Nolan let out the breathe he hadn't realized that he had been holding in. He didn't like how she assumed he didn't know anything about doctor lifestyle, but he let it go. "I know that surgeons have unpredictable hours and don't have the most personable outlook on life. I can see why you're called a witch."

He assumed that she would be taken aback, but instead she smiled deviously. "Basically we don't care about anything other that our patients. Internal meds will often say that we don't know anything about medicine and all that we want to do is cut people up. It's completely true -- we're brash and rude and really not at all interested in medicine. A cut can be a much quicker cure than years and years of pills. We're not on the same playing field really--them and us." She pulled her car keys out from a drawer in her desk as she logged out of the desktop. "Your sister is Ellie Chen, but you never told me . . . who are you?"

"Nolan, her younger brother."

"Nolan? Been a long time since I met a Nolan in New York." Dr Wu chuckled in a softly accented Jersey drawl. Her eyes again assessed him in interest. "Well then, since this will be a house call, I'll be needing an address. I can promise I will eventually come see you sister tomorrow, but it will definitely be after 5 or 6. Maybe later."

Nolan scribbled the address quickly on the back of a Juicy Fruit gum wrapper he found in his back pocket. The doctor assessed him with a look of veiled amusement as he handed it to her. She entered it into her phone which he noted was open to a taxi app.

"Do you need someone to drive you? I don't think you look fit to be behind the wheel." Nolan asked with a slight smile.

She glared at him wryly, "I am already on route with a gentlemen named Gunther. Sounds like an interesting end to today. Nice try, but not today Mr. Nolan. You can see yourself out the main entrance."

Nolan's face feel as he sheepishly walked out into the lobby. She was many things that Dr Wu —-all in all, definitely worth the trip.

He would hopefully be able to have a relaxed night in. He hoped . . . Maybe . . . Maybe . . . Fingers crossed all this work would amount to something.



The treadmill lurched underneath him producing a sound akin to an amplified beating heart. Henry pounded on the button to speed up. Faster. Faster. The number steadily climbed until it reached double digits. He wanted to break all his own records. Maybe he could achieve something tangible today.

Until the cord holding him to the treadmill snapped out of its magnetic socket. The tread underneath him jerked to a stop as he caught himself on the handles before he fell. His body was completely soaked as he grunted loudly before picking up one of the clean white towels on the rack next to him and wiping his face.

Madeline barked her concern from her little perch on a rowing machine with her chew toys.

Henry sat down next to her, "You're right Madeline, there is nothing I can do. But I'm also avoiding the problem. That doesn't make any sense."

He had been at the office all of today in meetings and checking on investments. Once he had redone the math 2-3 times just because his fingers kept missing. Henry felt off. His normal ironclad concentration was gone because he couldn't stop thinking about the woman in his house. It was strange to think this was the first time he was living with someone who wasn't on payroll.