A new page starts now (time-skip)

After getting my position as Viceroy I had to smile and wave to many cameras, it was beyond annoying to do so. I wonder if I can create an ultra-realistic robot to take my place when doing these sorts of things, it would certainly be better than having to be in front of cameras all the freaking time.

Many people congratulated me and spoke about how great it is that I accomplished so much and whatnot. But, the most annoying was when talks over who would take stewardship over Academy City started.

That is MY city, my place, and no one is going to just come and take it always from me.

When I spoke thus everyone looked at me as if I was crazy.

"Prince Ciel, I understand the desire of a lord to watch over their land personally, but you must understand that you already have too many responsibilities for one so young. It would be better if someone else were to watch over the city while you fulfill your duty as Viceroy."An elderly lord said with a kind smile, but the greed in him was so visible it wasn't even funny.

"No need, I can take care of all of it easily enough." I said to him, as this was in the commemorative party regarding my appointment as Viceroy, many people were paying special attention to me so it was no shocker when they all stared when I spoke that.

Seeing that no amount of explaining would make them understand it I decided to just show them.

Putting my hand forward what looked like a bracelet released the holographic image filled with many lines of code.

Looking it over I confirmed that everything was in order, with this settled I clicked the start of operation New Home.

After having completed this I lowered my arms again.

"Done, now there won't be any issue." I spoke to the man and the crowd around. They all look confused and were about to ask what I meant when I completely stopped paying any attention to them, preferring instead to eat some of the delicacies that were being served.

Speak what you wish about him, but cousin Clovis certainly knows how to make a social event, I am glad he was the one responsible for this one as he made sure to include many delicacies with actual sugar in it. I was in cloud nine when a messenger came screaming his lung out regarding how Academy City was moving.

Everyone was in doubt about what he meant so I just spoke it in between bites.

"I worried in case I was ever requested to relocate to somewhere else, so to deal with this worry I made the city able to accompany me if I were to have to move."

The city was over several platforms capable of moving without issue, the platforms able to move smoothly regardless of the terrain and able to spread out to make sure they could move better. Not only that those platforms also are able to move through the sea and fly through the air for short distances, a great feat of architecture which allows may city to go where I need it to go. If I were to say something negative of it then it would be that I would need to wait around three days before it arrived in Japan.

But, even with this slight inconvenience, the fact I did such a thing would still make me look all the more powerful in the eyes of others. That means even more fear from others regarding me involving myself on anything.

With luck they will pressure the Empire into not sending me out to the front again, fingers crossed.


Yeah, after the little stunt I did with moving my city the Emperor was not pleased. He probably thought I was showing off too much but he gave some excuses unrelated to them and instead said to me that there will be peace talks between the Holy Britania Empire, the Europia United, and the Chinese Federation, mostly because the Empire reached it's current limit, needing to settle it's territories a bit more and the other powers all agreeing to fight to the death if needed.

It seems like the Emperor managed to calm down and not demand we keep pushing too much right away. However, the Emperor said that before the peace talks and negotiations he intends to take the rest of Russia as a base for future takings of the EU. Thankfully Schneizel already did most of the job, his forces already quite advanced and despite how tough the fight is being the Emperor and Schneizel both agree that it is merely a matter of time before complete occupation.

The problem is, the country is not yet occupied and at the current pace, it won't be before the talks.

As such the emperor ordered me to mobilize with all available forces and win the war.

This time I didn't go personally, instead sending my knights and someone else, namely Junko Enoshima. She was a cute little thing who entered the city not long ago after the whole situation regarding the annexation of Japan to the Empire, she was just a girl but her intelligence for strategy is outstanding and I let her accompany the others as an advisor so as to test her and see how well she manages it.

Of course, with my new position and me concentrating on the outside more the White Fang and other terrorist groups thought it would be the perfect chance to try and start other conflicts and uprisings. I quickly stomped them all down the moment they started moving, showing that I am still watching them and will not let them go rampant as they wish.

I also continued my various projects, when I had the time at least. I brought with me several capable leaders to create a good chain of command for the occupation of the country, but I know the loyalty of those I brought with me were mostly to the Empire and Emperor before me. I could not allow that so I created several institutions to train bureaucrats and other workers in positions of command, the best ones would be tested in several ways and put in proper positions depending on their talents and abilities.

