The Conquer of Japan Part 2

3° person P.O.V.


"What you mean base Higuromo has fallen?! That should be impossible to happen, especially this fast. Where were the reinforcements from base Shinjitsu at, taking a fucking nap?!" A voice yelled on the transmitter of the central base of Japan's military. The man talking was none other than Fugaku Uchiha, the vice head of the Uchiha clan and the chief of military operations when the war started.

Normally the leader of the central force of Japan would have been Madara or Tobirama but both had decided that they would go to the front lines to help defend together with the general Todoh. To say that things were not going well was an understatement but the presence of these three leaders was just enough to ensure that the front lines don't fall apart.

Meanwhile the other heads were also with their hands full, Danzou was leading the espionage and assassination squads to try and destroy the invasion force from within, Oonoki and Hyruzen were trying their absolute best to help the production lines to be able to continue the war effort while receiving large help and assistance from the Towa Industries, and Gembu Kururugi was doing his best to squash and stop any dissident movements of those who would accept fall into Britania's lap.

This was all necessary as Britania was simply too strong right now. They not only had an overwhelming superiority in power and talented commanders they also were smart enough to bribe politicians, start information wars, and aimed at transportation lines to make sure that the enemy would fall with minimal effort. They were simply too accustomed to warfare and knew by heart how to do it to the best of their abilities.

Honestly speaking Japan had only started the fighting by less than four days and things were already going to the point where even the more hard-headed and stubborn people could see that this is a war they could not win. And now the Higuromo base fell.

That was a disaster that was simply unacceptable, the fact of the matter is that the Higuromo base was a place for the front line retreated in case it ever needed a new base and it also was one of the bases where the monorail where the sakuradite was transported passed by. With it being taken away it meant that the enemy could literally cut the eastern front of the defense line of its resources to power its knightmares and tanks.

They had to take that base back but even when ordering the soldiers that remained to take back the base there was no positive answer, all soldiers there had lost the spirit to revolt against Britania, no, against prince Ciel. Fugaku was furious, the eastern front was a specially important place as it was where Madara's army was located, it meant that there was a serious risk of things going out of order there if this was not taken care off.

"Sir, a report came from our scouts." A soldier said as he entered without bothering with removing his shoes before and bowing to Fugaku, something that largely displeased the man. But, if the report was important enough, he supposed that ten lashes instead of the thirty he planed should suffice. "We had received word that the enemy has launched a total of 6 knightmares. They were released from the main ship of prince Ciel, they all are heading to different directions and if the directions they are going are to be where they are heading, then they are aiming at 6 smaller military bases used for transportations of goods located across the eastern and central frontlines. We also received word that the main ship is heading to base Shinjitsu."

As he heard that the cup filled with scented tea that was on the hand of Fugaku was crushed by his hand. He screamed at the messenger.

"Then go and warn Shinjitsu base already! They must intercept and destroy that damn monster at once! Also, go and make sure Danzou orders all his assassins possible to try and take the head of that accursed child, I want it on a spike."

"T-That would be impossible, sir." The messenger said. "The Shinjitsu base has just managed to complete a report, it has been shot from the 40 kilometers distance and the flight carriers, as well as the hangars where the knightmares were located and the anti-air missiles, were all destroyed before they could realize. Not only that but they also reported that a considerable number of explosives were sent and destroyed the outer walls entirely and burned the stocks where the food was maintained. The troops were already starting to starve even before the battle."

"How the hell did we not know of that? We should have known that since long ago so why am I being informed of this only now?" Fugaku asked in a considerable calmness, his fury went pass a threshold and now was back to what it once was. "Did the enemy managed to jam the communications?" Fugaku asked, the implications of this sort of jamming was terrifying to say the absolute least.

However, it was not the soldier there that answered but instead, a voice said from the speaker in Fugaku's own personal computer.

"You thought it was jamming, but it was me Ciel!" The voice, revealed to be Ciel, said with an oddly high amount of pride like if he managed to do something extremely impressing. "I always wanted to say that, yay. Now, before you try and break your computer, yes I can see you all right now and I can see that most of you clearly want to destroy or turn off your computer, I want to talk."

