The War progresses, the end of two armies

3° Person P.O.V.

It couldn't be said that they were lax. The Todoh army was one of the three strongest armies amongst the entire country and had a rigid discipline to it, despite not knowing if reinforcements would even arrive or if they had supplies to last for long, but regardless they were managing to stand their ground against the overwhelming might of Britania's military. The battlefield was an extremely sorry sight as soldiers of both sides died in droves, for every Britanian slain there would be twenty Japanese soldiers, but the Japanese stood their grounds and continues to claw and fight away for a chance of survival.

Their only hope was that the general Todoh who had managed to stage a win on the first encounter could continue doing it and finally save the country.

However, it was all too late when a single Knightmare started going towards them.

The first one to notice was one of the operators of the radars. He didn't understand why a single unity would be going at their base by itself but he still swiftly acted, sending word to the unities controlling the anti-knightmare canons the one closest to the enemy acted, sending one shot at the enemy.


As the bullet hit the knightmare a explosion happened and they expected the knightmare that did not react to the attack to be destroyed or at least pushed back.

That did not happen as the knightmare continued walking forward as if nothing had happened. That scared the canon shooter who quickly reloaded and shot again, which again was promptly dismissed.

Before long it was two, then five, then twenty anti-knightmare canons hitting that lonesome knightmare with wild abandon as explosions rang continuously, however, the knightmare continued as if there wasn't anything hitting it.

"How tough IS this thing?" One of the operators asked in terror as he saw the knightmare getting too close, despite only walking instead of dashing or using propulsors the knightmare was finally within thirty meters of the first anti-knightmare cannon. The operator made to escape but it was interrupted as the opposing knightmare put one of it's hands on it's back and took out a metallic cylinder. It was impossible to tell what it was exactly until they saw its hands grasping it tightly and the cylinder extending and, from the tip, a plasma blade appearing.

It was a plasma glave, based on the ones used by generals of old to fight on the frontlines. It was massive and, with one swing of the weapon, the entire upper half of the canon and the occupants were cut clean through. After that the knightmare took position and stood still for a moment, the pilot not moving an inch as the prince directed the calculative power of his geass as much as possible for this and with glazed and almost empty eyes he dashed forward at speeds on the range of 250 km/h, whatever place he passed through that had any military construct was cut right through it.

The onlookers on the distance could only gape at the display in front of them, no matter what stood in his way the knightmare cut everything down with absurd precision and without stopping or slowing down in the slightest.

"Wow, I think this is bad news Shogo-san." A frivolous voice sounded on the comunication network of the knightmares sent to stop the advancing monstrosity of a knightmare.

"Don't matter." Shogo Asahina said back as he and his team of ten knightmares moved. "We must stop it regardless of everything else. Also, even if it is strong the team led by Captains Chiba, Urabe, and Senba are also going, with more than thirty knightmares and the support fire from the canons as well as the helicopters support fire there is no way this knightmare can pass through us."

As Shogo said that he continued looking ahead, the enemy was around 5 kilometers away and even with his speed they should be able to be on the position in time.

It was not hard to see from where the knightmare was coming from as a trail of continuous explosions continued tocking the place as the knightmare continued opening a path straight through the military camp.

When Shogo and the others got in position and saw the other knightmares and the final defense line of artillery canons Shogo felt confident that this was the right position just as the command has ordered for him and his battalion to be positioned.

"Captain Chiba, move to the right and try to focus on the flank. Captains Urabe and Senba please focus on the center while I and my team focus on the left." Shogo quickly sent positions for the other captains as they had long since got used to this structure of leadership when in a fight.

However, none of the knightmares moved from position.

Shogo looked confused about what is going on. However, the one much more confused was undoubtedly the slightly panicking General Todoh as he has no idea about why his entire elite team would have gone to this specific location.

No such order has been sent and any tentative of communicating with the elite squads had been proven useless as the system just did not work.

It was at this moment that Tohdoh remembered of something that made his entire body grow cold. It was amongst the words of Prince Ciel, he has complete control over the communications of Japan.

That thought made him terrified as he no longer could trust in the messages he is receiving from the frontlines and with some fear he took out a simple binocle from his pocket and moved to the side as he needed to see what was going on and thanks to the position on top of a high mount it would be easy to do just that.

