
Looking at the slave market, I remembered that I don't know anything about it, even if I am very strong, I still developed myself to be always cautious, I don't want to grow arrogant from the power I got from the others, Sun Tzu once said.

"Know your enemy and know yourself, and fight a hundred battles without danger"

I then muttered "Shadow Clone", an identical me appeared beside me, I looked at my clone and was in awe, "never had seen this handsome guy before haha" I joked around, the shadow clone looked at me in confusion, it looks like it didn't get me, I smiled and awkwardly and commanded him "Spy around and report back to me".

My shadow clone bowed before this appearing, it was really fun doing this kind of things, while the shadow clone was doing his thing, I summoned another one and played checkers with him, even though it was dark we can clearly see everything, it was like it was still morning to me.

And by the way, playing with a shadow clone was very hard, I myself was good at games so of course fighting your shadow clone was something like fighting someone who had known you since young when we played chess goddamn the match hasn't ended it, we had been playing for 2 hours, then shadow clone #1 finally came back and reported his findings.

There were more than a hundred of personnel inside the slave market and it was tightly guarded, and he had also heard that these slaves came from the village they pillaged, their process of pillaging was simple, kill all the resistors then the remaining weak will be slaves, this made my blood boil, no matter where you are, there will be evil.

But don't get me wrong, There's no such thing as bad people, just people who do bad things, and it also looked like the government of this city was turning a blind eye to this kind of things, it looks like I also had to smack some senses to their heads, how can they allow such a thing! I'm a person who doesn't like to interfere with worldly matters.

But im also a person who doesn't like inhuman acts, putting my plans together, I had come to a very simple plan, first I will help the slaves, then teleport them to my sect if they are willing, and make them my sect people, but if they don't want then I can just let them free, oh! I totally forgot about the criminals.

There are also some criminals in the slave market, and of course Im not gonna let them run free, I will only take those who are deserving, how can these criminals be deserving, now after helping the slaves, it was then for this pillagers to suffer, now putting my plan to action, there are a total of 24 cages inside, the criminals were not included, there was also some who are framed, I will look into them.

Creating more Shadow clones, we started our rescue, my shadow clones knocked out the guards in the entrance and proceeded inside, we can actually infiltrate without knocking the guards down, with my high cultivation, I can easily kill these people Im not being arrogant okay, it was just the truth, I decided to knock them out for the slaves who want to escape.

Walking on the corridor of the slave market slowly, the guards and the employees who were like having epilepsy getting knocked down one by one, I walked with my hands behind my back, all of the shadow clones were taking care of them and I was too lazy to do something, I first reached the closest cage where 12 slaves were lying on the floor, they were so thin and they were wearing ragged clothes.

One of the slaves woke up and looked at me, there I saw those lifeless eyes, It's like I can feel the pain they had gone through, I bit my lips and snapped my fingers, the lock of the cage was broken and it was not open, I again snapped my fingers and all of the slaves woke up, they looked around and all of their injuries were healed, but they were still bones and skins, I can't heal them, I again snapped my finger and a box full of foods appeared in front of them.

I gestured them to dig in, they had happy faces and immediately took their food, I then turned my head, I left a shadow clone in my place, I went to the 2nd near the cage, they had the same state from the first cage, like what I did to the first I also gave them food, every time I see their faces the more guilt I felt.

I continued walking and successfully opened 4 cages and helped the slaves, I was about to turn my head when I noticed this door not too far away, I walked into it and then a pungent smell attacked my nose, it was not something to be underestimated, I covered my nose with my qi and opened the door, the moment I saw what's inside, my emotions took over me.


A strong pressure covered the whole city, and all the people around kneeled and had fear written on their faces, "Did they offend someone they shouldn't offend" they thought, actually it was not only not the kingdom, it covered the whole world but it only lasted for a second, I immediately calmed myself, and looked at what is in front of me.

dead bodies of the slaves who were tortured to the extreme, if I had known these things sooner, I closed my eyes and sent silent prayers, Flicking my hand everything in the room disintegrated, this was the only thing I could do for them, turning my head back with a sigh, I continued helping the slaves, I also saw that there are sex slaves in this world, what made me bitter was that even young girls were not spared.

After finishing everything up, I gathered all of the slaves in a room, there are more than a hundred of them and there I proposed them being my sect people, they all immediately accepted, they told me that they have nowhere else to go, I sighed and I can only promise to them that nothing will happen to them anymore as long as they were in my sect.

Opening a portal an elder came out and lead them in the portal after everything was finished, I turned my head to my shadow clones and nodded to them, they immediately dispersed to different places, then I turned my head to the city lord mansion, it was time to teach them a lesson.