Henry's mouth dropped, "Nothing about you is beneath me. You are one of the most amazing women I've ever seen. Most of the women around me are interested in material things and I find it uninterested. But I do have a woman I love who I have not deepened a relationship with." Henry said slowly. He could see Ellie's eyes drop in what he assumed was confirmation of what she had thought, but strangely he continued, "My hope is I can have her begin to love me eventually, but I haven't had the opportunity to get through to her. But right now, I don't want to marry stupidly and rue the decision I made in divorce proceedings. I know it's petty, but can you try to understand?" Nothing he had said was reasonable, but it was the only thing he could think to say.

"It does sound bad to marry out of pocket just to satisfy a will and then worry about the consequences in a lawyer's office." She closed her eyes and touched her forehead as she thought, "How big of an income can you give Nolan?"

Henry's mouth quivered as he hadn't even considered her brother at this point. "Nolan? What about 100 thousand a year. Would that be enough for him."

Ellie looked at him with surprise, "That would be incredible. That would be enough for him to set up his own lab to do research or travel if he wished. It would be a great start for him. He could change his major." Her breath filled the room and Henry wondered if he had stressed her out with his proposition.

He decided she probably had had enough for one day of his childish ideas, "Maybe you'll want some time to think it over."

"No." Her low voice was firm. "I want to do this now. I want it done." Her eyes were strained as they bore into Henry. "I don't have much time left."

Henry couldn't believe his ears. He kneeled on the cool tile floor and took her hands in his, "Ellie Wong will you do be the great honor of becoming my wife?" He tried to make his smile as bright as possible. He knew each of these moments were precious to her.

She smiled sweetly. "Of course, Mr. Wong. I look forwards to knowing you in the time I have left."

"Henry," He said. "I'm your fiance now."

"Henry." She said, testing the name on her lips. It was simple and secure, hopefully like this arrangement.

Her eyes looked dreary as she leaned back against the pillows. "We're going to have to be married here."

Henry nodded, "I can have my family lawyers draw it up by tomorrow if you're willing. Also, I can have the money set aside for your brother, his name is--"

"Nolan Ames Chen." Ellie said quickly. "You should also give us a prenuptial agreement so your company doesn't sue you when they find out about this. Can you make it so we each distribute our property separately to our heirs? I don't want you to be left with my cars and garage fees."

"Ellie, I don't mind paying for that."

Ellie shook her head, "But I don't want you to. This is what I need from you."

Recognizing this was her pride at stake, he relented, "I can do that for you if it is what you really want. I can have everything ready by tomorrow. Will around this time tomorrow be alright for a ceremony?"

Ellie turned her head quickly and a deep groove formed under her collarbone that made Henry worry if she would be alive the following day. As if reading his thoughts, Ellie laughed, "I'm not as fragile as I look."

"So I'll see you tomorrow." As he said this, he leaned forwards and kissed her forehead ever so gently. She smelled like lavender and the baby powder his mother would always cover him with as a boy. Ellie smiled up at him as he left the room, closing the door behind him.