Nolan had schooled his emotions, but his eyes spoke death when his sister's new pompous husband came out of her room. He closed the door behind him and tucked a handkerchief into his pocket. Henry's expression was that of cool civility as he took out his wallet and removed a business card. Nolan could see a flash of hundred dollar bills as he was handed the card. Henry explained, "This is my personal number. Give me a text when . . . something happened, or if you can tell me something that will make Ellie's stay here easier for everyone. You let me know what she would accept. I could have her moved to another part of the hospital which has a VIP suite if you'd like to stay later."

He didn't want to, but he did accept the information. Nolan would have future conversations with the villain. He shook his head, "Ellie doesn't need anything fancy from you."

Henry bowed, "Whatever you think is best for your sister." He gave a friendly wave to the nurses at the station behind him. Nolan hated the effect that Henry had on women. They were in the palm of his hands. Then Henry's retreating form turned a corner.

Nolan cursed low in his throat, "Why does it have to be such a prick? Couldn't she pick anyone else?"

Deul laughed, he wasn't surprised by Nolan's reaction. "Henry is anything but. He's trying to get ahead in a world where he's alone. If you were in his shoes, I'd be surprised if you had a different solution. This hasn't been easy for him. Trust me, I've known him since he was a boy."

Nolan sneered, "He doesn't have the ability to feel."

Deul looked on bleakly as he began to walk back to his room, but he felt Nolan's arm as he put his walker aside. "Please don't strain yourself by our family affairs."

Deul pulled his hands away. "If I don't look after you guys, who will? I promised your father I would. Let an old man try to have his way. I know you two are old enough to make decisions, but Ellie is stubborn."

"Uncle, let us make our decisions, we are adults now. I hate this older generation idea that you have to be a part of every aspect of our lives."

"I don't listen to Ellie. Why would I listen to you? It's already done. You have met your new brother, he's not as bad of a guy as you think he is. Nolan, please think carefully before you act. You must not spoil this for your sister. This is a very hard thing to have done finding a good boy for marriage. Ellie is questioning herself, don't feed her thoughts to pull her into depression. She is sick enough as is."