Men who guarded women like were their possessions, were the more irritating social interaction. Henry sighed, "Many she knew you would make a fuss and decided it would be better to tell you afterwards to save you from yourself."

He regretted the action as a vein began popping in Nolan's forehead. He softened the blow. "I told Ellie of my intentions and she decided only just yesterday that this was something we wanted to do. I'm sure she was so caught up in the decision, she didn't think of speaking to you. I don't think she meant to hurt you in any way. She's human."

Nolan shook his head furiously. "I come here every single day. This degree is for her. I do everything for her. Why wouldn't she think to have me here when she's the only thing I care about other than my research?"

Deul slowly ambled into the room with his walker. They didn't see him at first, only the scrape of his walker against the linoleum floor. "I'm sorry it took me a bit to caught up with you guys." Henry helped him to a seat while Nolan looked on agrily with his arms crossed. Deul tried to get Nolan to sit on a seat next to him, but he shook his head. Duel had come guessing that Nolan would react strongly. He sighed, "Nolan my son, Henry did this to benefit you. We spoke of the difficulties he was having with work and decided this would benefit both families. Henry let me talk to him about the details."

Henry nodded slowly as he took the seat which had been offered to Nolan. Slowly, Deul explained Conrad's will, Henry's requirement to be married, and Ellie's decision to be a part of the solution.

Nolan's arms slowly loosened as he saw reason, but the fury in his eyes did not fade, "She had no need to go this far to benefit me. I have money of my own. It's not a lot, but I could have gotten by."

Deul clutched his walker such that his knuckles turned white with strain. "Nolan, it will relieve Ellie of her burden to know you have some family to rely on. How generous Henry is being is an added bonus. She just wants you to have something in case you have adversity. This is not a bad thing. She knows she will die soon, let her have some peace that you will have help. I've known Henry since he was a boy. He's not a bad man."

"Uncle Deul, excuse my bluntness. But this just feels too good to be true. He's a businessman. He's not worth my sister. He has no right to take her away from me."

"Nolan," Henry said with finality, "you sister choose me." He stood and bowed, "If you'll forgive my abruptness. I will speak with my wife before returning to my office."

Nolan stared after Henry with his mouth ajar. Henry felt a sense of satisfaction which he knew he shouldn't. It reminded him a bit of winning a deal from his uncle. Nolan had no idea what he was in for.

Henry reentered Ellie's room and saw a nurse had been in to tidy the room. Ellie was sleeping again with blankets wrapped around her. There was sweat covering her brow. He walked over to her and dabbed at it with a handkerchief. She was so thin, that he wondered if she had been eating regularly. A tray sat next to her untouched. She had survived the ceremony.

He kissed her forehead softly. "Have a pleasant rest, my dear."

She opened her eyes and winked, "You too, I hope you meet someone you love soon. You deserve to be happy, Henry. Don't forget that."

His eyes danced between her eyelashes and her lips. She looked like an angel who had been painted on the ceiling of some holy place. Her beauty was delicate. She smelled of the flowers he had brought. He was no good for her.

He nodded before he left the room, "I won't forget."