For three long excruciating days, the withdrawal symptoms ruled the ordinarily quiet manor. Henry had tried to bear it, but his patience often had run thin. Ellie had warned him that it would be difficult and to stay away, but he had paid no heed to her warning. When she was feverish in nightmares, he sat by her side. Michael was getting close to retirement so Henry had him go in batches with the nurses so he could get some rest. When the nurses grew tired, he dismissed all the unnecessary staff. Michael was often sitting late writing up notes to send to Dr Wu. Henry had offered to help, but Michael had refused, informing him that it was a small task that he need not bother with.
Finally Henry had cornered Dr. Wu after one of her visitations. "Ellie's not getting better. I think we should take her to a hospital. I can't stand watching her carry on like this. She needs some kind of intervention. Three days of this just feels like too long."
Wu looked at him blankly as she too looked exhausted. Finally she looked at him with an emotion at most akin to pity. "I understand your feeling. But I can't really say with this situation. It varies person to person with this sort of thing. I don't know how badly her body has been affected by the drug. I mean we could be here up to a week. But the patient is a very tenacious patient so I assume god willing that she'll be cleared up in less time."
"That's not reassuring."
"This is her choosing. She asked you not to involve yourself. What you're doing is getting yourself dangerously involved with her."
Henry narrowed his eyes and hurried off in a huff. Michael and Wu watched his retreating form with an exchanged glance. Michael set down his pen, "What did you do that for? It's not a bad thing for him to care. She is his wife. He has every right to."
"He is getting on my nerves." Wu said finally. "He shouldn't be moping about like I'm actually making a difference. Ellie's body is healing at it's own rate. I can't do anything about it because she wants to have it her way. Because he can't get angry with her, he's starting with me. I'm not a fairy godmother here to grant his every wish. He could just try to talk to her."
"Not while she's like this. She's not fit to be seeing anyone. Henry puts himself in there when everyone's tired. You shouldn't be so hard on him. It's a strange situation for all of us. We all adapt at our own rates."
"Then maybe Henry should take some antidepressants and talk to a therapist. It would do all of us a good load of good. He really needs to make up his mind already what he wants to do with her. He can't sit in the middle unaffected for much longer."