardless of Lelouch presence there, it is an obvious for all the reasoning behind it and for me that already knows of the plans regarding the Ragnarock Project it is even more so." I started, him nodding at my words. He sees anything and everything acceptable if the plan is to succeed. And why not, after all, if his plan works he would be able to rewrite everything to make it be like he wants it to be.

Foolishness, that is what this is.

Giving up the present for an uncertain future that might never happen only to get the easier solution, this is what I call foolish and cowardice. Just a man trying to play god and being too much of a coward to take the world by its reins and move it like he wants it to.

Regardless, I must play his little game no matter how I despise it. He is the Emperor after all and even if I WILL kill him at some point he still is necessary for now even if only to ensure that the run for the next Emperor doesn't start just yet. My city and influence aren't great enough to water away all troubles his death would possibly cause especially since the chance of Schneizel taking the throne is almost 100% and if so I will have to become fully independent.

Taking a deep breath to calm down and push all those thoughts back I continued.

"I will participate in the invasion of Japan."

"No." Was the immediate answer. "Your A-Laws are not to participate as it would be counter-productive to what you set out to do in helping fortify and cleanse the Empire on the inside. Besides, you also are not experienced in battle and I can see you want to rescue my son. It is not necessary as long as the plan succeeds, which would be put at risk if you were to perish."

"I understand, but I think you failed to understand what I meant your Majesty." I said. "I never planned for the A-Laws to come with me. As you said it would go against their objective if they were to do so, however, this only applies to the A-Laws. I myself and my knights will not enter combat as members of the A-Laws, I believe our addition would prove useful overall and it is not unheard for that members of royalty using their private forces to help the empire prosper."

"Oho, you plan to go yourself?" He asked, his face with a small smile even if his eyes continued looking cold as steel.

"Yes, and I will be fighting on the frontlines in my personal Knightmare. I will also not require ammunition from the military or any assistance, all the things used will come from my own pocket and my own capacity." I said, I have more than enough anyway. I had money I accumulated these last few months from not having to invest everything into the A-Laws since the money belonging to the corrupt officials and ammunition from rebels and terrorists were partially received to fund the A-Laws itself.

"It is still too risky." He said. "There is no need for you to act as this war will likely end in one month or so at the very most."

"Ten days." I said through gritted teeth, not enjoying the fact I was saying what I was about to say. "Give me ten days and we will have a new Area to our control and one more Thought Elevator for you and uncle V.V. to study and use." I said.

This was not what I wanted, not at all, but it was necessary regardless. Charles is someone ambitious, if not he wouldn't be trying to do what he is, and as such he wants his objective fulfilled. This is his strength but also his weakness as I know that if what I offer helps his desire becoming reality even a second earlier he will take it.

"I understand, but if you desire so you must know that I will want something in exchange for allowing your little fun in this unnecessary 'rescue' mission later." The Emperor said and I nodded as there is no way Charles wouldn't use this chance to get something in return. He saw me nod before continuing. "I will warn the general in command of the operation about your presence and that you have the Imperial Authority to act as you see fit, but if I hear you did something stupid you are to return to the mainland immediately. I expect great things from you."

"Understood, we will be there within the next 12 hours with our own equipment." I said and with that Charles turned off the transmitter while glaring down at me, which is not surprising considering that he glares at everyone and everything. Sighing a bit in relief I was allowed to go I turned to Kirumi and said. "Send the message to all my knights and the crew of the Dominion to prepare to sortie as I can't go with the usual air carrier of the A-Laws. Also, send the message for Monaca to send me a group of the Monokumas, as many as possible, to help. And, also, send word for the A-Law commanders to continue as usual and that they are to not get involved in the conflict with Japan until it is annexed, until that point they are all to go and continue their operations with the focus of eliminating the White Fang with the capture of Adam being the top priority, capture alive if at all possible as I want to finish him myself." As I finished saying all that I began moving to the labs.

