Deul was sitting in a chair facing the wall next to the room. Henry walked over to where he was sitting with his hand in his pockets, "She agreed to marry me. I'm getting married tomorrow. I-Uncle Deul you really came through for me . . . I can't believe I have some control over my board room now that I lost . . I"

Deul patted him on the back gently as he slowly got up to go back to his room. "I like her a lot. She's a good person who deserves to have comfort in her final days. I think it's fate that the two of you are in these situations." He said heartily as he ambled forwards.

Henry held his shoulder to keep him upright, "I'd hope so." After he got close to Deul's room, Henry bowed and said he had business to tend to. Watching Henry's retreating form, Deul's smile faded and he changed the direction of his walker to head back to Ellie's room.

Ellie's head turned as she was wiping away tears. She quickly scrubbed away her tears and put on a smile. "Uncle Deul!"

He moved towards her quickly and grabbed her wrist, "Did he hurt you? I want to protect you. I'm sorry if this is so sudden."

"Deul, it's ok. I completely understand why you did it. I know Henry is in a tight spot and he's struggling. So much money always comes with a cost. But I was thinking more that since my father isn't here, there isn't anyone to give me away."

Deul touched her chin with a sympathetic smile. "I am a father who can give you away. I know you are not my daughter, but I would love to have you think that way."

"Could you do that for me in the ceremony?" Ellie said slowly. Her eyes tearing up again.

"My child, anything for you."

Ellie took the silver ring off of her thumb and handed it to Deul. "It was my father's. I know Henry doesn't love me, but I want him to have something to remember me by when I'm gone. He's helped me so much already. I think it would suit him."

Deul held the ring up to the light, it had shifting bands of white and black in a masculine setting. He put it into his shirt pocket and nodded

"I'm glad I have someone to take care of me as I near the end of my life. It's been so long since anyone has. Nolan tries, but he's still such a kid." Ellie said as she closed her eyes. She turned to Duel and touched his hands, "Thank you for bringing him to me."

Deul's hands touched hers. "Arranged marriages have happened for many years in our country, you had some choice. But I knew you really had none. I want you to die with no regrets and if this is the way through, I know you can do it. Everyone will be happy."

"I'm just happy I can help out Nolan. That's the last of my worries."

"Nolan is not without family."

Ellie shook her head, "We'll go to the homeless shelter again, before we'll ever contact my stepmother again. My only goal is that he'll be self sufficient enough to never need to want ever again. But even without the money, I'd love the idea of being married to Henry Wong."

Deul laughed, "There are many women who have tried. You beat them all without even moving out of your sickbed. People who don't even know you will say you are a vixen."

Ellie laughed. Deul rubbed her hand. He was grateful that the two most precious people in his life would be joined in union.