He couldn't help the flush in his cheeks as he thought of the night before, he was the most lucky of husbands to have married such a foxy lady. Nadius couldn't help smiling to himself as he thought of their satisfying joining, he was keeping up with her.  He read the message quickly, noting how his godson focused on proper punctuation even though the tone was very distraught. As he started to burst with good natured laughter, his wife walked into the room wrapped in a mauve towel with her hair in an intricate towel wrap.  She winked at him seductively as she rubbed lotion into her face. She was a tall thin beauty even in a towel she looked like a fashion model who had run away from a very expensive shoot. Although someone approaching her fifties shouldn't look like she was selling the towels she wore like they were the most comfortable thing in existence.  Her soft easy smile was the light of his life. "Is it something I should know about, honey?"