There are a few things I need to look for there that would help this operation, my objective is to bring as swift of an end for this combat and searching for Lelouch to bring him back home. He has a LOT of things he needs to explain, especially about his behavior about Nunnally since he went into his exile.

If he can't explain himself well I will punch his face so hard he will discover the taste of his own teeth when I punch them in.

"Hah, I imagined you would want my help. So? What is it that you need exactly?" Deidara asked while smirking as he turned to me. He was confident as ever as he petted a bomb he created.

"I want some of your intelligent bombs, as many as possible and with the different capacities for each of them as well. I may need to send them to explode supply lines or help invade some specific locations that would need a more precise touch." I explained.

"Fine, but I want the data you obtain for the life test. I can let you take about 300 unities of diverse capacity, and this is the transmitter to control their movements, to explode you just need to say 'katsu' on the transmitter and the bomb released will burst." Deidara explained. "Just make sure to give me better supplies for my art."

"Deal, also where is Nina? I could swear she should be here somewhere as we did arrive a few hours ago." I said.

"Her? Who knows or cares, idiot? When she gets here I will tell her you were here." Deidara said before shooing me off.

And, with that, I have enough high-end explosives to send five or so Mount Fuji's to the sky. Neat.

Anyway, I now need to go and look at my knight that was on repairs after his genial decision to try and test the durability of his body by trying to see how much he can do before he breaks. He is not that smart even if he tries to act like he is.

"My Majesty, I am glad to see you well." Genos said even if he currently was merely a torso with his head attached.

"Yeah, I sure am glad I survived the shitstorm that went after me. Anyway, we are going to Japan next." I said.

"Could you tell me the details?" He said.

After explaining everything he nodded his head.

"I understand, would it be possible to request aid in putting the more destructive upgrades? I believe they will be useful."

Nodding I helped put the parts he needed, or I was about to when I was interrupted.

"Please, Our Master, leave this to us." A tall man (?) said. He had a tall and thin build, white eyes, and pointy beard and hair that, together with his clothing and the jester hat, made him look more fit to be on a circus.

Not only him but by his side there was also another tall male (?) who was wearing a white suit, a white cowboy hat, had a guitar on his hand, and one of his eyes had two pupils while the other had none.

The final was a petite female (?) who was about as high as you'd expect from a 12 or 13 years old child (which still is taller than me), had blond hair, big eyes, and is wearing a mini skirt-styled gothic loli dress.

The three gave polite bows as I looked at them.

"Impressive, don't you think?" Sasori said while approaching. "These are the newest models of machines I have created, they are puppets that don't need to be looked over too much as they have a high-level AI and also high fighting capacity."

As Sasori said that smugness could be sense oozing out of him.

"They are respectively Pantalone, Arlequino, and Columbine." He continued. "I had them ready as a birthday gift of sorts to you and as a way to prove my research is more relevant in the long run than the one that idiot who doesn't understand that art must be forever instead of an instant... Anyway, they have been programmed to follow your orders. Pantalone can release bullets of air capable of penetrating steel on a distance of 15 meters and release said air bullets in high speed. Arlequino can release flames of around 3000 degrees, more than enough to burn a knightmare as it is. And finally, Columbine can control tens of thousands of nanomachines she releases to her surroundings and uses said machines to attack or defend at will. I believe these will be useful, I also have a few other interesting puppets that I want to build later and the funds for it would be appreciated."

"I understand, thank you for the gifts. Also, are there any that would be useful for recon? I will likely need many of them if I want to obtain success."

"I believe I may have what you are looking for. I can send them to your airship in about an hour." Sasori said impatiently, clearly not in the mood for small talk.

"Ok, see to it and I will see if we can increase the budget for you as well as let you in on the data from other studies that might interest you." I said and he nodded before turning away aloofly and moving out, he had an objective to fulfill now. With that set I moved to another one of the labs, one that could be of interest for me to see how things are going there.