Obviously I set several systems to watch over the whole government to take note of any discrepancy and corruption, stomping it out instantly whenever it appeared with extreme prejudice. It took a while for the message to sink in but when it did the whole Area managed to improve by leagues and bounds.

It was at about this time that the war with the EU officially entered a total ceasefire, the entirety of Russia was now under the Empire's direct control and Schneizel was given the position of its Viceroy. I think this is the way the Emperor found to make me and Schneizel match each other, Schneizel's Area has much more land and potential for many things including several of the best iron mines of the Empire, a resource extremely valuable, it also has a much more strategic position with it being connected to both the EU and Chinese Federation, thus justifying a bigger military support to it.

Meanwhile, my Area is much smaller and lacks in most natural resources but is the prime producer of Sakuradite and is also in a good position to serve as a trading hub between the Chinese Federation, Australia, and the Empire. It also has a much more highly educated population and have, well, me. Me and my Academy City mean a lot already and it will only grow as time passes, making it important. That it also is so close to the Chinese Federation only makes it so that they must also put some military power on it, but not that much.

Unfortunately, I am put on a tough spot by the Emperor, again.

It seems like one of the requests before any treaty is signed between the Empire and the other powers, the representative of said powers want to meet me.


3° Person P.O.V.

It was the gala before the sign of a peace treaty, everyone had fake smiles on their faces as they know this treaty will only work for at most 4 or 5 years at most as this should be the time needed for the Empire to properly settle its new lands and for the EU and Chinese Federation to make their own preparations.

In the crowd, many people were talking and it was quite a good mood, those from the EU were a bit sullen at the fact that merely two before the meeting was official Britania finished off the Russian Federation. It was a heavy blow for them, not because any of them liked the country or much cared for the frozen wasteland, as many saw it, but because now the EU had enemies at their west, east, and south too, being on a precarious position.

As for the Chinese Federation, a clear rift could be seen in them despite they trying not to make it too apparent. On one side was the eunuchs and in the other the Royal Family, both showing clear discontent with the other as the Royal Family could see the eunuchs happily talking with some dukes and nobles of Britani present.

Not that it was only the Eunuchs that were talking with the people from Britania, on a corner you could see the old lion of Germany, Tywin Lannister, talking with Pariston Hill, a rising star in the political scene worldwide and known supporter of Ciel.

"So, can it be arranged?" Tywin asked and Paristan put a hand on his chin.

"Well, having an emissary from Germany in a time of peace like this surely would be something that young Ciel would appreciate, that it is your son would certainly be appreciated as well. I am sure prince Ciel would not mind making stronger connections with you." In his mind, however, Pariston was having quite different thoughts. 'Hehe, to think a chance like this would fall in my hands without me even needing to do anything for it, entangling young master in the political mess that is the EU when the actual parentage of the children of Robbert comes out will certainly be interesting.'

As the person he is, nothing satisfied Pariston more than to create uncomfortable situations for Ciel while also creating large opportunities. Pariston could see how the EU would most likely fall from infighting before long when the Targaryen start their pathetic little uprising for power and Robbert find out about the parentage of his 'children'. They would likely fall by themselves if Pariston did nothing, but Pariston wanted to profit from their inevitable fall. As such organizing an excuse for Ciel to get involved in this event was paramount.

Creating a powerful ally on the EU would likely be of great help in time.

On other corners of the hall other people were talking, many important and unimportant talks were happening when there was an announcement that normally would not make many waves but that this time caused everyone to stop and turn to the door.

"Entering prince Ciel Phantomhive Zi Britania, Viceroy of Area 11, leader of the A-Laws, and 14th in the line for the throne of the Holy Britania Empire."

As this was said from the doors Ciel entered slowly, having a distant expression and making many looks at him in wonder and a bit of awe.

"So, this is the Emperor's guard dog."

"I expected someone more threatening."

"The Empire really is lucky, even some random prince when still young could accomplish so much."

"The emperor's guard dog is quite the small kid, isn't he?"

These and other such comments started floating about and, inside his head, Ciel was making a mental note to figure out who started calling him guard dog and have this person be taught a lesson.

Putting a fake smile on his face Ciel talked with several dignitaries of the many places, managing to keep a good image as long as no one offered him any sweets. He really was too much into them to ever refuse and the smile he would give whenever he eats one was one of unmistakable pleasure.

