It was like a spring inside of him had finally been loosened as Henry headed out. He was going to a night club opening that he had promised one of his buddies to make an appearance at. ("Henry you haven't been out in ages. The tabloids are going crazy now that you haven't been seen out with a new babe. You need to maintain your image man. Here's the deal, I need publicity and you need a date. Just show up and walk out with some models! That would be the killing of the night! Just do it bro!") Henry's felt on automatic as he flirted with the woman around the bar and talked to his colleagues. He didn't really feel like the life of the party tonight. Henry Wong was sure his suit was more put together than he felt at the moment dancing with people around him, but totally alone.

But all things considered, it was still nice to let loose. Closer to midnight when the alcohol had dulled his senses he felt a flicker of his old self. He wasn't even aware that he had a wife sick at home, he didn't long to return to.

Four was when he finally got back to his building, the doorman helped him into the elevator before putting in the key to get to the Wong's levels. The doorman had also ridden up to deliver him to the other staff who were waiting for the sir to make an entrance.

Henry waved them off as they converged on him. "Don't . . . there's no need." He had started getting sober so he straightened his steps to assure his staff he wouldn't break his head on the newly polished floor. They began to voice their concerned until Henry roared that he just wanted to go to bed on his own. Within a second he was completely alone, the only shadows dancing on the wall were from the windows or his own.

He hated how he had always had a helping hand around when he was young, sometimes it bothered others that his hands would be soiled with washing the dishes or heaven forbid he straightened his own socks. Sometimes doing his own work was it's reward. Hard work always set his mind straight.

He wandered through the hall lost in his own thoughts when he passed the foyer, he remembered that Nolan had barged in with another of his brotherly concerned that this wasn't right or Ellie would die yet again. It would inevitable that the ugly head of his anger would rear again to silence the child's concerns. Nolan wanted to take Ellie back to the hospital, just to make sure that the detoxification process could be done properly under monitoring by professionals. He was afraid that Ellie could hurt herself here.

Henry privately actually agreed with the little devil, he would very much like to keep the woman in proper medical care. But he knew that Ellie would object very strongly to it. Nolan didn't know of her terror of being trapped back in a hospital bed again. Ellie, Henry knew, would do something desperate if put into that kind of a position.