"Oh, Ciel. I did not expect your visit just yet. Are you here to look into my latest creation?" Mayuri said with a maniac grim on his face covered in thick white make-up and his stupid hat. At least this time he isn't wearing his glowing clothes that shine like a sun, his sense of 'fashion' is as strange as his creations.

"Depends, if there is anything that would help in my next little mission it would work but my main concern is on our mutual project. I believe at least a few unities have been completed by now." I said while sitting on a chair like I owned the place, which I technically did since everything within the labs is funded by me and my money. I am glad to get so much revenue from the multiple factories I have producing all sorts of technologies as well as the money I receive from the energy generators within the main cities of the Empire and the sponsorship from the Schnee Industries, Togami Industries, and the Industrial Illusions.

If I didn't spend as much as I do it is likely I would be filthy rich instead of barely making do most of the time.

"Oh, yes I wish I could say otherwise but the experiment still needs some fine adjustments. It is unfortunate that the data we wanted is unavailable for now, even with what I managed to grasp from your Geass I believe a few extra Geass to study would be necessary. Also, unfortunately, most of my research isn't on the point it can be used freely, even if I do have some interesting poisons or medicines that could be used right away."

"Great, while I don't think the poisons will be needed I do think that the medicine can come a long way to help the civilians that might get involved. While on a war involving the civilians is the last thing I want after dying or losing the battle or my subordinates. Now, send them to my ship at once, the more the better and focus on producing more of it for now and prepare to send it via airship as some of my ships will be used for it. Also, please start the processing of the food capsules that you mentioned for me a while ago, if I am to move myself I plan to show what I am capable of." I said and Mayuri nodded before turning away to do s ordered.

I am just a tad uncertain about the food capsules as it is a cube of about 2,5X2,5X2,5 that stores enough nutrients to replace a full meal and that is quite easy to carry around in large amounts and is near impossible to spoil. They would do wonders to help the civilian relief there, something extremely important in my personal opinion, but at the same time it is also undeniable that should such technology enter the hands of the military they would be able to advance further in the war effort.

Well, whatever. I should stop worrying so much about that right now, I already will be going out using my personal battleship and any of the things I will be using are already too much but I don't give a damn anymore. I want this war to finish as swiftly and in the best state possible, every second count.

Nodding to myself I started moving to Dominion, however, I couldn't get there as quickly as I wanted since someone stood in my path.

"Prince Ciel, I wish to go as well." Jeremiah Gottwald said as he stood in front of me, his hair and clothes are impeccable as he looked straight at me with eyes blazing with determination. "I want to secure Her Majesty Marianne's son, it is my duty to do as such."

Looking at his frame I nodded.

"Fine, you can come with us but you must follow my orders to the letter. Any transgression and you will be returned here immediately, if I order a retreat you retreat and if I order an attack you attack, if you can't do that then you can forget about returning to this city and to your post as a protector for Nunnally." I said firmly, he is a great fighter but I fear he would do something stupid if given the wrong incentive. In certain ways he is an impulsive 'brat' that follows his heart too much, he could easily become a liability if let be.

Bowing to me Jeremiah said.

"Yes, prince Ciel. I will do as you said, I just need to get a Southerland and I will be set and ready.

"Humph, a Southerland? Please, you must be joking." I said. "I had a prototype ready for a while now for a new Knightmare I intend to make the norm for the Knightmares to be used by the A-Laws, I suppose you'd work well as a pilot for one of the Flags."

"Flags sir? I never heard of those." Jeremiah said.

"The Flag is a high-performance mobile suit that can also act as a high-speed jet fighter. Both modes are capable of aerial flight with the mobile suit mode providing greater mobility and the jet fighter mode providing greater speed. For the flight, four hydrogen plasma jets are mounted on its back. The linear rifle is usable in both the mobile suit and jet fighter mode. For the latter, it also has the function of generating a "sharp shaped" electromagnetic field on the front of the jet and it is for this reason that the Flag can travel at high velocities despite its shape not being aerodynamic. For melee combat, the unit is equipped with a vibration based sonic blade which possesses the ability to focus plasma into a sword shape. While it possesses two operation modes, the Flag cannot freely transform between these modes in mid-air due to immense stress the frame buffers that can potentially spin it out of control.

