chapter 19

"Citizens of Area 11, here is your Viceroy Ciel Phantomhive Zi Britania. On this historic day, me and my entourage of knights are here to celebrate with you and the rest of Britania this historic event. After the last 3 years of hard work and everyone's help the space elevator is finally completed." I said as I look at the gigantic tower in front of me. The thing stretched into space and it was clear to anyone that it was by no means an easy feat to construct, but I did it anyway.

Looking at the camera I continue the speech that I had Kirumi practice with me a few minutes prior.

"With this project, complete space exploration can finally start in earnest. No longer must the human race be confined to a simple planet, we shall be able to expand and claim new lands, find new resources, so much potential yet untapped is now on the palm of our hands. Just think of how much we accomplished with just the resources of one planet, now imagine how grander it will be when we have 2, 3, 10, 100, a whole galaxy under our control!" I proclaim and I can't help but wonder how long until the other superpowers decide to try and take or destroy this project.

Sure, it is beyond doubt that this project is for the goo of mankind as a whole, but this certainly doesn't mean Britannia's enemies would just allow my country to get that much potentially stronger.

Fools, the lot of them. They are far too shortsighted that just thinking about it makes me roll my eyes.

However, they are welcome to TRY and do anything. With the defense systems prepared they would have more luck trying to defeat all the Rounds with just a Glasgow.

"Of course, for such an endeavor we will need strong and capable people to brave these new frontiers. A such I am giving the opportunity to everyone who wants to join. I created several institutions all around Area 11, tests will be provided to verify the body's state, mental capacity, immunity system, and, if approved, you will be taught everything you need to know. Your social status doesn't matter, all that matters is if you are capable or not. Now, will you join me in paving this path for humanity?"

After going to this point the call ended and I slumped on my chair. Seriously, how can someone actually enjoy doing all this posing and acting in front of millions?

Turning to my side I see Slaine, now that the video ended and we could all relax, was standing by my side with a serious face.

"So? What you think?" I ask.

"You went perfectly, my lord. I only hope this helps those who are still unsatisfied with you to decrease further." Slaine said and I nodded.

As it turns out, being the one responsible for the decimation of at least eighty thousand soldiers didn't really ingratiate myself with the Japanese people. That I moved Academic City to Japan and declared it the new capital also didn't help, the Japanese are extremely connected to their traditions and did not take well to me. Well, even if I say so they still are living vastly superior lives when compared to those in other Areas and they all know they have a chance to grow if they put in the effort to truly shine.

My area is an extreme case of pure meritocracy, if you do more and are more able you get higher and higher regardless of your previous nationality or social standing. That made even more migrants from other Areas or even the mainland to move over to Area 11, here everyone can reach much higher and I don't allow stupidity to reign. Those who can grow will decidedly grow here as opportunities are everywhere for all those capable to take them.

To those who can adapt and accept the new age, I am as good as they can possibly get, at least if compared to most other leaders I have looked into. I reformed their educational, health, and living conditions bringing great improvements. To those Japanese that work hard and are willing to put in the effort, they all could enjoy the benefits fully well beyond what they had before me. My approval rates amongst the lower class and low nobility are decidedly the highest in the entire empire and people from other nations also try and move over with considerable frequency, especially those from nations that are too poor or simply unable to support their population as fully as they should.

However, there are those here and in other places who are still too connected to the older ways, they constantly try to fight me every step of the way and refuse to see sense no matter what I show them. Worst, those who don't fit with my way of ruling, those who simply refuse to put in the work necessary but want the rewards anyway, are flocking to my opponent's side a bit too much for my liking.

Sure, talent is very important here and those more capable naturally get better opportunities, but even for those without talent or special capacities can still live comfortably as there is always space for more workers and the salaries are regulated to allow for even those with low income can live a comfortable enough life. But, if they refuse even that then there isn't anything I can, or want, to do about it.

I look at my knights, they are all the best in their respective forms but they are not uniform at all.

There are males and females, nobles and peasants, Britannians and numbers as well as even a foreigner. Heck, one of them is a cyborg.

Yeah, I have the best knights. Suck it Schneizel, you asshole.

I wanted to talk some more when Kirumi came over with a phone.

"Master Ciel, for you." She said giving me the phone. A look at it and I could predict I was not going to enjoy this.

Not at all.

Putting the phone against my ear I spoke.


"CIEL! Why did you do such an idiotic thing?" Came the irate voice of Cornelia on the other side of the phone. Sheesh, she really is far too loud when she wants to.

"Yeah, yeah, love you too. So? What did I do so wrong this time around? Was it the party or the strip dancers?" I ask in wonder, I sometimes have a bit to drink and drunk Ciel is not intelligent Ciel.