However, he wished it wasn't so right now. After all, he was seeing the complete annihilation of his top unities as multiple smaller Bits that launched out of the giant advancing, every single one of those Bits released lasers at the enemies without stopping and even when the more experienced pilots managed to avoid the strikes they couldn't focus on the advancing machine that cut them down one by one, two of the pilots ejected in hopes of survival when their machines got close to exploding but the ejection unities were hit all the same by the Bits lasers.

Memories of his squad, those who he trained himself to fight and felt confident that could match any pilot on equal grounds if fighting together, those brave honorable soldiers were dying before his eyes.

War was never about equality, it was about who has the highest morale, equipment, training, strategy, and support. War is about supremacy and the one who has that is not Tohdoh's army, it is Ciel who was easily demolishing the entire army with such ease that Tohdoh could not help but feel like giving up.

'No, I must defeat that monster! I can't fall here without at least taking him out with me, he has to die or the land of the rising sun will plummet into darkness.' He thought to himself and turned to his assistant.

"... I am going, you take care of the army for me." He said, not as a request but as an order as he moved away. Normally people would think he might be thinking about escaping but those in the command center knew that this was not the case.

They felt their eyes water a bit, they could predict what the general was about to do, and they felt terrible that the general was about to do that.

And they watched as the general went, using his knightmare (a salvaged model from Britania that they managed to remodel) he took in his arms and back as much sakuradite as he could. He would die here, true, but he would rather die on what was probably the best chance for the destruction of that single knightmare than any other.

He could have sent another soldier to do this, true enough, he knew any of the other generals would have done just that and give lip service that the soldier would be remembered and how the soldier's family would get a reward for his heroism, but Todoh would not do that. He was too honorable to send a soldier to do such a thing and lie like that, he might never admit it but he knew Japan lost already. Unless the EU and the Chinese Federation joined them right now they would not survive at all, and that might not be any improvement since there is all chance that they might just annex the weakened Japan anyway.

Todoh moved forward, his knightmare picking up speed as he dashed towards the enemy who continued waving his weapon at high speeds. Todoh is an expert in kngihtmare maneuvers, easily comparable to the best in all of Britania on that aspect, so he was confident he would reach it.

Opening comunications, even if he didn't know how effective it would really be he shouted.

"My comrades in arms, we may fall here but do not worry for our nation will not fall! We are it's guardians and we. Will. WIN!" And with this last shout Todoh reached the knghtmare.

And detonated the bombs.



Ciel's P.O.V.

I could only look in a bit of boredom and with a tired sigh. I mean, shouldn't they have just run away long ago? What is the point of coming to attack me when I clearly don't take any damage on this knightmare?

Seriously, why would I have spent months working on a defense system that could be overcome with guts and explosions? This is not a shonen anime where everything can be solved by a big explosion and courage, this is real life and guts cannot solve all problems.

I sigh as I see the enemy knightmares be destroyed and I end up under a crater caused by the explosion. Oh well, it doesn't really change much and now their base is close enough for me to act.

Aiming my 'glave' in the direction the enemy base is I set it out, it quickly started overworking and heating up. This is a weapon, true, but it has the capacity to take in energy from my armor and store it inside before turning it into pure heat and expeling the said heat. Creating a metal capable of handling this sort of heat was not easy, it took me about five days to reach my specifications really, but the final result was a good enough plasma weapon that can become a termal bomb easily enough and in short notice. With the capacity of my power system to produce virtually unlimited energy I can create quite the attack and this knightmare can fling this glaive at a distance of one and a half kilometers.

So, without any delays, I launch the glaive at the enemy base, or to be more exact at the area right underneath it as I set it off. The explosion that follows burn everyone in the base and, due to the position of the glaive, it should also burn anyone that might be on an underground escape passageway.

Seeing my work done I took back my glave and move back to my ship, no one bothered me on my way back, they either didn't dare or they were too busy watching the place where there used to be their base. Without communications and a center of command the army on this region must fall in a short time, no matter how strong an army is if there is no leader to direct it and with Britania being stronger it is not even a question now.