"So, you hacked my computer." Fugaku summarized.

"I did not exactly hack this computer I am speaking from, I hacked Japan itself." Ciel said. "I hacked all the electronic systems in Japan and as of right now control all its communications that rely on any sort of computer. Of course, I also obtained intel on all your bases, transport routes, and even your escape routes to when you abandon Japan to try and 'fight another day'. It was honestly cute that you thought I would give you all this sort of chance. Anyway, I also hacked into all your banks and control the cash of all the main families, I literally can turn you all into poor people with a flick of my finger.

"Oh, and I also have any and all evidence of any misgivings that you and the other great houses have committed against the people of this nation, including corruption and the less savory pass times, I thought only the Boltons in the EU liked torture so much but I guess burning people alive is something that you Uchihas and the Targeryans in Rome have in common, I guess your close relations are explainable after all, then again turning others into eunuchs like what Danzou does is something that the Chinese Federation is quite fond off. I can never understand how removing the balls of someone would make them smarter but I guess it might just be jea-"


"Sorry, sorry, jeez Kirumi you don't know how to handle even one little joke." Ciel said making Fugaku's lips twitch, this hint of humanity in there was enough to make others think of him less of a demon that he actually was. "Besides, it is not like me speaking this makes any difference anyway, as far as the listener here knows the war might have ended and only he doesn't know yet, after all, I control the enemy communication systems and spreading fake information would be just too easy. I am just too bored right now as I already won."

As Ciel finished saying that the blood in Fugaku's veins turned ice cold. How this kid did what he said was something that Fugaku could not understand but it was not relevant anymore. If what he said is true then this whole war was quite literally already as good as won.

"Anyway, I am just messaging now because I want to give you all a chance to give up. If you surrender to me I promise that you can keep your lives as long as your actions don't go against the laws of the Empire. I want you and the other leaders to think carefully about what you intend for the Japanese people, what is it that matters. If you give up now I can pledge for the Emperor to be fair with this nation's people and make sure that the Viceroy and other nobles don't try and take unfair advantages of the Japanese people. I can even help facilitate the honorary Britanian conditions and open more spots on the A-Laws and on my city for the Japanese people who want to take part.

"The world is heading to unification, the era of divided countries is coming to the end just like the warring state era of Japan came to an end by the hands of the emperor, getting on the winning horse early is not such a bad idea if you ask me. Now, I wait for the answer of you all, the leaders of each military base of Japan as well as the political leaders of this nation, your decision will be the factor that will determinate how this war is going to play out, but to prove I am serious about winning I will allow for communications for the next two hours and you all will be able to see the destiny of base Shinjitsu, they received this offer hours ago and refused to listen to good sense so now they will pay the correct price."

As Ciel said all that Fugaku sat on his chair and reclined into it, he then opened one of the drawers and pulled out a bottle of rare sake that he threw out of the window before opening another bottle of a terrible sake, opened the bottle, and drank it from the bottle itself.

"You know, soldier, what that bottle I just threw away was?"

"No, sir, I, unfortunately, have no idea."

"That was a gift from my son that I received last month for my birthday. I wanted a special experience that deserved me opening it and when the war started I decided that winning the war would be when I drank it until it either ended or I passed out cold, possibly in a pool of my own vomit and with a smile on my face. Unfortunately, this war is one we will not win. There is no way we can win, not anymore. So, I will drink this shit my cousin gave me instead, it tastes like shit but it at least matches my mood right now."

"... Sir, would you consider the offer from the prince?"

"... I can never accept such a thing as surrender. I will choose to fight, that this nation bleed to its last man and that Britania only receives as a prize for a hard-won battle a pile of ashes, it is more than what they deserve. Anything less would be an offense for the Uchiha name."

"But sir, what of the people?"

"What of them? They are irrelevant, they were born of this nation and if this nation falls they falling too is just something that must happen. That is why I feel like shit, because I know how my nation and people will be killed to the last men and that I will ensure that we all can fight to the absolute bitter end. Now, soldier, you have obligations to do besides standing there. Go and send the news to the other bases, we must know what they will say."