"... Which party and which strip dancers?" She asks and I smirk.

"Nothing, just ignore my ramblings. I got a lot to do and had woken up just a few minutes before doing an announcement, PR is important and all that, definitely nothing to do with a royal birthday that I may or may not have sent strip dancers to." I say and I can almost hear her snarling at my words. Note to self, verify if I accidentally sent stripers to some other princess by accident.

As I hear Cornelia grumbling and clearly wanting to strangle me I note that it really is always fun to tease her, when she is not around. Which reminds me, I must stay as far away from her physically unless I have some gift to pacify her in hand. Last time it was a new body armor that could take on hits from rifles at point-blank and she would not feel anything whatsoever from that strike.

"Ciel, how many times do I have to tell you to stop antagonizing the nobles and the mainlanders? Your opening for this exploration to anyone regardless of status will make the nobility look at your actions in a negative fashion. You already are looking bad for some due to how your Area is so different from the others and how many Elevens are of high social status in your country. If you keep pushing there could be troubles coming your way and those saying you are a rebel or something equally idiotic." Cornelia says and I sigh.

"So what if they don't like me? I am always fair, if they want to be above others then BE better than them. Patronizing the nobility too much and letting incompetence persist is what leads to all this unending state of rebellion throughout the Empire that I have to keep cleaning up. I want to improve the Empire as a unity, not as a tyrant that terrorizes others into compliance, the system we are doing in other areas can only end badly if we don't change and adapt." I say and she doesn't answer to my rejection as she can see I am not wrong. Or at least I think it is because of that, it can also be because she simply doesn't want to fight over something that she can't change, who knows really.

This type of conversation is a regular occurrence already seeing as Cornelia is not stupid and she knows just how effective my method of governing is turning out to be. The profits and advancements of this Area is easily five times the original estimate and one of the most profitable areas in the entire Empire despite lacking in actual territory and most natural resources.

My system works, but knowing Cornelia she still worries as she cares for me and knows how most nobles act or will see my actions as something that challenges the status quo that they so enjoy. I honestly stopped worrying about most of that a while ago, the nobles who can keep up and work with me, those that actually work and not just laze about playing chess and act important, all have experienced considerable growth well beyond the rest. But, those who didn't even try or only put in a token effort aren't getting anything and they dislike that.

"Anyway, changing topics, how have you been? Is everything alright on the mainland?" I question her, sure I have probably as many spies (both people and security systems) that little pass without me knowing, but a third party's perspective is always good.

Coughing in her hand Cornelia redirects herself and speaks.

"For the most part yes. Since the peace signing, we have not entered any major conflict to instead rebuild our military but now that we are stronger than ever talks of reopening the frontlines are starting again."

"Stupidity, true stupidity." I say and she sends me a mocking glare even if she herself doesn't necessarily disagree fully with me. "A war exists to supply a demand, most likely for resources as is our case, but we already have more resources than what we can do with them. Starting a war and throwing always Britannian's lives to obtain more resources when we already have more than enough is just being greedy for the sake of it and would lead to a worsening political situation and more paperwork and bureaucracy, the truest evil of mankind."

Cornelia doesn't answer back and instead change topics.

"So? Have you decided on the day for your wedding yet? I am sure that little Nunnally and Marrybel are waiting anxiously for it." Cornelia says and I feel like groaning at that one.

Nunnally was fine, she was still very much innocent and had more a crush instead of anything serious towards me and wanted to wait, but Marrybel was decidedly less patient. I had to, more than once, throw her out of my bedroom when she tried to sneak in and try to sleep with me. Worse, the one that let her do so is Kurumi who, even when I confront her, only says that as the future miss Phantomhive it is only natural that Marrybel can sleep with me.

We aren't even married yet and neither of the two seems to understand or care about that. Honestly, I don't really either, but I would rather only do it after marriage so no one can say anything about it (a year back when the fourth princess ended up pregnant before wedlock with her fiancee the amount of gossip and bullshit she had to handle was enough to make me decide to not risk the same).

Shame those around me don't seem to care about this.

"... I was thinking about holding the wedding in a month's time. No fully sure but I suppose this should be enough time to set everything up and I can marry at least Marrybel already, not sure about Nunnally as she still is too young, it would be up to Nunally to decide however really. As my bride she is to have as many voice on these sorts of decisions as I do." I say and Cornelia nods and says.

"I see, well when you have the date ready don't forget to inform me. I and my squad will be going to it and I expect good presents." She says and I raise an eyebrow at that one.

"Isn't it normally the guests that give presents to the newlyweds?"

"I know what I said. Besides, I still am waiting for an entire squadron of Knightmares at least as good as those you made for your personal knights the first time." She says and I sigh.