Seeing him smiling like that almost made others forget how he was currently amongst the most dangerous people in the world and on the kill list of most of them.

After the contract was sealed and everything on paper everyone started to leave the party, one after another they left and the media was all prepared to receive them. Flashes everywhere as the people walked out, many being stopped for questions as this was an important event for sure and many people were anxious to know details regarding the agreement.

As they left one after another Ciel almost managed to pass without being noticed, but going out unnoticed was not on his stars today as one of the reporters noticed him and, much like flies to meet, quickly several of them surrounded him.

"Prince Ciel, prince Ciel, I am Amelia from Daily Express, what is your opinion regarding the treaty?"

"Well, I don't really know much of it besides the fact that I am not allowed to intervene in any invasion force anymore." Ciel said making everyone look confused at this.

"Are the reports that you have managed to hack the entire country of Japan true?" The same reporter asked.

"Yes, and to be honest it wasn't even that hard." Ciel said and everyone could only look at him as if he was a monster.

A weird few seconds without questions made Ciel try and get away when one of the reporters finally broke out of this stupor to continue asking questions.

"Prince Ciel, what are your intentions now that you have the position of viceroy of a whole new area of the Holy Britania Empire?"

"To make it properly prosper." Ciel said. "I have no intention of making those under my control suffer, in many ways I intend to make the lives of everyone in Area 11 better, part of the reason why my actions during the invasion were so quick and to the point, eliminating as much of the opposition as quickly as possible while also ensuring that as few civilian casualties happen. I have no desire for needless bloodshed."

Ciel then looked at his watch and spoke.

"I can answer one more question and that is it."

Instantly many people started wanting to ask about all sorts of things, from his intentions regarding the prices of Sakuradite to even things like if he intends to copy his uncle in creating a large harem considering two of his cousins are his fiancees. As everyone was talking at once Ciel could not answer any of them so he just pointed at one of them and spoke.

"You, make your question."

"Sebastian Clovis, from Total News, I wish to ask what you intend to do next? After you have accomplished so much in so little time what do you intend to do next?"

Ciel stopped for a moment before raising one finger to the sky and spoke.

"I intend to go beyond. In a few years, you all should be able to see what I mean by that." Ciel spoke as he left the place, leaving the reporters wondering what to make of him.

It would only be a few years later when they would see exactly what Ciel meant, and by then everyone in the world would be shocked at what they would see.


A few years later

On a reclined chair a young man was taking a nap. He had jet black hair that was not too long, his face extremely refined with a natural aristocratic air to it and he was quite relaxed laying there, not a single worry in the world could be seen on him. Well, he was using earplugs which would explain how he could be so relaxed when around him many screens were showing all sorts of graphics and experiments and videos were being displayed. Each of them was extremely important, but the young man couldn't bother with it right now.

He has been working for quite some time without rest in his latest pet project, he needed his rest.


Groaning the young man opened his eyes to see the face of someone he deeply cared for but honestly didn't want to see right now.

"Kirumi, please let me sleep for a while more. I need my brain sleep if I want to keep being smart." The man said but it was useless.

Normally no maid would dare do anything that angers her master, especially one like Kirumi who was an 'eleven' with her master being a prince of the Holy Britania Empire, but Kirumi was no ordinary maid. Without hesitation, she pulled her master up and took out his earplugs.

Blinking in irritation the prince looked at her and spoke.

"Sometimes I wonder why I ever keep you as my maid."

"Simple, because without me I am quite sure you would be a mess." Kirumi said without any hesitation and the young man sighed in defeat, knowing she is not wrong.

The young man's name is Ciel Phamtonhive Zi Britania, prince of the Holy Britania Empire and the fourteenth in the line of succession, he was also Viceroy of Area 11 and considered one of the most dangerous people in the entire world, and also one of the kindest.

During his time as Viceroy of Area 11 he did much for it, not only he helped in the reconstruction efforts after the war he created an effective honorary-britanian program creating links to several other areas for universities there to allow those interested in studying out to go. He also created several orphanages across the entire country, expanded on free health-care, schooling, increased the production of food so as to not let people go hungry, and increased security across the entire Area.

The Britanians were interested in coming to this Area due to the great number of top-notch companies installed there by Ciel over these years and for Academic City which was the place where the most intelligent people across the world flocked towards. And even the eleven were not in such a bad state, having stable jobs and with laws protecting them, making it so that any Britanian caught abusing them was heavily persecuted with the possibility of either being expelled from the country or imprisoned for up to five years.