The soldier nodded and left, both the soldier and Fugaku not noticing a shadow on the roof that was spying on them quietly.

'Father, this is insane. Why would you try and push this sort of situation forward? What must I do now' the teen of no more than 16 thought to himself as his black hair covered his eyes.


On other military bases, the reactions varied immensely, some blasphemed to the high heavens, some thought it was a joke, some ordered the execution of anyone who would even try and mention the message. However, just as Ciel expected some of the bases thought things through and wavered. Strangely enough, the three wavering the most were actually two of the six heads of the Six Houses of Kyoto.

Kirihara, Sumeragi, and Sarutobi all had been trying their best to ensure that Japan would survive but this new action really put things into perspective. The thing that worried them the most was the money situation, if what Ciel said is true that he can eliminate all their finances instantly they knew that he could literally ruin Japan by just removing its money and withdrawing, they would be all ruined regardless. It was cunning, but effective as most of the money was digital nowadays anyway.

From the three the one more troubled was undoubtedly the Sumeragi family head, Oonoki Sumeragi. He had worked his entire life to get to the point he was now, he was not the first on the line of succession and was also not the first option in many things but he still reached his station as one of the most influential people in Japan by no small amount of cunning and depending a great deal on his foresight.

He knew that if the nation was taken as it was and if the resources were to be simply taken away together with the money he and his house would be the first to fall, he refused such scenario. He had worked too hard to reach his station in life and he would not be defeated and pulled down so easily. A plan surged in his head, a plan that would potentially raise him much further than before and also ensure the survival of the Sumeragi family while also ensuring the safety and quality of life for many Japanese.

Yeah, he could work with that, he just had to find the right way to go about that plan, that was what was on his mind after the message got out.


On the bridge of Dominion, Ciel was reclining tiredly on his chair, he was exhausted as hacking the entire Japan servers and security levels was not so easy and due to Matsu and Chihiro not being there the load was even more so deposited on his back

It took him 5 hours to crack and take over the nation, three hours where he had to use his Geass to further his own capacity and in exchange get a mild headache that just refuses to pass up.

"*SIGH* Taking five full hours to crack these systems, Japan really is a capable minor country," Ciel said, and for him, this was high praise but if any Japanese (that wasn't working for him already) heard his words they would want nothing more than to kick his butt over it and yell at him over how he shouldn't mock them so much.

Of course, this was no mockery, for him to take that long really is in fact high praise. Usually he could have done the same for most small nations in a matter of at most an hour, for it to take three meant that their security was at least higher than normal and considering how their hardware were inferior to the super-nations (A.K.A. EU, Chinese Federation, and Holly Britania Empire) than their capacity to defend against Ciel in any sort of level is already praiseworthy.

But, by the end of the day, they already lost as far as Ciel was concerned. Losing communications is one thing but having their communications controlled thoroughly by the enemy means that any level of war is impossible to win.

Ciel nodded his head before turning to the three bodyguards he had by his side, the three dolls made by Sasori were currently itching to do anything to show their worth and Ciel could well imagine how they could be useful right now.

"I have intel that the Towa Industries have one of its factories producing canned food and ammunition is on these coordinates, this is troublesome as even with the falling of computadorized communications it is possible for it to be used to deliver ammunition to the enemy army due to its position close to the river Shinamo river that would let them transport items easily by manual boats if needed. I want two of you to go and destroy that factory, don't wound the workers unless they resist and if necessary killing them is acceptable. However, this should be as a last resort if, at all possible, these workers might later work to the reconstruction of this territory industry and having more hands to work is better, eliminating them would be counterproductive on the long run, something I feel that most military commanders fail to grasp." Ciel said and the three nodded before Columbine and Pantalone excused themselves to go there while Arlequino would remain to help in being Ciel's bodyguard.

Seeing that another of Japan's possible lines of survival was about to be shot down it was time to do something that Ciel was not looking forward to.

"Kirumi, contact the general commander responsible for the invasion. I need to talk to him." Ciel said trying very hard not to bang his head against a wall from the sheer stupidity he was surely about to listen.


