He mopped the sweat off his brow and wondered why he felt so hesitant about having Ellie here. He had thought about visiting her several times over the last few days but something always stopped him. Henry felt intrusive, which was odd as it was his own house. He was a married man now, after all. He didn't feel any different. The brash brother-in-law had thankfully kept his distance. Nolan had avoided staying under the same roof as him, which was something Henry had been happy to not have to deal with. More people always meant more problems. That boy was intensely protective of his sister to the point of almost killing her. If Henry had been there when he had made the decision to drag his ill sister onto his helicopter, he would have had his hands around the boy's neck until he heard sense.

Madeline kissed his mouth with little licks and Henry sighed as he pet her thoughtfully. "You're the boss here, Madeline. I can't get anything done if I keep avoiding what's chewing up my insides. I better check if the lady of the house is feeling alright. I'll be doing more of that now that she's here. It won't get easier until I start." Henry wondered if she was. Here in unfamiliar surroundings, he wouldn't be if he was in her shoes. He wasn't sure if necessarily he would welcome his presence. He scratched behind the corgi's ears. "What is the proper present for a lady? Flowers? I have so many arrangements in the house? Maybe something precious that she'll treasure while she's here."

He reached over to the closet and pulled out a jewelry box. The box contained his mother's old jewelry. Henry had often thought he would be giving this to another woman, but the situation had presented itself where he did have someone who he wouldn't mind giving jewelry too. He realized as he was sifting through the box that both his mother and Ellie had the same taste in jewelry. Every piece suited her so choosing one was close to near impossible.

Henry let the pearls slipped through his large hands. He imagining when his mother getting ready for a party wearing a velvet emerald dress would take them from him and laugh. Those were the memories he always wanted to hold and remember. He would keep those precious moments on replay -- just to see her smile. Her soft voice echoed in his mind as he knocked on the door lightly.

His steps had happened automatically such that his mind had been lost in the memory. There was no reply to his knock so he carefully opened the door. The bed was enormous and Ellie was a little bundle that rose and fell in the middle of it. He was struck again by her innocence smile that bloomed on her face while she slept.

He tried to keep his footsteps light as he placed the box on her nightstand. Her face was so soft in the limited light. He couldn't help but be still to stop for a second.