Getting to the ship I get out of the knightmare, I don't really feel anything despite having killed probably 500 or so people right now, I asked them to surrender, showed how fruitless resisting is, put forth decent terms to the leaders, tried to move the war to end bloodlessly, and the army still decided to fight it out. If it is like that then it is better to kill those pushing the war forward.

"Master, are you tired?" Kirumi asked as I sat on my chair in the command center.

"... A bit, not physically but more like I am tired of idiots doing stupid things." I said.

She looks at me curiously and I explained to her what I meant only for her to shake her head.

"Wouldn't you too fight to the end if it was for those you consider family or friends?" She asked.

"Of course, that doesn't even count as a question." I said. "But this and that are separated matters. If they cared for the nation they'd see how this resistance is futile and should be trying to speak terms of surrender or just moving out to another country, not fight when they know they will only ever die."

"Well, everyone has different ideas and thoughts." Kirumi said and I sighed at that. I just want this to end, find Lelouch to bring him back, and go create more things. One of those I want to work out on how to make is my joined project with Mayuri, it will take time but I really want it to work.

If it does this situation I was in just now should never occur again.

"Now let us go, to the south and the Senjuu army." I said and we shipped away. "Oh, but send a message to the Imperial Court about what we did and a video if he deems necessary. I want him to put more importance on me as, this way, he will be even more careful on where to 'use' me, thus lowering the number of times to call me forward. A extremely treasured weapon isn't one you use all the time, it is only when absolutely necessary."

"But, wouldn't the message possibly leak? You know as well as I that any video we sent there would deffinetly end up on the hands of the other powers." Kirumi said. "Wouldn't it be better to send it to the Emperor directly?"

"No, it is better this way. If the other powers find out what I can do they will send assassins after me, which isn't anything new, but they will also put political pressure on Britania to not use me. It will not really stop the Emperor from ordering me to act but the political and external pressure will definetly lower the number of times even further that the Emperor will call on me." I said as we travel away, a small smile on my face as I imagine how the Emperor will react to what I will do. He will see right through me, true, but he will not be really able to do much as, if he pushes me even more on the battlefield it is entirely possible all nations to join and fight Britania at once for fear of me and what I represent.

Sometimes it is good to be smart.


3° Person P.O.V.

The Next Day

Charles Zi Britania was not happy. He saw right through Ciel's little ploy on not going to the frontlines anymore, it was a daring move that the Emperor had to respect. He was basically showing off like another man's wife teasing him only to drawback if he tries anything as her husband is nearby.

It teases him but he can't do it, unless under certain circumstances. Ciel was literally making himself the secret weapon of Britania and sticking to that position even if Charles wants to use that sort of capacity more. Oh, Charles knew that Ciel would listen to any order given to him and execute it to perfection, of that he had little doubt, but this sort of action from the boy annoyed the Emperor to no end.

And, truth be told, also make the old man smiled a bit inside. The boy was daring, smart, capable, and has considerable charisma, otherwise, he wouldn't be that popular on the entire empire despite his young age.

As Charles walked through the castle halls he heard again and again about Ciel's actions the previous few days, especially his display on the fight against the Todoh army and how he destroyed that base so quickly. Charles had to think of ways to increase the prestige of his other sons, he needs the succession line to become as murky as possible as, this way, the possible successors would have great competition and his position as Emperor would remain secure for longer.

He was getting old, it wouldn't be strange if some of the nobles started to think of new blood leading the Empire going forward but if the powers of those on the line of succession were to be well divided enough there would be little chance of anyone trying to push him out of the throne.

"My Emperor, urgent news!" A messenger approached quickly. Charles frowned but beckoned the man to speak up. "Thirty minutes ago Prince Ciel Phantomhive Zi Britania has infiltrated the base of operations of the Senjuu army on the south of Japan. The prince just sent the court the video of the combat."

As the messenger said that the Emperor sighed, he could well imagine that Ciel's image would improve further after this.

The Emperor then moved to the court and on the wall, a large tv was on and everyone was in attendance to watch the show. The Emperor gave the signal to play and, not five seconds after it became plain to see that Ciel, this time, attacked with his airship. It launched multiple energy beams everywhere and the enemy army was impotent to do anything about it as it moved forward slowly, eliminating everything that could be considered military except the foot soldiers. The knightmares, defense systems, and structures were all demolished and crumbled under the power of that airship.