On the general meeting of the Holly Britania Empire forces into Japan, a group of people was looking at the screen and discussing the war, however, the leader of these forces was unusually silent.

"What of that prince? The emperor sent a message that he would be helping, so where is he." The leader of the central staff asked. He was a tall and broad man that was unusually muscular, he had lightly tanned skin, a cap with the words Britania on it, and sports a crimson, double-breasted suit, decorated with what appears to be a pink rose on his left buttonhole. Unlike many high-ranking military members, he does not wear a tie, but instead leaves his light-colored flower-patterned shirt unbuttoned, showing his muscular neck and part of his tattoo.

The tattoo on the left side of his chest is black (light-blue in the anime), containing numerous images of flowers integrated into its design. His tattoo has flame-shaped edges, and it extends from the admiral's left shoulder to his hip, covering part of his back and ribs. He has another, smaller tattoo in the shape of a black sword on his right deltoids and a small part of the biceps. His most striking characteristic is the sheer pressure he exudes that demands absolute control, anything below that is simply unacceptable and thus his displeasure on having a prince 'flying around and messing my battlefield' was enough to make the high general that was mostly only known by Red Hound, or as the Japanese called Akainu, be pissed at everything.

Not that this was a rare sight, he was pissed and furious about mostly anything that wasn't absolutely in is control or under the Emperor direct designs. He was the poster 'child' of the belief of 'Absolute Britania Rule' and one of the highest generals of Britania.

"Sir, we just received a request of communication from Prince Ciel Phantomhive Zi Britania." An officer entered the room before saluting and saying that.

"I understand, connect him to us. I have some words to this boy." Red Hound said.

Nodding the officer stepped out of the room and before long the communications were open. In front of Red Hound the face of Ciel appeared, the prince was absolutely stoic like if his face was chiseled out of stone as he looked at Red Hound.

"General, I am sorry for not answering to your communications early but I had no other option as I was quite busy winning the war." Ciel said, infuriating not only Red Hound but pretty much all other officers on the room.

"Humph, As far as I can see you haven't done anything beside defeating one military base that would be squashed clean regardless of what happened. How can you have won the war?" Red Hound said derisively.

"Because I had used the connection of this base to connect to all communications and computers in Japan and hack into them. I now effectively control all communications in this country." Ciel said.

"So? This doesn't mean the war is over." Red Hound said.

"No, it, in fact, does mean it is over. I already sent a request for the people of high enough rank to surrender, I expect around 30 to 40% would have given up within the next few hours. I am only sending this message to request that you pressure the enemy soldiers just enough for them to not be able to rest but not enough to put much of a strain on our side. I will ensure they don't receive nearly enough ammunition from this point forward and I request that any enemy that surrenders is to be spared." Ciel said.

"Ridiculous, like there is any possible reason to give enemies any sort of mercy. Eliminating them to the last man is the right way to do it, just like the former Knight of the Hound Raven Branwen did the results are clearly the superior option." Red Hound said.

"And that sort of thinking is exactly why I have such absurdly high workload as leader of the A-Law, also you seem to have forgotten that Prince Lelouch is currently in the hands of the Japanese Government what would you do if your actions led to him being executed? Also, our empire is already stretching thin from the current battle effort, if we follow your idea we would need a too high number of Empire citizens to be transferred over and thus opening the chance for terrorists to act more freely while also lessening our forces available to the other battlefronts due to needing too high a number to be stationed in this little nation. So no, you will listen to my words or this empire might fall, not that you will be in a position to worry over it as I would first make a deep investigation in your and your subordinates past and I would ensure that you would be suitably punished for any crime I might find." Ciel said, his eyes glaring at the Red Hound with clearly no intention of backing down.

The said general was about to punch the screen and punch someone, possibly some of the few captured soldiers he left alive instead of executing for the crime of not being britanian, but he managed to barely hold his anger before hissing.

"I will inform the Emperor of your obstruction of military plans."