"I will think about it, that is all I can say for now. Anyway, gotta go, I have some stuff to make and Area 11 won't govern itself without me." Well, it would actually do just that seeing as I barely have to do anything thanks to all the talented and capable subordinates I have, but that is beside the point really.

Nodding to my words Cornelia spoke.

"I see, very well. Just make sure to not be too antagonistic anymore, also, Euphemia wants to go visit again, I hope you understand that her safety is paramount."

"I know, all those I consider family naturally have only my very best protection, especially when in my city." I say and she nods before turning off the call.

Sheesh, she is far too serious sometimes. She didn't need to call me to warn me about the displeasure some assholes have towards me, I already am hated enough throughout the world regardless. Seriously, the number of crappy assassins (or experienced ones, I can't tell the difference since they all die the same) from all over the world from all sorts of nations. Seriously, I thought that they would learn with time, but nope, they still keep trying.

Go figure.

At least Germany hasn't been doing much of it at all, apparently the fact that having a Lannister living here (Tyrion is very entertaining to talk to) without any major issue and the talks of a possible political marriage between me and Myrcela Baratheon, the granddaughter of the head of the Lannister house, really helped calm the mood over there. Not that it has made it so that no one from the EU tries to attack me, far from it as the number of spies and assassins from there that constantly tries to get to me continuously rises despite they all dying without failure.

Heck, I have already killed several of the daughters of the brother of the head of the Martel Family that leads Spain, I don't even quite remember their names only that their father was pissed and swore vengeance on me when I killed them after they tried to kill me first.

If he didn't want them to die why send them to what should already be known as certain death? Were they this cocky that they wouldn't be exterminated? ... Whatever, I am not intelligent enough to be able to understand the thought process of the stupid. Seriously, he even sent me a message in blood from one of my A-Laws that he will find some way to kill me. The guy has no sense and seems to live in his own little world if you ask me, I just not kill him because I am pretty sure he is doing an amazing job at spreading DSTs to half of Spain if my intel of his sexual activities is any indication. He is doing Britania's work for me by weakening their entire population with his extreme desire to stick his dick in every hole he sees and him not believing in using any sort of protection.

Well, it is not like the that I did not react to his provocations stopped Paristan from inflaming the rage of the Martels by notifying them of their deaths with pictures attached of their corpses he sent to them for them to have proper funerals. That was annoying since it made me look like an evil person, I do try and make a good appearance overall, not act like a monster all the time (unless for those who are my enemies or trying to steal my stuff, for those I have no need for excessive mercy).

Well, whatever, at least Paristan still got me something good in return as he used the pictures of the girls trying to assassinate me and their failure to the other members of the EU. The fact those girls all died without failure just made the Martels look weak and, over there, if you look weak others will try and take you down and take over your spot. That made the EU even more unstable as some of the less intelligent or capable lords and leaders started trying to take over the land of the Martels, which softened the EU further.

Well, not that the softening of the EU's defenses truly affected me personally that much. I may not see any need to take over the world (the amount of paperwork it would entail is a nightmare I have no desire for), but the EU was always an easy prey in the end. They are too divided and they tend to war against each other much too often for proper defenses to be established over there. Besides, the more they pressure each other the less they put up economic barriers with Britania and it let me get my hands in some good old materials for my creations.

Only the Chinese Federation and Australia are any true dangers, the first because of it's an overall strong military and having a strong imperial family (even if the current Empress is a small girl completely unfit to rule), and the second because of they simply not being a bunch of dumb-asses with less than one collective brain cell for every 1000 people and having capable military members that also can think politically.

Well, not that it matters to me. As long as I am not pulled into the war, I don't care. I honestly just want a peaceful life where I can invent stuff and live with the ones I grew to care.

Speaking of my desire for a peaceful life, my investigation on how to kill a Code Bearer, a way to ensure the Sword of Akasha, and the humanity suicide plan of uncle Charles have not given any fruit, which is a shame. I need to remove either uncle V.V. or C.C. to ensure that the Sword of Akasha doesn't happen, if I manage either then it will be fine.

If I take out V.V. I would need to be extra quiet about it, can't risk anyone finding out about my involvement, and I would most likely need to kill uncle Charles. The two treat me well, so I am not overly wanting to do that, if I can stop their plans then it would be enough for me as I don't really desire to kill them after knowing them for so long, I would only do it if it was really needed.

On the other hand, taking out C.C. is an honestly more viable option. The Sword of Akasha needs two Codes to work at least, if I take down C.C. the Sword wouldn't work, she would get her wish of simply dying, and I could leave uncle Charles just die of natural causes (or most likely being killed by one of his sons, he is not winning any father of the year award).