"One interesting feature about the Flag is its fuel system. The hydrogen that it uses as fuel is infused into the molecular bonds of the carbon that makes up the machine's frame, removing the risk of explosions and eliminating the need for extra space for fuel tanks. It also-"

"Okay, okay, I understand that it is an incredible machine." Jeremiah said, making me sheepishly smile. I guess I went out of the tangent again as I got too excited. The flag is a special design I really enjoyed building, its main value for me is its capacity to fly and the fact its cost isn't so far above of a typical Southerland but its performance is much higher. It isn't on the same level of a seventh generation Knightmare like the Lancelot in Code Geass but the distance isn't that great and the cost to build one seventh generation is enough to build 150 Flag unities.

The only thing I need now is field testing, this war should prove satisfactory.


With all set I entered my battleship, it was gigantic.

It was capable of carrying about 50 Knightmares of the size of my own and of my knights. It is armed with positron blaster cannons, beam cannons, CIWS, linear cannons and several missile launchers. The Dominion also featured laminated armor for better protection against beam weaponry, ablative gel dispensers for protection against the heat of atmospheric entry (yes, it can work in space very well, I just need to get enough funds and time to build a mass drive to be able to start exploring the space and especially Jupiter since I feel that it might have some connection to the power of Geass), and a number of multipurpose launchers for deploying flares, anti-beam depth charges, etc. With the use of extensive automation, the Dominion can be operated even by a handful of crew members. In terms of the operating environment, the Dominion can travel in space, in the air, and on the water either to submerge and cruise underwater or to be used as an actual ship.

It was a ship that was made for one thing, supremacy. I honestly doubt there is any ship capable to stand up to this baby of mine. And considering the ship is also being loaded with a veritable army of Monokumas as well as multiple crates with the creations of Deidara and I could only think that the war should have ended before I knew of it. Honestly, I think that my ship and forces alone could topple a country like Japan in about 8 days or so if I were to not mind killing everyone in it. Instead, I have a different plan for this grand occasion.

Now it will probably be less of a war and more of actual bullying.

Anyway, I now sat on the high position on the ship, we are going to travel through the air as it is a tad faster and with this, the Dominion's submarine capabilities will remain hidden. On the ship, we just finished putting all knightmares and the load is all being put in place, I look to one side and see Kirumi and looking on the other side I see the four puppets from Sasori that are programmed to help me.

Soon, we will be launching this campaign... sigh, I can only hope to get this over with quickly, if I can limit the needless casualties I will. Well, at least one thing was for sure. If before people of other nations took notice of me now they will have no option but to think a whole lot harder about possible retribution for any hasty action which means that some of the funding for terrorists will be cut making my work easier.

Sigh, I really need a vacation. ... Wait, I was on one just a day ago and it ended up with me fighting knightmares and crazy terrorist and bloody mercenaries that wanted my head on a spike. My life sometimes sucks.

Taking a deep breath to try and force those annoying memories away I look as every crew member was ready to launch and just waiting orders to go. I looked to the side to see the captain, a weakminded man who I intend on replacing as soon as a better option presents itself but, for now, I will keep him as his family is somewhat influential amongst the nobility.

"Captain, it is time to set off. Let's show the world the might of my Dominion and my personal power. It is time to truly start the end of this war."


3° Person P.O.V.

At Japan... things weren't doing so well.

Well, actually one could say that was both true and false at the same time since the overall populace wasn't as aware of the bigger picture as the government or the military were. Whilst they remained in their blissful ignorance, the government and military practically gnashed their teeth together in both fury and dread each day that passed, since the next day could be very well their last... as a free Nation, that is.

