First meet with Mr.Shaw!

Mr. Shaw enters in the Alkuzina buildings. And Secretary Jim greeted him and take him on the top floor.

But the surprising thing is that Emma is also with him.

At the top floor Emma and Mr.Shaw enter in the Allen's office. Emma is wearing white long silk gown. And she is looking more pretty.. She is the fashion designer and her fashion label ''Alviyani'' is famous all around the world.

But why is she here, and the reason is...

Hello Mr. Allen, it feels like my batch mate forget me easily.. He didn't even try to contact me in last 5 years.

Allen is not surprised by her presence as he know that she will be here for sure. So he greeted him.

Nice to meet you again Ms. Emma.. Hope you are doing well?

Emma replied, of course, i am doing very well.. And how is sofiiii? Say my hello to her. And told her that i wanted to meet her. So we will have brunch together when you get time?

Allen is shocked by her sudden question out Sofiya.. But he didn't react and said. Yes, for sure.

After formal greeting to each other.

Mr. Shaw speak.. Hello Mr. Allen.. Hope we have good collaboration together.. And it's surprising to know that you and Emma are batch mates.. Well this project will hendled by Emma in the beginning and after that William will continue it from our side as my son William is busy with some other official work.. Hope you agree with our Arrangement?

Allen nodded and said, " Yes, we don't mind as long as my company get profit from this project. But does Ms. Emma able to handle it? I mean to say she is the most popular faishion designer and she is busy person. So hope our project don't effect her work.

And i got know that your youngest daughter Miss Athira is genius and completed her Masters from London business school with top rank.. So i am sure she is more suitable for this projects.

Mr.Shaw and Emma is shocked by Allen's words.. But they clam their self and Mr.Shaw speak.. Well Mr. Allen you are right. But maybe you didn't see the news My Younger daughter died before 5 months.. Tears started falling from Mr. Shaw's eyes.

But Allen know that this tears ate fake so he didn't say much.. And agree with their terms and sign the collaboration document.

After that they both shook their hands and Mr.Shaw and Emma go back. While Allen entered in the the bedroom where Athira is sitting on the couch and expression are cold and aloof.. But Allen can feel her sadness and able to see her frozen tears.