After more than 40% of the base was in flames a challenge for a duel was sent out from Tobirama towards Ciel who accepted the challenge. The two fought quite heatedly and in the end, Ciel won. His knightmare had some damages to it and the perspective of the video changed from the distance to close by. Seeing the damage some surprised appeared in everyone's faces as there is very little damage to it.

However, the more surprised on was Charles himself. He knew that the defensive system of Ciel was out of this world, it would be nearly impossible to damage him on that kngihtmare, so any damage to that armor should also be impossible. However, as the Emperor looked around, he realized what was going on and smirked to himself.

This was a show through and through. Ciel wanted the previous video to show that he could take almost any kind of damage but with the next one so close by and some damage appearing the future enemies would think that there is a limit to his defensive capabilities. This way he will make others a bit less afraid to face him, a grave mistake. He even lowered the specs of the knightmare a bit compared to the day before to make it more believable that some damage was taken from that explosion.

The Emperor had to admit, use even these little details to his advantage was truly a great play on Ciel's part. What the emperor didn't know was that Ciel actually deactivated his defense systems only to make this a more fair duel and he also lowered the parameters of the knightmare to make this an even more fair duel. Ciel respects Tobirama, thus he didn't want to humiliate the man and instead wanted to fight him head-on properly.

Ciel then proceeded to kill Tobirama when the man refused to give up and accept being taken prisioner. It was the option of the man and Ciel accepted it so he didn't make it any more painful than it had to be.

After that Ciel finished the transmission as the Senjuu army surrendered with the death of its leader. The Emperor had to slightly force a smile since this meant that the support for Ciel's position was going to increase a whole lot.

'I guess I need to keep him as far away from the court as possible, otherwise, I might lose my throne if things grow any further.'


On Tokyo, many clans' compounds existed. They were the place of residence of many clans and one of the strongest was the Uchiha. In it you could find two young boys talking, both had black hair but while one had classical Japanese features and black eyes the other had classical Britannian features and purple eyes.

They were Uchiha Sasuke and Lelouch Vi Britania.

The two were trying to distract themselves while the adults decided on what to do about Lelouch and the war. The thought of exchanging him for something was given but since there was no way the Empire would stop its advance based on only a kid they wouldn't do that. There were also some who thought of sending the decapitated head of Lelouch to his father as revenge for all the death they were suffering, but that was also dished out as that would only make the Uchiha clan all the more a target for Britania's fury.

The best they managed from Lelouch was intel from the Empire, what strategies they liked using in the battlefield and the personalities of the commanders. It was vital information that was key for the Japanese army to have had a fighting chance during the start of the combat. Lelouch was all the happier to share this intel as it was a chance to make his father suffer. However, with the addition of Ciel everything changed.

Lelouch had NO idea about what exactly Ciel could or would do, even when they used to play chess Ciel would say something that stuck to Lelouch as he thought about the disaster that was this war that the Japanese army already lost.

Ciel once, when playing chess and having ended up losing Lelouch mocked him about how if this was a war he would beat Ciel every time if the game was any indication. In exchange Ciel smiled and spoke up, he said that Chess really isn't anything like a war. Lelouch, obviously, disagreed about that, Lelouch was absurdly intelligent when it came to strategies so he did see wars and chess as similar. Ciel just shook his head and said.

'Even the best chess player of the world can't beat a small kid if said kid just flips the board over and points a gun at the player. War isn't about being fair, it is about getting the best results with minimal losses and maximum gain, it is not a game where the rules are set. If you enter a war when you are equal to your oponent you already fundamentally lost to me.

'War is a struggle for supremacy nothing more and nothing less.'

At the time Lelouch couldn't disagree more. But now, seeing how Ciel with minimal forces was basically taking over the country so easily, how one-sided a war could be based on a difference in quality, it was an eye-opener for Lelouch who started to feel burning jealousy towards Ciel. How could the two, who were both princes and of almost the same age, be so different as Ciel being already a key 'player' in the world while Lelouch was relegated as a mere sacrificial lamb?

Lelouch's dark emotions just kept building up, he associated everything of bad that happened to him with Ciel already.

