Feeling Of Home!

Athira didn't speak anything, while Allen takes medicine from the table and give it to her.

Can i go home now? Suddenly she asked Allen..

Allen understands her situation and didn't ask further questions to her. He nodded and helped her to stand up from the couch.

They both sitting in the car and came back to Alice Scott villa.

While Athira still didn't speak anything, while Allan help her to sit on wheel chair and they both enter in the house.

Aibek is watching television and saw both of them.. So asked Allen..

" Hey, Brother where you were take my little sister?"

Allen replied plainly, we were at office for some work..

Aibek see Athira's expression and realised that something wrong was happend there. While Allen told him with his gaze to not talk and ask anything to her.

Athira speaks, Can we all eat lunch together now? I am feeling hungry.

Allen and Aibek is surprisingly happy by her request and go towards dining area to have their lunch.

They both are happy that finally she is behaving normally.

At the dinning area. Chef Patrick made lunch for them.

They all started to eat, Allen and Aibek don't understand how to start conversation with her. As by her expression they understand that she is not in mood to speak anything and even they are able to see sadness all over her face.

They both are wondering in their own thought, while Athira turned her face to see both of them.

She realized that Aibek and Allen is worried because of her, she is feeling happy in her heart as still there are some people in this world who care for her, so to make atmosphere light shr speaks: from tomorrow weekend is starting so can we all spend this weekend together at home? If you both are not busy then can we all enjoy this weekend as a family?

Allen is stunned by her question, while Aibek understand her motive behind it.

Aibek chuckled and answer, yes.. I am always free to accompany my little sister, And you also have to make some time free to stay with us.. From last 7 month you never spend your weekend with family at home.

Allen nodded and didn't speak more.. But he is amazed by this girl's request, and he realized that she is missing the feeling home and love of family.