'Yeah, inform him how I could win the war with barely any bloodshed and this must that could not hold himself wanted to wash the Empire territory in the blood is complaining like an idiot. I am sure that will go SUPER well, I am sure he would not yell and remove the rank of the idiot that complained over an easy victory.' Ciel wanted to say, he really wanted to say, but instead he said this: "You can do as you wish, however, remember your position in the empire and that as a member of our glorious military you and the other soldiers exist to realize the Emperor's decisions the best way possible and bring prosperity for the empire. You can listen to me or not, but those who surrender are effectively the Empire members from that point forward and senseless slaughter of Empire citizens, no matter the rank, is not something that I and the A-Law are keen to forgive."

After Ciel said that he turned off the message, and not a second after the Red Hound punched the monitor clean off.

"We attack!" Red Hound said. "No matter the cost we will win this war right now, I refuse to leave that brat be the factor to win this war. No matter how much it might cost, we will win today and take over the country head-on in a true Britanian way."


Back in the Dominion Ciel was headbutting his table from the sheer stupidity of Red Hound.

'How can such a crazy guy manage to reach his position? He is nothing more than a hound looking for blood, incapable of thinking in any way that might actually help the empire' Ciel thought before turning to the last knight under him that wasn't launched to squash the production line and transport ways that Ciel couldn't control fully like roads.

"Genos, I need you to go to the battlefront. You must watch over the situation and anyone who throws down his weapon in surrender you ensure is safe. However, if they have already killed any Empire soldiers than you don't need saving them. Remember, if any Britania force tries to attack you then you are free to deal with them as you see fit." Ciel said.

"I understand, I will do my very best to do as you asked." Genos said seriously before launching himself out of the window and flying away. Looking at him leave Ciel could only recline his head and put his hand to the side and, unsurprisingly, didn't have to ask before a bar of chocolates was served to him by Kirumi. Behind him, Arlequino had started singing a wonderful tune that Ciel was enjoying quite thoroughly as the music seemed perfect to help him relax. Using his Geass at higher levels was never quite so easy, especially since he needed extra from many people to pull out what he did and as such was quite tired.

He now had to wait for the reports from the multiple leaders of the enemy forces, the only ones he hadn't sent anything nor allowed the messages to truly pass through was the three main generals and those in the front lines. Ciel's objective is to completely cut down the front lines and the rear, making the war entirely unsustainable and defeating the enemy with minimal losses for both sides. Also, by making it this way he would get the Japanese military force in the open and closer to its shores instead of holing up on the mountains where it would be much easier to hide afterward after they lose the war.

The reason as to why, in canon, there was so much power into the terrorist hands was in part from the Six Houses of Kyoto (which Ciel intended to destabilize thoroughly by taking under his wing one or two of them and killing off Danzou and, if possible, Madara, but especially Danzou as he was too dangerous to Ciel) and the other part was that the defeated military managed to hide away its forces and part of the manpower. If Ciel's plan succeeds he will be able to get all the experienced fighters and machines in one feel sweep instead of seeing too much trouble down the line.

The Black Rebellion is one thing Ciel has no desire to see succeed. He is a prince of Britania now, he wants to change and improve the Empire from within and he is managing that, if that rebellion succeeds it might truly spell out the end for Britania.

And yet, the most important was how up until this point Ciel didn't manage to find any info on Lelouch's current whereabouts. To do such a thing it would need to be somewhere with no electronic security and yet very protected, thus the most likely scenario was on one of the more traditional clans within the country like the Uchiha or Senjuu or even with Danzou, they would be the most likely reason for things to be as they are.

Sighing Ciel started eating his chocolate and praised in his head as he noticed it was handmaid by most likely Kirumi herself.

"Delicious, Kirumi. You truly are a wonderful maid, do I say that enough?"

"Yes, yes you do master. Also, there is no need to thank me so. It is simply my duty as your maid to see to your needs to perfection." Kirumi said.

"Regardless, I appreciate the effort." Ciel said. "And Arlequino, you do have a talent for music, good to know. Would it be able for you to play the violin sonata of Amy Beach?"

"Of course, my master." Arlequino said as the tune changed and Ciel sank on a content smile as the war and a nation of hundreds of years of history changed under his thumbs.


On a transport train headed to the frontlines, a group of mercenaries was looking outside the windows carefully with rifles in hand. They were part of a mercenary group called seven swords of the mist and were working under a man named Gatou to help secure the transport to the frontlines of food and ammunition.

