Causing a Ruckus in the Riverdale City

Going to the city lords mansion, I looked around and saw the people were on panic, it seems like not controlling my power carefully can cause something like this, hays, ever since achieving a youth body, I had turned childish, I had forgotten all of the problems that I had gone through in my past life.

That God must be disappointed for my behavior, It didn't take long for me to reach the city lord mansion, of course, I was not allowed to enter inside, I can only resort this by force, with a flick of my hand the guards who were blocking me were sent flying, I proceeded inside, and entered the chambers were a soldier who was scared led me.

He opened the door and a chubby man with a mustache greeted me, "How dare you to be so presumptuous" the city lord roared, the guard was slightly scared and turned his head to me, I strode my way to the city lord and then.


A loud revibrating sounded in the room, the city lord put his reddened cheeks and looked at me with contempt, I ignored him and said "How can someone like you be a lord of such a beautiful city" a hint of anger can be heard from my voice, "Guards!" He shouted but no one came, grinding his teeth he picked the sword near him and immediately pointed it to me.

I narrowed my eyes and snapped my finger, a strong pressure came upon the city lord, he kneeled unto the ground trying his best not to fall down, he was really putting up a fight, I put more pressure into it and then he plopped into the ground, I then released my pressure away from him, this time he was shivering from fear, this was the pressure he felt earlier that caused chaos in the city.

"So it was this guy" he thought.

He then kowtowed in front of me "M...My Lord w..What can I do for you?" he said with a trembling voice, I didn't answer and took a sit in a chair nearby, He repositioned himself and moved while in a kowtowed position, it was really funny what strength can do, he moved like a crab and arrived in front of me.

I still didn't speak and stared at the city lord kowtowing, sweat draped down from his body and his body was already wet from the sweat he was producing, I was sure he can have a diet by the sweat he had showered with, after a while, I spoke: "Do you know what I discovered today?".

"Please enlighten me my lord" he asked immediately, he was really clueless on what happened today.

I nodded "Today you see, I visited the slave market and you see, the slaves actually came from the village they pillaged, they killed the ones who retaliated and kidnapped the weaker ones, I also saw a torture chamber, probably used by some nobles who enjoy torture for fun, how do you think I will react to this," I said slowly, with anger in my voice.

The city lord shuddered from what he had heard, as the ruler of the Riverdale City, it was his responsibility to look upon these things and yet happenings like this were unknown to him, he greeted his teeth in anger and said "I am sorry my lord, I had been irresponsible in doing things", I nodded, I can tell that he really didn't know and the bloodlust he was producing was not aimed to me.

"I want to know everyone who was included in this by today," I said in a commanding tone, "Yes" the city lord replied immediately and stood up and did his thing, within 12 hours an uproar happened in the city, the city lords had arrested some nobles and slave merchants, forcefully, of course, no one will admit what they have done, there are also some people who resisted which I helped with dealing with their strong guards.

Having a strong person beside them showed that these nobles had power, most of the guards were some famous personnel in the city and was hired by this nobles, some were retired generals, mercenaries, and many more, they put some resistance against the city lord soldiers but was plummeted by me.

Right now, all of the arrested were kneeling in front of me, they all had fear in their eyes, the same with the guards who are strong, I looked at them and this made them all shiver, I was sitting in the middle while the city lord was standing beside me like an attendant, the roles have basically swapped, "Today, I know you all had already known what happened" I said with a cold voice.

No one spoke and avoided my eyes, they were guilty, there were also some who are confused, literally people who knew nothing, I gestured the city lord to explain what happened and this made them knew what happened, the city lord was really capable after he finished explaining he looked at me which I only nodded, then he continued now explaining the punishments they will receive.

First, for the slave merchants and nobles who had serious offense, they will be immediately executed and will be stripped off from their noble titles, these are the ones who pillaged and did torture for fun, as for the ones who had minor offense, nobles will be stripped off from their noble titles, and the slave merchants will be confined in the jail for 5 years.

And the last from now on Slavery will be banned from the Riverdale, whoever breaks this rule will be immediately executed, as for the slaves, I told them about my sect and will be accepting the slaves, some nobles who had serious offense begged to me to spare their families, I pondered about it for some time and will accept their families to my sect.

Now what if these noble families wanted to take some revenge? they can't the rules of the sect was something that wasn't to be scoffed at, I also made a deal with the city lord that every 3 months, our sect will be recruiting in the Riverdale city, this made me a way to get more disciples, after finishing everything up, it was time to continue my journey.

The news of a sect that will be recruiting disciples who are below 15 spread like a wildfire in the Riverdale city and also about the slavery ban, but no one cared about the slavery ban, they didn't like it in the first place, now everyone was excited about the sect recruitment, it was the very first sect in their nation!