Things with the war between Britannia and the rest of the world weren't going so smoothly, with that powerful empire growing and growing the more countries which had to surrender to them, it filled the other Nations with dread and nervousness.

Knowing just how tyrannical that the Nation's ruler was didn't help matters, in fact, it would be safe to say that it only made things all the worse, like fanning the flames as it were. Thanks to the nation's superior military technology, as well as that DAMNED CITY ruled by that one prince Ciel who had been taking the world by storm in every way possible, it felt like they didn't have many options available to them. Like they were nothing but children surrounded by vicious bullies, bullies who would take their time slowly closing in before pouncing for a major beat-down. None of their spies were able to gain anything from sneaking inside either, which only worsened their fears.

If it weren't for Madara Uchiha and his military forces controlled by the Uchiha clan and the Senju clan, the Government knew deep in their very BONES that they would have been just counting their days until subjugation by this point in time. Those guys had fought against Britannia's forces time and time again, proving themselves as Japan's sole line of defense against them when they needed such a line the most. As stated before, if it weren't for them, Japan would have fallen long ago, even with their... archaic notions of fighting reminiscent of a time in the past.

Not even the top government or military officials could grasp why they had adopted such principles like ninjas, or where Madara had gotten this idea from when he formed his military, but hey, it worked.

But, how long they'd be able to keep this up was anyone's guess...

Right now in one of their secret bases...

"*YAWN*, Man I'm beat..."

It was in the middle of the afternoon, for this secret base located deep within a dense, deep forest. The Base itself had the size of a small city, whilst boasting a rather large military presence with various different aircraft, gun batteries, etc. It wouldn't be unlikely to call it a land fortress, due to how heavily defended it looked. Two Soldiers were standing atop one of the four watchtowers around the base, keeping an eye out for any signs of hostile aggression. Due to the geography in which the base had as a natural defense, it would be quite difficult for land forces to break through without being noticed, as the wilderness would have alerted the base in one form or another.

"You had much sleep last night? Did the sergeant general give you a hard time again?"

When one Soldier noticed his colleague yawning like a bear waking up for a nap, a concerned frown formed on his lips when he looked over.

"Ah, don't mind me, I brought it on myself. Haven't been able to sleep lately thanks to my son being close to the Japanese borders. He and his mom sometimes drive me crazy with their choices, to believe the promises that everything was fine from the government..."

"I see... well then, let's talk about something else to keep you awake."

"Like the war?"

The Colleague sweatdropped at the casual mention of the Nation's current crisis, but he knew the guy personally so he didn't take too much offense to it. He then glanced to the forest once more, eyeing the wilderness around it both leisurely as well as cautiously. One could never be too careful, and it was their jobs to report anything fishy in the surrounding area.

"Sure, you think it'll be over soon?"

"No way. Japan's not going to give up so easily, we still have some cards left to play. Well, that's what the higher-ups think anyways, me? I'm not so sure. I mean, with so many powerhouses on the Empire's side..."

The Colleague chuckled weakly at that, scratching his jaw whilst the tired Soldier, slumped in a resigned fashion. It was the type of demeanor one makes when they were officially done with some kind of bullshit, the face one makes when they just want to go and be like 'fuck this shit, I'm done!' or something.

Even so, the colleague still looked quite hopeful in contrast to his pessimistic partner.

"True. But hey, at least we have Generals Madara, Tobirama, and to a lesser extend Todoh they are someone we can rely on, don't you agree?"

"I'm not so sure..."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"You serious? I have seen them when close to each other, I would say that it would be easier to see Britania disarm than to see them working well together. Just one look and it was clear that they couldn't see eye to eye. And if we already are weak and are not able to cooperate than it is not quite easy to see how we can hope to win."

Just before the colleague could say anything back to him, both men noticed something approaching in the distance. Neither of them could make out what it was exactly as it looked to be quite the distance from the forest, however, they assumed it to be something flying. Simply due to how it stayed in the air, but what really caught their attention was that it was gradually getting closer to them.