It was a usual thing, a typical mission for the mercenary gang, but for some reason, the seven leaders were more tense than normal, and a mission most of the leaders were only doing because the pay is good and the fact their original nation is Japan. The leaders of this convoy was a man called Zabuza and another called Jinin, both already inside their customized knightmares of sixth generations that were extremely modified by the organization that provided them these models, the Peace Mark.

The two knew something was wrong from the last hour or so, they're instincts that helped survive so many wars until this point helped them in seeing that things were about to go south soon.

"Sirs, we have managed to find some signal of a machine approaching. It is in the rails and seems to be waiting for us."

"Ran it over." Zabuza said. "It is on the way of our destination, just ran it over and don't you all dare to slow down or allow the train to slow down."

"Yes, sir." The mercenary said before going to relay the message.

The driver found it strange and wasn't too pleased with the orders but he accepted them regardless and accelerated.

It was two minutes later that the driver got the sight of the machine in front of it, it was a knightmare of a model he had never seen before. It was big, sure, but the most notable aspect was its giant claw hands that were almost of the size of the knightmare itself and the four big swords that were just as big 'floating' around the Knightmare's back. The main color of the knightmare was a mixture of white and brown with highlights in yellow.

Surely it was nothing like the mercenaries have ever seen. The most surprising thing, however, was how it stood in place even as the train was upon it, not bothering to move a single inch. It was only when the train was right in front and close to the knightmare did it chose to move, extending both its arms it stood strong before the impact as the train hit it with all its weight and speed.

The knightmare didn't move a single inch as the train was forced to stop, the sound was deafening as the front few cars broke and the frontmost car was crushed by the sheer force of the impact, not that there was much of an impact for the knightmare in question as the palm of it had the capacity to release concentrated magnetic repulsive or attractive fields when the pilot wanted it to. The pilot even playfully said that it was troublesome as it makes most battles too easy, but that is only because the pilot herself is excellent.

To use the capacity of these palms that were reduced to the minimal size possible but still looked too big would need someone who could, on the fly, add and remove multiples variables to determine the correct wavelength to attract or repulse what the pilot wanted. It also must be said that to control this knightmare that was of such considerable size and with the terrible natural balance it is necessary a pilot of abundant skills. However, the most important part is that the pilot needed to be able to control the desire to destroy senselessly as this was likely the most destructive knightmare as destroying everything with its sharp claws and the other functions are just too easy.

Ciel's choice for it, however, was one that most considered dubious at best. Chiffon Fairchild, a girl with Japanese blood and was only adopted by the Fairchild family of minor nobles of Britania. And yet she was trusted to fight even in this battlefield and even though she is still 12 years old, and she is quite happy about it. She is someone who follows orders, and still, she wants to end this war as cleanly and quickly as possible. Strangling the enemy of its resources would ensure the chance to do just that.

She was now sitting in her cockpit, looking to see what is left to destroy as her plasma cannons in the form of fur floating swords were ready to destroy whatever is left, she would after destroy this rail line by covering it in debris. It would be easy to fix but take the time that the Japanese army frontlines did not have.


It was at that moment when one of the cars of the train broke open and from inside it, two knightmares appeared. One was a sixth generation modified knightmare that was already releasing mist mixed with jamming particles to cut off the enemy, the Knightmare also has a giant big sword with a hole in the middle of it. The second, however, was a smaller and faster model with a war-ax in one hand and a hammer in the other. The blades of all the weapons of both knightmares vibrated indicating that they both had been based on the technology given to the Empire by her chef. He would not be too pleased with it.

"So, a little pest decided to grace us. Fine, we can eliminate you as well." Zabuza said.

"My mighty weapon will cleave through you easily, britania." Jinin said threateningly.

The pilot, however, was uninterested as she thought of what to get as a souvenir to her friend Tycil. She was definitely lonely back in the Academy and Chiffon would need something special to cheer the girl up.

In a moment of distraction, both Zabuza and Jinin released the heavy mist that quickly covered the entire battlefield. It was a mist mixed with iron sand and other metallic elements that would ensure that signals could not pass through, the objective was to blind the enemy and cut off its communication systems.