It was at that moment when an emergency meeting was called. Everyone was called and Lelouch followed as well. When he got to the meeting place he saw a soldier being treated from extremely deep burns and without an arm, he was taking great doses of morphine but was clearly about to pass out. On his side there was another soldier, this one looked tired but overall not that bad.

The two soldiers told the story of how Ciel basically devastated the northern and southern armies, that now the only army that still existed with any real capacity was the Uchiha army. Some of the people around started speaking of surrender, how it was useless and wasteful to keep on the fighting, but the elders of the clan spoke up at this moment.

"And you call yourselves Uchiha?! How disgraceful, we are of noble blood and always stand at the top, how can we allow others to trample our pride?"

As an elder said that the movement for surrender changed quickly, now the clan was fired up for war, to show the world the worth of the Uchiha.

Lelouch found them stupid for doing that, escaping and regrouping, bidding their time until a better chance would work better in Lelouch's opinion.

However, no one asked Lelouch and the boy could only be taken back to his room to spend the day. He was quarantined there as a way to ensure that he would not escape or communicate with the prince Ciel.

However, at night of the same day disaster took place.

The Uchihas were massacred by Itachi to the last babe.


Academic City

On Academic City many advancements were being quickly made. The students there were focused on improving and some drugs were discovered to improve a person's reaction speed, memory and mental capacity, and eye to hand action, thus the number of talents of the city continued to increase.

The people there were happily going about their lives, the competition in this place was not decided by the place of birth so everyone had a chance if they put in the effort. That made the atmosphere much more intense as everyone put their entire effort into improving. One interesting thing that could be noticed through the city, however, was how the citizens did not seem worried in the slightest about the city's manager and lord being absent. If anyone on the outside were to ask any citizen they'd just laugh the worry off and say how losing for that prince is simply impossible.

But this is not what this specific moment is about, what is the most relevant is that in one of the labs a crazy scientist was starting to laugh madly as the project he was working on so intensely finally was 'completed'. Not that it really was complete, but the basics of it were and that was plenty enough.

"I am a genius, a true genius!" Mayuri laughed as he looked at the opening eyes of the being in front of him.

He had done it, he had created the perfect homunculus army. Not that they already had the numbers, being only 200 right now, but they shared a degree of consciousness and they could see what each other can, feel what each other feels, and communicate via their mind at least general ideas.

The basics of it were that Mayuri, together with Ciel, managed to comprehend the way the brain works when under Ciel's geass and how it transfers mental capacity amongst themselves. Using it as a basis a way to transfer information was possible and from there Mayuri managed to develop a homunculus army. Mayuri only thought it bad that they didn't have more samples of other Geass, if they had it would make it possible for these creations to be even more amazing. They even managed to hack some data from the Geass Order, but it was not enough in Mayuri's own words, they could really use some more Geass for this.

"Now, what to call you?" He said/asked at the homunculus in front of him, it looked like a normal boy with brown hair, black eyes, and a neutral expression. "Oh, I know. Inaho Network, that should work."

"Father, will you send them to young master? I believe he could use the extra manpower." Nemu said as she finished bringing him some information from one of the information screens.

"Now? No, there is no need." Mayuri said. "I already am sure he can deal with whatever problem he is facing with what he has, besides the fact that with his knights there I doubt he could even need the help right now."

Mayuri was confident, he knew that the knights with Ciel right now had in hand were more than capable enough to do what they need. But truthfully what Mayuri put more focus right now was in trying to implement other Geass effects on the Inaho Network, to be more precise there is one he was focusing to comprehend how to do that right now.

If he could fuse Slaine's Geass effects to what he already built the army created would be near perfection.

It is just a matter of time until it was done though, just a matter of time.


Author's Note:

About the Inaho Network, it is based on the Misaka Network from Toaru Majutsu no Index but, instead of preteen girl clones, it is a homunculi army based on Inaho from Aldnoah Zero. The clones will have their minds connected based on Ciel's Geass and they will have the power of multiple Geass on their disposal, they will be the ultimate secret weapon of Ciel when it is time for the final war.

Next chapter I intend to show Ciel destroying the Uchiha army with his knights, the fallout of the Uchiha Massacre, the fight against Danzou, and the set up for a time-skip to CANON (I give no guarantees I will manage it all in one chapter but I will try my best.)

PLEASE REVIEW as I would love ideas for this fic.