That made Ciel absurdly popular amongst the lower class, but quite unpopular amongst nobility with many of them hating him for his actions of being 'too kind', but none thought him weak.

None dare to when he still commanded the A-Laws who now were even more numerous and possessing even superior equipment. His ruthlessness against any violent resistance movement was something that gave pause to anyone and made his unofficial title of Guard Dog of the Emperor. Even the Hunters were constantly out on the field, helping the A-Laws or fighting on the small frontlines that were opened not long ago on Africa and in the Middle East, all hunters coming from the schools of Academic City and displaying beyond exceptional results.

"So, did anything happen while I took my nap?" Ciel asked, knowing that anything could have happened during these few hours of sleep.

"A new terrorist attack happened in Area 8, they took a power plant and demand several things to not destroy it." Kirumi said and Ciel rolled his eyes.

"Such petty things, how long until it is resolved?" Ciel asked.

"We sent an A-Laws team about thirty minutes ago led by your Knight 9, Amelia Evans." Kirumi said and Ciel nodded at that.

Amelia was a child Ciel accepted in my Academic City despite lacking talent, that was due to the sheer will that anyone could see in her eyes at the time. Much like what Ciel expected, she was not talented about much of what one of my knights should be when it comes to battle prowess, but through sheer effort, she showed herself capable enough and Ciel did not regret her position in the slightest.

Most his other knights were also chosen and each of them is great in some way or manner, there is only one final slot left and the dispute for that last spot was fierce, the cadets in the training academies of the Academic City for this spot was as fierce as fierce could be.

"Is my project going according to schedule?" Ciel asked.

"Yes, everything is in order. The Chinese Federation tried to cheat us on some of the materials, trying to send sub-par items to us, but we found that out soon enough and with some 'incentive' things are back in proper order."

"Good work as always, Kirumi." Ciel said and the maid smiled slightly at the compliment.

Getting out of his living quarters Ciel looked at the object he was currently focusing so much on, a giant pillar reaching high in the heavens where much work was being done to make it operational.

"Many thought I was crazy, probably still do, but with this, we will truly be able to reach space. To explore the universe, isn't this idea amazing Kirumi?" Ciel asked and his maid moved to beside him.

"I agree, this would mark a whole new page in humanity's history."

And it would, after all this was the first true and reliable space elevator produced in the world. With it Ciel intends to create space stations and, in time, expand the territory of humanity to entirely new worlds, discover new environments, possibly even other life forms.

Looking at it Ciel smiled to himself, knowing how far he has come and how it was not easy, but knowing that this was the right step towards the best future.

However, not everything could be sunshine and roses. After a while Ciel said.

"... Is there any news of Peace Mark?"

"Not as of right now." Kirumi said and Ciel felt like punching the wall in irritation.

"And what of C.C., was she sighted?"

"Also no," Kirumi admitted knowing how this would certainly upset Ciel.

Ciel wanted to ensure that C.C. would not be obtained by the Emperor to ensure he would not be able to start the Sword of Akasha, not wanting for it to happen. As such he sent some people to take her into custody secretly, not wanting to let her know who her captor is but also not wanting her as an actual enemy.

He had enough of those with that damn Peace Mark and their continuous support of terrorism across the globe, not allowing things to fully calm down.

However, the moment he sent out his agents was already too late, C.C. already have vanished entirely. Ciel had made sure to look over the Imperial Villa and all other facilities that the Imperial Family owned, but nothing. He scanned most of the lands on the Empire and there were no signs of her anywhere.

That could either be great news or truly terrible ones, he was not yet sure which.

Closing his eyes Ciel notes that this is around the time that, in CANON Code Geass, things would start regarding Zero. But, if it was now, he doubted it would reach that point. The world now was very different from how it would be in the original Code Geass now and Ciel already had some countermeasures he prepared to deal with the Emperor and his uncle when the time was right.

He would survive this and then a new age would appear for humanity. It was funny in a certain way, in the show Lelouch said that Charles only looked at the past, Schneizel only wanted the present to continue, while he wanted the future, but in Ciel's view, HE would make the future.

And no one will stop him.


In an abandoned mine structure of the Chinese Federation, Lelouch was looking calmly as his best friend plunged his sword through their mentor, Uchiha Madara was slain by Uchiha Sasuke just like that.

