Chapter 20 - Teo - One Month Later

"I'm sorry your Highness but we can't find any more information on her it's like she came out of thin air." The spy I had assigned to watch the beautiful young woman at the tea shop kneed before me.

"Are you telling me the only thing you can give us is her name and how long she as been in the village!?!" Zero growled glaring down at the spy at my feet.

"Zero that's enough." I said fiercely lifting my hand up letting him know to stand down. He shut his mouth and took a step back bowing his head.

I know how he feels though, for all we know she is working for the enemy. Their are so many scenarios that we have to be cautious on every step we take and its driving me crazy.

"Tell me my good man what has she been doing lately?" I asked placing my chin on my knuckles waiting for the details trying to change the subject before I pop a blood vessel.

My spy looked up at me confused, "you want me to tell you what she has been doing?" He asked unsure.

"Yes, don't make me ask again." I said hearing the rage leak off my tongue.

"She still staying at the tea shop and is helping the owners, Jet and Blaze siblings of the Blew family. She works very hard every day but on her free time she draws and seems to be looking for something also she..." the spy hesitated with his words.

"What? Finish what you were going to say." I glared at him ready to snap his neck at any moment for trying my patience, as he coward at my feet.

"She clings to some of her drawings and weeps when she thinks she is alone your Highness." The spy cast his eyes to the floor.

"She weeps at her own drawings? What are these drawings of and what is she looking for?" I asked with curiosity and to my surprise I heard consern in my voice. What can make such a strong willed woman weep alone? Just thinking about her being alone weeping is disheartening.

"I have no clue what she is looking for your Highness but I have caught glimpses of some of the drawings your Highness. It seems to be a young girl that looks like her surrounded my three powerful young looking men. It seemed to me like they are her guardians." The spy said with his forehead almost touching the ground trembling in fear from the lack of information.

"I'm sorry your Highness but that is all I have." He said hoping to be dismissed unharmed.

"You disappoint me but you did bring me little information so continue to watch her if anything changes report it to me immediately. You may leave." I said waving my hand shooing him away. He's not worth the kill and I don't feel like having blood on my hands at the moment.

"Yes your Highness." I could hear the relief in his voice as he left the room quickly.

"Do you think she may have a child?" Zero asked with disbelief.

"No I don't think so but even if she does have a child. It doesn't change anything. I think its almost time to invite her to the palace what do you think Zero?" I asked grinning devilishly.

"I agree with you your Highness but what if she declines?" Zero asked with hesitation, I know he wants to say more but he closes his mouth instead. I never thought about her declining. I took a few minutes to think it over.

"I change my mind arrange her kidnapping. If she declines my invitation then she may run and we wouldn't want that. Besides if she is working for someone we don't want her running back to tell them." I said hearing the coldness in my voice.

Soon she will belong to me and I attend to keep what's mine, enemy or not.