Hell, if I can at least capture C.C. then it would be most likely enough. In case of doubt I can always just launch her up in space, I wouldn't like relegating her to living in eternal darkness and suffering, but between this and killing my own family OR seeing humanity being exterminated as a whole, so, yeah, not much of a question there on which I would choose.

Of course, even if I do capture C.C. I would need to eliminate Anya/Marriane. I honestly would feel bad for it (not), but for me to be able to capture C.C. quietly I can't risk the emperor finding out I am responsible for his idiotic plan to fail. C.C. could always just inform Marriane about what I am doing if I capture her and I wouldn't want to risk that. Besides, killing Marriane would be a pleasure and, in the end, I could even see if I can forcefully activate her Geass to transfer her to a decrepit old man who is one step away from dying just to help facilitate the way going forward, that it would save Anya would be a bonus of course.

Reclining on my chair I think, what should I do next?


3° Person P.O.V.

In the capital of the Britannia Empire movement started. The Emperor decided that expansion was in order and the following day from the creation of the space elevator he did his move as he sent out for a meeting between all heads of the military and Viceroys in one week's time as to give time for all to make their preparations before their travels.

As news of this meeting spread the entire world got tense as several smaller nations feared what the dreaded Britannia was about to do.

In the EU in special things tensed further as Pariston did his work extensively for the sake of his personal enjoyment. News regarding the meeting and speculations ran out of control as Pariston released fake information throughout the nations of the EU.

The Martells in Spain were already taking up arms to prepare for a counter-invasion under the orders of Oberyn Martell, head of their military, but his actions were not agreed upon by the other nations of the EU who disliked the Martels considerably after the many years of internal warfare and that they were the last nation of Europe to join the EU and was the one that was provoking Britannia the most.

Meanwhile, Robert Baratheon of the British Isles was also preparing for war, which made it so he was no longer paying nearly as much attention as he should to internal affairs, leaving them to his 'loving wife' Cersei. Needless to say, Cersei already knew of her father's plans regarding betraying the EU and making Cersei's own daughter, Myrcela, one of Ciel's wives. As such, for Cersei, if the EU were to fall then there was a chance her daughter could be one of the wives of a possible Emperor of a much expanded Britannia, possibly Queen of the world.

Considering such Cersei did not hesitate in making sure that the EU lost as much of its teeth as possible, redirecting much of the money that was not being used on the military to her own personal coffers with the help of the corrupt statesmen she put in control of the government. She would then transfer over all the blame for the failings of the government to the military that was being expanded and Robert would refuse to listen when the citizens complained about the military sucking up so much of the nation's funds.

Her plan was obvious for anyone that could see it clearly, but, unfortunately, her husband was a fool of the highest order and could not see any of it whatsoever as he could only think of a new war.

Meanwhile, in Area 9 that was once called New Zeland, one could find the leader of Peace Mark sitting down face to face for the first time with the newest member of the Peaceful 6. As he looked up and down at Lelouch Vi Britannia he noted the changes of the boy.

His hair was now longer than most males, his body well built up from years of training with Uchiha Madara, his purple eyes showing a hint of malice that could never be hidden for those who knew how to look for it, and a face that was perfectly symmetrical and handsome. He was the perfect image of a prince, or at least the perfect image of an exiled prince that wanted revenge on the world for it not conforming to his personal wishes.

Smirking to himself as he ended his tea, Ribbons spoke up after leaving his newest ally to stew on the plan he was given.

"So? What do you think of the mission I want to give you? Can you do it?"

Lelouch looked at Ribbons intensely before speaking.

"With this time frame I will need to have ample support for it to be possible, but if the support is within a certain range then I believe I can do it perfectly."

"Very well, you will have all the technical support you may possibly need." Ribbons said as he gave Lelouch details on the type of support he would have at his disposal.

Lelouch read it over and smirked.

"That is more than acceptable. I have to get moving then if I am to do as we agreed upon." Lelouch said as he stood up and left.

Ribbons smirked, while Lelouch would not have the target he desired it would still be a more than acceptable target for the young man, everything considered.

Looking at a beautiful painting he made of a most impressive city, Ribbons smirked.

"Now, shall we see what colors you will show me when you are in flames, oh great city of Pendragon?"



Hope you all enjoyed it, it was hard for me to write this but I hope it was decent enough. We see more of how the world changed and hopefully, you guys will be able to enjoy what is to come next.

I am posting this as a Christmas present for you all, hope you guys enjoy it as I hope for next chapter to show even more of the discrepancies between the original Code Geass CANON and this fic.

Anyway, review, favorite, and follow this fic, but especially review it. Ciao ;)