It has been a few hours since I continued my journey, coincidentally I found a road, of course, I followed in, instead of going somewhere blindly, I will just follow the road maybe it could lead to some city or other village, following the road, I could finally see a village in the distance.
It was neither too big or too small, it was just your average village size, just as I was walking I saw these children hitting a boy, he was being bullied, I shook my head and went to stop them "Young ones you may stop now" I said when the kids noticed me they immediately ran off leaving the one who they beat up lying on the ground.
It was a young boy who was about 10 years old, he had brown hair and green eyes, it was really rare to see someone who had features like this, the kid stood up and wiped the blood in his cheeks, "Young man" I called out and patted his head which to heal him, his injuries immediately healed, "Thank you, Sir, It was unnecessary I was already used to it" the boy said.
I shook my head and stared at him and asked "Why are you letting them beat you up like this? why won't you fight back?", the young man clenched his fists and said "I'm too weak, I can't even protect my mom as they bullied her, now all the others were bullying me! if only father was here" he said as tears streamed down from his eyes.
I sighed, why do they think like this? I bent down a little bit to his height and patted his shoulders "There's no such thing as too weak. Only not strong enough.
You see Without purpose, one is lost.
So what is a purpose, you ask yourself
Do you find it in you,
or do you look outside?
Stand up, child.
A mystical voice calls.
You look around but see no one.
Then realization has drawn to you,
it is the call of your soul.
From deep within you,
your own soul is encouraging you.
You must have wanted to stand up.
So you stand up.
Although you are tired.
Although you feel like giving up.
Because you are not finished.
You have simply take a break
From this journey calls life.
And this, is what you called strength.
The courage to stand.
You find it in yourself."
"So now tell me, child, what is your purpose?" I said.
The kid clenched his fist and said with determined eyes "I want to protect mother, I don't want anyone else to bully us", I nodded and patted his head, "Good, Could you bring me to your village?", the kid nodded and lead the way, I followed the kid and it was actually not that far away.
Reaching the village everyone cast a weird look to me and I noticed the kid lowering his head, it seems like they were not that accepted in this village, I patted his shoulder and asked to meet with his mother, I talked with his mother and it seems like it was because of his father that they were despised in this village.
With that knowing, I invited them to my sect and they accepted it, after that I sent them to the Sect, after that I didn't find anyone else being despised around the village and then I left, I continued my journey for a few days and finally saw a City, it was certainly bigger than Riverdale City.
I got to enter inside and stayed for a few days, this CIty was too clean! the city name, by the way, was Banana Bread City, one of the biggest city in this country, they were really terrible in naming if should say, anyways touring around the City, I stayed in the city for 2 days and to my surprise, the city is going to be attacked.
And the invaders were demons!
Demons were one of the evilest beings in this world, they were savage beings that only know how to kill, it looked like they were trying to expand their territory and wanted to invade this nation, of course, I won't let that happen, I met up with the City lord and told him my identity, at first he didn't believe but you know what happened next.
Anyways now I'm in front of over a thousand soldiers, the demons had more than 10,000, this is really going to be a bad battle, I sighed and I need to make a speech to boost their morale, thinking for a while, I spoke.
"There's a hundred thousand of them and only a thousand of us. I suppose we'll have to let them take the first swing, make it a little less unfair for them" I joked on them. they laughed awkwardly, then I sterned my voice and speak with a high voice
"Killing for what our simple minds believing to be right
Sadly, we cannot see beyond our own blinded sight
These demons are no different from the beasts of the forest
By battle seeking, they are called forth
Overtaken by their own pride
Onto the bloody battlefield they ride
Destroying for what they see as chivalry
For our freedom and liberty
Can't someone stop this massacre
Or we will fight and win!
Until the final enemy dies
The human race will always Rise"
"What is it that drives us on?
What makes us stand back up when our bodies are battered and bruised?
It is the knowledge that devoting every part of ourselves to fighting against despair is the duty given to those who are still alive, and the fact that doing so is the one and only way to honor those who have given their lives for humanity's victory.
Listen to the voices of those sleeping in the Earth.
Listen to the voices of those who met their end at sea.
Listen to the voices of those who lost to the sky.
...the time has come for their dying wish to become a reality
Young soldiers are about to set off on a journey
They will be carrying with them the wishes of those still here, and of those long gone, as they depart to face the enemy alone and without backup.
Whether history chooses to glorify them or not...we will remember them.
We will carve into our hearts the noble deeds of those who are not permitted to reveal even their names.
...young ones
Do not forgive us for being unable to teach you anything but fighting
Do not forgive our inability to avoid sending you onto the battlefield
...I pray that your act of bravery will form the cornerstone of a world where we no longer send such young men and women into battle."
The soldiers all shouted and as they felt the speech that pierced them into their souls, all of the other people who were listening clapped their hands, "Let's go to battle!"