She looked at his face and wanted to smother him in the warmest hug.  Ellie wondered if anyone had ever told Henry that he was valued and loved.  Maybe it was that? But she knew that Henry would not welcome such attention from her.  She did not have that kind of trust from him yet. Ellie decided she would try to make the mood a little brighter with an easy smile.

She realized that growing closer to Henry and making him accept her as a life long partner would be difficult.  It would be like landing a rocket ship on a tiny boat in the ocean. Even if she knew the machinery well it would take skill, a careful hand and in truth a good miracle to accomplish this goal.

Even all this might not be enough, Ellie admitted to herself.  She could not count on it to be given simply on the efforts of her own actions.  She could only look off the side of the cliff before she fell and pray that he would be waiting to catch her.