"Good, it seems like you really have shown that you wish that position then. As promised I will support you in your crusade against Britania and the dog." Ribbons said in the communicator on Lelouch's ear. "Before we talk exactly how much support I can give you why don't you tell me one thing. What is it you are feeling now that you killed the man who helped raise you after your little friends saved you from Ciel? After all, he took you from the gutters and taught you many things, made you a man at least as dangerous as he was, so what you feel about your betrayal?"

"... He served his uses, but he had nothing more to teach and was an obstacle on the way of my revenge against my enemy. I feel nothing about killing him, except some excitement about now being ready to do what I wanted for so long, to get the chance to kill my father, to destroy Britania, to kill Ciel, kill that fake of Nunally, and to find my real sister if she is still alive." Lelouch said, his eyes shining dangerously while Ribbons watched the whole thing with a light smile.

"Interesting, so welcome aboard, Lelouch Vi Britania, to the Peace Mark's core, the Peaceful Seven." Ribbons said. "Gyokuen will lend you and your team some of our very best knightmares and the funds needed, your objective is to eliminate or at least stop the problem we are currently facing, Ciel Phantomhive Zi Britania."

Lelouch, hearing that he was being ordered to kill his cousin, actually gave his first smile on years and said.

"As you wish, Master Ribbons."


On the underground of Pendragon, another conversation was taking place.

"So, is it true?" Charles asked V.V. as he quickly approached. Despite already being old he was still vigorous and the news were just too great for him right now.

"Yes, after intense study I figured that if we capture five specific Thought Elevators we can activate the Sword of Akasha."

"Good, which ones?" Charles asked and V.V. now felt a bit apprehensive.

"One is on the center of Australia, the other in the Chinese Federation close to the border with the Middle East, another is on the British Island, the fourth one is on Poland."

"Very well, so we will have to focus on taking those places as much as possible." Charles said before he did his math and noticed something. "What of the fifth Thought Elevator, it is on the moon and we can't reach it right now."

"Well then, that one should be easy then. We just need to ensure Ciel focuses as much as possible on his Space Elevator." V.V. said and Charles could only chuckle wirily.

"To think that the project the kid started by himself and I thought useless would display it's uses like this. Really, should we fail we can at least know that the world will be in good hands."

"True, but I would still prefer to succeed. The only problem is that we still have no clue as to where C.C. is right now." V.V. said and it was true.

Since about two years now C.C. completely vanished from Britania and they still had no clue as to where she was at this time.

"We will find her eventually. Her contract with my wife is still active, as long as it is working we will eventually find her out. It is merely a matter of time."


In Italy another talk was happening, one that was not quite as dangerous but still significant in its weight nonetheless.

"So, Ribbons want me to help Marribel's kid, huh." C.C. said as she ate a slice of pizza. She had her long green hair painted black to disguise herself and was using black glasses, her clothes consisting of a simple dress with a white jacket over it.

On her side was a man, he is a tall one with a long face, broad chin, and pronounced cheekbones. He has long black hair, which reaches to his lower back, and reddish-brown eyes with thin eyebrows. His attire consists of a white, double-breasted trench coat, which has the unique cross symbol on the middle, with large buttoned cuffs and lapels, white trousers, and trench boots, over all of it is a tattered, ankle-length maroon-black cloak.

"Yes, he said we are also to requested my Wandenreich to send some of our agents to help the new kid." Yhwatch, one of the Peaceful 7 and a key member of Peace Mark as well as the leader of the Wandenreich, the strongest mercenary army of the world, said to C.C. who nodded.

She had been approached by RIbbons not long ago while she was running away from the Empire, not sure if their plan regarding the Sword of Akasha was such a great idea anymore. She was only doing it for the chance of finally dying, but Ribbons could do it for her without risking the end of humanity as a whole so she decided to follow him.

She then turned back to the document in her hands and could see the cold, almost dead purple eyes of the boy she would assist in the near future.

"Lelouch, huh. Now, how will the delusional boy entertain me I wonder?"



Hope you all enjoyed and sorry for the wait, I have many projects to balance out right now and it is not really easy to do so. Anyway, thanks and hope you all keep on with this crazy project of mine =)

Reviews are appreciated, give ideas for what you would like to see next if at all possible.