"Huh? What's that?"

The Colleague questioned whilst his tired partner pushed his fatigue aside to pull up his binoculars to take a closer look. Just as he did so, however, the formerly tired soldier noticed something... weird. Dozens of small black dots seemingly flew upwards from the big silhouette into the skies above, like birds releasing their young from their nests out into the world. Only, these weren't birds...

And that was the moment everything went to hell completely.


As the message passed through the base no one knew exactly how to react. Well, at the first two or so seconds anyway since right after everyone started running to battle stations even if how useful they would be was questionable since the mostly expected a ground battle and not an air battle since most flying machines were not that popular on Britania's army.

And so the time on the clock continued dropping and before long the thirty seconds count reached zero.

From the airship two compartments were opened, the first one released about a hundred or so white and black bears. They hit the ground with quite the strength but despite that, they acted like the fall was nothing much before their red eye glowed menacingly before they exploded into motion. They released claws that could cut through concrete and steel like it was barely even there and their speed and agility were higher than humans but quite a bit.

However, it was not the monokumas that were the scarier part. It was the knightmare that flew out of the second compartment that was. It was red and golden in color, considerably bulky like it was a giant or something along those lines with no apparent cockpit to eject. Later it would be known that no suck ejection system was made, while there were many technical reasons for it to the warriors of later times it would be seen as confidence and honor to not run away.

The figure was floating in the sky by using multiple repulsors that force it to stay afloat due to the sheer weight of the Knightmare. It also had many more functions to it as, while flying many compartments opened from all over it and a total of thirty satellite-like items appeared flying around the knightmare. All of them pointed at different positions at the same time and like it was nothing they all shot at the same time at the military base's strategic locations and the heaviest artillery that were there. The Knightmare didn't even need to move itself as its satellites were more than enough for it to defeat them all.

And, as everyone despaired over it, the Knightmare descended to the ground. Ciel's voices rang again as he again started talking.

"Throw down your weapons, I have no wish to kill more than I absolutely have to. Think of your families, this country will fall and do you really want them to fend off for themselves? Think of your children, living without a parent only because of orders of your superiors that failed you all and that are not brave enough to go to the front lines themselves."

"Who said we are too coward to be in the frontline?!" Suddenly a voice rang from the other camp as a hatch that was still unscratched busted open. From it, a Knightmare appeared bearing the symbol of the Hyugga clan in it. Inside the hatch was a man with cascading black hair with a stern appearance and white eyes that were showing a faint bird appearance to them, the Hyuga clan members had a pseudo geass that all clan members possessed from birth. This hereditary geass could not truly be called an actual Geass since its effects were quite meager but it still was enough to let their members see through objects within a certain range.

This was why the Hyugga clan was one of the strongest clans outside of the Six Houses of Kyoto, their natural ability that they believed was due to the god the worshiped that went by the name Ribbons having graced them with was one thing that made them decisively greater than any normal man even in piloting. They could see the internal structure of a Knightmare just by being close to it when looking and it meant that all the target's movements were seen through.

They were the best when it came to CQC on knightmares out of all clans of Japan, they were prideful and arrogant warriors and the man behind the cockpit was even more so as he was named Hiashi Hyugga and he was the clan head of the Hyugga clan, he was the most prideful of all Hyuggas. It was even said that he was capable of fighting on equal grounds against any of the heads of the six houses of Kyoto, his position as leader of this base was due to the confidence that he could guard this position.

However, Ciel's mere presence here was enough to make this man grit his teeth in anger. He could see how some of his men were losing hope, they had all seen the exploits of this young man during some of the A-Law operations that happened, Ciel managed to hack in all countries and release footage to them and in some cases even illegally passed his videos on TV as if it was what should be there from the start, he even sent the companies he hacked payment for their troubles and an apologize for doing what he did.

