[Chapter 2]: A Quick Change

"Till we see each other again."

-message from 'unknown'

This was where my whole morning wrapped up. From whom is this? I'm afraid to reply back. I know it's not safe. I thought at first that this is just one of Sean's pranks, but no, I'm pretty sure this is a real deal. However, instead of wrapping up my whole morning into this stuff, I remembered I have to go to school too. So I fixed myself and ate breakfast. Dad was gonna bring me to school so that's a deduction to stuffs I have to think about. I packed my stuffs and went inside the car.

Just as we arrive, on perfect timing, I saw Sean walking by the school gate. I went outside the car, kissed dad and rushed towards him. I tapped his back and he saw me. He yawned and I slapped his mouth. "Ouch? What was that for?!" he complained and I laughed. "To keep you awake" I said while laughing. He laughed too and he tickled me again. I ran ahead of him and he tried chasing after me.

Moments later, when we arrived at the classroom, we found that there are only few people inside. Me and Sean sit together and talked about nonsense stuffs.

"Were you the one who texted me?"

"The what?"

"The one who texted me."

"What do you mean."

"Perhaps it's not you then." I said, leaving Sean in his curiousity. Just about time, the professor went inside.

"Alright class, as your adviser—" the professor went on and on. Somehow, deep inside me really wanted to know who was that person who texted me however, I should care less about it. The lessons were being discussed and later on, the bell chimed. For our physical class, the girls and boys are seperated and we are tasked with one partner. Coach is the one assigning, and by bad luck, I wasn't able to be Sean's partner. However, he seemed to be fine with his partner, but I'm not. This is the very problem with us introverts. The fact that you have these creepy social anxieties. I'm not that friendly type of person and my partner happened to be James. "Hey there nerdy." he said. He spoke in a light tone of voice though. I stare at him. I smiled and he did too. It's strange though. He was all this 'bully' and stuff yesterday. Now he's all this calm and simple. Moments later after some exercises, we were given some time to take a break. Sean happened to be enjoying with his partner while I'm here feeling awkward with this partner of mine. I sat on a bench near the field. I didn't notice this, but James followed me and sat beside me.

"So how are you?" he asked. This shocked me though.


"Look, I'm really sorry about yesterday. Maybe it was due to excitement."

"I understand."

"Are you sure?"

"I am."

"You don't sound like you do. What's wrong with you?!" he shouted. I don't really know what's with him but I felt the fear after seeing him that angry. He stared a few moments at my face and realize I'm feeling afraid.

"S— sorry." he looked down as he said those words.

"Look, I told you, it's fine. I understand that's just how everyone really is." I said. He then later on cheered up. "So what's your name?" he asked. "I believe you already know it." I said. He smirked. "If I know I wouldn't ask for it." he said while smiling. His smile caught me spacing out for a moment. His smile is just... charming. I... don't know what is this feeling but his smile is just... unavoidable. "So?" he asked. I went back to my senses and said, "Mint" without hesitations. "Nice to meet you Mint, I'm James. James Hawkins." he said while asking for a handshake. For a second I blushed, and later on I shake hands with him.

He is trying to get something from his pocket. I just didn't mind it and I continued looking at the field. "Here this is for you." he gave me this small kero keroppi eating ice cream keychain. I blushed though. I love kero keroppi and he gave me this. "T— thanks..." I said while feeling embarassed. He smirked and touched my hair, "It's nice meeting you Mint." he said. While he is touching my here, suddenly my heart skipped a beat. Then my head ached for a moment. Suddenly, I feel dizzy and I feel like collapsing any moment. I tried standing, but I am really dizzy. Later on, I spaced out and collapsed.

"Mint, you alright?"

"Hey Arthur! Help me out here!"

"What happened?!"

"Let me take him to the clinic."

These are the words I heard while I slowly collapse.

[Hours later]


"It's nice meeting you, until we meet again."

"Promise you'll go back?"

"I promise I'll look after you."

He said those sweet words as I stare at him. Hoping he'll fulfill every promise that will come out of his mouth.

–end of dream–

My eyelids were too heavy that I feel like I couldn't open my eyes, but I'm trying. Slowly, everything around me were quite blurred, the only clear thing I'm seeing is the lights above me. I tried getting up but it was no help. I looked beside me and saw someone.

"You alright?" Sean asked.

"Somehow, yes."

"Take more rest. You probably lack in sleep."

"I'm already fine."

"Alright then, let me help you get up."

He carried my back as I slowly try to get up. When I was able to take a sit, "The nurse said you passed out. He was unable to determine though the cause, but he gave you some medicine for head ache. I was worried about you. Luckily, you were carried all the way from the field to the clinic." somehow, I am still spacing out, maybe because I just woke up. My head still aches though, and I touched it gently. "I should probably go and thank Arthur." after I said that, Sean smirked. "Alright, I'll go with you." he said. He then helped me get off the bed.

Just when we got out of the clinic, I already saw Arthur standing with his friends. I dragged Sean with me and we got near Arthur. "Ummm... thank you." I said but I couldn't look at him. "Yes?" he asked. This time, I am able to look directly at him. "Thanks for carrying me all the way from here to the clinic." and just after I said that, Arthur wondered and Sean laughed. I glanced at him wondering why. "Oh... you mean James?" he said. I was shocked when I heard that. I tried looking for James on the crowd in front but I could not see him. I glared at Sean, "I'll smack you once this is done." I told him. "Thanks anyway Arthur." I left and tried finding James leaving Sean behind.

Moments later, I wasn't able to find James so I took some time to rest and went to the comfort room. I washed my face and cleansed my hands. Just when I finished, I saw James came out of a cubicle. "Oh... are you alright now?" he asked. I blushed while looking at him. He looked so concern. "You still look pale." he said then he tapped my forehead. I gently removed his hands off my forehead and told him, "I— I'm fine already. T— thanks for carrying me all the way to the clinic." and he laughed and smiled. "It's alright nerdy." he said. Somehow, everytime he says the word "nerdy", it has changed. It was lighter and calmer. I blushed for a moment and a few more I'm snapping out of myself. "You're getting used to blushing don't you?" James said and... my eyes widened. He saw me and he laughed. "You look cute." he said as he tap my head and he immediately left the comfort room. I don't usually blush over simple things but something inside me is telling to blush over him. This is new. This feeling is new. This isn't crush or love. But I feel something I couldn't explain. I washed my face again and later on went out. I saw Sean talking to James and later on James left. Sean looked at me and walked towards me. He smiled and he pats me on my shoulder. "You good?" he smirked. "Damn you." I said.