It worked well in that it did in fact cut the communication between Chiffon and the Dominion, but that was not an issue.

As long as she finished with these two in the next few minutes everything would be fine and she would be free to read more of her romance novel that she liked so much. She was quite the romance enthusiast if she can say so herself, not that anyone else that saw her fight would ever think that.

There was a good reason for her nickname in the Pandora Academy where the most talented young women in the empire gathered decided to call her the smiling monster.

Setting her mind into combat again Chiffon jumped ahead, she was aiming ahead as she turned her palm and released a pulse of magnetism to expel all mist from her surroundings, ruining the efforts of both Zabuza and Jinin so easily that it was anti-climatic.

Of course, that was far from enough. As soon as Chiffon got sight of one of them she released her landspiners, her speed going from zero to 200 kilometers per hour so fast it was quite unfair, her knightmare had the highest instantaneous acceleration amongst all the knightmares of the current knights and it was proven dangerous when she combined that with the claws of her palm.


And, just like that, one of the opponent's knightmares was cut like ribbons in front of the mercenary troops.

Zabuza did not bother to speak one world, he only focused on how to win. If his partner for years died or not it was all irrelevant. Moving between a few containers that were thrown around he moved to the back of Chiffon's knightmare when it stopped again, he could expect it to be some sort of limit but he couldn't tell, the important part is that it was a chance.

Avoiding this strike by mere chance she launched ahead, however, the enemy mercenaries jumped at her from all sides with rocket launchers and other military grade anti-knightmare weaponry that were destined to the front lines and now were on the floor of this interrupt battlefield.

However, with swift movements and ample use of the magnetism, she managed to avoid everything. It, however, ticked her off a bit, just a tiny bit, and this was a battlefield, after all, this was a place of war after all, and this was a place where she could go a bit wild without a problem after all.

With a smile many times darker than before Chiffon moved again, her target was the mercenaries on foot, she used her magnetism to pull them to her palms quickly, even if they threw their weapons away there was metal on their clothes so the pull was still strong. After the mercenaries were pulled to her palms she did the natural thing and clenched her fist, blood and guts exploding from her hands.

Zabuza moved again, he had no great cover this time so he decided that he would go for as direct a combat this time around as he could. Moving to Chiffon he put all the weight and energy of his knightmare into one swing to try and kill the monster, however-


A second later two pieces of a great sword fell to the ground, the vibration still going as Zabuza, as if in reflex, ejected from the knightmare and escaped just in time.

Chiffon saw that and her more wicked side shown its face, she continued her work of eliminating every mercenary and about a second later she was done with them all. The only one left was Zabuza who had entered the woods a few seconds ago.

"Well, that is troublesome. He entered the forest and it would be hard to move in this place, so I guess I don't have much of a choice but to give up... or not." She said as she started cleaving her way through the forest using pure destruction. It was not much later that she noticed the trail of Zabuza who was running at all speed but as unable to escape this monster.

And so, a few tens of seconds later, he was captured by Chiffon. His capture happened when he tried entering in contact with reinforcements and the message stipulated somewhere in the middle of the jungle as a safe heaven. It was unusual but not so much that it would stop the movement of Zabuza who was running like his life depended on it, unfortunately, it was just not enough.

"Are you scared? Please, do tell... What does fear feels like? No matter how much I destroy... No matter how much I crush... I can't understand it, so will you show me how it is done?" Chiffon said while holding Zabuza by his two arms using her palms before slowly pulling them apart, the sound of tearing flesh and bones was loud and clear, so much so that anyone would be able to hear it. But Zabuza would not give the enemy what he wanted.

"Fuck, you." He said even as his arms were removed from him, the pain shooting up to his brain blinding but he stood his ground.

"Oh well, there is always another person to teach me in the end I guess." Chiffon said cheerfully as she moved her Knightmare's legs, kicking Zabuza's head clean off.

She then moved to the next location, she had more to do anyway and she could not stop here. The only shame was that there were no more enemies to fight, she wanted more chances to destroy others and things as well.