And now he was doing the exact same thing again, doing something wrong and trying to cover it up with pretty words, he wanted to take this base with minimal battle but his machines had already killed more than 500 personnel. Hiashi had to act and act he did, his confidence was blistering to the front as he moved his state of the art 5th generation Knightmare frame that could match even 6th generation knightmares on some areas. Ciel's Knightmare didn't move as Hiashi ran to it, the arms pulled back as he prepared to give two punches at the same time at Ciel's Knightmare.

It connected, and did nothing.

Hiashi then proceeded to give continuous punches at Ciel's Knightmare with all possible strength while aiming at the places that looked like weaknesses.

They connected, and did nothing.

Hiashi started doing everything he could, he tried everything there was that he could do including even throwing the dust into Ciel's knightmare's visual sensors or where he believed they should be. It all did nothing to even faze Ciel.

After about a minute of doing so and it clearly being ineffective the soldiers that threw down their weapons and were being left alone by the slaughtering Monokumas, even protected against friendly fire from those who cursed those who were smart enough not to die when they would not win, could see that it was futile.

They could not win. They never stood a chance against this kid, a mere kid that was trampling them so thoroughly and absolutely as it was quite clear that this was not all he could do, his ship was clearly capable of more and his knights that were already becoming something of a legend were also on standby.

Ciel's knightmare's arm suddenly shot upward and hocked into the arm of Hiashi's Knightmare. Hiashi decisively expelled said arm and aimed a gun at it to explode the arm together with Ciel's Knightmare.

Not that it worked as Ciel's Knightmare just kept there, before it suddenly exploded in movement. Hiashi's eyes widened as he could not understand one thing of how Ciel's knightmare worked as its internal structure was absurdly chaotic, like hundreds of tiny machines working together and separately to reach their own individual designs. It was absurd, like it was a thing that should not be possible no matter how he saw it, but it was why he failed to detect the movement of Ciel's Knightmare when it both caught the primal visor sensor of his machine on one hand and the cockpit on the other, he crushed the sensor and held the cockpit in place without even slightly bulging when Hiashi tried to escape. He tried to eject, to use the landspinners, to jump back, to punch at Ciel's knightmare, and nothing worked.

"That is enough, you lost." Ciel said and when Hiashi tried to defy Ciel again three of the satellites moved at high speed and turned into swords of plasma instead of plasma cannons, the satellites cut the Knightmare up until there was only the cockpit left and it was only then that Hiashi, as if speaking these words felt like swords coming out of his throat, said.

"Let's talk terms."

"No, surrender is surrender. You surrender and stops fighting against Britania, you do that and your soldiers will not have to die, you continue and more useless sacrifice will continue. Now chose, do you surrender to Britannia?" Ciel said, this time the silence spoke volumes as Hiashi refused to speak. "Very well then, this battle will continue. Hear me, brave soldiers of Japan, throw down your weapons and your lives will be spared. Chose if you want to have empty pride or life for yourselves as your leaders and commanders can't do that for you. CHOSE!" As Ciel said that he put the cockpit where Hiashi was located up in the air using only one hand before a wave of energy was released from it and destroyed the cockpit and Hiashi within.

Not long after the battle ended, 70% of the Japanese survived by throwing down their weapons, they were treated fairly and no abuse was done to them as even if their weapons were taken away they were still allowed to make use of the facilities for materials like food and water. They were not hurt after they gave up and those who were wounded before were being treated by Ciel's technology.

One thing of importance, however, was that Ciel made it a point to 'accidentally' leave the communications up and working for the Japanese. He wanted to make sure that the enemy knows of his presence and especially knows that those who surrender to him will be treated fairly. And with this the war that was on a slight stalemate between Britania and Japan had turned, the start of the end was now. He also wanted the connection to the servers of Japan that this base had, when he said ten days for Charles he did not mean ten days to say they win most of it and just some forces were remaining but the country could be called Area 11, it meant ten days to eliminate all opposition and win the war completely and flawlessly.

And with this connection, the results are already set.

Japan, upon facing Ciel one time, already completely lost even if it did not know it yet.